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File metadata and controls

51 lines (51 loc) · 4.8 KB
Key Description
nameOverride Partial override of the galaxy.fullname. The .Release.Name will be prepended to generate the fullname.
fullnameOverride Fully override the galaxy.fullname
image.repository Repository containing the Galaxy image.
image.tag Galaxy Docker image tag (generally corresponds to the desired Galaxy version)
image.pullPolicy Galaxy image pull policy
imagePullSecrets Secrets used to access a Galaxy image from a private repository
trainingHook.enabled Enable the GTN webhook to link references to tools in tutorials to the corresponding tool panel in Galaxy.
trainingHook.url The training material server used to service the training-material webhook.
service.type The Galaxy service type
service.port The port Galaxy is listening to
service.nodePort The external port exposed on each node
metrics.enabled Enable the metrics server. Defaults to false
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
rbac.enabled Does the cluster use role based access control.
securityContext.fsGroup Security context and file system group used by jobs.
persistence Configure the PVC used by Galaxy for local storage.
persistence.enabled Persistence is enabled by default Name of the PVC to create
persistence.storageClass StorageClass for the PVC. Must support ReadWriteMany.
persistence.existingClaim The name of an existing PVC to use for persistence.
setupJob tasks to perform once after installation
setupJob.createDatabase create the database
setupJob.securityContext.runAsUser the setup jobs will run as this user
setupJob.securityContext.runAsGroup the runAsUser will belong to this group.
setupJob.securityContext.fsGroup the filesystem group
setupJob.downloadToolConfs.archives.startup A tar.gz publicly accessible archive containing AT LEAST conf files and XML tool wrappers. Meant to be enough for Galaxy handlers to startup
setupJob.downloadToolConfs.archives.running A tar.gz publicly accessible archive containing AT LEAST confs, tool wrappers, and scripts excluding test data. Meant to be enough for Galaxy handlers to run jobs.
setupJob.downloadToolConfs.archives.full A tar.gz publicly accessible archive containing the full tools directory, including each tool's test data. Meant to be enough to run automated tool-tests, fully mimicking CVMFS setup
extraInitContainers Allow users to specify extra init containers
ingress.enabled Should ingress be enabled. Defaults to true
resources.requests We recommend updating these based on the usage levels of the server.
postgresql.deploy Whether to deploy the postgresl operator. In general, we recommend installing the operator globally in production.
postgresql.existingDatabase hostname and port of an existing database to use.
refdata Configuration block for reference data
refdata.enabled Whether or not to mount cloud-hosted Galaxy reference data and tools.
refdata.type s3fs or cvmfs, determines the CSI to use for mounting reference data. cvmfs is the default and recommended for the time being.
cvmfs Configuration block if cvmfs is used as refdata.type
cvmfs.deploy Deploy the Galaxy-CVMFS-CSI Helm Chart. This is an optional dependency, and for production scenarios it should be deployed separately as a cluster-wide resource
cvmfs.deployPostInstallFix Deploy the fix for Galaxy-CVMFS-CSI Helm Chart.
s3csi Configuration block if s3csi is used as the refdata.type
s3csi.deploy Deploy the CSI-S3 Helm Chart. This is an optional dependency, and for production scenarios it should be deployed separately as a cluster-wide resource.
useSecretConfigs When this flag is set to true, all configs will be set in secrets, when it is set to false, all configs will be set in configmaps
configs All config files will be relative to /galaxy/server/config/ directory
configs.galaxy.yml Galaxy configuration. See the Galaxy documentation for more information.
jobs Additional dynamic rules to map into the container.
jobs.priorityClass.enabled Assign a priorityClass to the dispatched jobs.