link : Click!
Feel free donate to my EVM address
git clone
cd swisstronik-mint-perc20-gdr
npm install
create .env file in root project
PRIVATE_KEY="your private key"
- Open contracts folder
- Open PERC20Sample.sol file
- Feel free to modify token name and token symbol
npm run compile
npm run deploy
npm run mint
npm run transfer
- Open the deployed-adddress.ts (location in utils folder)
- Copy the address and paste the address into testnet dashboard
- Open the tx-hash.txt (location in utils folder)
- Copy the address and paste the tx hash link into testnet dashboard
- push this project to your github and paste your repository link in testnet dashboard
by : github : gadroen telegram : @EwinGadroen //0x6f5c1bEB0Ae14D1422B4B3b874ac6D3d225f9940