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File metadata and controls

53 lines (32 loc) · 5.95 KB


Get flickr photo links, in HTML <img> and <a> tags format, without accessing flickr web site, and offline available.

Generates an HTML visualization of your public flickr pictures, organized by albums, and using thumbnails for each one. Each thumbnail will show an HTML portion of code with an <img> (in the size of your choice) linked to the flickr picture page using picture title as alt attribute for <img>. Something like this:

<a href="" title="Expand my-photo-title" target="_blank"><img title="my-photo-title" alt="my-photo-title" width="320" height="183" src=""></a>

Where "my-photo-id" is the id of your picture (as of 2016/06/10 is always a number). And "farm8", "7342", "a05770d49e" and "n" are codes provided by flickr. "320" is the width that you selected for the link (see below), and "183" is the corresponding proportional height for the specific picture (see below). Finally "my-photo-title" and "Expand my-photo-title" are texts that you may choose referring to the title of your picture.
The mentioned HTML portion of code is just and example, and is fully configurable using all the offline flickr available data.

After running, you will found an index.html file pointing to HTMLs files representing your public albums and a special album containing public pictures that don't belong to any album. Each album will consist in an HTML file containing thumbnails (in the size of your choice) of each public picture on that album. These thumbnails will be downloaded (only in the choosen size) using a bash script (generated after running the application). That last action (download of thumbnails) will make an intensive use of the connection (I am thinking of someone travelling, facing slow connections all the time), so its resumable, and you are not going to need to download these thumbnails again once you did. As a counterpart, a thumbnail is not going be updated in case that you replaced the original picture (but <img> tags are going to be updated with new width and height).

In those albums, each thumbnail will have, aside, a <textarea> with an HTML code like the one shown above.
That HTML code is generated using a custom (user defined) javascript refering to offline disponible flickr thumbnails-url (along with sizes, photo-title, main-url, etc). That allows to use <img>'s srcset attribute, adding a nofollow to links, etc. In two words: full flexibility.
For example, the html code shown above was generated using:

'<a href="' + pictureUrl + '" title="Expand ' + pictureTitle + '"><img title="' + pictureTitle + '" alt="' + pictureTitle + '" src="' + url_N + '" widht="' + width_N + '" height="' + height_N + '" /></a>'

Available offline variables and examples are explained in the generated HTML album pages, but in a nutshell they are: pictureUrl ; pictureTitle ; url_${size} ; width_${size} ; height_${size}; with ${size} being one of SQ (75x75), T (100x20), Q (150x150), S (240), N (320), M (500), Z (640), C (800), L (1024), H (1600), K (2048), O (Original).

This program saves the downloaded information of photos from flickr in the last use, avoiding retrieving all the information again. Next time, only updated and new photos are going to be retrieved. But flickr doesn't provide (as of 2016/06/10) updates about deleted images, so they will remain there (but only visible in the "album" named "Pictures that don't belong to any album"). As said, retrieved thumbnails are not going to be updated (if they were replaced) unless you delete them.

How to run?

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.github.fvsnippets.flickr_easy_html_share.App" -Dexec.args="'/path/to/config/file.xml'"

Also an script including that command is available: It requires bash and will set "/path/to/config/file.xml" to ${HOME}/flickr-share/.flickr-easy-share.

The first time you run flickr-easy-share, you will be prompted for configurations that will be saved on the /path/to/config/file.xml, so you don't need to enter them again. Those configurations include a flickr API KEY and the corresponding SHARED SECRET. Just go to and create a dummy (random name) app (if you don't have one yet); you will be provided with the data required.

Also this app requires read access to your private contents (like private pictures; but this app won't access them... you can see the code if you don't trust me), so you are going to need to authorize your dummy app (the one that you created in order to provide API KEY and SHARED SECRET) to have that permission.

After finishing, then please run You will find it in the same directory that you set up for index.html and the albums view. It's a bash script. You are going to need an unix like system (such as Linux or macOS) or something like cygwin (with wget available) installed on your M$ Windows in order to run it.

Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Federico Valido

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see