#Lightning Telegram Bot
Still in Development
- Commands: get_info, wallet_balance, channel_balance, get_address, list_chain_txns, send_coins, connect_peer, list_peers, open_channel, generate_invoice, list_invoices, lookup_invoice, send_payment, list_payments, close_channel, list_channels
- Bot responds only to the username specified in the argument
- Refactor code
- Implement help command
- Implement 2FA for sending
- Option to disable certain commands
- Clone the project
- Run "dep ensure" to install the dependencies
- Create a telegram bot by visiting https://t.me/botfather and get the token for the bot
- Build binary using Go build
Start the bot by running
LightningTelegramBot --username=YOUR_TELEGRAM_USERNAME --token=YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
Send \help to the bot to receive info about all commands
Note: Make sure you have lnd running in background and the wallet is unlocked