Releases: funkemunky/Atlas
Releases · funkemunky/Atlas
General Bug Fixes and New Entity APIs
WARNING: There have been a few method changes that will definitely break plugins depending on older versions of Atlas (Atlas#initializeScanner). Please review your plugin or ask the author of your plugin using Atlas to ensure that provisions have been made to be compatible with this version of Atlas.
- Added method TinyProtocolHandler#getProtocolVersion(Player).
- Added reflection method MinecraftReflection#getProtocolVersion(Player).
- Added reflection method CraftReflection#getVanillaPlayer.
- Added a whole bunch of cached class wrappers in CraftReflection and MinecraftReflection.
- Added new asynchronous save entity map (Atlas#entities) for use with packets and literally anything else.
- Added new Configuration API (to be improved on later).
Many new improvements and additions
- Added ForgeAPI functionality.
- Added Bungee API.
- Fixed bugs with BlockBox#getCollidingBlocks that occurred with specific blocks including water. This was found only in 1.9-1.12.2 versions of Minecraft.
- Changed MinecraftReflection#toAABB's return type to a variable return type.
- Added new WrappedClass#getMethods and WrappedClass#getFields methods.
- Added WrappedField#getModifiers and WrappedMethod#getModifiers to simplify getting the modifiers of a method or field.
- Got rid of the casting of AxisAlignedBB in BlockBox classes because of the variable return type done in MinecraftReflection#toAABB
- Added new ConfigUtils.
- Fixed bugs in ToggleableProfiler.
- Added new ProjectCarbon version 1.2.1.
- Fixed BlockBox#getCollidingBoxes method in versions 1.13+
- Added new MinecraftReflection and CraftReflection classes to slowly replace the ReflectionsUtil class.
- Added MinecraftReflection#getBlockBox method. Needs finishing for 1.13+ compatibility.
- Improved performance of BaseBlockPosition object.
- Changed methods in BlockUtils for compatibility with later versions like 1.13+.
- Removed redundant BlockUtils#isEdible is Bukkit's Material#isEdible works just fine for its purposes and will always be cross-version compatible (because it's Bukkit).
- Added some notes in the code for MinecraftReflection to better explain some things for newbies.
- Added MathUtils#getAngleDelta for getting distances between float angles.
- Added BoundingBox#calculateXOffset, BoundingBox#calculateYOffset, and BoundingBox#calculateZOffset methods.
- Added ability to easily unregister commands with new Atlas.getInstance().getCommandManager()#unregisterCommand method.
- Added new MessageConfig object for implementing config files detected to message configuration.
- Fixed inaccuracy in MathUtils#approxEquals but didn't change the parameters this time
- Added new MathUtils#getDelta(int, int) method.
Improves Performance and Fixes Errors
- Fixed memory issues.
- Fixed ArraysOutOfBoundsException error.
General Bug Fixes
- Fixes ConcurrentModificationError with the profiling system.
- Fixes random "Disconnected" bug.
- Fixes inaccuracy MathUtils#approxEquals.
- Fixes bug in 1.13+ that prevents Atlas from loading.
- Fixes NPE with WrappedClass#getConstrcutor().
Added new Objects and Fixed 1.7 Error
- Added EvictingList, ConcurrentEvictingList, EvictingSet, and ConcurrentEvictingSet.
- Added FilteredList, ConcurrentFilteredList, FilteredSet, and ConcurrentFilteredSet.
- Added Interval.
- Fixed error in 1.7.10 with BaseBlockPosition.
Fixes minor bug
- Fixes error in 1.8+ versions inside of the BaseBlockPosition class (I made a typo).
New Packet Wrappers and Improves Performance
- Added new EvictingList object (By @DeprecatedLuke)
- Added an index-based method and field getter to WrappedClass.
- Added the ability to send WrappedOutAbilitiesPacket packets.
- Added the ability to send WrappedOutBlockChange packets.
- Added the ability to send WrappedOutPositionPacket packets.
- Added the ability to send WrappedOutTabComplete packets.
- Added WrappedOutRespawnPacket wrapper for PacketPlayOutRespawn.
- Added the ability to get vanilla objects of BaseBlockPosition and BlockPosition using the BaseBlockPosition Atlas wrapper.
- Added WrappedEnumDifficulty object.
- Added WrappedEnumTeleportFlag object.
- Added new RunUtils class to improve efficiency using BukkitRunnables.
- Updated WrappedInTabComplete wrapper to work on 1.7.-1.14.
- Fixed BlockBox#getCollidingBoxes error in 1.14+.
- Fixed display bug with the CommandManager#runHelpMessage command arguments.
- Fixed bug with Profiling system that made it use an unnecessary amount of RAM. This could cause problems on servers with improper startup parameters, causing the Java Garbage Collector to act all wonky.
- Fixed other minor bugs and improved performance.
- Removed old event system in favor of the new event system.
- Removed old database system in favor of ProjectCarbon.
Fixed 1.7.10 Packets Bug
If your server isn't running a spigot with a Minecraft 1.7.10 base, then there is no need to update to this version.
New Command Features and Packet Improvements
- Improved the performance and the concurrent ordering of the packet system.
- Added new WrappedOutTabComplete wrapper.
- Fixed potential errors in BlockBox.
- Implemented a feature where you can make your own hardcoded command with SpigotCommand.
- Added no CommandManager#getMap to get an already grabbed SimpleCommandMap class for use.
Fixes Bugs on Later Versions
- Improves performance of BlockBox methods.
- Fixes errors in versions 1.12 and later with the BlockBox#getCollidingBlocks method.
- Fixed other minor bugs.