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FunctionalJS Dojo: A reactive Twitter client

In this dojo, we are going to build a small Twitter client using the reactive loop pattern.

Our client will display a live feed of tweets with simple filtering abilities. It will also asynchronously highlight semantic entities (places, people, etc) and allow adding tweets to a “pinned” list.



First install the dependencies (you have NodeJS, right?):

$ npm install

Then start the local file server:

$ npm run start

Optionally, you can also run the watch script separately to get LiveReload:

$ npm run watch

You should be ready to go, just hit and get coding!


Open the app.js file in your favourite editor.


  1. The code is written in ES6, if anything is unclear check the docs or ask questions!
  2. Constants or functions whose name ends in $ (e.g. tweets$) denote observable streams, as a convention.

1. Live feed

Let's start by displaying a live stream of tweets in the Timeline.

You can see in the view function that we call the getTweetStream$ function to get a stream of tweets (Note: each element in the stream is an Array of tweets, not a single tweet!). This stream is passed to the columnsComponent, which itself passes it to the columnComponent.

First, replace the dummy definition of tweetList$ with one that renders the tweets$ (see TODO [#1a]). This should make tweets appear under your Timeline.

Then, refactor the tweetElement function to use the more complete markup (see TODO [#2b]). This should make tweets look nicer as in the screenshot above.

2. Feed filters

At the top of the page, a form (filtersComponent) is displayed with two input fields:

  1. A filter query
  2. An option to exclude @-replies

The components export their respective models as streams (query$ and exclReplies$). These are also references in the main view function under constants of the same name.

Change the dummy definition of filteredTweets$ in the main view function to apply the query$ and exclReplies$ filters (see TODO [#2]). Once done, you should see the Timeline change when using the filters.

3. Pinned column

We want to be able to pin any tweet from the Timeline by clicking it. Pinned tweets should appear in the Pinned column, most recently added first.

First, in the columnComponent, let's update the view$ function to push the tweet object of any tweet element clicked onto the activate$ stream (see TODO [#3a]). This is exposed as the activate$ extent, which for the timeline is translated to the pin$ intent on the columnsComponent.

Define pinnedTweets$ in terms of the pin$ intent (see TODO [#3b]). Once completed, clicking a tweet in the Timeline column should make it appear in the Pinned column.

Then, update the pinnedTweets$ definition to also include the unpin$ intent (see TODO [#3c]). Once completed, clicking a tweet in the Pinned columns will make it disappear.

4. Entities highlighting

Real web hipsters are also semantic nerds (believe me). So let's highlight semantic entities in the tweets, using an external API to do the entity extraction.

The analyseEntities$ takes a string and returns a list of entities asynchronously, as a stream. Call this function on each tweet before rendering it (see TODO [#4a]). Then pass the returned entities as second parameter to the tweetElement function and use them to highlight the words in the tweet (see TODO [#4b]).

5. Drag to pin

Use the mousedown, mousemove and mouseup events as streams to allow dragging tweets from the Timeline to the Pinned column to pin them.

I've not actually tried that one, so good luck :-)

Useful references