All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- When model and helper are in the same package, avoid useless imports#103
- test coverage for MicroProfileSchemaWrapperGenerator #99
- added attributes to field : openapiEnumeration and openapiFormat #97
- field attribute : exampleData renamed to openapiExample
- package-helper-microprofile, to add model wrapper with openapi annotation. #95
- use of in data facade when 'type-mapper-time-ng' is enabled
- daogen property : disable-singleton (If set to 'enabled' the singleton generation. (i.e. RSE DEFAULT field).)
- fj-version set to 8.6.2
- daogen property : dao-rest-ng-mode ('' will be selected and no serialization)
- daogen property : type-mapper-time-ng (when enabled, By default java.time.LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime will be used for model)
- fj-bom version set to 1.6.5
- fj-version set to 8.5.9
- fj-doc version set to 8.4.6
- native-helper-graalvm set to 1.3.4
- newInstance(model) coverage in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator
- Finder test coverage for Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator #48 #48
- virtual fields coverage in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator
- isEmpty() check in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator only if 'check-empty-interface' set to 'true'
- isEmpty() and unwrap() coverage in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator
- relation coverage in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator
- better coverage in Junit4ModelGenerator/Junit5ModelGenerator
- typo in BaseRestLoadHelperGenerator
- daogen property : dao-finder-ng-mode ('' will be selected and no serialization)
- fj-version set to 8.5.3
- daogen property : dao-helper-ng-mode ('' will be selected and no serialization)
- daogen property : dao-wrapper-ng-mode ('' will be selected and no serialization)
- fj-version set to 8.5.2
- name of junit 5 methods
- JunitGenerator 4 and 5 serialization test
- Better serialization handling
- JunitGenerator 4 and 5 cover Wrappers too
- support for virtual field #46
- isEmpty() metadata generated by GraalVMReflectConfigGenerator
- fj-version set to 8.5.0
- relation fields now handled in GraalVMReflectConfigGenerator
- Junit5ModelGenerator logger field error
- Sample GraalVMReflectConfigGenerator
- version 1.0.0
- Documentation for GraalVMReflectConfigGenerator, Junit4ModelGenerator, Junit5ModelGenerator,.
- fix name in Junit5ModelGenerator generated classes
- fj-lib set to 8.4.10
- junit 5 classes without public modifier
- Sample Junit5ModelGenerator
- Sample Junit4ModelGenerator
- fj-bom set to 1.6.1
- fj-lib set to 8.4.9
- fj-doc-version set to 3.4.3
- fix to jee target
- Upgraded build_maven_package workflow to version 1.0.1, (accespt DISABLE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_SUBMISSION)
- fj-bom set to 1.6.0
- fj-lib set to 8.4.8
- fj-doc-version set to 3.4.1
- review workflows
- fj-bom version set to 1.5.2
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.1, fix lombok-maven-plugin compatibility with java 21
- java and maven badges link
- fj-version set to 8.4.6
- fj-doc-version set to 3.2.5
- LICENSE place holder
- Attribute 'jdk-target-version' for element 'daogen-config' (default is '8', allowed values are '8', '11', '17', '21')
- Attribute 'jee-target-mode' for element 'daogen-config' (default is 'javax', allowed values are 'javax', 'jakarta')
- If 'jee-target-mode' is set to 'jakarta' the prefix for enterprise edition packages will be 'jakarta' see jesp
- If 'jdk-target-version' is set to '17'+ some
- Code of conduct badge and file
- Sonar cloud workflow merged in maven build
- fj-bom version set to 1.4.5
- fj-core version set to 8.3.9
- fj-doc version set to 3.0.9
- Removed javax.ejb.Stateles annotation from default rest generator
- Fixed typo on FactoryDefGenerator
- Stream loadAll method added to FacadeDefGenerator and FacadeImplDataGenerator (#17)
- Added loadById Optional to FacadeDefGenerator and FacadeImplDataGenerator (#17)
- Sample stub for finder, facade and rest load classes regenerated.
- column size attribute from short to int daogen-config-1-0.xsd
- definition of mapToTable entity attribute daogen-config-1-0.xsd
- code optimization
- Sonar cloud workflow yml removed. (after being merged with maven build)
- fj-core set to 8.3.7
- fj-doc set to 3.0.7
- added java/maven badges
- fj-core set to 8.3.5 (some changes needed because of MetaDataUtils)
- fj-doc set to 3.0.5
- All Sonar Cloud issues addressed
- WrapperGenerator unwrap() method does not check for null on instanceof.
- fj-bom set to 1.4.0 (fj-test-helper8 now managed by parent pom)
- fj-core set to 8.3.1 (some changes needed because of MetaDataUtils)
- fj-doc set to 3.0.4
- maven deploy workflow
- workflow codeql on branch main
- badge link to the daogen-config xsd 1.0
- badge for test coverage
- fj-bom set to 1.3.6
- fj-core set to 8.2.8
- fj-doc set to 3.0.3
- typos to the daogen-config-1-0.xsd
- dependabot configuration
- fj-doc set to 1.5.10
- reference to v1.1.0 in changelog
- fj-bom set to 1.3.5
- tag element (HEAD) to scm element. (pom.xml)
- issueManagement element (pom.xml, url : )
- fj-tester-helper8 set to 0.4.1
- workflow for package testing and dependency upload
- fj-bom set to 1.3.3
- fj-core set to 8.2.4
- Changelog badge link set absolute ''
- scm url (.git was missing at the end).
- documentation badge
- keep a changelog badge
- maven repo central and javadoc badges to modules
- javadoc badges
- fj-bom version set to 1.3.1
- Added build metadata to artifacts (fugerit-org/fj-bom#2) (#7)
- Sonar Cloud Maven Build set to use maven profile sonarfugerit and github environmental variable for sonarKey (#9)
- New changelog style based on : (#8)
- badge order on
- directory docs renamed to src/docs (to comply with maven standard layout)
- test resource : fugerit-sample-daogen-config.xml renamed to daogenruntest-sample-daogen-config.xml (to make it clear it is only for test run purpose) (#11)
- DaogenCatalogEntity increased test coverage (#11)
- DaogenCatalogEntity now uses equals() method from java.lang.Object (#11)
- this version is skipped because of a maven release fail.
- only the release notes are available.