Gitlab build script descriptor.
Contains build configuration for every sub folder buildAndDeployIfChangesInFolder: folder to scan for changes, if there is changes it run the build listOfDependencies: folder that must be build if the current folder is build
buildAndDeployIfChangesInFolder: \(src/frontends/wecom\)
listOfDependencies: sources/0-fake-dependencies
- set -e
- npm install
- npm link ../0-wecom-share
- npm run-script build
Shell script that are executed based on the first digit order 0 is the first
Kubernetes deployment file that are executed based on the first digit order 0 is the first
Helm deployment file that are executed based on the first digit order 0 is the first
releaseName: externals-https-validation
chart: ./src/deployments/1-https-verification
namespace: gitlab-managed-apps
verificationKey: xxxxxx
helm.releaseName = helm release name use to install helm chart
helm.chart = helm chart folder
variables: example ssl.verificaitonKey
You can after use {{ .Values.ssl.verificationKey }} in your template like:
{{- $fullName := include "1-https-verification.fullname" . -}} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: {{.Values.NAMESPACE}} name: {{ $fullName }} data: nginx.conf: | events { } http { server { listen 80 default_server; server_name _; location / { return 200 'healthy'; } location /.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt { return 200 '{{ .Values.ssl.verificationKey }}'; } } }
Contains the deployment definition for git branch:
< Branch Name >:
dns: < DNS Name >
namespace: < namespace: test,staging,prod >
After, you will be able to use variable in you helm template like that:
- proxy.{{.Values.DNS}}