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This package simply aims to provide integers (also known as "bigints," "bignums," "arbitrary precision integers," "true integers," and so on) by wrapping GMP in a nice ergonomic way for Nim.

See the generated documentation for the most up-to-date and complete information. Some parts of it has been copied below, but this README is incomplete.


Integers can be conveniently written as literals directly in Nim code with the postfix 'gmp. They can also be instantiated via newInteger. A rich set of conversions from string and bytes also exist. The usual suspects like $ and so on will also work.

  let i = 101'gmp
  assert i is Integer

  # Hexadecimal, binary, and octal also works. Here's a 192-bit prime literal.
  # Note that underscores are ignored.
  assert 0x82aaeef3_975e3407_a98c6c72_f6c872f0_5521d137_91c5f8cd'gmp is Integer

  let x = newInteger(101) # equivalent to 101'gmp
  let y = newInteger("19_000_000_000_000_000") # string conversion
  let z = newInteger("1000101", 2) # second argument is base.

  # Integers can also be constructed from any array of primitive unsigned
  # integers or a series of raw bytes. Numerous options exist for order
  # and interpretation. See documentation under `integers/bytes`.
  let f = newInteger([255'u8, 1, 2], woMSF)
  assert f == 0xff0102'gmp
  assert f.toBytes(woLSF) == @[2'u8, 1, 255]

  assert $x == "101"

  import std/strformat
  assert &"{z:010b}" == "0001000101"


Ordinary arithmetic operations +, -, *, div, mod should work as expected. The same goes for comparison operators, ==, !=, <=, <, and so on.

Most operators can be used with any integer operands. That is, as long as at least one operand is an Integer the other operand can be of type AnyInteger (a GMP Integer or any primitive fixed-size integer, like int or uint8). This might look like auto-promotion, but in code there's specializations to make it more efficient, as GMP often has specialized routines for handling fixed-sized arguments.

In general, doing operations the natural way with primitive integers tends to be more efficient than forcing everything to be Integer ahead of time. That is, prefer x + 1, over x + 1'gmp.

  let five = 5'gmp

  assert five * 5 == 25
  assert 5'u64 + five == 10'i8

  var n =

  for i in 1 .. 32:
    n *= i

  assert n == factorial(32)

Exponentiation is implemented as ^. It works for any combination of integer arguments, but the result is always an Integer.

Another primitive operation is divMod which does the same as (x div y, x mod y) but more efficiently. See math and number theory for a lot more.

  assert 2^1000 == 2^500 * 2^500

  assert divMod(3^100, 40) == (3^100 div 40, 1'gmp)


In addition to the normal comparison operators (==, !=, <=, <, etc.), there's also an equivalent set of absolute comparisons, using a suffix %.

  • x ==% y is equivalent to abs(x) == abs(y)
  • x !=% y is equivalent to abs(x) != abs(y)
  • x <% y is equivalent to abs(x) < abs(y)
  • x >=% y is equivalent to abs(x) >= abs(y)
  • ... and so on.

For very simple domain checks there's also a number of universal functions that are designed to be as lightweight as humanly possible (they guarantee no external function call will be made into the GMP library).

  • isZero(AnyInteger): bool
  • isNonZero(AnyInteger): bool
  • isPositive(AnyInteger): bool
  • isNegative(AnyInteger): bool
  • isNatural(AnyInteger): bool: if a number is greater than or equal to 0, i.e. it's non-negative.
  assert -1'gmp ==% 1
  assert 2 <% -20

  assert 0.isZero
  assert 10'gmp.isNatural


For reasons of efficiency, Integers are mutable.

Every time a new non-zero Integer is instantiated a heap allocation occurs (in GMP), thus it is usually more efficient to re-use variables if possible. As such this package provides a cornucopia of in-place and assignment operators.

As such there's a lot of in-place and assignment operators provided.

Note that Nim weirdly does not have an assignment operator equivalent of div, mod, and, xor, etc. So operators have been added to make up for this fact.

For example:

  • // can be used instead of div, with //= being the assignment operator.
  • % can be used instead of mod, with %= being the assignment operator.

See also bit operations for more such operator aliases.

The in-place version of unary - is setNegative.

There is also addMul and subMul which are trinary operators that does fused multiply-and-add or multiply-and-sub. If you are writing something like x += y * z it is usually more efficient to use x.addMul(y, z) instead.

  var x = 60'gmp # x == 61
  x += 10 # x == 71
  x //= 2
  assert x == 35

  # Equivalent to `x += 2 * 100'gmp`
  x.addMul(2, 100'gmp)

  assert x == 235

  x.setNegative() # Extremely cheap operation.
  assert x == -235

  # Equivalent to `x = 200 - x`.
  x.assign(200 - x)
  assert x == 435

  x %= 10
  assert x == 5

Bit Operations

For reasons mentioned in mutability, the bit operators have also been given symbolic aliases. These all use & as a prefix:

  • &&, &&= bitwise AND (and can also be used)
  • &|, &|= bitwise OR (or can also be used)
  • &^, &^= bitwise XOR (xor can also be used)
  • &>>, &>>= shift bits right (shr can also be used)
  • &<<, &<<= shift bits left (shl can also be used)
  • ~ does bitwise NOT (not can also be used). The in-place version of this is setNot.

I agree this is rather ugly but it's the best I could do within Nim. The keyword operators are special cased in the language, and there's no way to customize precedence rules. (For example, as far as I know, there's no way to make anything have the same precedence as and or or, nor to make assignment-operator versions of those.)

Originally I experimented with using the less noisy : as a prefix instead. But then it turns out that they would have lower precedence than comparison operators, which creates its own chaos, as intuitive expressions like x :& 0xf == 1 wouldn't parse correctly.

Even so the headache is not over, as not now has lower precedence than the &.. operators, so it also needed to be made into a symbolic operator.

It's a bit of a mess.

Although these operations also work on regular primitive integers, the result is always an Integer (might change?), so they're not recommended for regular use.

  assert 0xff &^ 0x0f == 0xf0
  assert 3 &<< 100 == 2^100 * 3

  assert 4^10 &>> 2 == 4^9

  let z = 0xff01'gmp

  assert ~z && 0xff == 0xfe

Bit Sets

As a radical convenience, Integers can be treated directly as implementing fast dynamic bitsets.

If you think about it, arbitrary precision integers and dynamically sized bitsets are usually built upon the same core data structure, but differ only in exposed functionality (with the bitsets having a vastly simpler API and implementation of course).

As such, Integers can be indexed, iterated over, they have a size and a count, and so on. The above bit operations can be used to do unions, intersections, et cetera.

The indexing operator [] returns true or false depending on whether the given bit is 1 or 0. Likewise, []= can be used to set arbitrary bits.

count(n) gives the total number of bits set to 1.

scanOne(n, [pos]) and scanZero(n, [pos]) finds the first 1- or 0-bit at or after the given position.

size(n) (an alias for nbits(n)) gives the total number of bits required to express the absolute value of n.

And finally, iterating over an Integer will loop over the indices of its 1-bits. See XXX for more ## information.

  var x = newInteger()

  x[10] = true
  assert x == 1024 # 2^10

  x[2] = true
  x[0] = true
  assert x == 1029 # 2^10 + 2^2 + 2^0
  assert x.count == 3
  assert x.nbits == 11 # == one higher than index of highest 1-bit

  import std/sequtils
  assert items(x).toSeq() == @[0, 2, 10]

  let y = 10'gmp

  assert y.scanOne() == 1
  assert y[1] and not y[0]

And So On...

Again, see the generated documentation for more information.


  • The biggest caveat currently is that this is entirely untested on Windows, OSX, and 32-bit platforms (any OS). It will probably work on OSX, but it's likely to fail on Windows without some modifications. Feedback is desired.

  • There's an underlying assumption that GMP is compiled with "nails" set to 0. I think this is true for GMP distributed on all modern platforms.

  • I also take some shortcuts and skip out on explicitly calling mpz_init most of the time, assuming that Nim's zero-initialization and mpz_init are equivalent. As far as I know this is true in all GMP versions I've seen on all relevant platforms. However if it turns out this breaks functionality on a major platform, do file a bug report.

  • There's a more serious assumption that sizeof(mp_limb_t) == sizeof(uint) (i.e. that the limb-size matches Nim's default int size), which might practically break on some platforms. However, it should be easy to fix if someone can show me how to "import" a pure typedef from a header file in Nim.

Why GMP?

Unfortunately there is just no beating GMP when it comes to performance. It is the unequivocal gold standard.

All "home-made" or "from scratch" integer implementations by hobbyists, such as Nim's official bigints (and even Python's built-in int) are laughably slow compared to GMP, often on the order of magnitudes.

Alternative projects such as libtomath come much closer, but are still not quite as optimized as GMP.

The reason projects shy away from GMP is two-fold:

  • The "serious" reason is that GMP is dual-licensed with LGPLv3 and GPLv2, and many consider even the LGPL too restrictive or convoluted (e.g. static linking can be problematic), so this makes it simply a no-go for many projects.

  • The less practical reason is that implementing one's own arbitrary precision integers from scratch is (at the onset) a very attractive and exciting project for many programmers, so it is a common mind trap to fall into.

The first reason is unavoidable and unfortunate. The second reason is very understandable (I feel the same pull), although it is incredibly frustrating when I'm stuck with these cowboy implemenations as a user.

Since I am of the opinion that (big) integers is a core data type that should be universally available, thus also implicitly demanding it should be as efficient as humanly possible, I'm always going to bite the bullet on the (L)GPL license.