Releases: froala/wysiwyg-editor
Releases · froala/wysiwyg-editor
Release v1.1.6
- Tables.
- Insert video by URL.
- Speed improvements.
- Add support for IE8.
- Improvement to Android support.
- Improve mobile popup positioning.
- The following features are plugins and they are no longer included by default
- Block Style
- Text and Background colors
- Media Manager
- Tables
- Video
- Font Size
- Font Family
- Add simpleAmpersand option.
- Add imageLink option.
- Improvements to German languages.
- Beautifier is used as a separate lib and is no longer available by default.
- Add maxHeight option.
- Default is no longer available as default, but options can be toggled.
- inverseSkin is replaced by theme option.
- Theme CSS file.
- Improve HTML output.
- Improve Italian language translation.
- Start in color/font size.
- Allow user to return error from server for image.
- Replace invisible space with BR tag.
- Improve French translation.
- Add saveRequestType option.
- Callbacks from images get jQuery object as parameter instead of src.
- Clean HTML with regular expressions instead of jQuery code.
- Editor can be initialized on image.
- Editor can be initialized on link.
- Option to edit the text from the DOM element in a popup.
- Pass a default list of links to choose from.
- Add option to open the link in another tab.
- Add disableRightClick option.
- Add blockStylesToggle option.
- Add trackScroll option.
- Add unlinkButton option.
- Bug fixing
- Fix random image delete.
- Fix cursor not showing in some cases.
- Unescape usual entities in links.
- Prevent removing rowspan and colspan.
- Fix defining Array.prototype.myNewMethod.
- Fix zIndex for dropdowns.
- Fix using Froala Editor with RequireJS.
- Fix image delete alert keeps showing after delete when pressing the backspace key.
- Switching to HTML and back was placing bad focus.
- Fix screen flicker on paste
- Prevent inline editor showing when clicking in selected text.
- Prevent executing script from PRE.
- Fix dropdown arrow in Webkit.
- Fix image border not showing when floated right in inline mode.
- Fix image move breaking paragraphs.
Release v.1.1.5
- Add focus method.
- Show editor on right click.
- Editor can now be initialized on image.
- imageUploadToS3 option to upload to Amazon S3.
- imageUpload option to disable image upload.
- customDropdowns option to customize dropdowns.
- blockStyle command to set a custom blockStyle.
- blockStyles option to set specific blockStyles.
- defaultBlockStyle option to set default available block styles.
- Improve destroy method.
- Improve placeholder support.
- Improve coding mode.
- Improve new line in code and blockquotes.
- Set media manager to always expect JSON and not text.
- Update to FontAwesome 4.1.0.
- Replace paragraph icon.
- Replace color icon.
- Add fontFamily button in toolbar.
- Add blockStyle button in toolbar.
- Add html button back in toolbar.
- Allow URLs starting with # and /.
- Sync when image is dropped.
- Show editor by key selection in inline mode.
- Focus input when showing the link popup.
- Bug fixing
- Fix UL/OL next to image floated left overlap.
- Fix OL indent.
- IE html view textarea resize handles.
- contentChanged callback was not triggering on delete in webkit.
- Focus was not working properly in HTML mode in IE.
- Fix insert video IE 11.
- Image delete message was still showing after deleting image.
- Image load error IE 11.
- Page was scrolling on paste.
- Fix image move in Safari.
- Fix image resize handles being added twice.
- Fix enableScript option.
Release v1.1.4
- Media manager for images.
- Add zIndex option.
- Minimum for autosaveInterval was changed to 100.
- Improve for XSS support.
- Improve insertHTML method.
- saveURL is no longer required to trigger save.
- Add image restriction by using allowedImageTypes option.
- CTRL + Backspace is cutting text.
- CTRL + ] in indenting text.
- CTRL + [ is outdenting text.
- CTRL + " is formatting text as quote.
- CTRL + \ is formatting text as code.
- Sync before submitting form.
- Delete image by hitting delete when it is selected.
- Hitting enter when image is selecting is getting it down.
- maxImageSize option to restrict image size before upload.
- Add defaultImageWidth option to set the image size on insertion.
- afterRemoveImageCallback is now getting the image src as param.
- Image remove control improved.
- Horizontal line command.
- Font family support.
- Move writeVideo to its own method.
- Improve wrapping support.
- Improve getHTML method.
- Improve block formatting.
- Setting background color would take into consideration parents too.
- Improve contentChangedCallback support.
- Remove invisible characters when saving the HTML.
- Add isActive method to check if command is active.
- Improve undo mechanisms.
- Use a custom version of Modernizr that does not conflict anymore.
- Improve editor position in Firefox when a scale transform is applied.
- Selected fontFamily, fontSize or block type appears selected in the dropdown.
- beforeFileUpload callback.
- Bug fixing
- New line fix when paragraphy enabled in Webkit.
- Bold was not working properly when undo and redo were disabled.
- Insert image on IE 10-11 at cursor location.
- Empty editor was focused after initialization in Webkit.
- Releasing selection outside the editable zone.
- Click issue when there is more than one link.
- Shortcut keys were not working when editor was empty.
- Textarea was not focusing in Safari.
- Hitting bold when editor is empty was not working.
- Fix iPad issue of scrolling through dropdowns.
Release v1.1.3
- Custom tags from html are no longer removed.
- minHeight option.
- removeFormat method.
- Image is inserted where the cursor is.
- Undo preserves selection and cursor position.
- Please wait message when uploading image.
- BR are no longer removed when calling save.
- Bug fixing
- Pressing Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough start in that mode.
- getHTML() returns the html when in code mode.
- Enter in Code and Quote are not adding a new line.
- Editor was getting focused when more than one editor.
- Autosave interval was set back to 10000.
- Image was loading again on save.
- Fix new line in lists in Safari.
Release v1.1.2
- Add textNearImage option.
- Add imageButtons option.
- Add alwaysVisible option.
- Add noFollow option.
- Add alwaysBlank option
- Add plainPaste option
- Add icons option
- Add callbacks for pasting.
- Add getText() method.
- Bug fixing
- Add class f-link to links for images.
- Placeholder fix on direction rtl.
- Fix borderColor.
- Placeholder was not always visible in webkit.
- Smartphone fixes to link popup.
Release v1.1.1
- Add callback contentChanged.
- Callbacks are called with apply() instead of call().
- Add insertVideo callback.
- Bug fixing
- Editor was getting focused constantly.
- Undo when none of the undo/redo buttons is set.
- Placeholder gets translated too.
- Cleanup events on destroy() call.
Release v.1.1.0
- Add language support (28 languages).
- Inverse skin colors.
- Blockquote has quote at the beginning.
- Additional parameters to image upload request.
- Additional parameters to save request.
- Video support.
- Custom buttons in toolbar.
- Paragraphy option.
- Improvements
- Direction parameter.
- Touch support.
- Font size is not generating so many markup anymore.
- Format when there is no selection.
- Image upload error callbacks.
- Placeholder.
- Design.
- Use
tags instead of<b>
- Bug fixing
- Typing timer was not working when redo and undo were not initialized.
- Fix height when passed as parameter.
- Destroy method
- n block tag was never removed.
Release v1.0.6
- Improve IE 11 support for inline editor.
- Placeholder works like placeholder from HTML5.
- Allow image move in editor by setting option imageMove.
- Add save button.
- Tooltip and messages text can be customized through customText option.
- Toolbar may stay at the top or move along with the scroll.
- Option to strip
tag. - Bug fixing
- Touch detection.
- iframe is no longer removed.
- Image and link are initialized when createLink or insertImage is not set too.
- No padding bottom for image when aligned center.
- Picture popup stays active when you click a button from it.
- Improve list support.
- Cleanup after link/unlink.
- Editor gets active when you release mouse outside it and there is a selection.
- Update placeholder style.
- getHTML method cleans up the returned html.
- Bug fixing
- Fix headings style.
- Fix destroy method.
- Fix buletted typo.
- Clicking inside the link/image popup do not close it anymore.
- Improve touch support.
- Fix list issues.
- Hitting tab will insert 4 blank spaces.
- Disable image drag in order to prevent loosing text formatting.
- Hitting ctrl + f will show the editor.