diff --git a/docs/Architecture.md b/docs/Architecture.md
index 175c63f1..6e5f9b5b 100644
--- a/docs/Architecture.md
+++ b/docs/Architecture.md
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ The Editor can be build and launched on Windows, macOS (both tested) and Linux (
 dotnet --version
-3. Clone git repository: https://github.com/friflo/Friflo.Json.Fliox
+3. Clone git repository: https://github.com/friflo/Friflo.Engine.ECS
-4. Navigate to folder: `./Engine/Editor`  
+4. Navigate to folder: `./src/apps/Editor`  
    Assuming you are in the root folder of the git repository.
-cd ./Engine/Editor
+cd ./src/apps/Editor
 5. Build & Launch with