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Releases: foundryvtt/dnd5e


13 Jun 16:47
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DnD5e Version 1.3.2 is a minor patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on updating the system to be compatible with Foundry Core 0.8.3.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.3.2 release for the system only supports Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.8.2 and greater. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.3.2 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Improve the "Cargo" container for vehicle sheets to contain many different varities of physical items that are dropped on the vehicle sheet cargo tab. #827
  • Add default logic to support using the character's spellcasting modifier for ranged and melee spell attacks by default. !287

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an ivalid reference to the DEFAULT_TOKEN outside of the scope of the CONST object. #1121
  • Fix the attribute selection dropdown when assigning resource consumption to an Item. #1120
  • Prevent dropping a "class" actor on a vehicle sheet. #1119
  • Fix the display of quantity/weight/price attributes on vehicle sheet inventory lists. #1118
  • Harden the actor preparation logic against errors that could occur if the spellcasting ability is an invalid value. #1116


  • Thanks to Kandashi and Jeff "Arbron" for valuable contributions to this update!


13 Jun 16:47
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DnD5e Version 1.3.1 is a minor patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on updating the system to be compatible with Foundry Core 0.8.3.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.3.0 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.8.2 (release) and greater. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.3.1 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Opt-in to asynchronous dice rolls for d20roll and damageRoll evaluation to allow modules which want to support async evaluation to begin implementing that functionality using the dnd5e system. #1110

Bug Fixes

  • Fix saving throw proficiencies on Class item sheets #1115
  • Update the class items owned by "Starter Hero" actors in the compendium pack #1114
  • Fix the passing of rollMode through the d20Roll and damageRoll helper methods #1112
  • Resolve deprecated function warnings at various stages of the dice rolling pipelines #1111
  • Fix an issue with the dice roll dialog for d20 rolls in cases where an ability modifier selector is not shown #1109
  • Fix a syntax error with the _determineCriticalMode step of damage rolls when an event is not present #1108


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.3.0 is a new patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on updating the system to be compatible with Foundry Core 0.8.2 and adding some Level Up features.


COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.3.0 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.8.2 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.8.2. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.3.0 release, please use the following manifest URL:

Feature Improvements

  • Brings dnd5e system up to date with Foundry Core 0.8.2.
  • Add a prompt when adding a new class or leveling up to ask which class features should be automatically added to the character. #721 #1095
  • Add hit dice configuration window to make manual rolling and recovering hit dice outside of a rest easier. #936
  • Add new token bar that visualizes temp and temp max HP. #306
  • Add indication of pact slot level to spellbook on character sheet.
  • Identical consumables dropped onto character sheets will now stack. #105
  • Active Effect formula parts will be concatenated with a +. #927

Bug Fixes

  • Fix control + click not rolling disadvantage on Mac. #1089
  • Fix being possible to critically roll hit dice. #1073
  • Fix localized skills in character sheets not being alphabetically sorted. #1070
  • Fix Limited Uses of 0 prompting for use. #1051
  • Fix missing localization string for "Crewed". #1045
  • Fix Elven Accuracy not applying to features with attack actions. #1043
  • Fix class features not being granted at first level. #996
  • Fix issue causing certain pieces of actor data to not be available in max uses. #995
  • Fix d20 and damage rolls not respecting roll mode selected in dialog. !260
  • Fix finesse not working on natural weapons. #982
  • Fix attunement information being discarded for items dropped onto character sheets. #980
  • Fix save DC not showing properly on chat cards for upcast spells. #975
  • Fix subtracting ability modifier improperly if the modifier is negative. #884
  • Fix modifying actor weight not triggering encumberance attribute bar update. #1008

Compendium Content

  • Incorporate Forgotten Adventures Creature Token Packs 15–18. #1091 #990
  • Update creature types to include more data allowed by new creature type format.
  • Rename "Gaming Set of Dragonchess" to "Gaming Set of Chess". #1099
  • Remove Three-Dragon Ante item. #1099
  • Fix Restrained title. #973
  • Fix missing attunement on numerous items. #979
  • Fix incorrect token sizes for monsters that don't yet have default token artwork. #972
  • Fix Ancient White Dragon burrow speed. #1027
  • Fix Mirror Image description. #1041
  • Fix Rug of Smothering artwork. #1064
  • Fix journal entries containing broken links to the Incapacitated condition. #1009
  • Fix Arcane Sword description text. #969
  • Fix CR0 creatures. #970
  • Fix Couatl attack bonus. #1007
  • Fix Solar's Binding Gaze description. #1005
  • Fix Find Familiar not being tagged for Ritual Casting. #994

API Improvements

Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Change character and class item spellcasting to object to support new spellcasting ability data. !259 #1022
  • Change NPC type to more expressive object configurable from the NPC sheet through the ActorTypeConfig app. #408
  • Removed Handlebars helper getProperty in favor built-in lookup helper. #1061
  • Removed tool-card.html and tool-roll-dialog.html, instead use normal item roll dialog. #1101 #981
  • Modify contents of DND5E.spellScrollIds to only contain ID rather than whole UUID so they can be used in conjunction with the new sourcePacks data.


  • Add Dice.DamageRoll and Dice.D20Roll. #1097
  • Add DND5E.creatureTypes containing 5e types with localized labels. #408
  • Add DND5E.sourcePacks containing the name of compendium packs that need to be referenced in code for easier localization of packs by modules. !254
  • Add DND5E.tokenHPColors containing colors used on the new HP bar. #306
  • Add DND5E.toolIds and DND5E.weaponIds linking base tool and weapon items to their compendium entries. #1057


  • Split shortRest and longRest into multiple steps to expose a more expressive API. #1000
  • Add addEmbeddedItems method to Actor5e to simplify adding embedded items to an Actor. !264
  • Add formatCreatureType static method to convert a NPC's creature type object into a localized string. #408
  • Add originalClass property to the Actor data to denote the primary class. This value can be modified by a new dropdown in the actor's special traits. #1053
  • Death Saving Throw results messages now respect selected roll privacy mode. #991
  • Rename getClassFeatures to loadClassFeatures. ⚠️
  • Rename _createClassFeatures to getClassFeatures. ⚠️
  • Ensure _onDropItemCreate returns a value correctly. #978
  • Allow feature application on levelup to be skipped by API calls. #1095
  • Move calculation of data.classes to a getter on Actor5e. #1010 with !266


  • Fix Item5e#roll misusing consumeSpellSlot #1025
  • Add getDerivedDamageLabel to produce a simplified damage formula for UI uses !193
  • Add prepareFinalAttributes to finalize derived data after owner data has finished populating ⚠️ #1018
  • Add prepareMaxUses to shift max use calculation out of prepareDerivedData ⚠️ #995
  • Add _preCreate, _onCreate, _preUpdate, _onDelete, _onCreateOwnedEquipment, _onCreateOwnedSpell, and _onCreateOwnedWeapon methods to handle logic moved from Actor5e#_preCreateOwnedItem ⚠️
  • Remove restriction limiting finesse property to only martial weapons
  • Remove restriction limiting use of elven accuracy to only weapons and spells


  • Add saves to class containing an array of saving throw proficiencies the class grants. #270 and 913f82e


  • Add D20Roll and DamageRoll subclasses of Roll. #964 #962
  • Add defaultAction option to D20Roll#configureDialog and defaultCritical to DamageRoll#configureDialog to allow the correct button to be highlighted as default. #920
  • Change internal use of imported D20Roll to instead use CONFIG.Dice.D20Roll. #1097
  • Combine roll-dialog.html and tool-roll-dialog.html into single template. #981
  • Deprecated d20Dialog and damageDialog in favor of DamageRoll#configureDialog #964
  • Fix D20 rolls not respecting selected roll mode if core roll mode is not Public Roll. #943


  • Add Token5e extension of Token which implements a fancy HP bar. #306
  • Add TokenDocument5e extention of TokenDocument and move getBarAttribute code into the new class. ⚠️ !253


  • Improve and Simplify TraitSelector application to allow for explicitly passing the array path to update with the form. #1014
  • Add ActorHitDiceConfig app for modifying the hit dice on an actor. #936
  • Add ActorTypeConfig app for modifying the type on an NPC. #408
  • Add SelectItemsPrompt app for narrowing a list of item Ids based on user input. !264


We had a tremendous level of community developer involvement in this release. Many thanks to the following community contributors who submitted code changes for this release:

  • Arbron
  • Calego
  • Cole
  • Giddy
  • Moerill
  • Zeel
  • Martin
  • Fallayn
  • Stryxin and Forgotten Adventures


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.4 is a new patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on bug fixes from the prior 1.2.3 release version.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.4 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.4 release, please use the following manifest URL:

Bug Fixes

  • Harden the logic for actor movement migration to avoid overwriting existing new data.

Compendium Content

  • Remove Double-Bladed Scimitar


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.3 is a new patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on bug fixes from the prior 1.2.2 release version.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.3 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.3 release, please use the following manifest URL:

Feature Improvements

  • Choose a random wildcard token when polymorphing into a creature which has a wildcard token configured, instead of only choosing the first (default) image.
  • When applying damage from a chat card, reference the underlying Roll#total instead of reading the damage value from the HTML markup.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with Long Rest workflow which was not properly restoring the correct resources.
  • Fix a bug which could occur when using the polymorph feature which accidentally left a polymorph target flag on the original (non-polymorphed) actor.
  • Harden the logic for computing currency weight to tolerate characters who have no currency object.
  • Use a better coalescing operator to avoid resetting an explicit "false" flag passed to the d20 roll helper
  • Improve the timing of when the to-hit label is computed for an item to avoid doing this work too early for an owned item.
  • Improve the logic for auto-equipping, marking proficiency, or preparing spells when dropping Items onto a character sheet to only automatically apply these decisions if an explicit value is not provided.
  • Fix an undefined variable reference for consumables in the Ability Use Dialog.

Compendium Content

  • Fix the size class of the Behir
  • Fix the stated damage and attack bonuses of the Brown Bear


Many thanks to the following community contributors who submitted code changes for this release:

  • Calego
  • Cole
  • Giddy


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.2 is a new patch version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on bug fixes from the prior 1.2.1 release version.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.2 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.2 release, please use the following manifest URL:

Bug Fixes

  • Fix itemData.consume being assumed to exist and failing in some cases #924 #925
  • fix migrations of some actors in 1.2.1 #922


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.1 is a new minor version for the dnd5e game system which focuses on enhancements, bug fixes, and UX improvements on top of the prior 1.2.0 release version.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.1 release for the system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.1 release, please use the following manifest URL:


This release includes wonderful new creature tokens for a large variety of SRD Monsters!

New Features

  • When polymorphing an Actor into a new form, retain the ActiveEffects which were present on the original actor and combine them with any active effects which may be present for their new form.
  • Each class in a multiclass level now appears as part of the class information when hovering over the character level at the top-right of the sheet.
  • The number of levels of each multiclass is now displayed when hovering over the total character level
  • When a user selects Critical damage on a damage roll, it is now shown on the chat card
  • User may now set a "current" value of spell slots that exceeds the maximum when manually editing the character sheet, but the current value explicitly is set to match the maximum when applying automated long rest behavior.

Compendium Content

New Forgotten Adventures monster tokens have been added from Creature Tokens packs 12 through 14, including:

  • CR 1/8: Cultist, Lizardfolk
  • CR 1/2: Gnoll Hunter
  • CR 1: Death Dog, Giant Octopus, Harpy, Imp, Spy
  • CR 2: Bandit Captain, Cult Fanatic, Druid, Hunter Shark, Gelatinous Cube, Ooze Ghast, Gibbering Mouther, Priest, Rug of Smothering, Sea Hag, Grick, Plesiosaurus, Rhinoceros, Saber-Toothed Tiger
  • CR 3: Nightmare, Killer Whale, Phase Spider
  • CR 5: Unicorn, Bulette

Bug Fixes

  • Destroy on Empty should now work correctly for items once more.
  • Druid class information now pulls properly from the classes database.
  • Halfling lucky should now be applied correctly thanks to a fix from @xdy.
  • Reliable talent now works properly with tools thanks to a merge request from @TPNils.
  • Corrected an issue where setting an item to consume itself as its own ammunition incorrectly resulted in a doubled damage roll.
  • Max spell slots can now correctly be decremented to 0.
  • Corrected some issues with localization related to remaining spell slots in the ability use dialog.
  • Active effects that effect skills no longer incorrectly toggle proficiency on the skill when adding a modifier, and the css issues resulting from that no longer occur.
  • Fixed some grammar and typographic errors on SRD potion items.
  • Resolved an issue with negative integer calculations on modifiers for attack rolls.
  • Fix an issue with automatic addition of class features which could trigger strange "ENOENT" issues due to a race condition in loading many entities from the same compendium pack at the same time without adequate async control.
  • A UI issue specific to Firefox caused the text input boxes for Bonds/Flaws/Traits on the Character Biography tab to be rendered with too large a font size.

API Changes

  • Store boolean flags for advantage/disadvantage on the d20 DiceTerm of a d20roll if the roll was made with advantage or disadvantage.
  • Fixed a bug with the persistence of critical damage flag on the resulting DiceTerms of a damageRoll result.
  • The default cone template angle can now be defined via CONFIG.MeasuredTemplate.defaults.angle and will override the default.
  • Ability Templates are now exposed for module adjustment using canvas.AbilityTemplate instead of a class import.
  • Item Attunement now has defined constants enumerated to allow for better checking the status of the attunement property.


I am very happy with the level of community contribution to this dnd5e system release, there were a record number of merge requests (14) which were reviewed and merged as part of this update.

  • Many thanks to @akrigline, @xdy, and @TPNils for their helpful merge requests.
  • Many thanks to Kandashi and siliconsaint for their ongoing help configuring active effects for Class Features and Spells.
  • Many thanks to Stryxin from Forgotten Adventures for the wonderful monster tokens.


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.2.0 is a new major version for the dnd5e game system which implements a number of new features, bug fixes, and usability enhancements.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.2.0 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.2.0 release, please use the following manifest URL:


New Features

  • Refactored the way that senses data is stored in the Actor data model to explicitly track the sense type and distance for different perception types like darkvision, blindsight, tremorsense, or truesight. Add a new companion sub-application for configuring the senses that are available to a certain Actor.
  • Item attunement has been changed from a boolean to a numeric state which tracks whether or not an item requires attunement, as well as whether that item is currently attuned. Update the character sheet display to represent each state.
  • The maximum number of limited uses for an item is now allowed to be defined as a formula that is resolved against the base Actor data which owns that item. For example, Lay on Hands could be configured to use charges with a maximum number of 5 * @classes.paladin.levels or Bardic Inspiration can be configured to have a maximum number of uses of @abilities.cha.mod. Important Note: this feature requires a bug fix in the core FVTT software and will not function properly until core version 0.7.9 is released.
  • Allow the "Attack Roll Bonus" of an item action configuration to be a string field instead of purely numeric to support cases where the attack bonus incorporates a formula reference.
  • Item ammunition consumption may now reference the same item as the consumption target to support use cases like thrown weapons which deplete their own quantity when used. This allows, for example, throwing axes or javelins to consume their own quantity when an attack roll is made with that item.
  • The Ability Activation configuration sheet has been overhauled to consolidate ability usage workflow across all item types. Previously spells used a different separate workflow for their configuration and they have now been fully merged in with other item types. Additionally, the new ability usage configuration form supports the possibility of abilities which consume multiple resource types, for example with both limited uses per day as well as a linked consumed resource, both of which can be configured at the point in time that the ability is uses.
  • Improve the logic used to test whether an item satisfies the conditions needed for it to be used by first testing all usage requirements and then only enacting those data changes after verifiying that all requirements are jointly met. For example, if a spell requires both a spell slot and a linked consumed resource, both must be available in order for the spell to be cast.
  • Updated the logic which assigns proficiency to new Owned Items to reference the weapon and armor proficiencies of a player character to make a dynamic choice about the initial proficiency value for the weapon or equipment.
  • A character or NPCs spellcasting save DC is now shown next to the spellcasting ability selector on the Spellbook tab for both Character and NPC actor types.
  • Improve Wild Shape transformations by creating a new class for the assumed form of the creature that has the proper number and denomination of hit dice that the creature possesses. Enabling short resting while in Wild Shape.
  • Moved the button for movement speed configuration out from the traits tab and into the attributes header as a cog icon within the Speed attribute itself.
  • Redesign the "Toggle Effect" button for an Active Effect to switch between a Cancel symbol (for inactivate) and a Checkmark (For activate).
  • Rolling hit dice using the Short Rest dialog now correctly accounts for increases to temporary maximum hit points in the amount of health which may be restored.
  • Improve the displayed format of limited uses for spells to avoid overflow and collision with the spell title.
  • Improve the workflow for creating a measured template associated with an ability activation to re-maximize the initiating Actor Sheet after the measured template has been successfully placed.

Compendium Content

  • New Forgotten Adventures monster tokens have been added for 10 CR1/2 and CR1 creatures!
  • Added an initial set of Active Effects to the 5e system compendium packs supporting the following Class Features: Fiendish Resilience, Fighting Style: Archery, Fighting Style: Defense, Fighting Style: Dueling, Ki: Empty Body, Rage, Unarmored Movement (Monk).
  • Added an initial set of Active Effects to the 5e system compendium packs supporting the following Spells: Bane, Barkskin, Bless, Fire Shield, Shield.
  • Migrate the Monsters and Heroes compendium packs to use the new senses data structure.
  • Correct a text error in the description for the Talisman of Ultimate Evil.
  • Cleanup of unnecessary <span> tags from description HTML content in compendium packs.
  • Correct the Zombie and Pseudodragon monster entries which were incorrectly missing their token artwork.
  • Fix an issue with damage configuration for Alchemist's Fire.
  • Correct the activation cost and usage of Shadow Stealth in the Monster Features and Shadow creature compendium entries.
  • Removed the "Musical Instrument:" prefix from instrument items in the 5e items SRD. Added links in the baseline "Musical Instrument" entry which link to each specific instrument type.

Bug Fixes

  • Remove the proficiency bonus which was being incorrectly added to attack rolls made with consumable items like alchemist's fire which should (instead) be treated as improvised weapons.
  • Fix an issue with the display of item chat cards when the default roll mode was set to "self".
  • Fixed an issue with derived data preparation errors occur when adding owned items to a Vehicle type actor sheet.
  • Fixed an issue where Class Features were being duplicated when advancing a class level via drag-and-drop.
  • Remove a deprecated and unused reference to the isPC attribute in the Actor5e class which is no longer used.
  • Re-work the "Special Traits" application to use a thin-style Firefox scrollbar.
  • Avoid an issue when performing updates on an Owned Class item that do not contain the "data.subclass" key.
  • Resolve an issue with misconfiguration and handling of the trait selector ui for chosen class skills.
  • Fixed invalid consume values for Wing Attack which was not configured to correctly consume legendary actions for all dragon types.

API Changes

  • [BREAKING] Rename the MovementConfig class to ActorMovementConfig for more specificity and consistency with other Actor sub-configuration applications.
  • [BREAKING] Refactor the legacy DND5E.senses configuration object to use new localization keys and values.
  • The Actor5e#useSpell method is deprecated as all item usage now flows through the Item5e#roll function.
  • Add an Item5e#getSave helper method which computes the correct saving throw DC for a certain item ability given it's own data and the owning Actor data. Use this to fix a bug which failed to display the correct save DC for at-will or upcast spells.
  • Refactor Actor5e#createOwnedItem as Actor5e#createEmbeddedEntity to capture all cases where the createOwnedItem helper method is not used.
  • Add the options.critical = true flag to all DiceTerm instances within a Roll which were increased because of a critical hit.
  • Add a new Item5e#displayCard method which handles the final chat message generation for an Item card given input parameters which are provided from an external configuration.


  • Many thanks to Lucas for contributing the improvement to Short Rest logic to support temporary maximum HP.
  • Many thanks to Kandashi and siliconsaint for their help configuring active effects for Class Features and Spells.
  • Many thanks to Stryxin from Forgotten Adventures for the wonderful monster tokens.


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 1.1.0 is a new version which addresses some bugs and re-indexes the versioning schema for the 5e system.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 1.1.0 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 1.1.0 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Refactor versioning schema for the dnd5e system to use gen.major.minor starting from version 1.1.0.
  • Allow referencing other items that use a recharge mechanic as a resource consumption for an ability usage (for example dragons with multiple breaths).
  • Improve the default resizing for class-type Items to enlarge their dimensions relative to regular items without occupying the full screen.
  • Add tooltip titles to Active Effect control icons on the Actor and Item sheet.
  • Separate DND5E.DistanceUnits into two objects, DND5E.MovementUnits and DND5E.DistanceUnits (which includes MovementUnits) to more sensibly differentiate choices between movement speed and ability effect range.
  • The "Hover" type of movement replaces Walking speed, but should replace Flying speed.

Bug Fixes

  • Vehicle-type actors end up with proficency of NaN in the object returned by getRollData() for their owned items which could cause failures in certain attack rolls.
  • Strip residual permission data from 5e system compendium entities.
  • Changing the number of class levels manually in the class configuration sheet no longer automatically adds class features the same way that dragging-and-dropping the class does.
  • Improve the logic of where ammunition bonus is recorded for an attack roll to capture cases where the ammo does not come with an attack bonus, but does provide bonus damage (thanks Tyler).
  • Correct the incorrect damage formula of sling bullets in the items compendium.
  • Apply the correct amount of damage bonus to enchanted versions (+1/+2/+3) of ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets).
  • When performing a dnd5e compendium migration, automatically unlock any compendium packs that are currently locked before triggering a migration for them.
  • Rolling a natural 20 on the second d20 in a 2d20kh advantage roll does not properly highlight the resulting chat roll as a critical success.
  • Ensure that game system migration does not fail unrecoverably when migrating a world or compendium pack where portions of the migration fails.
  • Allow decimal values to the nearest 0.1 to be used when configuring speed values for compatibility with the metric measurement system.
  • Reverting a Wild Shape transformation failed if there was no active Scene due to an incorrect assumption that the canvas is available.
  • Exclude flags and bonuses added by Active Effects from the configuration of the "Special Traits" app on the actor sheet. Diff changes to the special traits app against the underlying base data for the Actor rather than the derived data.
  • Only expand/collapse item descriptions for character sheet items which are rollable (i.e. items) and not for Active Effects at this time.
  • Fix an issue with incorrect data paths when updating an owned item of the class type (thanks Giddy)


13 Jun 16:46
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DnD5e Version 0.99 is a major system update for the 5th Edition game system.

COMPATIBILITY WARNING: The version 0.99 release for the D&D5e system ONLY SUPPORTS Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 0.7.6 (release) and greater. To use this new game system version you must also use Foundry VTT version 0.7.6. If you do not wish to update your core software, please continue using a previous version of the dnd5e system.

Installation: To manually install the 0.99 release, please use the following manifest URL:

New Features

  • Implement support for the Active Effects system in the Actor and Item sheets provided by the D&D5E system. There is now an "Effects" tab on the character sheet which supports the addition, configuration, deletion, and toggling of effects which are present on the Actor. Reported effects are divided into three sections: "Temporary Effects" which are active and have a limited duration, "Passive Effects" which are active but have an unlimited duration, and "Inactive Effects" which are all other effects which are registered but are currently disabled. Similar controls also exist for Item entities where new effects can be created and configured.
  • An important note: creating, editing, and deleting active effects within an Owned Item is not yet supported. Editing Active Effects on an Item must be done at the World level and then the edited item should be applied to an Actor for the time being. The ability to manipulate Active Effects directly on an Owned Item will be arriving in a future update.
  • Active Effects can be dragged and dropped between Actor sheets to easily share or apply an effect to a different actor.
  • Movement speed of an actor has been overhauled and migrated from using free-form text fields for "primary movement" and "special movement" to instead tracking numeric values for special types of movement including walk, fly, climb, swim, and burrow. Additionally it is possible to flag whether a creature hovers as part of their "walking" speed. This data is now stored as data.attributes.movement in the 5e data model and replaces the now deprecated data.attributes.speed object.
  • Added a new Movement Configuration form into the UI which is used to customize the values of movement attributes for an Actor. You can access this movement configuration UI by clicking the cog icon to the right of "Configure Movement Speed" under the traits section of the Attributes tab.
  • The content of the optional "Chat Message Flavor" field that can be configured on Items will now be displayed at the top of chat cards which are played for that item.
  • It is now possible to roll initiative directly from your character sheet by clicking the "Initiative" header. This will automatically add your character to the current combat encounter, if one exists, and roll initiative if it has not yet been rolled.
  • Limit the height of the Special Traits configuration window and apply a scrolling container to the interior contents while keeping the "Save" button visible at the bottom of the UI.
  • The "Always Place Spell Template" setting has been removed because the Ability Use dialog has other important configuration details present in it such that it cannot be trivially bypassed.
  • Deprecated the Savage Attacks special trait which was previously (incorrectly) applied for all damage rolls and replace it with a more generic Melee Critical Damage Dice flag which can be flexibly used to add a configurable number of bonus damage dice to critical hits with melee weapons. This will work for both Savage Attacks as well as Brutal Critical or other similar features. For example, a Level 18 Orc Barbarian would set the value of this flag to 4 - rolling 4 additional weapon dice when scoring a critical hit with a melee weapon.
  • Added a new special Actor trait for "Diamond Soul" which will allow Monk characters to automatically add proficiency to all saving throws (including Death Saves).
  • Added new configurable special Actor traits for Spell Attack Critical Threshold and Weapon Attack Critical Threshold which can separately be used to customize the required number in order to achieve a critical hit for different attack types.
  • Shifted the computation of encumbrance to occur after Active Effects have been applied in case dynamic active effects data change the Actor's strength score - this affecting their carrying capacity.
  • Automatically applied newly acquired class features when a pre-existing class is increased by dragging and dropping the class item onto the character sheet multiple times.
  • Apply a maximum height to the UI of the Item Sheet and fix an issue which prevented the Item Sheet from being vertically resized using the resize handle.

Compendium Improvements

  • 14 creatures are populated with beautiful new Token artwork by Forgotten Adventures ( Many thanks for Stryxin for his continued contribution towards providing excellent artwork for 5e SRD creatures.
  • Improvements and adjustments to the Starter Heroes to apply certain data corrections and better configured features.
  • Fixed a bug where the Adult Red Dragon was pointing to an invalid creature artwork path.
  • Major improvements to the journal structure and styling of the Rules journal compendium.
  • Migrate the Heroes and Monsters compendium packs to use the new schema for explicit tracking of movement speed.
  • Remove some invalid bonuses field values from monster entries in the compendium.
  • Purge deprecated fields from monsters in the SRD compendium.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the identification of bonuses for the vehicle actor type which had incorrectly prevented vehicle sheets from rendering.
  • Ensured that custom named classes and subclasses are failure-tolerant when it comes to identifying class features that should be assigned automatically upon level-up.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented cantrip damage rolls from properly scaling if they included roll modifiers (like rerolls).
  • Chat cards for Tool items did not correctly support the ability to collapse their inner content, which they now will do.
  • Improve the behavior of the "Merge Skill Proficiencies" option on the Polymorph dialog to take the highest proficiency level betweent the original Actor and it's polymorphed shape rather than taking the highest total bonus as was incorrectly done before.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented overrides to the maximum number of Pact Magic spell slots from remaining applied in cases that the Actor did not have any pact magic caster levels.
  • Fixed an issue which required the user to have Ownership permission to a creature in order to initiate a drag operation for the purposes of polymorphing.
  • Fixed a display bug for inventory weight when an edge case floating point precision issue occured.
  • Corrected an error where, for vehicle sheets, the vehicle speed was incorrectly stored as data.attributes.speed.value instead of just data.attributes.speed
  • Special trait bonuses to damage and attack rolls which are rolled formulae (i.e. not static numbers) will be substituted immeidately when rolls are made so that inner references can still be applied. For example, setting a special trait bonus of will now work.

API Changes

  • Improved the Item5e#rollDamage method to pass through optional paramters to the underlying damageRoll utility function.
  • Removed data.spells.spell.max and data.spells.pact.max from the template.json structure since these are derived fields and should not be stored in the base data.

Localization Changes

  • Applied localization strings to item types on the Item sheet.

Community Contributions

I offer my sincere thanks to the following individuals who contributed substantial portions of work as part of the D&D5E 0.97 release. I am extremely excited that many of these individuals have made their first contributions (names in bold) to the 5e system with this update.

  • Mitch Hwang for CSS improvements to better support foreign language character sets on the Actor Sheet.
  • Martin Karlsson for continued improvements to the Rules Journal Entry compendium pack.
  • Cole Schultz for adding configurability of spell effect width for line templates, bug fixes, and API improvements to damage rolling.
  • supervj for improvements to the automated addition of class-features on level-up.