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close gen_matrix_buf_rejection_h
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jba-uminho committed Aug 6, 2024
1 parent f67d60b commit 3929eae
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 46 deletions.
220 changes: 174 additions & 46 deletions proof/correctness/avx2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import MLKEM_PolyAVXVec.
import WArray136 WArray32 WArray128.
import WArray512 WArray256.

(********* MOVED HERE TO AVOID CIRCULAR DEPS ************)

(* move somewhere else *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,18 +292,18 @@ case (trans{1});last first.
inline XOF.init; sp;wp.
exlim rho{2}, i0{2}, j0{2} => _rho _i _j.
call {2} (parse_sem (SHAKE128_ABSORB_34 _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)) _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)).
auto => /> &1 a1 ?????H H0?;do split;1,2: smt().
auto => /> &1 &2 a1 ?????H H0?;do split;1,2: smt().
+ move => kk jj ????.
move : H H0;rewrite !setmE !getmE /= => H H0.
rewrite !offunmE /=; 1,2:smt().
case (kk = i{1} /\ jj = j{1}); 1: by smt().
move => ?;case (kk < i{1});
case (kk = i{2} /\ jj = j{2}); 1: by smt().
move => ?;case (kk < i{2});
1: by move => ?;move : (H kk jj _ _); smt().
move => ?;move : (H0 jj _); smt().
+ move => kk ??.
move : H H0;rewrite !setmE !getmE /= => H H0.
rewrite !offunmE /=; 1,2:smt().
case (kk = j{1}); 1: by smt().
case (kk = j{2}); 1: by smt().
by move => ?;move : (H0 kk _); smt().
rcondt{1} 1; 1: by auto.
inline {1} 1;wp.
Expand All @@ -320,18 +319,18 @@ while (0<=i{1}<kvec /\ 0<=j{1}<=kvec /\ sd0{1} = seed{2} /\ ={trans,i,j} /\ tran
inline XOF.init; sp;wp.
exlim rho{2}, i0{2}, j0{2} => _rho _i _j.
call {2} (parse_sem (SHAKE128_ABSORB_34 _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)) _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)).
auto => /> &1 a1 ?????H H0?;do split;1,2: smt().
auto => /> &1 &2 a1 ?????H H0?;do split;1,2: smt().
+ move => kk jj ????.
move : H H0;rewrite !setmE !getmE /= => H H0.
rewrite !offunmE /=; 1,2:smt().
case (kk = i{1} /\ jj = j{1}); 1: by smt().
move => ?;case (kk < i{1});
case (kk = i{2} /\ jj = j{2}); 1: by smt().
move => ?;case (kk < i{2});
1: by move => ?;move : (H kk jj _ _); smt().
move => ?;move : (H0 jj _); smt().
+ move => kk ??.
move : H H0;rewrite !setmE !getmE /= => H H0.
rewrite !offunmE /=; 1,2:smt().
case (kk = j{1}); 1: by smt().
case (kk = j{2}); 1: by smt().
by move => ?;move : (H0 kk _); smt().
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,6 +605,72 @@ proof.
by conseq buf_rejection_filter24_ll (buf_rejection_filter24_h _pol _ctr _buf _buf_offset).
lemma buf_subl0 buf s e:
(e <= s)%Int =>
buf_subl buf s e = [].
proof. by rewrite /buf_subl /#. qed.
lemma size_plist ['a] (pol : 'a Array256.t) n:
0 <= n <= 256 =>
size (plist pol n) = n.
proof. by move=> Hn; rewrite size_mkseq /#. qed.
lemma size_buf_subl buf bstart bend:
0 <= bstart <= bend <= 8*68 =>
size (buf_subl buf bstart bend) = bend - bstart.
move=> H; rewrite size_take 1:/# size_drop 1:/#.
by rewrite size_w64L_to_bytes size_to_list /#.
lemma take_rejection16_done n buf buf_o bo:
0 <= buf_o <= bo <= 504 =>
3 %| buf_o =>
3 %| bo =>
size (take n (rejection16 (buf_subl buf buf_o bo))) = n =>
take n (rejection16 (buf_subl buf buf_o bo))
= take n (rejection16 (buf_subl buf buf_o 504)).
move=> H H1 H2 /size_takel' [Hsz1].
rewrite size_map => Hsz2.
rewrite -(buf_subl_cat _ _ bo 504) 1:/# /rejection16 rejection_cat.
by rewrite size_buf_subl /#.
rewrite -map_take eq_sym -map_take; congr.
by rewrite take_cat' ifT.
lemma pack32_sample_load_shuffle:
pack32 (to_list sample_load_shuffle)
= get256_direct ((init8 ("_.[_]" sample_load_shuffle)))%WArray32 0.
rewrite get256E; congr.
apply W32u8.Pack.all_eqP.
by rewrite of_listK 1:/# /all_eq /= !initiE /#.
lemma size_rejection16_le buf bstart bend1 bend2:
3 %| bstart =>
3 %| bend1 =>
3 %| bend2 =>
0 <= bstart <= bend1 <= bend2 <= 8*68 =>
size (rejection16 (buf_subl buf bstart bend1))
<= size (rejection16 (buf_subl buf bstart bend2)).
move=> H1 H2 H3 H.
rewrite /rejection16 !size_map.
rewrite -(buf_subl_cat _ _ bend1 bend2) 1:/#.
rewrite bytes2coeffs_cat.
by rewrite size_buf_subl /#.
by rewrite filter_cat size_cat; smt(size_ge0).
lemma rejection16_cat l1 l2:
3 %| size l1 =>
rejection16 (l1++l2) = rejection16 l1 ++ rejection16 l2.
by move=> H; rewrite /rejection16 rejection_cat // map_cat.
hoare gen_matrix_buf_rejection_h _pol _ctr _buf _buf_offset:
: counter = _ctr
Expand All @@ -621,9 +686,9 @@ hoare gen_matrix_buf_rejection_h _pol _ctr _buf _buf_offset:
/\ res.`2 = W64.of_int (to_uint _ctr + size l).
proc; simplify.
while ( buf=_buf /\
0 <= to_uint buf_offset <= 504 /\
0 <= to_uint counter <= 256 /\
while ( buf=_buf /\ 24 %| to_uint buf_offset /\ 3 %| to_uint _buf_offset /\
0 <= to_uint _buf_offset <= to_uint buf_offset <= 504 /\
0 <= to_uint _ctr <= to_uint counter <= 256 /\
auxdata_ok load_shuffle mask bounds ones sst /\
(plist pol (to_uint counter)
= plist _pol (to_uint _ctr)
Expand All @@ -634,56 +699,96 @@ while ( buf=_buf /\
/\ to_uint buf_offset <= 504-24))).
ecall (conditionloop_h buf_offset (3 * 168 - 24) counter 256); simplify.
wp; ecall (buf_rejection_filter24_h pol counter buf buf_offset).
auto => &m /> Ho1 Ho2 Hctr1 Hctr2 H Hcond1 Hcond2 [p c' o'] /= />.
rewrite !of_uintK => H1.
auto => &m /> Hdvd1 Hdvd2 Ho1 Ho2 Ho3 Hctr1 Hctr2 Hctr3 H Hcond1 Hcond2.
have Hsz: to_uint counter{m} = to_uint _ctr + min (256-to_uint _ctr) (size (rejection16 (buf_subl buf{m} (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset{m})))).
rewrite -(size_plist pol{m} (to_uint counter{m})) 1:/# H size_cat size_plist 1:/#; congr.
by rewrite size_take_min /#.
move: H; rewrite take_oversize 1:/# => H [p c' ms'] /= />.
rewrite !of_uintK => Hstep.
rewrite !to_uintD_small 1:/# !of_uintK; split; first smt().
rewrite to_uintD_small 1:/#.
by rewrite !of_uintK !modz_small //= /#.
split; first by rewrite !modz_small //= /#.
by move=> *; rewrite !modz_small //= /#.
split => *; first smt(size_ge0).
admit (* size filter... *).
admit (* H *).
by rewrite size_take_min 1:/# modz_small; smt(size_ge0).
rewrite modz_small; first smt(size_ge0 size_take_min).
rewrite modz_small 1:/#.
rewrite Hstep H -catA; congr.
rewrite -(buf_subl_cat _ (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset{m}) (to_uint buf_offset{m} + 24)) 1:/#.
rewrite rejection16_cat.
by rewrite size_buf_subl /#.
by rewrite take_catr 1:/#; congr; congr; smt().
ecall (conditionloop_h buf_offset (3 * 168 - 24) counter 256).
while ( buf=_buf /\
0 <= to_uint buf_offset <= 504 /\
0 <= to_uint counter <= 256 /\
while ( buf=_buf /\ 24 %| to_uint buf_offset /\ 3 %| to_uint _buf_offset /\
0 <= to_uint _buf_offset <= to_uint buf_offset <= 504 /\
0 <= to_uint _ctr <= to_uint counter <= 256 /\
auxdata_ok load_shuffle mask bounds ones sst /\
(plist pol (to_uint counter)
= plist _pol (to_uint _ctr)
++ rejection16 (buf_subl _buf (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset))
) /\
plist pol (to_uint counter)
= plist _pol (to_uint _ctr)
++ rejection16 (buf_subl _buf (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset)) /\
to_uint _ctr + size (rejection16 (buf_subl _buf (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset))) <= 256 /\
<=> (to_uint counter <= 256-32
/\ to_uint buf_offset <= 504-48))).
ecall (conditionloop_h buf_offset (3 * 168 - 48) counter (256-32+1)); simplify.
wp; ecall (buf_rejection_filter48_h pol counter buf buf_offset).
auto => &m /> Ho1 Ho2 Hctr1 Hctr2 H Hcond1 Hcond2 [p c' o'] /= />.
rewrite !of_uintK.
rewrite to_uintD_small 1:/#.
by rewrite !of_uintK !modz_small //= /#.
auto => &m /> Hdvd1 Hdvd2 Ho1 Ho2 Ho3 Hctr1 Hctr2 Hctr3 H Hbo Hcond1 Hcond2 [p c'] /= /> Hstep.
rewrite !to_uintD_small 1:/# !of_uintK; split; first smt().
split => *; first smt(size_ge0).
admit (* size filter... *).
split; last smt().
admit (* H *).
by rewrite !modz_small //= /#.
pose R:= rejection16 _.
have ?: 0 <= size R <= 32.
rewrite /rejection16 size_map; split; first smt(size_ge0).
move=> _; apply (size_rejection_le' 48) => //=.
by rewrite /buf_subl !size_take 1:/# !size_drop /#.
rewrite !modz_small 1..2:/#.
split; first smt().
rewrite -andaE; split.
rewrite -(buf_subl_cat _ (to_uint _buf_offset) (to_uint buf_offset{m}) (to_uint buf_offset{m} + 48)) 1:/#.
rewrite Hstep H -catA; congr.
rewrite rejection16_cat 2://.
by rewrite size_buf_subl /#.
move => HH.
have : size (plist p (to_uint counter{m} + size R)) <= 256.
by rewrite size_plist /#.
by rewrite HH size_cat size_plist /#.
ecall (conditionloop_h buf_offset (3 * 168 - 48) counter (256-32+1)); simplify.
auto => &m /> Hctr1 Hctr2 Hbo; split.
wp; skip => &m /> Hctr1 Hctr2 Hbo; split.
split; first smt().
split; first smt().
split; first smt().
split; first smt().
admit (* get256... *).
by rewrite pack32_sample_load_shuffle.
admit (* buf_subl0 *).
move => buf_o cond ctr pol Hcond Hbo1 Hbo2 Hctr3 Hctr4 Hok H Hterm.
admit (* *).
move=> buf_o2 cond2 ctr2 pol2 HC2 Hbo3 Hbo4 Hctr5 Hctr6 HH HHterm.
by rewrite buf_subl0 1:/# /rejection16 rejection0 cats0.
split; last smt().
by rewrite buf_subl0 1:/# /rejection16 rejection0 /#.
move => buf_o cond ctr pol Hcond Hdvd1 Hdvd2 Hbo1 Hbo2 Hbo3 Hctr3 Hctr4 _ H Hsz Hterm; split.
by rewrite take_oversize /#.
move=> buf_o2 cond2 ctr2 pol2 HC2 Hdvd3 Hbo4 Hbo5 Hctr5 Hctr6 HH.
case: (to_uint ctr2 < 256) => /= C1.
move=> C2; move: HH; have ->: to_uint buf_o2 = 504 by smt().
move => HH; rewrite andbC -andaE to_uint_eq of_uintK modz_small.
split=> *; first smt(size_ge0).
by rewrite size_take /#.
rewrite -(size_plist pol2 (to_uint ctr2)) 1:/#.
by rewrite HH size_cat size_plist 1:/#.
by move => E; move: HH; rewrite E => ->.
have E: to_uint ctr2 = 256 by smt().
rewrite to_uint_eq andbC -andaE.
have HHsz: 256 = to_uint counter{m} + min (256 - to_uint counter{m})
(size (rejection16 (buf_subl buf{m} (to_uint buf_offset{m}) (to_uint buf_o2)))).
rewrite -(size_plist pol2 256) 1:/#.
by rewrite -E HH size_cat size_plist 1:/# size_take_min /#.
rewrite size_take_min 1:/#.
rewrite of_uintK modz_small; first smt(size_ge0).
split; first smt(size_rejection16_le).
move => <-; rewrite HH; congr.
apply take_rejection16_done; first 3 smt().
by rewrite size_take_min /#.
lemma gen_matrix_buf_rejection_ll:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,6 +851,9 @@ proof.
by conseq gen_matrix_buf_rejection_ll (gen_matrix_buf_rejection_h _pol _ctr _buf _buf_offset).
abbrev coeff2u16 x = W16.of_int (Zq.asint x).
abbrev coeffL2u16L = coeff2u16.
equiv parse_one_polynomial_eq:
~ ParseFilter.sample
Expand All @@ -764,9 +872,29 @@ transitivity ParseFilter.sample3buf
+ by move=> />.
proc; simplify.
seq 4 7: ( buf_subl buf{1} 0 (2*168+200) = buf{2}
/\ stavx2bytes stavx2{1} = buf_subl buf{1} (2*168) (2*168+200)
(* squeeze 3 blocks *)
while ( to_uint counter{1}=c{2}
/\ stavx2bytes stavx2{1} = buf_subl buf{1} (2*168) (2*168+200)
/\ plist pol{1} c{2} = coeffL2u16L p{2}
ecall {1} (gen_matrix_buf_rejection_ph pol{1} counter{1} buf{1} buf_offset{1}); simplify.
auto => /> &m Hst [pol ctr] /= Hpol Hctr; split.
move=> buf c p st p'.

phoare sample_last _rho :
[ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall).__gen_matrix_sample_one_polynomial :
rho = _rho /\ rc = W16.of_int (2*256+2) ==>
Expand Down

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