All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- FIO-8631/FIO-8634: Fixes an issue where premium components show "Unknown template" on 5.x renderer
- Update renderer 5x
- FIO-8504: GH Action To Publish ngFormio Dev Tag
- Bump postcss from 8.3.0 to 8.4.31
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.14.2 to 7.23.2
- Official Release
- FIO-6493: added angularJS wrapper for formio reports
- FIO-7324: fixed build process where webpack5 throw an error because of wrong arguments
- Increment minor version.
- Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.43
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.12
- Bump webpack from 5.38.1 to 5.76.0
- Bump json-schema and jsprim
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.23 to 3.3.6
- Bump json-logic-js from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
- Bump tar from 6.1.0 to 6.1.15
- Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4
- Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.4
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade other dependencies.
- Removed unnecessary import and dependency injections.
- No changes. Upgrade dependencies.
- Changed builder error event name
- FIO-1213: Fixes an issue where a full form's schema is saved
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- 113: added compare for object equality
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- FOR-2838/2839/2843: Adds a setPathType method in Formio.js
- Upgrade [email protected]
- FJS-1344: Fixed old form schema being provided after component adding
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Ugprade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Issue where angular.merge was messing up datagrid and editgrid rows.
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Pin core-js version to 3.5.0
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- No changes.
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Error with $hashkey undefined errors.
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Upgrade [email protected]
- Using peer dependencies for formiojs.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.17-rc.2
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.17-rc.1
- Unresolved Formio error during builds.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.16
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.13
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.12
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.11
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.10
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.9
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.8
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.7
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.6
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.5
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.4
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.3
- Reverted "action url pass to directive".
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.2
- A way to pass in the action url of a form using the formio directive.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.1
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.12
- Form builder to work with change events instead of other events.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.11
- How the $scope.submission is set internally in the formio renderer.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.10
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.9
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.8
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.7
- Problems where last space of text area would get deleted.
- Infinite update issues.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.3
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.2
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-rc.1
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-beta.8
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-beta.6
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-beta.5
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-beta.4
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.9.0-beta.3
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.11
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.8
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.7
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.4
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.3
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.2
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-rc.1
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-beta.9
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-beta.8
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-beta.7
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-beta.5
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.8.0-beta.4
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.7
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.6
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.5
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.4
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.3
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.2
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.7.0
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.6.2
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.6.1
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.6.0
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.5.0
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.4.2
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.4.1
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.3.5
- Fixes issue with resetting the textfield and text areas while typing.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.3.3
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.3.2
- Fixed delete action
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.2.12
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.2.4
- Upgraded formio.js to 4.2.0-rc.7
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.1.0
- Upgrade formi.js to 4.0.11.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.0.5.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.0.2.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.0.0 branch.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Upgrade formiojs library.
- Upgraded core renderer to 3.15.x
- Upgraded core renderer to 3.13.1
- A build issue where the final dist build was getting ran through babel twice.
- Upgraded the formio.js renderer to 3.12.0
- Problem with the broadcast of events when apply is already triggered.
- Issue with the form builder to reset the form when it is set externally.
- Upgrade core renderer to corresponding version
- Upgrade core renderer
- FOR-1656: fixed submission field watchers not firing when making manual change on the form
- Upgraded dependencies and core renderer.
- Ability to pass nosubmit flag to core renderer
- Issue where submit events were getting mixed up.
- This version is a wrapper around the Core JavaScript renderer @
- Time component.
- ngFormioGrid display being broken
- View not being updated when inner submission fields are changed
- Buttons with 'event' action firing events twice
- Watchers not firing when input is changed on the form
- Submit event names being mixed up
- Change tableView default to false for layout components.
- Add tableView template for panel component.
- Issue with the iframe not setting the readonly flag properly on submissions.
- Issues with jsonLogic where the library was not shared with FormioUtils.
- Issue with a bad class within the columns component.
- Fix radio buttons validation highlighting.
- Fix select component crashing if no submission.
- Fix signature component within columns.
- Added 'disable limiting response' option for select component with url as datasource.
- Default issue with the number field.
- Fix select url interpolation inside a datagrid to have both data and row.
- Form component to allow for complex multi-form workflows.
- Dynamic next page to the wizard.
- Hook system that allows any external system to hook into the submit and nextPage handlers.
- Moved the default value checks to a common utils file to save code duplication.
- Moved calculated values into utils for code simplification.
- Upgrade ng-dialog to v1.3.0
- Upgrade bootstrap-ui-datetime-picker to v2.6.0
- Add headers to Select Urls if specified.
- Fields inside a panel inside a wizard didn't highlight properly if validation failed.
- Survey components didn't hightlight validations properly.
- Fixed issues with validation on submit
- Fixed select not searching and loading more properly.
- Changed Object.assign to lodash assign for compatibility.
- Allow interpolation of file directories for uploads.
- Select resource components use Formio provider instead of $http.get to allow offline compatibility.
- Fixed false value for checkbox.
- Add setProjectUrl and getProjectUrl options to FormioProvider.
- Allow formio wizard to be naviagle without completion using wizardFreeNavigation parameter.
- An empty array was being appended to select data values when editing fields.
- Ability to specify width, offset, push and pull on columns.
- Issue with ngDialog not getting added to module dependencies.
- File upload in wizards wasn't working.
- Removed sourcemaps from build files.
- Updated bugfix for FOR-404
- TableView rendering to all layout components
- Issue where form components inside containers, inside layout components, inside containers would not render in the submission grid.
- Issue where form components inside data grids, inside layout components, inside containers would not render in the submission grid.
- Issue with the signature component, where the size of the input field was also used for the component which would allow for its footer label to be covered by other components.
- Fixing issue where certain api responses would be stored as json strings rather than error messages
- Issue where the submit on "action" was passing the wrong object to the submit handlers.
- Issue where the select search would not reset when they clear out the search box.
- Upgrade formio.js to 2.7.3
- Changed the jsonLogic to use both row and data for logic.
- No longer use "jsonConditionals" in favor of "conditions.json" property.
- jsonLogic from conditionals since that is now handled within the formio.js library.
- FOR-404 fix, as it regressed the submission grid for 2.16.4
- Issue where the datetime meridian could become un-synchronized from the component settings format field and show different meridian settings
- Issue where the datetime meridian was not consistent between the submission grid and submission view.
- Issue where viewing a submission with a datetime component and default value didnt display on the first rendering of the edit state.
- Issue where "success" on $http is deprecated and is now using regular promise "then"
- Changed how the temp tokens are added to the pdf submission download url.
- Changed how the download token is added to the URL to keep ELB from clobbering it.
- The ability to add inline Resources with an "Add Resource" button on Resource components.
- Adding iframe support to allow for iframe rendered forms and control over those forms.
- Configurable input types for checkboxes to be either a checkbox or radio input.
- Upgrade formiojs to 2.6.0
- Upgrade ng-dialog to 1.1.0
- Fixing issue with meridian support and time selection in the datetime component
- Changed the yearRange attribute for the datetime component to yearRows and yearColumns, to reflect changes made to the angular 1 component.
- Fixed min/max validation issues with the datetime component
- Fixed an issue with the survey component and default values rendering.
- Fixed an issue with the survey component not getting submission values bound in certain view states
- Fixed merge conflict and missing comma in object properties
- The type on the button component to use ng-attr-type so that it works with IE.
- An index.html example page
- Upgraded ui-select to 0.19.8
- Datetime component won't load existing dates on submissions.
- Allow translating month part of day component.
- Could not type in datetime component until a date was selected.
- Upgraded formiojs library to 2.4.2 to fix token persistence issues.
- Fixed placeholder attributes on some fields
- Fixed angular translate functionality