- #11168 [Docs] Remove sensio.sphinx.refinclude (@Tomanhez)
- #11111 [Docs] Recommend trait usage in Plugin Development Guide (@Zales0123)
- #11147 [Plus Docs] Installation guide improvement and Administrator Roles (@CoderMaggie)
- #11169 [missing return] Update basic-usage (@DurandSacha)
- #11146 [Behat][Admin] Fix step with checking number of orders in the list (@GSadee)
- #11177 [Documentation] Sylius Plus docs part 2; including fixes to links (@CoderMaggie)
- #11181 Sylius Plus feature scope update (@dukusz)
- #11179 [Maintenance] Remove uneeded step (@lchrusciel)
- #11192 Fixtures: fix French translation of cap (@dunglas)
- #11299 Remove useless interface in custom_fixture.rst (@dunglas)
- #11304 [Docs] Require tagged plugins for Sylius Store (@Zales0123)
- #11310 Install symfony/polyfill-php80 to fix the psalm build (@Zales0123)
- #11065 user provider fix exception (@oallain)
- #11079 [Docs] Add organization section to The Book + set up Sphinx redirections (@pamil)
- #11095 [Promotion] Generating long coupons (@oallain, @GSadee)
- #11097 [Composer] Add conflicts to fix build for Symfony 3.4 (@GSadee)
- #11113 [Docs][Plus] Splitting shipments (@CoderMaggie)
- #11114 Fixed wrongly calculated order-item subtotal (@peterukena)
- #11119 [Docs] Sphinx instalation guide (@Tomanhez)
- #11130 Add documentation to deploy Sylius to SymfonyCloud (@tucksaun)
- #11137 [Docs] Improve installation steps (@lchrusciel)
- #11142 [Docs] Mention Minimum stability in plus installation (@Zales0123)
Please refer to the original security advisory for the most updated information.
This vulnerability gives the ability to switch channels via the _channel_code
GET parameter in production environments. This was meant to be enabled only when %kernel.debug%
is set to true.
However, if no sylius_channel.debug
is set explicitly in the configuration, the default value which is %kernel.debug%
will be not resolved and cast to boolean, enabling this debug feature even if that parameter is set to false.
Patch has been provided for Sylius 1.3.x and newer - 1.3.16, 1.4.12, 1.5.9, 1.6.5. Versions older than 1.3 are not covered by our security support anymore.
Unsupported versions could be patched by adding the following configuration to run in production:
debug: false
- #10296 Product show page (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10342 [Fixture] Togglable default locale loading (@lchrusciel)
- #10355 Adding a coupon generator command (@mamazu)
- #10361 Change master branch to v1.6.0-DEV (@pamil)
- #10382 [Admin][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a channel (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #10383 [Behat] Make feature filenames consistent with others (@GSadee)
- #10388 Fix product show page margins (@kulczy)
- #10391 [Admin][Product] Show page fixes (@AdamKasp)
- #10392 improved code quality (@oallain)
- #10393 [Docs] Describe available configuration options for locale fixture (@lchrusciel)
- #10396 [Admin] Avoid javascript in saving positions (@Zales0123)
- #10399 Add info into install command about need of setting the locale in symfony config ()
- #10400 Add discounts and totals in the cart (@kulczy, @bartoszpietrzak1994)
- #10406 [Fixtures] Added random generated order complete date (@AdamKasp)
- #10409 Create SECURITY.md (@gabiudrescu, @pamil)
- #10417 [Admin] Order summary UI + discounts and taxes viewing logic (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10419 Add prices and discounts to the order summary box (@kulczy)
- #10420 Change order summary table (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10429 Add admin user avatar placeholder (@kulczy)
- #10438 Keep all prices in the same currency in checkout (@pamil)
- #10441 [Inventory][Product] Move inventory to new tab (@AdamKasp)
- #10442 Add an alert about unsaved changes (@kulczy)
- #10443 Unify shipping row on the order summary table (@kulczy)
- #10444 Change dashboard view (@kulczy, @pamil)
- #10449 Administrator's avatar (@Tomanhez, @Zales0123)
- #10451 [Admin] Add possibility to configure custom index route in routing (@GSadee)
- #10453 Fix deprecation notice (@loevgaard)
- #10455 Improve admin product show page UI (@kulczy, @AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #10456 Make image uploader easier to customize (@Zales0123, @pamil)
- #10460 AvatarImage Doctrine mapping fix (@bartoszpietrzak1994)
- #10461 Fix product show page elements (@kulczy)
- #10467 Drop support for Symfony 4.1 and 4.2 (@pamil)
- #10471 Add footer with Sylius version to the admin panel (@kulczy)
- #10472 [Admin] Index of payments (@Tomanhez)
- #10477 Improve bulk actions (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10482 [Promotion] Fix Action creation doc (@pierre-H)
- #10483 [Admin]Admin choose channel in product show page (@Tomanhez)
- #10484 [Admin] Minor fixes payment shipment (@Tomanhez)
- #10485 [Promotion] Coupon prefix and suffix (@Zales0123)
- #10491 [Admin] Form validation error (@Tomanhez)
- #10497 Minor Fixes - Admin choose channel in product show page (@Tomanhez)
- #10499 [Admin] Fix css file (@GSadee)
- #10510 Add avatar preview (@kulczy)
- #10514 [Admin] In sections : edit variant and edit product add button product show page in shop (@Tomanhez)
- #10516 Fix Psalm false-positives (@pamil)
- #10518 [Admin] Unify order link in Orders, Payments, Shipments (@Tomanhez)
- #10520 [Admin] Unify payment and shipment labels (@GSadee)
- #10521 [Admin][Product] Disable show in shop button when product is disabled (@GSadee)
- #10522 Fix 'disabled' label (@kulczy)
- #10529 [Fixtures] Improve fixtures. (@AdamKasp)
- #10531 Improve filters UI (@kulczy)
- #10534 [Fixtures] Variant name now is concatenated options value. (@AdamKasp)
- #10536 [Docs] Make Plugins and Plugin Development Guide more visible (@CoderMaggie)
- #10539 [Fixtures] Add tax category to product. (@AdamKasp)
- #10541 Update README.md (@AdamKasp)
- #10542 [Fixtures] Product fixtures in yaml. (@AdamKasp)
- #10546 Improve filters (@kulczy)
- #10547 [Admin] Remove avatar (@Tomanhez)
- #10552 [Order] Change OrderItemController methods to protected (@Zales0123)
- #10555 [Admin][AdminUser] Improvements for removing an avatar (@GSadee)
- #10560 [Behat][AdminUser] Fix filename typo (@GSadee)
- #10562 Avoid js when removing product from cart (@Zales0123)
- #10570 [Fixtures] Added 'tracked' field to product fixture configuration (@AdamKasp)
- #10572 [Fixtures] Minor fixes. (@AdamKasp)
- #10576 [Fixtures] Jeans attributes names fix (@CoderMaggie)
- #10580 [Admin][Order] Change item to unit discount on summary page (@GSadee)
- #10587 Avoid BC break in ProductExampleFactory (@Zales0123)
- #10588 [AdminBundle] Payments & Shipments index pages sortable by date (@Tomanhez)
- #10594 [CoreBundle] Fixtures creating SimpleProduct, remove options from caps (@Tomanhez)
- #10595 Use {{ limit }} to allow min/max value update (@Prometee)
- #10596 [Documentation][Contribution] Improve doc contribution guide (@lchrusciel)
- #10597 [AdminBundle] Extract logo to separate twig file (@Tomanhez)
- #10606 [Admin][Payment] Not displaying payments in cart state on the list (@GSadee)
- #10614 [AdminBundle] Uncoupled AdminBundle with ShopBundle (@Tomanhez)
- #10615 [HOTFIX] [Behat] Fix tax extraction (@lchrusciel)
- #10616 [Fixture] Make order fixture more flexible (@TiMESPLiNTER, @AdamKasp)
- #10617 Provide an upgrade guide for v1.6.0 (@pamil)
- #10619 Sending email after ship shipment on grid (@AdamKasp)
- #10620 Fix bug after rebase (@AdamKasp)
- #10621 Fix email after complete payment via grid (@AdamKasp)
- #10627 Use fallback locale as default for the new administrators (@pamil)
- #10628 Fix OrderExampleFactory (@Zales0123)
- #10630 [HotFix] Proper order of arguments (@lchrusciel)
- #10631 [Core] Improved fixture example factory (@lchrusciel)
- #10636 [Admin] Proper tests for shipment mailing (@lchrusciel)
- #10639 [Admin] Fix sorting on customer orders list (@lchrusciel)
- #10640 Revert "[Admin][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a channel" (@lchrusciel)
- #10642 [Admin][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a channel (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #10695 [Admin][Product] Fix displayed stocks on product show page (@GSadee)
- #10700 [Promotion] Remove coupling to core (@lchrusciel)
- #10716 Minor fixtures fixes (@AdamKasp)
- #10733 Fix 10719 infinite order fixture loading (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #10744 [Documentation][Book] Invoices (@CoderMaggie)
- #10747 Remove flashing from the bulk button (@kulczy)
- #10760 Add JQuery Dirtyforms in UPGRADE-1.6.md (@maximehuran)
- #10784 [Docs] Installation guide update (@lchrusciel)
- #10837 Remove unused templating engine from RemoveAvatarAction (@pamil)
- #10842 [Docs] Update core team (@lchrusciel)
- #10844 Clarify BC promise for final controllers (@pamil)
- #10853 [Behat][Admin][Order] Fix scenarios for displaying promotions on 1.6 after upmerge (@GSadee)
- #10865 [Admin][Promotion] Fix the prevention of generating too many coupons (@GSadee)
- #10884 [Plugins][Docs] Plugin technical requirements changes (@Zales0123)
- #10889 [Fixtures] Update product names (@CoderMaggie)
- #10890 Fix build - remove redundant validation message part (@Zales0123)
- #11046 [Docs] Update sensio.sphinx (@Tomanhez)
- #11060 Fixed typo in services comment (@codreanulaurentiu)
- #11061 [Documentation] Backport of #11054 to 1.6 (@lchrusciel)
Exception messages from internal exceptions (like database exception) are wrapped by
and propagated through the system to UI.
Therefore, some internal system information may leak and be visible to the customer.
A validation message with the exception details will be presented to the user when one will try to log into the shop.
This release patches the reported vulnerability. The src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Resources/views/Security/_login.html.twig
file from Sylius should be overridden and {{ messages.error(last_error.message) }}
changed to {{ messages.error(last_error.messageKey) }}
- #10835 Improve deprecation message for "Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Application\Kernel" (@pamil)
- #10837 Remove unused templating engine from RemoveAvatarAction (@pamil)
- #10841 [Docs] Include link to ShopApi docs to REST API Reference (@Zales0123)
- #10842 [Docs] Update core team (@lchrusciel)
- #10844 Clarify BC promise for final controllers (@pamil)
- #10846 [Order] Include order unit promotion adjustments and order item promotion adjustments in order promotion total (@Tomanhez)
- #10849 Move ShopApi reference to main menu (@Zales0123)
- #10853 [Behat][Admin][Order] Fix scenarios for displaying promotions on 1.6 after upmerge (@GSadee)
- #10855 [Docs] Open external links in a new tab (@Zales0123)
- #10857 Change readme banner (@kulczy)
- #10865 [Admin][Promotion] Fix the prevention of generating too many coupons (@GSadee)
- #10880 [Promotion] Improve coupon generation validation message (@GSadee)
- #10881 Add docs banner (@kulczy)
- #10889 [Fixtures] Update product names (@CoderMaggie)
- #10890 Fix build - remove redundant validation message part (@Zales0123)
- #10891 Update release process docs for 1.2 (@pamil)
- #9931 [Payum] infinite loop on state machine exception fixed (@tautelis)
- #10733 Fix 10719 infinite order fixture loading (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #10734 Added: TimestampableInterface to core TaxonInterface (fixes #10728) (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #10744 [Documentation][Book] Invoices (@CoderMaggie)
- #10748 Switch statement conditions (@mikemix)
- #10750 Fix compound form errors (@loic425)
- #10752 Translate attribute type on attributes grid (@loic425)
- #10755 [Docs] Add tag that stripe is outdated and add SCA note (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #10760 Add JQuery Dirtyforms in UPGRADE-1.6.md (@maximehuran)
- #10761 Replace EntityManager#flush($entity) by EntityManager#flush() (@twojtylak)
- #10764 [Behat] Fix a typo on Paypal context (@loic425)
- #10769 Remove unsupported RBAC plugin from command and docs (@GSadee)
- #10773 Update ad url (@kulczy)
- #10776 [Behat] Remove final on product index and product variant index pages (@loic425)
- #10781 Allow no default tax zone in channel fixtures (@pamil)
- #10784 [Docs] Installation guide update (@lchrusciel)
- #10790 [ShippingMethod] Do not allow to specify shipping charge below 0 (@Zales0123)
- #10792 [Behat][Admin] Add scenarios for validating default locale for a channel (@GSadee)
- #10793 [Admin][Channel] Validating default locale for a channel (@GSadee)
- #10805 [Addressing] Make sure the CountryNameExtension::translateCountryIsoCode() always returns a string (@vvasiloi)
- #10806 [Order] include order promotion adjustments in order promotion total (@vvasiloi)
- #10819 Fixed: Typo/artifact (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #10820 Rename shop user factory to help autowiring (@loic425)
- #10821 Specify PHP version for SymfonyInsights (@pamil)
- #10823 Remove unnecessary +x chmod on some files (@pamil)
- #10824 Use SessionInterface instead of Session in UserImpersonator (@pamil)
- #10825 Fixed: Typo at grid configuration example (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #10826 Execute PHPUnit tests inside AdminApiBundle (@pamil)
- #10832 Do not merge promotion action configuration (@pamil)
- #10641 [Documentation] Fixtures customization guides - fixes (@CoderMaggie, @Zales0123)
- #10644 [Documentation] Add tip about locked adjustments (@j0r1s)
- #10645 [Docs] Fix Blackfire Ad (@Tomanhez)
- #10646 [Docs] Fix Ad (@Tomanhez)
- #10649 Update online course ad (@kulczy)
- #10652 Add Sylius 1.6 banner to the docs (@kulczy)
- #10667 Improve GUS information notification (@Zales0123)
- #10680 Fix ChannelCollector related serialization issue in Symfony profiler (@ostrolucky)
- #10695 [Admin][Product] Fix displayed stocks on product show page (@GSadee)
- #10700 [Promotion] Remove coupling to core (@lchrusciel)
- #10701 [Maintenance] Update docs with v1.6 (@lchrusciel)
- #10710 [Address book] Extensibility improvements (@cyrosy)
- #10713 [Behat] Improve dashboard page extensibility (@loic425)
- #10716 Minor fixtures fixes (@AdamKasp)
- #10727 Fix channels label size and alignment (@kulczy)
- #10732 Update course ad (@kulczy)
- #10739 [Admin][Adressing] fixed province code validation regex (@twojtylak)
- #10742 Fix the build for 1.5 and 1.6 branches (@pamil)
- #10747 Remove flashing from the bulk button (@kulczy)
- #10382 [Admin][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a channel (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #10636 [Admin] Proper tests for shipment mailing (@lchrusciel)
- #10639 [Admin] Fix sorting on customer orders list (@lchrusciel)
- #10395 [Docs] How to add your custom fixtures? (@Tomanhez)
- #10397 [Docs]How to add your custom fixture suites? (@Tomanhez)
- #10456 Make image uploader easier to customize (@Zales0123, @pamil)
- #10512 [Admin] Improve breadcrumbs (especially for ProductVariants and PromotionCoupons) (@CoderMaggie)
- #10540 Skip oauth_user_factory_is_not_overridden test if HWIOAuthBundle is not installed (@vvasiloi)
- #10547 [Admin] Remove avatar (@Tomanhez)
- #10552 [Order] Change OrderItemController methods to protected (@Zales0123)
- #10553 Flags are not languages (@vvasiloi)
- #10555 [Admin][AdminUser] Improvements for removing an avatar (@GSadee)
- #10558 Allow translation of custom labels (@Prometee)
- #10560 [Behat][AdminUser] Fix filename typo (@GSadee)
- #10562 Avoid js when removing product from cart (@Zales0123)
- #10564 [Fixture] Improve order fixture (@Zales0123)
- #10570 [Fixtures] Added 'tracked' field to product fixture configuration (@AdamKasp)
- #10571 Update custom-promotion-rule.rst (@jmwill86)
- #10572 [Fixtures] Minor fixes. (@AdamKasp)
- #10576 [Fixtures] Jeans attributes names fix (@CoderMaggie)
- #10579 Fix lazy choice tree will not automatically expanded (@tom10271)
- #10580 [Admin][Order] Change item to unit discount on summary page (@GSadee)
- #10583 Enable sorting of customer orders in admin panel (@pamil)
- #10587 Avoid BC break in ProductExampleFactory (@Zales0123)
- #10588 [AdminBundle] Payments & Shipments index pages sortable by date (@Tomanhez)
- #10589 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to integrate a Payment Gateway as a Plugin? (@lchrusciel)
- #10594 [CoreBundle] Fixtures creating SimpleProduct, remove options from caps (@Tomanhez)
- #10595 Use {{ limit }} to allow min/max value update (@Prometee)
- #10596 [Documentation][Contribution] Improve doc contribution guide (@lchrusciel)
- #10597 [AdminBundle] Extract logo to separate twig file (@Tomanhez)
- #10598 Add course ad (@kulczy)
- #10599 [Documentation] Delete additional lines to remove ShopBundle (@wpje)
- #10600 [Documentation][Minor] Removing redundant dots (@lchrusciel)
- #10601 Change course CTA (@kulczy)
- #10603 [Shop] Promotion integrity checker fix (@lchrusciel)
- #10605 [Admin][Shipment] Not displaying shipments in cart state on the list (@GSadee)
- #10606 [Admin][Payment] Not displaying payments in cart state on the list (@GSadee)
- #10608 [Docs] Fix incorrect documentation regarding payments (@dimaip)
- #10609 [Documentation][Minor] Proper comment in xml file (@lchrusciel)
- #10613 [PayumBundle] Use Payment amount in Payum gateways actions (, @Zales0123)
- #10614 [AdminBundle] Uncoupled AdminBundle with ShopBundle (@Tomanhez)
- #10615 [HOTFIX] [Behat] Fix tax extraction (@lchrusciel)
- #10616 [Fixture] Make order fixture more flexible (@TiMESPLiNTER, @AdamKasp)
- #10617 Provide an upgrade guide for v1.6.0 (@pamil)
- #10618 [Fixtures] Allow no shipping and payments in fixtures (@igormukhingmailcom, @Zales0123)
- #10619 Sending email after ship shipment on grid (@AdamKasp)
- #10620 Fix bug after rebase (@AdamKasp)
- #10621 Fix email after complete payment via grid (@AdamKasp)
- #10624 Disable chrome autocomplete (@kulczy)
- #10626 [Fixture] Do not skip payments and shipments manually (@Zales0123)
- #10627 Use fallback locale as default for the new administrators (@pamil)
- #10628 Fix OrderExampleFactory (@Zales0123)
- #10629 [Docs] Add missing items to customization guide menu (@Zales0123)
- #10630 [HotFix] Proper order of arguments (@lchrusciel)
- #10631 [Core] Improved fixture example factory (@lchrusciel)
- #10633 Add Blackfire ad (@kulczy)
- #10634 Add Blackfire logo (@kulczy)
- #10165 Product attribute fixtures improvements (@Zales0123, @pamil)
- #10401 Psalm (@loic425, @pamil)
- #10464 Do not crash when duplicated locales are passed to the fixture (@pamil)
- #10467 Drop support for Symfony 4.1 and 4.2 (@pamil)
- #10468 Remove Symfony workarounds and add conflicts (@pamil)
- #10471 Add footer with Sylius version to the admin panel (@kulczy)
- #10472 [Admin] Index of payments (@Tomanhez)
- #10473 Update docs to follow Symfony 4 standards (@pamil)
- #10477 Improve bulk actions (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10482 [Promotion] Fix Action creation doc (@pierre-H)
- #10483 [Admin]Admin choose channel in product show page (@Tomanhez)
- #10484 [Admin] Minor fixes payment shipment (@Tomanhez)
- #10485 [Promotion] Coupon prefix and suffix (@Zales0123)
- #10488 Marked router dependency as deprecated in admin ImpersonateUserController (@SebLours)
- #10489 Make it possible to have no shipping methods for Order fixtures (@TiMESPLiNTER)
- #10491 [Admin] Form validation error (@Tomanhez)
- #10492 [Admin] Minor fixes customer group validation form (@Tomanhez)
- #10494 [UI] Fix button groups radius (@kulczy)
- #10496 [UPGRADE] Mention locale requirement change in UPGRADE-1.5 (@Zales0123)
- #10497 Minor Fixes - Admin choose channel in product show page (@Tomanhez)
- #10498 Add search bar css rule for Firefox (@aloupfor)
- #10499 [Admin] Fix css file (@GSadee)
- #10508 Revert "Make it possible to have no shipping methods for Order fixtures" (@lchrusciel)
- #10509 [Admin] Add link to product in variant breadcrumb (@Tomanhez)
- #10510 Add avatar preview (@kulczy)
- #10514 [Admin] In sections : edit variant and edit product add button product show page in shop (@Tomanhez)
- #10516 Fix Psalm false-positives (@pamil)
- #10517 [Grid] Allow not to pass "apply_transition" button class (@Zales0123)
- #10518 [Admin] Unify order link in Orders, Payments, Shipments (@Tomanhez)
- #10520 [Admin] Unify payment and shipment labels (@GSadee)
- #10521 [Admin][Product] Disable show in shop button when product is disabled (@GSadee)
- #10522 Fix 'disabled' label (@kulczy)
- #10525 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #10529 [Fixtures] Improve fixtures. (@AdamKasp)
- #10531 Improve filters UI (@kulczy)
- #10534 [Fixtures] Variant name now is concatenated options value. (@AdamKasp)
- #10535 [Shop] Fix passed channel context service to be composite (@GSadee)
- #10536 [Docs] Make Plugins and Plugin Development Guide more visible (@CoderMaggie)
- #10539 [Fixtures] Add tax category to product. (@AdamKasp)
- #10541 Update README.md (@AdamKasp)
- #10542 [Fixtures] Product fixtures in yaml. (@AdamKasp)
- #10546 Improve filters (@kulczy)
- #10548 [HotFix?] Move mysql service to fix the build (@Zales0123)
- #10296 Product show page (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10342 [Fixture] Togglable default locale loading (@lchrusciel)
- #10355 Adding a coupon generator command (@mamazu)
- #10361 Change master branch to v1.6.0-DEV (@pamil)
- #10383 [Behat] Make feature filenames consistent with others (@GSadee)
- #10388 Fix product show page margins (@kulczy)
- #10391 [Admin][Product] Show page fixes (@AdamKasp)
- #10392 improved code quality (@oallain)
- #10393 [Docs] Describe available configuration options for locale fixture (@lchrusciel)
- #10396 [Admin] Avoid javascript in saving positions (@Zales0123)
- #10399 Add info into install command about need of setting the locale in symfony config (@Holicz)
- #10400 Add discounts and totals in the cart (@kulczy, @bartoszpietrzak1994)
- #10406 [Fixtures] Added random generated order complete date (@AdamKasp)
- #10409 Create SECURITY.md (@gabiudrescu, @pamil)
- #10417 [Admin] Order summary UI + discounts and taxes viewing logic (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10419 Add prices and discounts to the order summary box (@kulczy)
- #10420 Change order summary table (@kulczy, @AdamKasp)
- #10429 Add admin user avatar placeholder (@kulczy)
- #10438 Keep all prices in the same currency in checkout (@pamil)
- #10441 [Inventory][Product] Move inventory to new tab (@AdamKasp)
- #10442 Add an alert about unsaved changes (@kulczy)
- #10443 Unify shipping row on the order summary table (@kulczy)
- #10444 Change dashboard view (@kulczy, @pamil)
- #10449 Administrator's avatar (@Tomanhez, @Zales0123)
- #10451 [Admin] Add possibility to configure custom index route in routing (@GSadee)
- #10453 Fix deprecation notice (@loevgaard)
- #10455 Improve admin product show page UI (@kulczy, @AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #10460 AvatarImage Doctrine mapping fix (@bartoszpietrzak1994)
- #10461 Fix product show page elements (@kulczy)