Each stored query requires its own configuration file that contains all the necessary information needed to call and execute the stored query.
The file syntax is Json-ish and allows line comments with //
disabled = false;
id = "fmi::forecast::ecmwf::surface::coverage::temperature";
constructor_name = "wfs_coverage_query_handler_factory";
template = "coverage_countours.c2t";
expiresSeconds = 21600;
title :
eng = "Weather parameter coverage as GML-contours";
fin = "Sääparametrin peittoalue esitettynä GML-kontuureina";
abstract :
eng = "Weather parameter forecast for an area returned in GML-contours. Contours are polygons. Area can be specified as bbox parameter.";
fin = "Sääparametrin ennuste alueelle palautettuna GML-konttuureina. Haluttu alue voidaan määrittää bounding boxina (bbox). Tuloksena saatavat kontuurit ovat polygoneja."
parameters : (
name = "starttime";
title : { eng = "Begin of the time interval"; fin = "Alkuaika"; };
abstract : {
eng = "Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
fin = "Aikajakson alkuaika ISO-muodossa (esim. 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
xmlType = "dateTime";
type = "time";
name = "origintime";
title : { eng = "Analysis time"; fin = "Analyysiaika"; };
abstract : {
eng = "Analysis time specifies the time of analysis in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
fin = "Analyysiaika ISO-muodossa (esim. 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
xmlType = "dateTime";
type = "time";
name = "endtime";
title : { eng = "End of time interval"; fin = "Loppuaika"; };
abstract : {
eng = "End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
fin = "Aikajakson loppuaika ISO-muodossa (esim. 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).";
xmlType = "dateTime";
type = "time";
name = "timestep";
title : { eng = "The time step of data in minutes"; fin = "Aika-askel minuutteina"; };
abstract : {
eng = "The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. ";
fin = "Aika-askel minuutteina. Huomaa, että aika-askel lasketaan tasaminuuteille edellisestä tasatunnista tai vuorokaudesta.";
xmlType = "int";
type = "uint";
name = "timesteps";
title : { eng = "Number of timesteps"; fin = "Aika-askelten lukumäärä"; };
abstract : {
eng = "Number of timesteps in result set.";
fin = "Tulosjoukossa palautettavien aika-askelten lukumäärä.";
xmlType = "int";
type = "uint";
name = "crs";
title : { eng = "Coordinate projection to use in results"; fin = "Projektio"; };
abstract : {
eng = "Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067";
fin = "Projektiotieto. Esimerkiksi EPSG::3067";
xmlType = "xsi:string";
type = "string";
name = "bbox";
title : { eng = "Bounding box of area for which to return data."; fin = "Aluerajaus"; };
abstract : {
eng = "Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62";
fin = "Aluerajaus (lon,lat,lon,lat). Esimerkiksi 21,61,22,62";
xmlType = "xsi:string";
type = "bbox";
minOccurs = 0;
maxOccurs = 1;
name = "timezone";
title : { eng = "Time zone"; fin = "Aikavyöhyke"; };
abstract = {
eng = "Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.";
fin = "Datapisteen aika-arvon aikavyöhyke muodossa Alue/Paikka (esim. Europe/Stockholm). Oletusvyöhyke on UTC.";
xmlType = "xsi:string";
type = "string";
returnTypeNames = [ "omso:GridSeriesObservation" ];
handler_params :
hours = [];
times = [];
timeSteps = "${timesteps}";
beginTime = "${starttime: now}";
endTime = "${endtime: after 3 hours}";
timeStep = "${timestep:180}";
producer = "ecmwf_maailma_pinta";
maxDistance = 50000.0;
places = [];
latlons = [];
geoids = [];
keyword_overwritable = false;
keyword = "";
boundingBox = "${bbox:-180,-90,180,90}";
originTime = "${origintime}";
crs = "${crs:EPSG::4326}";
timeZone = "${timezone:UTC}";
contour_param :
name = "Temperature";
unit = "C";
id = 4;
limits = [1.0,9.0,9.1,16.0];
List of common attributes that can be used on the top level in the stored query configuration file.
Notice that different query handlers (defined with constructor_name
) can define their own top level attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
disabled | boolean | Do not load this stored query in use when SmartMet Server is started. The default value is false |
hidden | boolean | Exclude this stored query from the responses of ListStoredQueries and DescribeStoredQueries requests. The default is false |
demo | boolean | Stored query is used for demo purposes. The default value is "false" |
test | boolean | This attribute can be used for specifying that the query is used for testing purposes. The default value is "false" |
debugLevel | integer | This attribute specifies how much debug information is printed into the output. A bigger value means more. The default value is "0" |
id | string | The unique identifier (id) of the stored query. The identifier must match the configuration filename (without the suffix) |
constructor_name | string | The symbolic name of the object factory that is used for creating the query handler object |
title | object | The title of the stored query. The title can be expressed in several languages |
abstract | object | A more detailed description of the stored query. The description can be written in several languages |
template | string | A CTPP template used by the stored query handler |
defaultLanguage | string | The default language to be used in descriptions. Notice that this attribute is mandatory if string translations are required. The default value is "eng" |
expiresSeconds | integer | The query expiration time in seconds. The query should return a response within this time. If there are multiple stored queries in the request then the smallest value is used. The default value is "60" |
parameters | Param[] | Allow which fields and values are valid in the WFS query string. |
named_params | NamedParam[] | ??? |
returnTypeNames | string[] | An array of XML types this stored query may return |
handler_params | HandlerParam | Defines how to map the WFS request parameters and named parameters to the stored query parameters. The content depends on and is documented for each constructor_name setting separately |
Do not load this stored query in use when SmartMet Server is started. The default value is false
Exclude this stored query from the responses of ListStoredQueries and DescribeStoredQueries requests. The default is false
Stored query is used for demo purposes. The default value is false
This attribute can be used for specifying that the query is used for testing purposes. The default value is "false"
This attribute specifies how much debug information is printed into the output. A bigger value means more. The default value is 0
The unique identifier (id) of the stored query
This attribute defines what data source the SmartMet Server should use, how the data is accessed, how it is processed and how is it formatted in the response. The provided value must be external symbol name in WFS plugin, which defines entry point for stored query handlers factory. There is a protection against specifying incorrect values
Also what for each constructor_name there can be additional top level attributes and unique 'handler_params' attributes.
See details for each constructor_name
on page Configuring Query Handler for a Stored Query.
Actual information about parameters supported in handler_params section used by different constructors can be found using WFS admin request:
- /wfs/admin?request=constructors[&format=(json|html)]
Some notes about this feature:
- Default format is HTML.
- Only information about constructors, that are used in at least one stored query is available through this service
- /wfs/admin requests are not advertised to frontend and as result are available only directly from backend
Setting's name refers to things in the program's source code. It may have a meaning for C++ developers, but it is lacking when viewed as the end user creating new stored queries. Other terms used describing this setting are query handler, query handler factory, factory name, factory constructor, etc. but these cannot be used in the config files.
Select the value that produces results based on your requirements. For example, usually any query handler that is designed for loading weather observations may not be used for loading weather forecasts.
See each query handler's documentation for some help Configuring Query Handler for a Stored Query.
The WFS plugin contains the following query handler factories (eg. constructor_names)
Value | Description |
wfs_obs_handler_factory | Observation data (general, no lightning, aviation or multi-sensor) |
wfs_flash_handler_factory | Observation data: Lightning |
wfs_stored_aviation_observation_handler_factory | Observation data: Aviation |
wfs_stored_mast_handler_factory | Observation data: Multi-sensor |
wfs_forecast_handler_factory | Forecast data (general) |
wfs_stored_qe_download_handler_factory | Forecast data: download when data source is QEngine |
wfs_stored_file_handler_factory | Forecast data: download in querydata format |
wfs_stored_grid_handler_factory | Forecast data: download in grid format (grib1, grib2, NetCDF) |
wfs_winterweather_probabilities_query_handler_factory | Forecast data: for different winter weather conditions |
wfs_isoline_query_handler_factory | Forecast data: areas as GML isolines |
wfs_coverage_query_handler_factory | Forecast data: areas as GML isobars |
wfs_winterweather_coverage_query_handler_factory | Forecast data: winter weather conditions of the given geographical area returned as GML isobars |
wfs_stored_air_nuclide_handler_factory | Air radionuclide activity concentration data |
wfs_stored_geoserver_handler_factory | Geographical data downloading |
wfs_get_data_set_by_id_handler_factory | Predefined data sets |
wfs_get_feature_by_id_handler_factory | The mandatory implementation of the "GetFeatureById" stored query defined in the WFS 2.0 standard |
The title of the stored query. The title can be expressed in several languages
A more detailed description of the stored query. The description can be written in several languages
A CTPP template used by the stored query handler. Required for most constructors which uses CTPP2 library for generating output of WFS requests
Specifying different tamplate changes response output format. For example:
As result different response format is provided. Additionallty value of parameter returnTypeNames
must correspond to used template
Possible values are filenames with extension .c2t
present in directory
Available values and their description (templates provided by WFS plugin):
Value | Return type | Description |
air_radionuclide_concentration_multipointcoverage.c2t | ||
air_radionuclide_concentration_simple.c2t | ||
aviation_observations.c2t | ||
capabilities.c2t | none | Template for GetCapabilities request only |
capabilities_open.c2t | none | Template for GetCapabilities request only |
coverage_countours.c2t | ||
describe_stored_queries.c2t | Template for DescribeStoredQueries request only | |
env_monitoring_facility.c2t | ||
env_monitoring_network.c2t | ||
exception.c2t | none | Used for error responses only |
feature_type.c2t | ||
for_grid_ground.c2t | ||
ibplott_ice_array.c2t | ||
isoline_countours.c2t | ||
lightning_multipointcoverage.c2t | ||
lightning_simple.c2t | ||
list_stored_queries.c2t | ||
radar.c2t | ||
satellite.c2t | ||
stuk_weather_observations_grid.c2t | ||
weather_forecast_grid.c2t | ||
weather_forecast_multipointcoverage.c2t | ||
weather_forecast_simple.c2t | ||
weather_forecast_timevaluepair.c2t | ||
weather_observations2_grid.c2t | ||
weather_observations_grid.c2t | ||
weather_observations_mast_multipointcoverage.c2t | ||
weather_observationsqd_grid.c2t | ||
weather_observationsqd_timevaluepair.c2t | ||
weather_observations_simple.c2t | ||
weather_observations_soundings_multipointcoverage.c2t | ||
weather_observations_timevaluepair2.c2t | ||
weather_observations_timevaluepair.c2t | ||
winter_weather_countours.c2t | ||
winter_weather_general_countours.c2t | ||
winter_weather_probabilities.c2t | ||
_download_query_demo.c2t | For testing only | |
FileDownloadDemo.c2t | For testing only | |
_geoserver_query_demo.c2t | For testing only | |
hash_dump.c2t | For testing only (raw dump of CTPP2 hash for debugging purposes - internal format) | |
hash_dump_html.c2t | For testing only (raw dump of CTPP2 hash for debugging purposes - HTML format) | |
QEDownloadDemo.c2t | For testing only |
One can get actual information about actually used templates and corresponding return types using WFS internal admin request
- /wfs/admin?request=constructor
Response provides links to actually used constructors, corresponding stored queries and templates etc.
The default language to be used in descriptions. Notice that this attribute is mandatory if string translations are required. The default value is "eng"
The query expiration time in seconds. The default value is 60
The query should return a response within this time. If there are multiple stored queries in the request then the smallest value is used.
The WFS request's query string fields are defined with the parameters
attribute. It contains an array of the Param structure definitions.
Include a Param structure for every parameter (query string field) that can be given in the WFS request for a stored query. Notice that the query handlers do not usually use the WFS request parameters directly when executing a query. The WFS request parameters must be first mapped to the stored query parameters defined in handler_params.
The following table contains a list of attributes that are supported by the Param structure.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | Field in the WFS query string eg. the parameter. The name comparison is case insensitive |
title |
object | Translated, human readable names for the parameter |
abstract |
object | Translated, detailed descriptions of the parameter, including default value and/or limits. |
xmlType |
string | Namespaced data type of the parameter used when the request is in the XML format. See table below for allowed values |
type |
string | Defines how the parameter in handled by the plugin. Can be defined as an array or a single values. |
minOccurs |
unsigned integer | The minimum number of the occurrences that are required for the parameter [What occurrences and where?]. The default value is 0 |
maxOccurs |
unsigned integer | The maximum number of the occurrences that are required for the parameter [Again, what and where?]. The default value is 1 |
lowerLimit |
as specified by type | The lowest value allowed for the parameter. If the value in the request is lower than the specified value then the parameter value is rejected |
upperLimit |
as specified by type | The highest value allowed for the parameter. If the value in the request is higher than the specified value then the parameter value is rejected |
conflictsWith |
string[] |
The value of this entry is used:
- to describe the type of parameter in response to DescribeStoredQueries request
- to extract parameter value or values when reading XML format query
The latter case is a bit rare, since requests are usually done with HTTP querystrings.
From source code comments: Currently namespace specification is ignored and only the name is matched.
But also:
Parameter XML data type must be specified in mandatory configuration entry xmlType.
Fully qualified name must be specified (namespace prefix must be provided according to ones used DescribeStoredQueries CTTP2 template
Following XML namespaces correspond to namespace prefixes
Possible values for xmlType
Value | Description |
gml:doubleList |
A space separated list of of floating point values |
gml:Envelope |
gml:EnvelopeType |
gml:NameList |
A space separated list of names |
gml:integerList |
A space separated list of integer values |
gml:pos |
gml:DirectPositionType |
xsi:byte |
-128 .. 127 |
xsi:dateTime |
ISO time format |
xsi:double |
??? |
xsi:float |
??? |
xsi:int |
-2147483648 .. 2147483647 |
xsi:integer |
-9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 |
xsi:language |
A language code |
xsi:long |
-9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 |
xsi:negativeInteger |
-9223372036854775808 .. -1 |
xsi:nonNegativeInteger |
0 .. 18446744073709551615 |
xsi:nonPositiveInteger |
-9223372036854775808 .. 0 |
xsi:positiveInteger |
0 .. 18446744073709551615 |
xsi:short |
-32768 ..32767 |
xsi:string |
??? |
xsi:unsignedByte |
0 .. 255 |
xsi:unsignedInt |
0 .. 4294967295 |
xsi:unsignedInteger |
0 .. 18446744073709551615 |
xsi:unsignedLong |
0 .. 18446744073709551615 |
xsi:unsignedShort |
0 .. 65535 |
The internal definition of what kind of parameter is in use.
Possible values for type
Value | Description |
bbox |
Bounding box area |
bool |
Boolean |
double |
Double |
int |
Integer |
point |
Location as (x, y, crs) |
string |
String |
time |
Date and time related things |
uint |
Unsigned integer |
Same as previous, but as a fixed size array
Value | Description |
bbox[size] |
??? |
bool[size] |
??? |
double[size] |
??? |
int[size] |
??? |
point[size] |
??? |
string[size] |
??? |
time[size] |
??? |
uint[size] |
??? |
Same as previous, but as a variable sized array
Value | Description |
bbox[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
bool[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
double[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
int[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
point[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
string[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
time[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
uint[minsize..maxsize] |
??? |
The named_params
can be used to define items that can be used in handler_params
as default values.
In the following example Temperature, WindDirection and WindSpeedMS are defined. Should the WFS request contain no value for parameters
the default values from named_params
would be used in the handler_params
named_params = (
name = "defaultThings";
def = ["Temperature","WindDirection","WindSpeedMS"];
name = "thingsFromURL";
xmlType = "NameList";
type = "string[1..99]";
param = ["${thingsFromURL > defaultThings}"]
When parameters
attribute defines items available in WFS request and handler_params
attribute defines what is passed on to the Query Handler, the named_params
stands in between those two. The named_params
can be used in the same way in the configuration file as parameters
when mapped to the actual Query Handler in handler_params
. The named parameters are defined with the named_params
attribute which contains an array of the NamedParam structures. A typical named parameter definition contains just the name of the parameter and its value definition.
The NamedParam structure contains the following attributes:
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | The name of the parameter |
def |
scalar|scalar[] | The definition of the value of scalar parameter or of array parameter items |
min_size |
integer | The lower permitted size of the array. The default value is "0" |
max_size |
integer | The upper permitted size of the array |
allow_optional |
boolean | This attribute specifies whether the parameter is optional |
register |
boolean | This attribute specifies whether the parameter is registered as a query handler parameter that are usually defined in the HandlerParam structure). Current implementation registers it as a string parameter and it is required to map to query string parameters if such mapping is being used. No other types are currently supported. The default value is false |
Provides request return type for ListStoredQueries and DescribeStoredQueries requests. It is not used in any other way. Must correpond to used template
Usually the query handlers (defined in constructor_name) do not directly use the query string values coming in the WFS requests. The parameters from WFS request and the named parameters are mapped to the stored query parameters defined by the handler_params
attribute, which is defined as the HandlerParam structure. This structure defines all the parameters needed by the query handler in order to execute the requested query.
The main idea of the HandlerParam structure is that it can contain information that was received in the WFS request as well as some additional information. This additional information can be delivered to the query handler in the same way as the other query parameters. The parameters defined in the HandlerParam structure depends on the query handler used as different query handlers use different parameters.
The HandlerParam structure supports two basic parameter types: 1) scalar and 2) array. If the parameter type is "scalar" then the parameter has only one value. If the parameter type is "array" then the parameter value is actually an array of values. Notice that the length of this array might be zero i.e. in this case there are no values in the array. The array index starts from 0. So, the second value has index 1, the third value has index 2, and so on.
The value of a query parameter can be defined as 1) a constant value 2) a value mapped from a WFS request parameter or 3) a value mapped from a named parameter
The simplest way to define the parameters for the query handler is to use constant values. The example below demonstrates how to define query parameters with constant values.
beginValue = 100;
title = "My string title";
sum = 123.45;
myIntArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
myStringArray = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"];
myFloatArray = [1.00, 1.25, 2.00, 2.13];
It is possible to define queries which do not need any parameters delivered in the WFS request. For example, we could have a query that returns all the city names in Finland. In this kind of query we can define all required query parameters in the configuration file and no parameters need to be delivered in the request.
The query parameters can be added to the stored query request. For example, we could have a query that returns all the city names in a given country. In this case, the country name / identifier needs to be delivered as a request parameter. In practice, the request parameters are mapped to the query parameters, which are delivered to the correct query handler. The query handler uses these query parameters for executing the query.
The example below demonstrates how the WFS request parameters are mapped to the query parameters by the query handler.
myBegin = "${begin}";
myEnd = "${end:now}";
myWidth = "${width:100}";
myHeight = "${height}";
myVal = "${val[2]:222}";
myArray = "[${val[2]}, ${val [4]}, ${val[7]}]";
myDebug = "%{debug}";
The value from WFS request parameter begin
is set as the value for the query parameter myBegin
If available the value from WFS request parameter end
is mapped to the query parameter myEnd
, default value being string now
If available the value from WFS request parameter width
is mapped to the query parameter myWidth
, default value being integer100
The value from WFS request parameter height
is mapped to the query parameter myHeight
The third element (index origin = 0) of the WFS request array parameter val
is mapped to the query parameter myVal
and its default value is 222
The array elements (indexes = 2, 4, 7) in the WFS request parameter val
are mapped as values for the query parameter myArray
The value from WFS request parameter debug
is mapped to the query parameter myDebug
without the request parameter name checking.
It is also possible to define a default value for the query parameter. This value is used if the request does not contain the parameter that was used in the mapping.
When using $
character, the request parameter must be defined in the configuration file as a request parameter. If the parameter cannot be found then the situation is seen as a fatal configuration error.
Notice that the last parameter mapping uses %
character instead of $
character. This means that the name of the mapped request parameter does not need to be defined as a request parameter in the configuration file (See parameter's "attribute"). This makes it possible to use undefined parameters in the WFS request, which might be useful when the stored queries are developed or debugged.
The parameter definitions in the HandlerParam structure in the handler_params
section can also contain references to the named parameters that are defined in the NamedParam structures in the named_params
section in the configuration file.
Use character >
for referring to a named_params
named_params :
name = "defaultBoundingBox";
def = "20.0, 60.0, 30.0, 70.0, EPSG::4326";
handler_params :
myBBox = "${bbox > defaultBoundingBox}";
The value of WFS request parameter bbox
is mapped to the query parameter myBBox
If the bbox
is not defined in the WFS request the value of defaultBoundingBox
is used.