This is a simple program to test S3 high-level API using Java SDK and Python
- As Big Data grows in popularity, it becomes more important to move large data sets to and from Amazon S3. You can improve the speed of uploads by parallelizing them.
- You can break an individual file into multiple parts and upload those parts in parallel by using TransferManager High API
- The Multipart upload API enables you to upload large objects in parts. You can use this API to upload new large objects
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#java funcion
require: aws-java-sdk-core-2.43 aws-java-sdk-s3-2.43
1.upload one file of big size as a whole and download using threads 2.upload severl files as a list
#python function
require:The program makes use of the FileChunkIO module, so pip install FileChunkIO if it isn’t already installed
upload one file of big size as a whole and download using threads