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Reassortment analysis on H5N1 strains from the US, including the strains from the March-April 2024 outbreak in dairy cattle

This analysis uses TreeSort:

File structure

  • treesort-analysis.log: a TreeSort-generated reassortment report.
  • HA.annotated.treesort.d2.5.tre: HA phylogenetic tree with reassortment annotations on branches (the rea tag on the branches can be used to visualize reassortment events in FigTree).
  • requirements.txt: a list of Python packages required for this analysis. You can install all by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • EPI_ids.txt: lists the GISAID EPI identifiers for the seqeuences used in this analysis.
  • a Python script that can be used for processing a combined file of GISAID and cattle-outbreak sequences published in this work, to align, trim, and infer phylogenetic trees for each segment.
  • descriptor_H5N1_2344b_HA.csv: a TreeSort descriptor file that provides paths to trees and alignments.
  • a script that runs IQ-Tree (iqtree should be installed and be callable as iqtree) and reverts the changes that IQ-Tree performs on taxa names (e.g., '|' -> '_').
  • a script that uses TreeTime to root a given tree based on the molecular clock constraints.

Step-by-step reassortment analysis:

  1. Combine the GISAID sequences (Epi IDs can be found in EPI_ids.txt) with the IRMA sequences from this analysis in a joint file called 'GISAID_NVSL_combined.fasta'

  2. Run python This will align, standardize, trim to cds, and build trees for each gene segment.

  3. Root the HA tree by running python HA.iqtree.tre

  4. mv HA.iqtree.rooted.tre

  5. Install TreeSort from

  6. Run treesort -i descriptor_H5N1_HA.csv -o HA.annotated.treesort.d2.5.tre --dev 2.5. TreeSort will identify reassortment events along the HA tree and will give a segment-by-segment report. The tree with reassortment annotations will be saved in HA.annotated.treesort.d2.5.tre. The TreeSort report and the annotated tree from this analysis are saved as treesort-analysis.log and HA.annotated.treesort.d2.5.tre respectively.