diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ef6d8e3..4fd5332 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Add this dependency to your project's POM:
- 1.1.0
+ 2.0.0
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
-compile "com.fireblocks.sdk:fireblocks-sdk:1.1.0"
+compile "com.fireblocks.sdk:fireblocks-sdk:2.0.0"
### Others
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
-- `target/fireblocks-sdk-1.1.0.jar`
+- `target/fireblocks-sdk-2.0.0.jar`
- `target/lib/*.jar`
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.fireblocks.io/v1*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-*ApiUserApi* | [**createApiUser**](docs/ApiUserApi.md#createApiUser) | **POST** /management/api_users | create api user
-*ApiUserApi* | [**getApiUsers**](docs/ApiUserApi.md#getApiUsers) | **GET** /management/api_users | get api users
+*ApiUserApi* | [**createApiUser**](docs/ApiUserApi.md#createApiUser) | **POST** /management/api_users | Create Api user
+*ApiUserApi* | [**getApiUsers**](docs/ApiUserApi.md#getApiUsers) | **GET** /management/api_users | Get Api users
*AssetsApi* | [**createAssetsBulk**](docs/AssetsApi.md#createAssetsBulk) | **POST** /vault/assets/bulk | Bulk creation of wallets
*AuditLogsApi* | [**getAuditLogs**](docs/AuditLogsApi.md#getAuditLogs) | **GET** /management/audit_logs | Get audit logs
*AuditLogsApi* | [**getAudits**](docs/AuditLogsApi.md#getAudits) | **GET** /audits | Get audit logs
@@ -157,8 +157,18 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ComplianceApi* | [**updateTravelRuleConfig**](docs/ComplianceApi.md#updateTravelRuleConfig) | **PUT** /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration | Update Travel Rule Configuration
*ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi* | [**getAmlScreeningConfiguration**](docs/ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi.md#getAmlScreeningConfiguration) | **GET** /screening/aml/policy_configuration | Get AML Screening Policy Configuration
*ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi* | [**getScreeningConfiguration**](docs/ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi.md#getScreeningConfiguration) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration | Get Travel Rule Screening Policy Configuration
-*ConsoleUserApi* | [**createConsoleUser**](docs/ConsoleUserApi.md#createConsoleUser) | **POST** /management/users | create console user
-*ConsoleUserApi* | [**getConsoleUsers**](docs/ConsoleUserApi.md#getConsoleUsers) | **GET** /management/users | get console users
+*ConsoleUserApi* | [**createConsoleUser**](docs/ConsoleUserApi.md#createConsoleUser) | **POST** /management/users | Create console user
+*ConsoleUserApi* | [**getConsoleUsers**](docs/ConsoleUserApi.md#getConsoleUsers) | **GET** /management/users | Get console users
+*ContractInteractionsApi* | [**getDeployedContractAbi**](docs/ContractInteractionsApi.md#getDeployedContractAbi) | **GET** /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions | Return deployed contract's ABI
+*ContractInteractionsApi* | [**readCallFunction**](docs/ContractInteractionsApi.md#readCallFunction) | **POST** /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/read | Call a read function on a deployed contract
+*ContractInteractionsApi* | [**writeCallFunction**](docs/ContractInteractionsApi.md#writeCallFunction) | **POST** /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/write | Call a write function on a deployed contract
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**deleteContractTemplateById**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#deleteContractTemplateById) | **DELETE** /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} | Delete a contract template by id
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**deployContract**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#deployContract) | **POST** /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/deploy | Deploy contract
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**getConstructorByContractTemplateId**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#getConstructorByContractTemplateId) | **GET** /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/constructor | Return contract template's constructor
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**getContractTemplateById**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#getContractTemplateById) | **GET** /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} | Return contract template by id
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**getContractTemplates**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#getContractTemplates) | **GET** /tokenization/templates | List all contract templates
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId) | **GET** /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/function | Return contract template's function
+*ContractTemplatesApi* | [**uploadContractTemplate**](docs/ContractTemplatesApi.md#uploadContractTemplate) | **POST** /tokenization/templates | Upload contract template
*ContractsApi* | [**addContractAsset**](docs/ContractsApi.md#addContractAsset) | **POST** /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} | Add an asset to a contract
*ContractsApi* | [**createContract**](docs/ContractsApi.md#createContract) | **POST** /contracts | Create a contract
*ContractsApi* | [**deleteContract**](docs/ContractsApi.md#deleteContract) | **DELETE** /contracts/{contractId} | Delete a contract
@@ -171,6 +181,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*CosignersBetaApi* | [**getCosigner**](docs/CosignersBetaApi.md#getCosigner) | **GET** /cosigners/{cosignerId} | Get cosigner
*CosignersBetaApi* | [**getCosigners**](docs/CosignersBetaApi.md#getCosigners) | **GET** /cosigners | Get all cosigners
*CosignersBetaApi* | [**renameCosigner**](docs/CosignersBetaApi.md#renameCosigner) | **PATCH** /cosigners/{cosignerId} | Rename cosigner
+*DeployedContractsApi* | [**getDeployedContractByAddress**](docs/DeployedContractsApi.md#getDeployedContractByAddress) | **GET** /tokenization/contracts/{assetId}/{contractAddress} | Return deployed contract data
+*DeployedContractsApi* | [**getDeployedContractById**](docs/DeployedContractsApi.md#getDeployedContractById) | **GET** /tokenization/contracts/{id} | Return deployed contract data by id
+*DeployedContractsApi* | [**getDeployedContracts**](docs/DeployedContractsApi.md#getDeployedContracts) | **GET** /tokenization/contracts | List deployed contracts data
*ExchangeAccountsApi* | [**convertAssets**](docs/ExchangeAccountsApi.md#convertAssets) | **POST** /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/convert | Convert exchange account funds from the source asset to the destination asset.
*ExchangeAccountsApi* | [**getExchangeAccount**](docs/ExchangeAccountsApi.md#getExchangeAccount) | **GET** /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId} | Find a specific exchange account
*ExchangeAccountsApi* | [**getExchangeAccountAsset**](docs/ExchangeAccountsApi.md#getExchangeAccountAsset) | **GET** /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/{assetId} | Find an asset for an exchange account
@@ -215,6 +228,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**getNetworkConnections**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#getNetworkConnections) | **GET** /network_connections | List network connections
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**getNetworkId**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#getNetworkId) | **GET** /network_ids/{networkId} | Returns specific network ID.
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**getNetworkIds**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#getNetworkIds) | **GET** /network_ids | Returns all network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
+*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups) | **GET** /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups | Returns all enabled routing policy asset groups
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**setNetworkIdDiscoverability**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#setNetworkIdDiscoverability) | **PATCH** /network_ids/{networkId}/set_discoverability | Update network ID's discoverability.
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**setNetworkIdName**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#setNetworkIdName) | **PATCH** /network_ids/{networkId}/set_name | Update network ID's name.
*NetworkConnectionsApi* | [**setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy**](docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md#setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy) | **PATCH** /network_ids/{networkId}/set_routing_policy | Update network id routing policy.
@@ -244,7 +258,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*PolicyEditorBetaApi* | [**publishDraft**](docs/PolicyEditorBetaApi.md#publishDraft) | **POST** /tap/draft | Send publish request for a certain draft id
*PolicyEditorBetaApi* | [**publishPolicyRules**](docs/PolicyEditorBetaApi.md#publishPolicyRules) | **POST** /tap/publish | Send publish request for a set of policy rules
*PolicyEditorBetaApi* | [**updateDraft**](docs/PolicyEditorBetaApi.md#updateDraft) | **PUT** /tap/draft | Update the draft with a new set of rules
-*ResetDeviceApi* | [**resetDevice**](docs/ResetDeviceApi.md#resetDevice) | **POST** /management/users/{id}/reset_device | resets device
+*ResetDeviceApi* | [**resetDevice**](docs/ResetDeviceApi.md#resetDevice) | **POST** /management/users/{id}/reset_device | Resets device
*SmartTransferApi* | [**cancelTicket**](docs/SmartTransferApi.md#cancelTicket) | **PUT** /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/cancel | Cancel Ticket
*SmartTransferApi* | [**createTicket**](docs/SmartTransferApi.md#createTicket) | **POST** /smart-transfers | Create Ticket
*SmartTransferApi* | [**createTicketTerm**](docs/SmartTransferApi.md#createTicketTerm) | **POST** /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms | Create leg (term)
@@ -270,6 +284,11 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*StakingBetaApi* | [**getProviders**](docs/StakingBetaApi.md#getProviders) | **GET** /staking/providers |
*StakingBetaApi* | [**getSummary**](docs/StakingBetaApi.md#getSummary) | **GET** /staking/positions/summary |
*StakingBetaApi* | [**getSummaryByVault**](docs/StakingBetaApi.md#getSummaryByVault) | **GET** /staking/positions/summary/vaults |
+*TokenizationApi* | [**getLinkedToken**](docs/TokenizationApi.md#getLinkedToken) | **GET** /tokenization/tokens/{id} | Return a linked token
+*TokenizationApi* | [**getLinkedTokens**](docs/TokenizationApi.md#getLinkedTokens) | **GET** /tokenization/tokens | List all linked tokens
+*TokenizationApi* | [**issueNewToken**](docs/TokenizationApi.md#issueNewToken) | **POST** /tokenization/tokens | Issue a new token
+*TokenizationApi* | [**link**](docs/TokenizationApi.md#link) | **POST** /tokenization/tokens/link | Link a token
+*TokenizationApi* | [**unlink**](docs/TokenizationApi.md#unlink) | **DELETE** /tokenization/tokens/{id} | Unlink a token
*TransactionsApi* | [**cancelTransaction**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#cancelTransaction) | **POST** /transactions/{txId}/cancel | Cancel a transaction
*TransactionsApi* | [**createTransaction**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#createTransaction) | **POST** /transactions | Create a new transaction
*TransactionsApi* | [**dropTransaction**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#dropTransaction) | **POST** /transactions/{txId}/drop | Drop ETH transaction by ID
@@ -325,13 +344,14 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*Web3ConnectionsApi* | [**submit**](docs/Web3ConnectionsApi.md#submit) | **PUT** /connections/wc/{id} | Respond to a pending Web3 connection request.
*WebhooksApi* | [**resendTransactionWebhooks**](docs/WebhooksApi.md#resendTransactionWebhooks) | **POST** /webhooks/resend/{txId} | Resend failed webhooks for a transaction by ID
*WebhooksApi* | [**resendWebhooks**](docs/WebhooksApi.md#resendWebhooks) | **POST** /webhooks/resend | Resend failed webhooks
-*WhitelistIpAddressesApi* | [**getWhitelistIpAddresses**](docs/WhitelistIpAddressesApi.md#getWhitelistIpAddresses) | **GET** /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses | gets ip addresses
+*WhitelistIpAddressesApi* | [**getWhitelistIpAddresses**](docs/WhitelistIpAddressesApi.md#getWhitelistIpAddresses) | **GET** /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses | Gets whitelisted ip addresses
*WorkspaceStatusBetaApi* | [**getWorkspaceStatus**](docs/WorkspaceStatusBetaApi.md#getWorkspaceStatus) | **GET** /management/workspace_status | Returns current workspace status
## Documentation for Models
- [APIUser](docs/APIUser.md)
+ - [AbiFunction](docs/AbiFunction.md)
- [Account](docs/Account.md)
- [AccountType](docs/AccountType.md)
- [AddAssetToExternalWalletRequest](docs/AddAssetToExternalWalletRequest.md)
@@ -351,10 +371,14 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [AmountInfo](docs/AmountInfo.md)
- [ApiKey](docs/ApiKey.md)
- [ApiKeysPaginatedResponse](docs/ApiKeysPaginatedResponse.md)
+ - [AssetAlreadyExistHttpError](docs/AssetAlreadyExistHttpError.md)
- [AssetAmount](docs/AssetAmount.md)
- [AssetBadRequestErrorResponse](docs/AssetBadRequestErrorResponse.md)
- [AssetConflictErrorResponse](docs/AssetConflictErrorResponse.md)
+ - [AssetDoesNotExistHttpError](docs/AssetDoesNotExistHttpError.md)
+ - [AssetForbiddenErrorResponse](docs/AssetForbiddenErrorResponse.md)
- [AssetInternalServerErrorResponse](docs/AssetInternalServerErrorResponse.md)
+ - [AssetMetadataDto](docs/AssetMetadataDto.md)
- [AssetNotFoundErrorResponse](docs/AssetNotFoundErrorResponse.md)
- [AssetResponse](docs/AssetResponse.md)
- [AssetResponseMetadata](docs/AssetResponseMetadata.md)
@@ -362,11 +386,13 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [AssetTypeResponse](docs/AssetTypeResponse.md)
- [AssetWallet](docs/AssetWallet.md)
- [AuditLogData](docs/AuditLogData.md)
+ - [AuditorData](docs/AuditorData.md)
- [AuthorizationGroups](docs/AuthorizationGroups.md)
- [AuthorizationInfo](docs/AuthorizationInfo.md)
- [BlockInfo](docs/BlockInfo.md)
- [CancelTransactionResponse](docs/CancelTransactionResponse.md)
- [ChainInfoResponseDto](docs/ChainInfoResponseDto.md)
+ - [CollectionMetadataDto](docs/CollectionMetadataDto.md)
- [CollectionOwnershipResponse](docs/CollectionOwnershipResponse.md)
- [ComplianceResult](docs/ComplianceResult.md)
- [ComplianceScreeningResult](docs/ComplianceScreeningResult.md)
@@ -378,6 +404,14 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [ConfigOperationStatus](docs/ConfigOperationStatus.md)
- [ConfigTransferOperationSnapshot](docs/ConfigTransferOperationSnapshot.md)
- [ConsoleUser](docs/ConsoleUser.md)
+ - [ContractAbiResponseDto](docs/ContractAbiResponseDto.md)
+ - [ContractAttributes](docs/ContractAttributes.md)
+ - [ContractDeployRequest](docs/ContractDeployRequest.md)
+ - [ContractDeployResponse](docs/ContractDeployResponse.md)
+ - [ContractDoc](docs/ContractDoc.md)
+ - [ContractMetadataDto](docs/ContractMetadataDto.md)
+ - [ContractTemplateDto](docs/ContractTemplateDto.md)
+ - [ContractUploadRequest](docs/ContractUploadRequest.md)
- [ConversionConfigOperation](docs/ConversionConfigOperation.md)
- [ConversionOperationConfigParams](docs/ConversionOperationConfigParams.md)
- [ConversionOperationExecution](docs/ConversionOperationExecution.md)
@@ -411,10 +445,12 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [CreateNcwConnectionRequest](docs/CreateNcwConnectionRequest.md)
- [CreateNetworkIdRequest](docs/CreateNetworkIdRequest.md)
- [CreatePayoutRequest](docs/CreatePayoutRequest.md)
- - [CreateRequest](docs/CreateRequest.md)
+ - [CreateTokenRequestDto](docs/CreateTokenRequestDto.md)
+ - [CreateTokenRequestDtoCreateParams](docs/CreateTokenRequestDtoCreateParams.md)
- [CreateTransactionResponse](docs/CreateTransactionResponse.md)
- [CreateTransferConfigOperationRequest](docs/CreateTransferConfigOperationRequest.md)
- [CreateUserGroupResponse](docs/CreateUserGroupResponse.md)
+ - [CreateVaultAccountConnectionRequest](docs/CreateVaultAccountConnectionRequest.md)
- [CreateVaultAccountRequest](docs/CreateVaultAccountRequest.md)
- [CreateVaultAssetResponse](docs/CreateVaultAssetResponse.md)
- [CreateWalletRequest](docs/CreateWalletRequest.md)
@@ -423,6 +459,10 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [DefaultNetworkRoutingDest](docs/DefaultNetworkRoutingDest.md)
- [DelegationDto](docs/DelegationDto.md)
- [DelegationSummaryDto](docs/DelegationSummaryDto.md)
+ - [DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse](docs/DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse.md)
+ - [DeleteNetworkIdResponse](docs/DeleteNetworkIdResponse.md)
+ - [DeployedContractResponseDto](docs/DeployedContractResponseDto.md)
+ - [DeployedContractsPaginatedResponse](docs/DeployedContractsPaginatedResponse.md)
- [DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse](docs/DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse.md)
- [Destination](docs/Destination.md)
- [DestinationTransferPeerPath](docs/DestinationTransferPeerPath.md)
@@ -448,6 +488,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [DraftReviewAndValidationResponse](docs/DraftReviewAndValidationResponse.md)
- [DropTransactionRequest](docs/DropTransactionRequest.md)
- [DropTransactionResponse](docs/DropTransactionResponse.md)
+ - [EVMTokenCreateParamsDto](docs/EVMTokenCreateParamsDto.md)
- [EditGasStationConfigurationResponse](docs/EditGasStationConfigurationResponse.md)
- [ErrorResponse](docs/ErrorResponse.md)
- [ErrorResponseError](docs/ErrorResponseError.md)
@@ -474,6 +515,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [FiatAccountType](docs/FiatAccountType.md)
- [FiatAsset](docs/FiatAsset.md)
- [FreezeTransactionResponse](docs/FreezeTransactionResponse.md)
+ - [FunctionDoc](docs/FunctionDoc.md)
- [Funds](docs/Funds.md)
- [GasStationConfiguration](docs/GasStationConfiguration.md)
- [GasStationConfigurationResponse](docs/GasStationConfigurationResponse.md)
@@ -485,17 +527,22 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [GetConsoleUsersResponse](docs/GetConsoleUsersResponse.md)
- [GetFilterParameter](docs/GetFilterParameter.md)
- [GetMaxSpendableAmountResponse](docs/GetMaxSpendableAmountResponse.md)
- - [GetOtaStatus200Response](docs/GetOtaStatus200Response.md)
- - [GetOwnershipTokens200Response](docs/GetOwnershipTokens200Response.md)
+ - [GetNFTsResponse](docs/GetNFTsResponse.md)
+ - [GetOtaStatusResponse](docs/GetOtaStatusResponse.md)
+ - [GetOwnershipTokensResponse](docs/GetOwnershipTokensResponse.md)
- [GetTransactionOperation](docs/GetTransactionOperation.md)
- [GetWhitelistIpAddressesResponse](docs/GetWhitelistIpAddressesResponse.md)
- - [GetWorkspaceStatus200Response](docs/GetWorkspaceStatus200Response.md)
+ - [GetWorkspaceStatusResponse](docs/GetWorkspaceStatusResponse.md)
+ - [HttpContractDoesNotExistError](docs/HttpContractDoesNotExistError.md)
- [InstructionAmount](docs/InstructionAmount.md)
- [InternalTransferResponse](docs/InternalTransferResponse.md)
- [Job](docs/Job.md)
- [JobCreated](docs/JobCreated.md)
- - [ListOwnedCollections200Response](docs/ListOwnedCollections200Response.md)
- - [ListOwnedTokens200Response](docs/ListOwnedTokens200Response.md)
+ - [LeanAbiFunction](docs/LeanAbiFunction.md)
+ - [LeanContractDto](docs/LeanContractDto.md)
+ - [LeanDeployedContractResponseDto](docs/LeanDeployedContractResponseDto.md)
+ - [ListOwnedCollectionsResponse](docs/ListOwnedCollectionsResponse.md)
+ - [ListOwnedTokensResponse](docs/ListOwnedTokensResponse.md)
- [MediaEntityResponse](docs/MediaEntityResponse.md)
- [NetworkChannel](docs/NetworkChannel.md)
- [NetworkConnection](docs/NetworkConnection.md)
@@ -508,6 +555,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [NetworkIdRoutingPolicyValue](docs/NetworkIdRoutingPolicyValue.md)
- [NetworkRecord](docs/NetworkRecord.md)
- [NoneNetworkRoutingDest](docs/NoneNetworkRoutingDest.md)
+ - [NotFoundException](docs/NotFoundException.md)
- [OneTimeAddress](docs/OneTimeAddress.md)
- [OneTimeAddressAccount](docs/OneTimeAddressAccount.md)
- [OperationExecutionFailure](docs/OperationExecutionFailure.md)
@@ -516,6 +564,8 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [PaginatedAssetWalletResponse](docs/PaginatedAssetWalletResponse.md)
- [PaginatedAssetWalletResponsePaging](docs/PaginatedAssetWalletResponsePaging.md)
- [Paging](docs/Paging.md)
+ - [Parameter](docs/Parameter.md)
+ - [ParameterWithValue](docs/ParameterWithValue.md)
- [PayeeAccount](docs/PayeeAccount.md)
- [PayeeAccountResponse](docs/PayeeAccountResponse.md)
- [PayeeAccountType](docs/PayeeAccountType.md)
@@ -556,6 +606,8 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [PublicKeyInformation](docs/PublicKeyInformation.md)
- [PublishDraftRequest](docs/PublishDraftRequest.md)
- [PublishResult](docs/PublishResult.md)
+ - [ReadAbiFunction](docs/ReadAbiFunction.md)
+ - [ReadCallFunctionDto](docs/ReadCallFunctionDto.md)
- [RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse](docs/RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse.md)
- [RegisterNewAssetRequest](docs/RegisterNewAssetRequest.md)
- [RelatedTransactionDto](docs/RelatedTransactionDto.md)
@@ -595,8 +647,8 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [SetOtaStatusRequest](docs/SetOtaStatusRequest.md)
- [SetOtaStatusResponse](docs/SetOtaStatusResponse.md)
- [SetOtaStatusResponseOneOf](docs/SetOtaStatusResponseOneOf.md)
- - [SetRoutingPolicy200Response](docs/SetRoutingPolicy200Response.md)
- [SetRoutingPolicyRequest](docs/SetRoutingPolicyRequest.md)
+ - [SetRoutingPolicyResponse](docs/SetRoutingPolicyResponse.md)
- [SettlementRequestBody](docs/SettlementRequestBody.md)
- [SettlementResponse](docs/SettlementResponse.md)
- [SignedMessage](docs/SignedMessage.md)
@@ -628,16 +680,23 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [SrcOrDestAttributesInner](docs/SrcOrDestAttributesInner.md)
- [StakeRequestDto](docs/StakeRequestDto.md)
- [StakeResponseDto](docs/StakeResponseDto.md)
+ - [StellarRippleCreateParamsDto](docs/StellarRippleCreateParamsDto.md)
- [SystemMessageInfo](docs/SystemMessageInfo.md)
- [Task](docs/Task.md)
+ - [TemplatesPaginatedResponse](docs/TemplatesPaginatedResponse.md)
- [ThirdPartyRouting](docs/ThirdPartyRouting.md)
- [ToCollateralTransaction](docs/ToCollateralTransaction.md)
- [ToExchangeTransaction](docs/ToExchangeTransaction.md)
- [TokenCollectionResponse](docs/TokenCollectionResponse.md)
+ - [TokenLinkDto](docs/TokenLinkDto.md)
+ - [TokenLinkDtoTokenMetadata](docs/TokenLinkDtoTokenMetadata.md)
+ - [TokenLinkExistsHttpError](docs/TokenLinkExistsHttpError.md)
+ - [TokenLinkRequestDto](docs/TokenLinkRequestDto.md)
- [TokenOwnershipResponse](docs/TokenOwnershipResponse.md)
- [TokenOwnershipSpamUpdatePayload](docs/TokenOwnershipSpamUpdatePayload.md)
- [TokenOwnershipStatusUpdatePayload](docs/TokenOwnershipStatusUpdatePayload.md)
- [TokenResponse](docs/TokenResponse.md)
+ - [TokensPaginatedResponse](docs/TokensPaginatedResponse.md)
- [TradingAccountType](docs/TradingAccountType.md)
- [Transaction](docs/Transaction.md)
- [TransactionFee](docs/TransactionFee.md)
@@ -706,12 +765,16 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [VaultActionStatus](docs/VaultActionStatus.md)
- [VaultAsset](docs/VaultAsset.md)
- [VaultWalletAddress](docs/VaultWalletAddress.md)
+ - [VendorDto](docs/VendorDto.md)
- [WalletAsset](docs/WalletAsset.md)
- [WalletAssetAdditionalInfo](docs/WalletAssetAdditionalInfo.md)
- [WithdrawRequestDto](docs/WithdrawRequestDto.md)
- [WorkflowConfigStatus](docs/WorkflowConfigStatus.md)
- [WorkflowConfigurationId](docs/WorkflowConfigurationId.md)
- [WorkflowExecutionOperation](docs/WorkflowExecutionOperation.md)
+ - [WriteAbiFunction](docs/WriteAbiFunction.md)
+ - [WriteCallFunctionDto](docs/WriteCallFunctionDto.md)
+ - [WriteCallFunctionResponseDto](docs/WriteCallFunctionResponseDto.md)
## Author
diff --git a/api/openapi.yaml b/api/openapi.yaml
index 9240b8a..0af58e2 100644
--- a/api/openapi.yaml
+++ b/api/openapi.yaml
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/VaultAccount'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetVaultAccountsResponse'
description: A list of vault accounts
@@ -1117,9 +1115,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/VaultWalletAddress'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetVaultAccountAssetAddressesResponse'
description: A list of deposit addresses
@@ -1448,7 +1444,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/updateVaultAccountAssetAddress_request'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateVaultAccountAssetAddressRequest'
required: false
@@ -1540,7 +1536,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/setCustomerRefIdForAddress_request'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetCustomerRefIdForAddressRequest'
required: true
@@ -1690,9 +1686,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnspentInputsResponse'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetUnspentInputsResponse'
description: List of Unspent information per input
@@ -1719,11 +1713,12 @@ paths:
\ assetId);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.vaults.getUnspentInputs(vaultsApiGetUnspentInputsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.vaults.getUnspentInputs(vaultsApiGetUnspentInputsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.vaults().getUnspentInputs(vaultAccountId,\
- \ assetId);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture>> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.vaults().getUnspentInputs(vaultAccountId, assetId);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -1902,9 +1897,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/VaultAsset'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetVaultAssetsResponse'
description: Amount by asset
@@ -1932,10 +1925,11 @@ paths:
\ accountNameSuffix);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.vaults.getVaultAssets(vaultsApiGetVaultAssetsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.vaults.getVaultAssets(vaultsApiGetVaultAssetsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.vaults().getVaultAssets(accountNamePrefix,\
+ code: "CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.vaults().getVaultAssets(accountNamePrefix,\
\ accountNameSuffix);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -2100,9 +2094,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExchangeAccount'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetExchangeAccountsResponse'
description: An ExchangeAccount object
@@ -2164,9 +2156,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExchangeAccountsPaged'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetPagedExchangeAccountsResponse'
description: An ExchangeAccount object
@@ -2192,11 +2182,13 @@ paths:
code: exchangeAccounts = fireblocks.get_exchange_accounts_paged()
name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.exchangeAccounts.getPagedExchangeAccounts(exchangeAccountsApiGetPagedExchangeAccountsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.exchangeAccounts.getPagedExchangeAccounts(exchangeAccountsApiGetPagedExchangeAccountsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.exchangeAccounts().getPagedExchangeAccounts(limit,\
- \ before, after);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture>> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.exchangeAccounts().getPagedExchangeAccounts(limit, before,\
+ \ after);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -2452,9 +2444,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/FiatAccount'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetFiatAccountsResponse'
description: A fiat account object
@@ -2480,10 +2470,11 @@ paths:
code: const transactions = await fireblocks.getFiatAccounts();
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.fiatAccounts.getFiatAccounts();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.fiatAccounts.getFiatAccounts();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.fiatAccounts().getFiatAccounts();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.fiatAccounts().getFiatAccounts();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -2704,9 +2695,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/NetworkConnectionResponse'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetNetworkConnectionsResponse'
description: A list of network connections
@@ -2732,10 +2721,12 @@ paths:
code: const networkConnections = await fireblocks.getNetworkConnections();
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkConnections();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkConnections();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().getNetworkConnections();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response
+ = fireblocks.networkConnections().getNetworkConnections();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -2756,7 +2747,7 @@ paths:
- Network Connection Crypto → **Default**
- Network Connection FIAT → **Default**
- Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/enabled_routing_policy_asset_groups`
+ Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups`
- **Note**: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (`dstId` = `0`, `dstType` = `VAULT`).
operationId: createNetworkConnection
@@ -2831,7 +2822,7 @@ paths:
- Network Connection Crypto → **Default**
- Network Connection FIAT → **Default**
- Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/enabled_routing_policy_asset_groups`
+ Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups`
- **Note**: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (`dstId` = `0`, `dstType` = `VAULT`).
operationId: setRoutingPolicy
@@ -2854,7 +2845,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/setRoutingPolicy_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetRoutingPolicyResponse'
description: Network ID
@@ -2874,11 +2865,12 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.networkConnections.setRoutingPolicy(networkConnectionsApiSetRoutingPolicyRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.setRoutingPolicy(networkConnectionsApiSetRoutingPolicyRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().setRoutingPolicy(connectionId,\
- \ setRoutingPolicyRequest);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections().setRoutingPolicy(connectionId, setRoutingPolicyRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -2974,7 +2966,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/setRoutingPolicy_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse'
description: Network ID
@@ -2994,10 +2986,12 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkConnection(networkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkConnectionRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkConnection(networkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkConnectionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().deleteNetworkConnection(connectionId);
+ code: CompletableFuture> response
+ = fireblocks.networkConnections().deleteNetworkConnection(connectionId);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -3094,10 +3088,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- allOf:
- - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NetworkIdResponse'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetNetworkIdsResponse'
description: A list of network IDs
@@ -3117,10 +3108,11 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkIds();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkIds();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().getNetworkIds();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().getNetworkIds();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -3141,7 +3133,7 @@ paths:
- Network Connection Crypto → **Default**
- Network Connection FIAT → **Default**
- Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/enabled_routing_policy_asset_groups`
+ Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups`
- **Note**: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (`dstId` = `0`, `dstType` = `VAULT`).
operationId: createNetworkId
@@ -3196,19 +3188,19 @@ paths:
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /enabled_routing_policy_asset_groups:
+ /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups:
description: |
Retrieves a list of all enabled routing policy asset groups.
Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed.
You can use one or more enabled routing policy asset groups to describe connection or network id routing policy.
- operationId: getEnabledRoutingPolicyAssetGroups
+ operationId: getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetEnabledRoutingPolicyAssetGroupsResponse'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetRoutingPolicyAssetGroupsResponse'
description: A list of enabled routing policy asset groups
@@ -3225,7 +3217,15 @@ paths:
summary: Returns all enabled routing policy asset groups
- Network connections
- x-internal: true
+ x-readme:
+ code-samples:
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups();"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups();
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -3262,7 +3262,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/setRoutingPolicy_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeleteNetworkIdResponse'
description: Network ID
@@ -3279,10 +3279,12 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkId(networkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkIdRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkId(networkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.networkConnections().deleteNetworkId(networkId);
+ code: CompletableFuture> response =
+ fireblocks.networkConnections().deleteNetworkId(networkId);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -3365,7 +3367,7 @@ paths:
- Network Connection Crypto → **Default**
- Network Connection FIAT → **Default**
- Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/enabled_routing_policy_asset_groups`
+ Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at `/network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups`
- **Note**: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (`dstId` = `0`, `dstType` = `VAULT`).
operationId: setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy
@@ -3569,9 +3571,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnmanagedWallet'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetInternalWalletsResponse'
description: A list of internal wallets
@@ -3591,10 +3591,11 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.internalWallets.getInternalWallets();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.internalWallets.getInternalWallets();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.internalWallets().getInternalWallets();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.internalWallets().getInternalWallets();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -4025,9 +4026,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnmanagedWallet'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetExternalWalletsResponse'
description: A list of external wallets
@@ -4053,10 +4052,11 @@ paths:
code: const externalWallets = await fireblocks.getExternalWallets();
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.externalWallets.getExternalWallets();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.externalWallets.getExternalWallets();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.externalWallets().getExternalWallets();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.externalWallets().getExternalWallets();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -4489,9 +4489,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnmanagedWallet'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetContractsResponse'
description: A list of contracts
@@ -4511,10 +4509,11 @@ paths:
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.contracts.getContracts();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contracts.getContracts();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contracts().getContracts();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.contracts().getContracts();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -4837,9 +4836,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetTypeResponse'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetSupportedAssetsResponse'
description: A Transaction object
@@ -4865,10 +4862,12 @@ paths:
code: const supportedAssets = await fireblocks.getSupportedAssets();
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.blockchainsAssets.getSupportedAssets();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.blockchainsAssets.getSupportedAssets();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.blockchainsAssets().getSupportedAssets();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response =
+ fireblocks.blockchainsAssets().getSupportedAssets();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -4908,23 +4907,32 @@ paths:
description: |
- Listing an asset on the requested blockchain is not supported. Error code: 1000
- - The asset address is invalid. Error code: 1004
+ - The asset address is invalid. Error code: 1003
+ - Self serve listing an asset on the requested blockchain is currently not supported, please contact support. Error code: 1004
+ "403":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetForbiddenErrorResponse'
+ description: |
+ - The asset creation quota reached. Error code: 1005
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetNotFoundErrorResponse'
description: |
- - Invalid address, could not get asset information. Error code 1004
+ - Invalid address, could not get asset information. Error code 1003
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetConflictErrorResponse'
description: |
- - The asset is already supported globally. Error code: 1002
+ - The asset is already supported globally. Error code: 1001
- - The asset has already been added to this workspace. Error code: 1003
+ - The asset has already been added to this workspace. Error code: 1002
@@ -5114,9 +5122,7 @@ paths:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransactionResponse'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetTransactionsResponse'
description: A list of transactions
@@ -5149,12 +5155,14 @@ paths:
after: from });
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.transactions.getTransactions(transactionsApiGetTransactionsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.transactions.getTransactions(transactionsApiGetTransactionsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.transactions().getTransactions(before,\
- \ after, status, orderBy, sort, limit, sourceType, sourceId, destType,\
- \ destId, assets, txHash, sourceWalletId, destWalletId);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture>> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.transactions().getTransactions(before, after, status, orderBy,\
+ \ sort, limit, sourceType, sourceId, destType, destId, assets, txHash,\
+ \ sourceWalletId, destWalletId);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -6777,7 +6785,8 @@ paths:
\ fireblocks.userGroupsBeta.getUserGroups();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.userGroupsBeta().getUserGroups();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response =
+ fireblocks.userGroupsBeta().getUserGroups();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -7045,7 +7054,7 @@ paths:
code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.users.getUsers();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.users().getUsers();
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.users().getUsers();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
@@ -7526,105 +7535,120 @@ paths:
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/chains:
- get:
- description: Return an alphabetical list of supported chains.
- operationId: getChains
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- example:
- - ETH
- - SOL
- schema:
- items:
- type: string
- type: array
- description: ""
- summary: ""
- tags:
- - Staking (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getChains();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getChains();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/chainInfo:
+ /tokenization/templates:
- description: "Return chain-specific, staking-related information summary (e.g.\
- \ epoch details, lockup durations, estimated rewards, etc.)"
- operationId: getChainInfo
+ description: Return minimal representation of all the contract templates available
+ for the workspace
+ operationId: getContractTemplates
- - description: The protocol identifier (e.g. "ETH"/"SOL") to use
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: chainDescriptor
- required: true
+ - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: limit
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: 100
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: Paging offset
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: offset
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: 0
+ minimum: 0
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: Page cursor to get the next page
+ example: MjAyMy0xMi0xMyAyMDozNjowOC4zMDI=:MTEwMA==
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageCursor
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Number of items per page, requesting more then max will return\
+ \ max items"
+ example: 10
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: "The type of the contract templates you wish to retrieve. Can\
+ \ accept one type, more or none"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: type
+ required: false
- - ETH
- - SOL
type: string
- style: simple
+ style: form
+ - explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: initializationPhase
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChainInfoResponseDto'
- description: Chain specific info summary was returned successfully
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplatesPaginatedResponse'
+ description: List of contract templates was returned successfully
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List all contract templates
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
+ - language: python
+ code: contract_templates = fireblocks.get_contract_templates()
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const contractTemplates = await fireblocks.getContractTemplates();
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getChainInfo(stakingBetaApiGetChainInfoRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractTemplates.getContractTemplates(contractTemplatesApiGetContractTemplatesRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getChainInfo(chainDescriptor);
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractTemplates().getContractTemplates(limit, offset,\
+ \ pageCursor, pageSize, type, initializationPhase);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/{actionId}:
- description: "Perform a chain-specific staking action (e.g. stake, unstake,\
- \ withdraw)."
- operationId: executeAction
+ description: Upload a new contract template. This contract template will be
+ available for the workspace
+ operationId: uploadContractTemplate
- - description: The protocol identifier (e.g. "ETH"/"SOL") to use
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: chainDescriptor
- required: true
- schema:
- enum:
- - ETH
- - SOL
- type: string
- style: simple
- - description: The operation that can be executed on a vault/position
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: actionId
- required: true
- schema:
- enum:
- - stake
- - unstake
- - withdraw
- type: string
- style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -7639,324 +7663,286 @@ paths:
- examples:
- stake:
- value:
- vaultAccountId: "22"
- providerId: kiln
- stakeAmount: "32"
- chainDescriptor: ETH
- txNote: stake request id CcaHc2L43ZWjwCHART3oZoJvHLAe9hzT2DJNUpBzoTN1
- of 32ETH created on 02.04.23
- feeLevel: MEDIUM
- unstake:
- value:
- id: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850b
- txNote: "unstake request id b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d\
- \ #ETH"
- feeLevel: MEDIUM
- withdraw:
- value:
- id: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850c
- txNote: "withdraw request id b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d\
- \ #ETH"
- feeLevel: MEDIUM
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExecuteActionRequest'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractUploadRequest'
required: true
- examples:
- stake:
- value:
- id: afedfd2e4-e3c9-4b70-90d6-eb0f74bfd4sd8
- unstake:
- value: {}
- withdraw:
- value: {}
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExecuteActionResponse'
- description: A chain-specific action has been executed successfully on vault/position
- and is associated with 201 status code.
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTemplateDto'
+ description: Contract was uploaded successfully
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Upload contract template
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
+ - language: python
+ code: template = fireblocks.upload_contract_template(upload_request)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const contractTemplate = await fireblocks.uploadContractTemplate(uploadRequest);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.executeAction(stakingBetaApiExecuteActionRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractTemplates.uploadContractTemplate(contractTemplatesApiUploadContractTemplateRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
- \ fireblocks.stakingBeta().executeAction(executeActionRequest, chainDescriptor,\
- \ actionId, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contractTemplates().uploadContractTemplate(contractUploadRequest,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/positions:
- get:
- description: "Return detailed information on all staking positions, including\
- \ the staked amount, rewards, status and more."
- operationId: getAllDelegations
+ /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}:
+ delete:
+ description: "Delete a contract by id. allowed only for private contract templates.\
+ \ Notice: it is irreversible!"
+ operationId: deleteContractTemplateById
- - description: Use "ETH" / "SOL" in order to obtain information related to the
- specific blockchain network or retrieve information about all chains that
- have data available by providing no argument.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: chainDescriptor
- required: false
+ - description: The Contract Template identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractTemplateId
+ required: true
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
- "200":
+ "204":
+ description: Contract was deleted successfully
+ "404":
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationDto'
- type: array
- description: An array of position data was returned successfully
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpContractDoesNotExistError'
+ description: Could not find contract.
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Delete a contract template by id
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
+ - language: python
+ code: fireblocks.deleteContractTemplate(contract_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: await fireblocks.getContractTemplate(contractId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getAllDelegations(stakingBetaApiGetAllDelegationsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.contractTemplates.deleteContractTemplateById(contractTemplatesApiDeleteContractTemplateByIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getAllDelegations(chainDescriptor);
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contractTemplates().deleteContractTemplateById(contractTemplateId);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/positions/summary:
- description: "Return a summary of all vaults, categorized by their status (active,\
- \ inactive), the total amounts staked and total rewards per-chain."
- operationId: getSummary
- parameters: []
+ description: Return detailed information about the contract template
+ operationId: getContractTemplateById
+ parameters:
+ - description: The Contract Template identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractTemplateId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- example:
- active:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "64.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.077345939"
- inactive:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "0"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0"
- rewardsAmount:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "0.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.001345939"
- totalStaked:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "64.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.077345939"
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationSummaryDto'
- description: A summary for all vaults were returned successfully
- summary: ""
- tags:
- - Staking (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getSummary();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getSummary();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/positions/summary/vaults:
- get:
- description: "Return a summary for each vault, categorized by their status (active,\
- \ inactive), the total amounts staked and total rewards per-chain."
- operationId: getSummaryByVault
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTemplateDto'
+ description: Contract template was returned successfully
+ "404":
- example:
- "0":
- active:
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.015202376"
- inactive:
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0"
- rewardsAmount:
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.000202376"
- totalStaked:
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.015202376"
- "1":
- active:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "64.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.011191566"
- inactive:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "0"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0"
- rewardsAmount:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "0.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.000191566"
- totalStaked:
- - chainDescriptor: ETH
- amount: "64.036604667"
- - chainDescriptor: SOL
- amount: "0.011191566"
- additionalProperties:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationSummaryDto'
- type: object
- description: A summary for each vault were returned successfully
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpContractDoesNotExistError'
+ description: Could not find contract.
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Return contract template by id
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
+ - language: python
+ code: contract_template = fireblocks.get_contract_template(contract_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const contractTemplate = await fireblocks.getContractTemplate(contractId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getSummaryByVault();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractTemplates.getContractTemplateById(contractTemplatesApiGetContractTemplateByIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getSummaryByVault();
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contractTemplates().getContractTemplateById(contractTemplateId);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/positions/{id}:
+ /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/constructor:
- description: "Return detailed information on a staking position, including the\
- \ staked amount, rewards, status and more."
- operationId: getDelegationById
+ description: Return contract template's constructor ABI
+ operationId: getConstructorByContractTemplateId
- - description: The unique identifier of the staking position
+ - description: The Contract Template identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
explode: false
in: path
- name: id
+ name: contractTemplateId
required: true
type: string
style: simple
+ - description: true if you want to get the abi with its docs
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: withDocs
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: false
+ type: boolean
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationDto'
- description: Position data was returned successfully
- summary: ""
- tags:
- - Staking (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getDelegationById(stakingBetaApiGetDelegationByIdRequest);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getDelegationById(id);
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/providers:
- get:
- description: Return information on all the available staking providers.
- operationId: getProviders
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AbiFunction'
+ description: Contract template's constructor ABI was returned successfully
+ "404":
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProviderDto'
- type: array
- description: An array of supported providers was returned successfully
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpContractDoesNotExistError'
+ description: Could not find contract.
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Return contract template's constructor
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
+ - language: python
+ code: contract_constructor_abi = fireblocks.get_contract_template_constructor(contract_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const contractConstructorAbi = await fireblocks.getContractTemplateConstructor(contractId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getProviders();"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.contractTemplates.getConstructorByContractTemplateId(contractTemplatesApiGetConstructorByContractTemplateIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getProviders();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contractTemplates().getConstructorByContractTemplateId(contractTemplateId,\
+ \ withDocs);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /staking/providers/{providerId}/approveTermsOfService:
- post:
- description: |-
- Approve the terms of service of the staking provider.
- This must be called before performing a staking action for the first time with this provider.
- operationId: approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId
+ /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/function:
+ get:
+ description: Return contract template`s function ABI by signature
+ operationId: getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId
- - description: The unique identifier of the staking provider
+ - description: The Contract Template identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
explode: false
in: path
- name: providerId
+ name: contractTemplateId
required: true
- enum:
- - kiln
- - figment
type: string
style: simple
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
+ - explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: functionSignature
+ required: true
type: string
- style: simple
+ style: form
- "201":
+ "200":
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProvidersResponseDto'
- description: The terms of service have been successfully approved and is
- associated with 201 status code.
- summary: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AbiFunction'
+ description: Contract template`s function ABI was returned successfully
+ "404":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpContractDoesNotExistError'
+ description: Could not find contract.
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Return contract template's function
- - Staking (Beta)
+ - Contract Templates
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId(stakingBetaApiApproveTermsOfServiceByProviderIdRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.contractTemplates.getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId(contractTemplatesApiGetFunctionAbiByContractTemplateIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId(providerId,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.contractTemplates().getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId(contractTemplateId,\
+ \ functionSignature);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /admin_quorum:
- put:
- description: Update admin quorum threshold
- operationId: setAdminQuorumThreshold
+ /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/deploy:
+ post:
+ description: "Deploy a new contract by contract template id. If you wish to\
+ \ deploy a token (ERC20, ERC721 etc), and create asset please use POST /tokenization"
+ operationId: deployContract
+ - description: The Contract Template identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractTemplateId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -7972,18 +7958,21 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetAdminQuorumThresholdRequest'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractDeployRequest'
required: true
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetAdminQuorumThresholdResponse'
- description: OK
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractDeployResponse'
+ description: Contract was deployed successfully
+ "404":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HttpContractDoesNotExistError'
+ description: Could not find contract.
@@ -7993,102 +7982,233 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Update admin quorum threshold
+ summary: Deploy contract
- - Admin Quorum
- x-internal: true
+ - Contract Templates
- language: python
- code: result = fireblocks.set_admin_quorum_threshold(adminQuorumThreshold)
+ code: "response = fireblocks.deploy_contract(contract_id, contract_deploy_request)"
name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- language: javascript
- code: const result = await fireblocks.setAdminQuorumThreshold(adminQuorumThreshold)
+ code: "const { txId } = await fireblocks.deployContract(contractId, contractDeployRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractTemplates.deployContract(contractTemplatesApiDeployContractRequest);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
+ \ fireblocks.contractTemplates().deployContract(contractDeployRequest,\
+ \ contractTemplateId, idempotencyKey);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/tokens:
+ /tokenization/contracts:
- description: |
- Returns all tokens and their data in your workspace.
- operationId: getOwnershipTokens
+ description: Return a filtered lean representation of the deployed contracts
+ data on all blockchains (paginated)
+ operationId: getDeployedContracts
- - description: Blockchain descriptor filter
+ - description: Page cursor to get the next page
+ example: MjAyMy0xMi0xMyAyMDozNjowOC4zMDI=:MTEwMA==
explode: true
in: query
- name: blockchainDescriptor
+ name: pageCursor
required: false
- enum:
- - ETH
- - XTZ
type: string
style: form
- - description: A comma separated list of Vault Account IDs. Up to 100 are allowed
- in a single request. This field will be ignored when walletType=END_USER_WALLET
- or ncwId is provided.
+ - description: "Number of items per page, requesting more then max will return\
+ \ max items"
+ example: 10
explode: true
in: query
- name: vaultAccountIds
+ name: pageSize
required: false
- type: string
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
style: form
- - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
+ - description: The contract's onchain address
+ example: 0xC2c4e1Db41F0bB97996D0eD0542D2170d146FB66
explode: true
in: query
- name: ncwId
+ name: contractAddress
required: false
type: string
style: form
- - description: A comma separated list of Non-Custodial account IDs. Up to 100
- are allowed in a single request. This field will be ignored when walletType=VAULT_ACCOUNT
- or ncwId is not provided.
- explode: true
+ - explode: true
in: query
- name: ncwAccountIds
+ name: assetId
required: false
type: string
style: form
- - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
- explode: true
+ - explode: true
in: query
- name: walletType
+ name: templateId
required: false
- default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
- enum:
type: string
style: form
- - description: A comma separated list of NFT IDs. Up to 100 are allowed in a
- single request.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: ids
- required: false
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeployedContractsPaginatedResponse'
+ description: Deployed contracts fetched successfully
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List deployed contracts data
+ tags:
+ - Deployed Contracts
+ x-readme:
+ code-samples:
+ - language: python
+ code: deployed_contracts = fireblocks.get_contracts_by_filter(template_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const deployedContracts = await fireblocks.getContractsByFilter(templateId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.deployedContracts.getDeployedContracts(deployedContractsApiGetDeployedContractsRequest);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: "CompletableFuture>\
+ \ response = fireblocks.deployedContracts().getDeployedContracts(pageCursor,\
+ \ pageSize, contractAddress, assetId, templateId);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-accepts: application/json
+ /tokenization/contracts/{id}:
+ get:
+ description: Return deployed contract data by id
+ operationId: getDeployedContractById
+ parameters:
+ - description: The deployed contract data identifier
+ example: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
type: string
- style: form
- - description: A comma separated list of collection IDs. Up to 100 are allowed
- in a single request.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: collectionIds
- required: false
+ style: simple
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeployedContractResponseDto'
+ description: ""
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Return deployed contract data by id
+ tags:
+ - Deployed Contracts
+ x-readme:
+ code-samples:
+ - language: python
+ code: deployed_contracts = fireblocks.get_contract_by_id(contract_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const deployedContracts = await fireblocks.getContractById(contractId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.deployedContracts.getDeployedContractById(deployedContractsApiGetDeployedContractByIdRequest);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: CompletableFuture> response
+ = fireblocks.deployedContracts().getDeployedContractById(id);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-accepts: application/json
+ /tokenization/contracts/{assetId}/{contractAddress}:
+ get:
+ description: Return deployed contract data by blockchain native asset id and
+ contract address
+ operationId: getDeployedContractByAddress
+ parameters:
+ - description: The contract's onchain address
+ example: 0xC2c4e1Db41F0bB97996D0eD0542D2170d146FB66
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractAddress
+ required: true
type: string
- style: form
- - description: Page cursor to fetch
+ style: simple
+ - explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: assetId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeployedContractResponseDto'
+ description: ""
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Return deployed contract data
+ tags:
+ - Deployed Contracts
+ x-readme:
+ code-samples:
+ - language: python
+ code: "deployed_contract = fireblocks.get_contract_by_address(base_asset_id,\
+ \ contract_address)"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: "const deployedContract = await fireblocks.getContractByAddress(baseAssetId,\
+ \ contractAddress);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.deployedContracts.getDeployedContractByAddress(deployedContractsApiGetDeployedContractByAddressRequest);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.deployedContracts().getDeployedContractByAddress(contractAddress,\
+ \ assetId);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-accepts: application/json
+ /tokenization/tokens:
+ get:
+ description: Return all linked tokens (paginated)
+ operationId: getLinkedTokens
+ parameters:
+ - description: Page cursor to get the next page
+ example: MjAyMy0xMi0xMyAyMDozNjowOC4zMDI=:MTEwMA==
explode: true
in: query
name: pageCursor
@@ -8096,7 +8216,9 @@ paths:
type: string
style: form
- - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ - description: "Number of items per page, requesting more then max will return\
+ \ max items"
+ example: 10
explode: true
in: query
name: pageSize
@@ -8106,122 +8228,59 @@ paths:
minimum: 1
type: number
style: form
- - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
- \ by comma"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: sort
- required: false
- schema:
- items:
- enum:
- - ownershipLastUpdateTime
- - name
- - collection.name
- - blockchainDescriptor
- type: string
- type: array
- style: form
- - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
- \ descending"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
- schema:
- default: ASC
- enum:
- - DESC
- - ASC
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Token ownership status
+ - description: A comma separated list of statuses to filter. Default is "COMPLETED"
+ example: COMPLETED
explode: true
in: query
name: status
required: false
- schema:
- default: LISTED
- enum:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Search owned tokens and their collections. Possible criteria\
- \ for search: token name and id within the contract/collection, collection\
- \ name, blockchain descriptor and name."
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: search
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Token ownership spam status.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: spam
- required: false
- schema:
- enum:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- - all
- type: string
+ schema: {}
style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/getOwnershipTokens_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokensPaginatedResponse'
description: ""
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List all owned tokens (paginated)
+ summary: List all linked tokens
- - NFTs
+ - Tokenization
+ - language: python
+ code: linked_tokens = fireblocks.get_linked_tokens(payload)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const linkedTokens = await fireblocks.getLinkedTokens(payload);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.getOwnershipTokens(nFTsApiGetOwnershipTokensRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.tokenization.getLinkedTokens(tokenizationApiGetLinkedTokensRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().getOwnershipTokens(blockchainDescriptor,\
- \ vaultAccountIds, ncwId, ncwAccountIds, walletType, ids, collectionIds,\
- \ pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order, status, search, spam);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.tokenization().getLinkedTokens(pageCursor, pageSize, status);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- put:
- description: |
- Updates all tokens and balances per blockchain and vault account.
- operationId: updateOwnershipTokens
+ post:
+ description: "Facilitates the creation of a new token, supporting both EVM-based\
+ \ and Stellar/Ripple platforms. For EVM, it deploys the corresponding contract\
+ \ template to the blockchain and links the token to the workspace. For Stellar/Ripple,\
+ \ it links a newly created token directly to the workspace without deploying\
+ \ a contract. Returns the token link with status \"PENDING\" until the token\
+ \ is deployed or \"SUCCESS\" if no deployment is needed."
+ operationId: issueNewToken
- - description: Blockchain descriptor filter
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: blockchainDescriptor
- required: true
- schema:
- enum:
- - ETH
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Vault account filter
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: vaultAccountId
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -8233,274 +8292,186 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateTokenRequestDto'
+ required: true
- "202":
- description: ""
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Refresh vault account tokens
+ "201":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkDto'
+ description: Token was created successfully
+ "409":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetAlreadyExistHttpError'
+ description: Asset already exists
+ summary: Issue a new token
- - NFTs
+ - Tokenization
+ - language: python
+ code: token = fireblocks.issue_new_token(payload)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const token = await fireblocks.issueNewToken(payload);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateOwnershipTokens(nFTsApiUpdateOwnershipTokensRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.tokenization.issueNewToken(tokenizationApiIssueNewTokenRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateOwnershipTokens(blockchainDescriptor,\
- \ vaultAccountId, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.tokenization().issueNewToken(createTokenRequestDto,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/assets:
- get:
- description: |
- Returns all owned distinct tokens (for your tenant) and their data in your workspace.
- operationId: listOwnedTokens
+ /tokenization/tokens/link:
+ post:
+ description: "Link an already existing token (by assetId, collectionId or contractId\
+ \ as refId) to a workspace across EVM, Stellar, or Ripple platforms. The token\
+ \ will be linked to the workspace if it does not already exist."
+ operationId: link
- - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: ncwId
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: walletType
- required: false
- schema:
- default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
- enum:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Page cursor to fetch
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageCursor
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Items per page (max 100)
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageSize
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- minimum: 1
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
- \ by comma"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: sort
- required: false
- schema:
- items:
- enum:
- - name
- type: string
- type: array
- style: form
- - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
- \ descending"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
- schema:
- default: ASC
- enum:
- - DESC
- - ASC
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Token ownership status
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: status
- required: false
- schema:
- default: LISTED
- enum:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Search owned tokens by token name
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: search
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Token ownership spam status.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: spam
+ - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
+ \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
+ \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
+ \ hours."
+ explode: false
+ in: header
+ name: Idempotency-Key
required: false
- enum:
- - "true"
- - "false"
- - all
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkRequestDto'
+ required: true
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/listOwnedTokens_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkDto'
+ description: Token linked successfully
+ "201":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkDto'
description: ""
+ "404":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetDoesNotExistHttpError'
+ description: Could not find the underlying token identifier (refId) to link
+ the token to
+ "409":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkExistsHttpError'
+ description: "Token link for {refId} already exists"
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List all distinct owned tokens (paginated)
+ summary: Link a token
- - NFTs
+ - Tokenization
+ - language: python
+ code: "token = fireblocks.link_token(\"FUNGIBLE_TOKEN\", ref_id)"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: "const token = await fireblocks.linkToken(\"FUNGIBLE_TOKEN\", refId);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.listOwnedTokens(nFTsApiListOwnedTokensRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.tokenization.link(tokenizationApiLinkRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().listOwnedTokens(ncwId,\
- \ walletType, pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order, status, search, spam);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.tokenization().link(tokenLinkRequestDto,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/collections:
- get:
- description: |
- Returns all collections in your workspace
- operationId: listOwnedCollections
+ /tokenization/tokens/{id}:
+ delete:
+ description: "Unlink a token. The token will be unlinked from the workspace.\
+ \ The token will not be deleted on chain nor the refId, only the link to the\
+ \ workspace will be removed."
+ operationId: unlink
- - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: ncwId
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: walletType
- required: false
- schema:
- default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
- enum:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Search owned collections. Possible criteria for search: collection\
- \ name, collection contract address."
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: search
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Page cursor to fetch
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageCursor
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Items per page (max 100)
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageSize
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- minimum: 1
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
- \ by comma"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: sort
- required: false
- schema:
- items:
- enum:
- - name
- type: string
- type: array
- style: form
- - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
- \ descending"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
- schema:
- default: ASC
- enum:
- - DESC
- - ASC
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Token ownership status
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: status
- required: false
+ - description: The token link id
+ example: fbfbfbfb-fbfb-fbfb-fbfb-fbfbfbfbfbfb
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
- default: LISTED
- enum:
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
+ content: {}
+ description: Token unlinked successfully
+ "204":
+ content: {}
+ description: ""
+ "404":
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/listOwnedCollections_200_response'
- description: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotFoundException'
+ description: Link did not exist
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List owned collections (paginated)
+ summary: Unlink a token
- - NFTs
+ - Tokenization
+ - language: python
+ code: token = fireblocks.unlink_token(token_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const token = await fireblocks.unlinkToken(tokenId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.listOwnedCollections(nFTsApiListOwnedCollectionsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.tokenization.unlink(tokenizationApiUnlinkRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().listOwnedCollections(ncwId,\
- \ walletType, search, pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order, status);"
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.tokenization().unlink(id);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/tokens/{id}:
- description: |
- Returns the requested token data.
- operationId: getNFT
+ description: "Return a linked token, with its status and metadata."
+ operationId: getLinkedToken
- - description: NFT ID
- example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
+ - description: The token link id
+ example: fbfbfbfb-fbfb-fbfb-fbfb-fbfbfbfbfbfb
explode: false
in: path
name: id
@@ -8513,37 +8484,41 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenResponse'
- description: ""
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenLinkDto'
+ description: Token fetched successfully
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List token data by ID
+ summary: Return a linked token
- - NFTs
+ - Tokenization
+ - language: python
+ code: token = fireblocks.get_linked_token(token_id)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const token = await fireblocks.getLinkedToken(tokenId);
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.getNFT(nFTsApiGetNFTRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.tokenization.getLinkedToken(tokenizationApiGetLinkedTokenRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().getNFT(id);
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.tokenization().getLinkedToken(id);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- put:
- description: |
- Updates the latest token metadata.
- operationId: refreshNFTMetadata
+ /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions:
+ get:
+ description: Return deployed contract's ABI by blockchain native asset id and
+ contract address
+ operationId: getDeployedContractAbi
- - description: NFT ID
- example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: id
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -8555,124 +8530,67 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
- responses:
- "202":
- description: ""
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Refresh token metadata
- tags:
- - NFTs
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.refreshNFTMetadata(nFTsApiRefreshNFTMetadataRequest);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().refreshNFTMetadata(id,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/tokens:
- get:
- description: |
- Returns the requested tokens data.
- operationId: getNFTs
- parameters:
- - description: A comma separated list of NFT IDs. Up to 100 are allowed in a
- single request.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: ids
+ - description: The contract's onchain address
+ example: 0xC2c4e1Db41F0bB97996D0eD0542D2170d146FB66
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractAddress
required: true
type: string
- style: form
- - description: Page cursor to fetch
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageCursor
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Items per page (max 100)
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageSize
- required: false
- schema:
- maximum: 100
- minimum: 1
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
- \ by comma"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: sort
- required: false
- schema:
- items:
- enum:
- - collection.name
- - name
- - blockchainDescriptor
- type: string
- type: array
- style: form
- - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
- \ descending"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
+ style: simple
+ - explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: assetId
+ required: true
- default: ASC
- enum:
- - DESC
- - ASC
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/listOwnedTokens_200_response'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAbiResponseDto'
description: ""
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List tokens by IDs
+ summary: Return deployed contract's ABI
- - NFTs
+ - Contract Interactions
+ - language: python
+ code: "deployed_contract_abi = fireblocks.get_contracts_abi(base_asset_id,\
+ \ contract_address)"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: "const deployedContractAbi = await fireblocks.getContractAbi(baseAssetId,\
+ \ contractAddress);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.getNFTs(nFTsApiGetNFTsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractInteractions.getDeployedContractAbi(contractInteractionsApiGetDeployedContractAbiRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().getNFTs(ids,\
- \ pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
+ \ fireblocks.contractInteractions().getDeployedContractAbi(contractAddress,\
+ \ assetId, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/tokens/{id}/status:
- put:
- description: |
- Updates token status for a tenant, in all tenant vaults.
- operationId: updateTokenOwnershipStatus
+ /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/read:
+ post:
+ description: Call a read function on a deployed contract by blockchain native
+ asset id and contract address
+ operationId: readCallFunction
- - description: NFT ID
- example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: id
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -8684,36 +8602,75 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
+ - description: The contract's onchain address
+ example: 0xC2c4e1Db41F0bB97996D0eD0542D2170d146FB66
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractAddress
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ - explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: assetId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateTokenOwnershipStatusDto'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReadCallFunctionDto'
required: true
- description: ""
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterWithValueList'
+ description: Read Call Retrieved Successfully
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Update token ownership status
+ summary: Call a read function on a deployed contract
- - NFTs
+ - Contract Interactions
+ - language: python
+ code: "read_response = fireblocks.read_contract_call_function(base_asset_id,\
+ \ contract_address, payload)"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: "const readResponse= await fireblocks.readContractCallFunction(baseAssetId,\
+ \ contractAddress, payload);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokenOwnershipStatus(nFTsApiUpdateTokenOwnershipStatusRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractInteractions.readCallFunction(contractInteractionsApiReadCallFunctionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokenOwnershipStatus(updateTokenOwnershipStatusDto,\
- \ id, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture>> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractInteractions().readCallFunction(readCallFunctionDto,\
+ \ contractAddress, assetId, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/tokens/status:
- put:
- description: "Updates tokens status for a tenant, in all tenant vaults."
- operationId: updateTokensOwnershipStatus
+ /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{assetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/write:
+ post:
+ description: "Call a write function on a deployed contract by blockchain native\
+ \ asset id and contract address. This creates an onchain transaction, thus\
+ \ it is an async operation. It returns a transaction id that can be polled\
+ \ for status check"
+ operationId: writeCallFunction
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
@@ -8726,220 +8683,166 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
+ - description: The contract's onchain address
+ example: 0xC2c4e1Db41F0bB97996D0eD0542D2170d146FB66
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: contractAddress
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ - explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: assetId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenOwnershipStatusUpdatePayload'
- type: array
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/WriteCallFunctionDto'
required: true
- "200":
- description: All token statuses have been updated
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Invalid data sent
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "404":
- description: When ownership for token ID is not found
+ "202":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/WriteCallFunctionResponseDto'
+ description: ""
+ default:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Update tokens ownership status
+ summary: Call a write function on a deployed contract
- - NFTs
+ - Contract Interactions
+ - language: python
+ code: "write_function_response = fireblocks.write_contract_call_function(base_asset_id,\
+ \ contract_address, payload)"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: "const writeFunctionResponse = await fireblocks.writeContractCallFunction(baseAssetId,\
+ \ contractAddress, payload);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokensOwnershipStatus(nFTsApiUpdateTokensOwnershipStatusRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractInteractions.writeCallFunction(contractInteractionsApiWriteCallFunctionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokensOwnershipStatus(updateTokensOwnershipStatusRequest,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.contractInteractions().writeCallFunction(writeCallFunctionDto,\
+ \ contractAddress, assetId, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /nfts/ownership/tokens/spam:
- put:
- description: "Updates tokens spam property for a tenant's token ownerships,\
- \ in all tenant vaults."
- operationId: updateTokensOwnershipSpam
- parameters:
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- requestBody:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenOwnershipSpamUpdatePayload'
- type: array
- required: true
+ /staking/chains:
+ get:
+ description: Return an alphabetical list of supported chains.
+ operationId: getChains
+ parameters: []
- description: All token spam properties have been updated
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Invalid data sent
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "404":
- description: When ownership for token ID is not found
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Update tokens ownership spam property
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ - ETH
+ - SOL
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/StakingGetChainsResponse'
+ description: ""
+ summary: ""
- - NFTs
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokensOwnershipSpam(nFTsApiUpdateTokensOwnershipSpamRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getChains();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokensOwnershipSpam(updateTokensOwnershipSpamRequest,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getChains();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /connections:
+ /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/chainInfo:
- description: Get open Web3 connections.
- operationId: get
+ description: "Return chain-specific, staking-related information summary (e.g.\
+ \ epoch details, lockup durations, estimated rewards, etc.)"
+ operationId: getChainInfo
- - description: List order; ascending or descending.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
- schema:
- default: ASC
- enum:
- - ASC
- - DESC
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Parsed filter object
- examples:
- object:
- description: ""
- summary: The filter object
- value:
- id: string
- userId: string
- vaultAccountId: number
- connectionMethod: string
- feeLevel: string
- appUrl: string
- appName: string
- stringified:
- description: |-
- About stringified parsed objects:
- * Each key-value pair is separated by '=', and each pair is separated by ',' (you can use [`qs`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs) package for this)
- summary: The stringified parsed object
- value: "id=string,userId=string,vaultAccountId=number,connectionMethod=string,feeLevel=string,appUrl=string,appName=string"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: filter
- required: false
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_filter_parameter'
- style: form
- - description: Property to sort Web3 connections by.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: sort
- required: false
+ - description: The protocol identifier (e.g. "ETH"/"SOL") to use
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: chainDescriptor
+ required: true
- default: createdAt
- - id
- - userId
- - vaultAccountId
- - createdAt
- - feeLevel
- - appUrl
- - appName
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: Amount of results to return in the next page.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: pageSize
- required: false
- schema:
- default: 10
- maximum: 50
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: Cursor to the next page
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: next
- required: false
- schema:
+ - ETH
+ - SOL
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectionsResponse'
- description: ""
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Query parameters were invalid
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "500":
- description: Something went wrong
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: List all open Web3 connections.
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChainInfoResponseDto'
+ description: Chain specific info summary was returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Web3 connections
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.web3Connections.get(web3ConnectionsApiGetRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getChainInfo(stakingBetaApiGetChainInfoRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
- \ fireblocks.web3Connections().get(order, filter, sort, pageSize, next);"
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getChainInfo(chainDescriptor);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /connections/wc:
+ /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/{actionId}:
- description: |-
- Initiate a new Web3 connection.
- * Note: After this succeeds, make a request to `PUT /v1/connections/wc/{id}` (below) to approve or reject the new Web3 connection.
- operationId: create
+ description: "Perform a chain-specific staking action (e.g. stake, unstake,\
+ \ withdraw)."
+ operationId: executeAction
+ - description: The protocol identifier (e.g. "ETH"/"SOL") to use
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: chainDescriptor
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ - ETH
+ - SOL
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ - description: The operation that can be executed on a vault/position
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: actionId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ - stake
+ - unstake
+ - withdraw
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -8954,394 +8857,321 @@ paths:
+ examples:
+ stake:
+ value:
+ vaultAccountId: "22"
+ providerId: kiln
+ stakeAmount: "32"
+ chainDescriptor: ETH
+ txNote: stake request id CcaHc2L43ZWjwCHART3oZoJvHLAe9hzT2DJNUpBzoTN1
+ of 32ETH created on 02.04.23
+ feeLevel: MEDIUM
+ unstake:
+ value:
+ id: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850b
+ txNote: "unstake request id b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d\
+ \ #ETH"
+ feeLevel: MEDIUM
+ withdraw:
+ value:
+ id: b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850c
+ txNote: "withdraw request id b70701f4-d7b1-4795-a8ee-b09cdb5b850d\
+ \ #ETH"
+ feeLevel: MEDIUM
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_request'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExecuteActionRequest'
required: true
+ examples:
+ stake:
+ value:
+ id: afedfd2e4-e3c9-4b70-90d6-eb0f74bfd4sd8
+ unstake:
+ value: {}
+ withdraw:
+ value: {}
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateConnectionResponse'
- description: Web3 connection initiated successfully
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Invalid data sent
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "500":
- description: Something went wrong
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Create a new Web3 connection.
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExecuteActionResponse'
+ description: A chain-specific action has been executed successfully on vault/position
+ and is associated with 201 status code.
+ summary: ""
- - Web3 connections
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.web3Connections.create(web3ConnectionsApiCreateRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.executeAction(stakingBetaApiExecuteActionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response\
- \ = fireblocks.web3Connections().create(createRequest, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
+ \ fireblocks.stakingBeta().executeAction(executeActionRequest, chainDescriptor,\
+ \ actionId, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /connections/wc/{id}:
- delete:
- description: Remove a Web3 connection
- operationId: remove
+ /staking/positions:
+ get:
+ description: "Return detailed information on all staking positions, including\
+ \ the staked amount, rewards, status and more."
+ operationId: getAllDelegations
- - description: The ID of the existing Web3 connection to remove.
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: id
- required: true
+ - description: Use "ETH" / "SOL" in order to obtain information related to the
+ specific blockchain network or retrieve information about all chains that
+ have data available by providing no argument.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: chainDescriptor
+ required: false
type: string
- style: simple
+ style: form
- description: Connection removed successfully
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "404":
- description: Connection not found
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "500":
- description: Something went wrong
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Remove an existing Web3 connection.
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/StakingGetAllDelegationsResponse'
+ description: An array of position data was returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Web3 connections
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.web3Connections.remove(web3ConnectionsApiRemoveRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getAllDelegations(stakingBetaApiGetAllDelegationsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.web3Connections().remove(id);
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getAllDelegations(chainDescriptor);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- put:
- description: |-
- Submit a response to *approve* or *reject* an initiated Web3 connection.
- * Note: This call is used to complete your `POST /v1/connections/wc/` request.
- After this succeeds, your new Web3 connection is created and functioning.
- operationId: submit
- parameters:
- - description: The ID of the initiated Web3 connection to approve.
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: id
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- requestBody:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/RespondToConnectionRequest'
- required: true
+ /staking/positions/summary:
+ get:
+ description: "Return a summary of all vaults, categorized by their status (active,\
+ \ inactive), the total amounts staked and total rewards per-chain."
+ operationId: getSummary
+ parameters: []
- description: Connection submitted successfully
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Invalid data sent
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "404":
- description: Connection not found
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "500":
- description: Something went wrong
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Respond to a pending Web3 connection request.
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ active:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "64.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.077345939"
+ inactive:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "0"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0"
+ rewardsAmount:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "0.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.001345939"
+ totalStaked:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "64.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.077345939"
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationSummaryDto'
+ description: A summary for all vaults were returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Web3 connections
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.web3Connections.submit(web3ConnectionsApiSubmitRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getSummary();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.web3Connections().submit(respondToConnectionRequest,\
- \ id, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getSummary();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate:
- post:
- description: |-
- Validate Travel Rule transactions.
- Checks what beneficiary VASP details are required by your jurisdiction and the beneficiary's jurisdiction.
- **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
- To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
- operationId: validateTravelRuleTransaction
- parameters:
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- requestBody:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest'
- required: true
+ /staking/positions/summary/vaults:
+ get:
+ description: "Return a summary for each vault, categorized by their status (active,\
+ \ inactive), the total amounts staked and total rewards per-chain."
+ operationId: getSummaryByVault
+ parameters: []
+ example:
+ "0":
+ active:
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.015202376"
+ inactive:
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0"
+ rewardsAmount:
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.000202376"
+ totalStaked:
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.015202376"
+ "1":
+ active:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "64.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.011191566"
+ inactive:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "0"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0"
+ rewardsAmount:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "0.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.000191566"
+ totalStaked:
+ - chainDescriptor: ETH
+ amount: "64.036604667"
+ - chainDescriptor: SOL
+ amount: "0.011191566"
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse'
- description: Transaction validated successfully
- "400":
- description: Invalid request body
- "500":
- description: Internal server error
- summary: Validate Travel Rule Transaction
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/StakingGetSummaryByVaultResponse'
+ description: A summary for each vault were returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Travel Rule (Beta)
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.validateTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleBetaApiValidateTravelRuleTransactionRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getSummaryByVault();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture>\
- \ response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().validateTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleValidateTransactionRequest,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: CompletableFuture> response
+ = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getSummaryByVault();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full:
- post:
- description: |-
- Validate Full Travel Rule transactions.
- Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs.
- **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
- To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
- operationId: validateFullTravelRuleTransaction
+ /staking/positions/{id}:
+ get:
+ description: "Return detailed information on a staking position, including the\
+ \ staked amount, rewards, status and more."
+ operationId: getDelegationById
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
+ - description: The unique identifier of the staking position
explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
type: string
style: simple
- requestBody:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest'
- required: true
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse'
- description: Transaction validated successfully
- "400":
- description: Invalid request body
- "500":
- description: Internal server error
- summary: Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DelegationDto'
+ description: Position data was returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Travel Rule (Beta)
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.validateFullTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleBetaApiValidateFullTravelRuleTransactionRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getDelegationById(stakingBetaApiGetDelegationByIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture>\
- \ response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().validateFullTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getDelegationById(id);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did}:
+ /staking/providers:
- description: |-
- Get VASP Details.
- Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID.
- **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
- To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
- operationId: getVASPByDID
- parameters:
- - explode: false
- in: path
- name: did
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- - description: "CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field\
- \ names below)"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: fields
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
+ description: Return information on all the available staking providers.
+ operationId: getProviders
+ parameters: []
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleVASP'
- description: Transaction validated successfully
- "400":
- description: Invalid request body
- "500":
- description: Internal server error
- summary: Get VASP details
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/StakingGetProvidersResponse'
+ description: An array of supported providers was returned successfully
+ summary: ""
- - Travel Rule (Beta)
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.getVASPByDID(travelRuleBetaApiGetVASPByDIDRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.getProviders();"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().getVASPByDID(did,\
- \ fields);"
+ code: CompletableFuture>> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().getProviders();
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/vasp:
- get:
+ /staking/providers/{providerId}/approveTermsOfService:
+ post:
description: |-
- Get All VASPs.
- Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted and results are paginated.
- **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
- To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
- operationId: getVASPs
+ Approve the terms of service of the staking provider.
+ This must be called before performing a staking action for the first time with this provider.
+ operationId: approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId
- - description: Field to order by
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: order
- required: false
+ - description: The unique identifier of the staking provider
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: providerId
+ required: true
+ enum:
+ - kiln
+ - figment
type: string
- style: form
- - description: Records per page
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: per_page
- required: false
- schema:
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: Page number
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: page
- required: false
- schema:
- type: number
- style: form
- - description: "CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field\
- \ names below)"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: fields
+ style: simple
+ - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
+ \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
+ \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
+ \ hours."
+ explode: false
+ in: header
+ name: Idempotency-Key
required: false
type: string
- style: form
+ style: simple
- "200":
+ "201":
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse'
- description: Get all VASPs
- summary: Get All VASPs
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProvidersResponseDto'
+ description: The terms of service have been successfully approved and is
+ associated with 201 status code.
+ summary: ""
- - Travel Rule (Beta)
+ - Staking (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.getVASPs(travelRuleBetaApiGetVASPsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.stakingBeta.approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId(stakingBetaApiApproveTermsOfServiceByProviderIdRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().getVASPs(order, perPage, page, fields);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.stakingBeta().approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId(providerId,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update:
+ /admin_quorum:
- description: |-
- Update VASP Details.
- Updates a VASP with the provided parameters. Use this endpoint to add your public jsonDIDkey generated by Notabene.
- **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
- To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
- operationId: updateVasp
+ description: Update admin quorum threshold
+ operationId: setAdminQuorumThreshold
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
@@ -9358,181 +9188,262 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetAdminQuorumThresholdRequest'
required: true
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails'
- description: VASP updated successfully
- "400":
- description: Invalid request body
- "500":
- description: Internal server error
- summary: Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
- tags:
- - Travel Rule (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.updateVasp(travelRuleBetaApiUpdateVaspRequest);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response\
- \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().updateVasp(travelRuleUpdateVASPDetails,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
- x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/post_screening_policy:
- get:
- description: Get the post-screening policy for Travel Rule.
- operationId: getPostScreeningPolicy
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
+ "202":
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningPolicyResponse'
- description: Post-screening policy retrieved successfully.
- summary: Travel Rule - View Post-Screening Policy
- tags:
- - Compliance
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.getPostScreeningPolicy();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response =
- fireblocks.compliance().getPostScreeningPolicy();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/screening_policy:
- get:
- description: Get the screening policy for Travel Rule.
- operationId: getScreeningPolicy
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetAdminQuorumThresholdResponse'
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ default:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse'
- description: Screening policy retrieved successfully.
- summary: Travel Rule - View Screening Policy
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
+ description: Error Response
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Update admin quorum threshold
- - Compliance
+ - Admin Quorum
+ x-internal: true
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.getScreeningPolicy();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture>
- response = fireblocks.compliance().getScreeningPolicy();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ - language: python
+ code: result = fireblocks.set_admin_quorum_threshold(adminQuorumThreshold)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
+ - language: javascript
+ code: const result = await fireblocks.setAdminQuorumThreshold(adminQuorumThreshold)
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
+ x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration:
+ /nfts/ownership/tokens:
- description: Retrieves the configuration for Travel Rule screening policy.
- operationId: getScreeningConfiguration
- parameters: []
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningConfigurationsRequest'
- description: Screening policy configuration retrieved successfully.
- summary: Get Travel Rule Screening Policy Configuration
- tags:
- - Compliance Screening Configuration
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.complianceScreeningConfiguration.getScreeningConfiguration();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.complianceScreeningConfiguration().getScreeningConfiguration();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- put:
- description: "Updates bypass screening, inbound delay, or outbound delay configurations\
- \ for Travel Rule."
- operationId: updateTravelRuleConfig
+ description: |
+ Returns all tokens and their data in your workspace.
+ operationId: getOwnershipTokens
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
+ - description: Blockchain descriptor filter
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: blockchainDescriptor
required: false
+ enum:
+ - ETH
+ - XTZ
type: string
- style: simple
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningConfigurationsRequest'
- description: Configuration updated successfully.
- summary: Update Travel Rule Configuration
- tags:
- - Compliance
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.updateTravelRuleConfig(complianceApiUpdateTravelRuleConfigRequest);"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.compliance().updateTravelRuleConfig(idempotencyKey);
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/aml/policy_configuration:
- get:
- description: Retrieves the configuration for Travel Rule screening policy.
- operationId: getAmlScreeningConfiguration
- parameters: []
+ style: form
+ - description: A comma separated list of Vault Account IDs. Up to 100 are allowed
+ in a single request. This field will be ignored when walletType=END_USER_WALLET
+ or ncwId is provided.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: vaultAccountIds
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ncwId
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: A comma separated list of Non-Custodial account IDs. Up to 100
+ are allowed in a single request. This field will be ignored when walletType=VAULT_ACCOUNT
+ or ncwId is not provided.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ncwAccountIds
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: walletType
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: A comma separated list of NFT IDs. Up to 100 are allowed in a
+ single request.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ids
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: A comma separated list of collection IDs. Up to 100 are allowed
+ in a single request.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: collectionIds
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Page cursor to fetch
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageCursor
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
+ \ by comma"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: sort
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ items:
+ enum:
+ - ownershipLastUpdateTime
+ - name
+ - collection.name
+ - blockchainDescriptor
+ type: string
+ type: array
+ style: form
+ - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
+ \ descending"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: order
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: ASC
+ enum:
+ - DESC
+ - ASC
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Token ownership status
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: status
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: LISTED
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Search owned tokens and their collections. Possible criteria\
+ \ for search: token name and id within the contract/collection, collection\
+ \ name, blockchain descriptor and name."
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: search
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Token ownership spam status.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: spam
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ - "true"
+ - "false"
+ - all
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningConfigurationsRequest'
- description: Screening policy configuration retrieved successfully.
- summary: Get AML Screening Policy Configuration
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetOwnershipTokensResponse'
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List all owned tokens (paginated)
- - Compliance Screening Configuration
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.complianceScreeningConfiguration.getAmlScreeningConfiguration();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs.getOwnershipTokens(nFTsApiGetOwnershipTokensRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.complianceScreeningConfiguration().getAmlScreeningConfiguration();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs().getOwnershipTokens(blockchainDescriptor, vaultAccountIds,\
+ \ ncwId, ncwAccountIds, walletType, ids, collectionIds, pageCursor, pageSize,\
+ \ sort, order, status, search, spam);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- description: "Updates bypass screening, inbound delay, or outbound delay configurations\
- \ for AML."
- operationId: updateAmlScreeningConfiguration
+ description: |
+ Updates all tokens and balances per blockchain and vault account.
+ operationId: updateOwnershipTokens
+ - description: Blockchain descriptor filter
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: blockchainDescriptor
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ - ETH
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Vault account filter
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: vaultAccountId
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -9545,144 +9456,449 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningConfigurationsRequest'
- description: Configuration updated successfully.
- summary: Update AML Configuration
+ "202":
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Refresh vault account tokens
- - Compliance
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.updateAmlScreeningConfiguration(complianceApiUpdateAmlScreeningConfigurationRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateOwnershipTokens(nFTsApiUpdateOwnershipTokensRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.compliance().updateAmlScreeningConfiguration(idempotencyKey);
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateOwnershipTokens(blockchainDescriptor,\
+ \ vaultAccountId, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/aml/screening_policy:
+ /nfts/ownership/assets:
- description: Get the screening policy for AML.
- operationId: getAmlScreeningPolicy
- parameters: []
+ description: |
+ Returns all owned distinct tokens (for your tenant) and their data in your workspace.
+ operationId: listOwnedTokens
+ parameters:
+ - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ncwId
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: walletType
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Page cursor to fetch
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageCursor
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
+ \ by comma"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: sort
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ items:
+ enum:
+ - name
+ type: string
+ type: array
+ style: form
+ - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
+ \ descending"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: order
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: ASC
+ enum:
+ - DESC
+ - ASC
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Token ownership status
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: status
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: LISTED
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Search owned tokens by token name
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: search
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Token ownership spam status.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: spam
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ enum:
+ - "true"
+ - "false"
+ - all
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse'
- description: Screening policy retrieved successfully.
- summary: AML - View Screening Policy
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ListOwnedTokensResponse'
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List all distinct owned tokens (paginated)
- - Compliance
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.getAmlScreeningPolicy();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs.listOwnedTokens(nFTsApiListOwnedTokensRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture>
- response = fireblocks.compliance().getAmlScreeningPolicy();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs().listOwnedTokens(ncwId, walletType, pageCursor, pageSize,\
+ \ sort, order, status, search, spam);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/aml/post_screening_policy:
+ /nfts/ownership/collections:
- description: Get the post-screening policy for AML.
- operationId: getAmlPostScreeningPolicy
- parameters: []
+ description: |
+ Returns all collections in your workspace
+ operationId: listOwnedCollections
+ parameters:
+ - description: Tenant's Non-Custodial Wallet ID
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ncwId
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Wallet type, it can be `VAULT_ACCOUNT` or `END_USER_WALLET`"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: walletType
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: VAULT_ACCOUNT
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: "Search owned collections. Possible criteria for search: collection\
+ \ name, collection contract address."
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: search
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Page cursor to fetch
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageCursor
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
+ \ by comma"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: sort
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ items:
+ enum:
+ - name
+ type: string
+ type: array
+ style: form
+ - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
+ \ descending"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: order
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: ASC
+ enum:
+ - DESC
+ - ASC
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Token ownership status
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: status
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: LISTED
+ enum:
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningPolicyResponse'
- description: Post-screening policy retrieved successfully.
- summary: AML - View Post-Screening Policy
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ListOwnedCollectionsResponse'
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List owned collections (paginated)
- - Compliance
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.getAmlPostScreeningPolicy();"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs.listOwnedCollections(nFTsApiListOwnedCollectionsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response =
- fireblocks.compliance().getAmlPostScreeningPolicy();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.nFTs().listOwnedCollections(ncwId, walletType, search,\
+ \ pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order, status);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /screening/configurations:
- put:
- description: Update tenant screening configuration.
- operationId: updateScreeningConfiguration
+ /nfts/tokens/{id}:
+ get:
+ description: |
+ Returns the requested token data.
+ operationId: getNFT
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
+ - description: NFT ID
+ example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
style: simple
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScreeningUpdateConfigurationsRequest'
- description: Tenant Screening configuration updated successfully.
- summary: Tenant - Screening Configuration
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TokenResponse'
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List token data by ID
- - Compliance
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.compliance.updateScreeningConfiguration(complianceApiUpdateScreeningConfigurationRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.getNFT(nFTsApiGetNFTRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture>
- response = fireblocks.compliance().updateScreeningConfiguration(idempotencyKey);
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().getNFT(id);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/ota:
+ put:
+ description: |
+ Updates the latest token metadata.
+ operationId: refreshNFTMetadata
+ parameters:
+ - description: NFT ID
+ example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
+ \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
+ \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
+ \ hours."
+ explode: false
+ in: header
+ name: Idempotency-Key
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ responses:
+ "202":
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Refresh token metadata
+ tags:
+ - NFTs
+ x-readme:
+ code-samples:
+ - language: typescript
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.refreshNFTMetadata(nFTsApiRefreshNFTMetadataRequest);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
+ - language: java
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().refreshNFTMetadata(id,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
+ name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-accepts: application/json
+ /nfts/tokens:
- description: Returns current OTA status
- operationId: getOtaStatus
+ description: |
+ Returns the requested tokens data.
+ operationId: getNFTs
+ parameters:
+ - description: A comma separated list of NFT IDs. Up to 100 are allowed in a
+ single request.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: ids
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Page cursor to fetch
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageCursor
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Items per page (max 100)
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ maximum: 100
+ minimum: 1
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: "Sort by param, it can be one param or a list of params separated\
+ \ by comma"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: sort
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ items:
+ enum:
+ - collection.name
+ - name
+ - blockchainDescriptor
+ type: string
+ type: array
+ style: form
+ - description: "Order direction, it can be `ASC` for ascending or `DESC` for\
+ \ descending"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: order
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: ASC
+ enum:
+ - DESC
+ - ASC
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/getOtaStatus_200_response'
- description: Current OTA status
- "404":
- description: Configuration not found for tenant
- summary: Returns current OTA status
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetNFTsResponse'
+ description: ""
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List tokens by IDs
- - OTA (Beta)
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.oTABeta.getOtaStatus();"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.getNFTs(nFTsApiGetNFTsRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.oTABeta().getOtaStatus();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().getNFTs(ids,\
+ \ pageCursor, pageSize, sort, order);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
+ /nfts/ownership/tokens/{id}/status:
- description: Enable or disable transactions to OTA
- operationId: setOtaStatus
+ description: |
+ Updates token status for a tenant, in all tenant vaults.
+ operationId: updateTokenOwnershipStatus
+ - description: NFT ID
+ example: NFT-abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -9698,162 +9914,85 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetOtaStatusRequest'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateTokenOwnershipStatusDto'
required: true
- "202":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetOtaStatusResponse'
- description: Successfully updated OTA status
+ "200":
+ description: ""
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "400":
- description: Bad request
- "409":
- description: Similar request already pending
- "500":
- description: Internal server error
- summary: Enable or disable transactions to OTA
+ summary: Update token ownership status
- - OTA (Beta)
+ - NFTs
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.oTABeta.setOtaStatus(oTABetaApiSetOtaStatusRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokenOwnershipStatus(nFTsApiUpdateTokenOwnershipStatusRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.oTABeta().setOtaStatus(setOtaStatusRequest,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokenOwnershipStatus(updateTokenOwnershipStatusDto,\
+ \ id, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/workspace_status:
- get:
- description: Returns current workspace status
- operationId: getWorkspaceStatus
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/getWorkspaceStatus_200_response'
- description: Current workspace status
- "404":
- description: Workspace not found
- summary: Returns current workspace status
- tags:
- - Workspace Status (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.workspaceStatusBeta.getWorkspaceStatus();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.workspaceStatusBeta().getWorkspaceStatus();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /tap/active_policy:
- get:
- description: |
- Returns the active policy and its validation.
- **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- If you want to participate and learn more about the Fireblocks TAP, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to CSM@fireblocks.com.
- operationId: getActivePolicy
+ /nfts/ownership/tokens/status:
+ put:
+ description: "Updates tokens status for a tenant, in all tenant vaults."
+ operationId: updateTokensOwnershipStatus
+ parameters:
+ - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
+ \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
+ \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
+ \ hours."
+ explode: false
+ in: header
+ name: Idempotency-Key
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateTokensOwnershipStatusRequest'
+ required: true
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyAndValidationResponse'
- description: A policy object
+ description: All token statuses have been updated
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid data sent
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Get the active policy and its validation
+ "404":
+ description: When ownership for token ID is not found
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Update tokens ownership status
- - Policy Editor (Beta)
+ - NFTs
- - language: python
- code: policy = fireblocks.get_active_policy()
- name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- - language: javascript
- code: const policy = await fireblocks.getActivePolicy();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta.getActivePolicy();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta().getActivePolicy();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
- /tap/draft:
- get:
- description: |
- Returns the active draft and its validation.
- **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- If you want to participate and learn more about the Fireblocks TAP, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to CSM@fireblocks.com.
- operationId: getDraft
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DraftReviewAndValidationResponse'
- description: A draft validation response object
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Get the active draft
- tags:
- - Policy Editor (Beta)
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: python
- code: policy = fireblocks.get_draft()
- name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- - language: javascript
- code: const policy = await fireblocks.getDraft();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta.getDraft();"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokensOwnershipStatus(nFTsApiUpdateTokensOwnershipStatusRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta().getDraft();
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokensOwnershipStatus(tokenOwnershipStatusUpdatePayload,\
+ \ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- post:
- description: |
- Send publish request of certain draft id and returns the response.
- **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- If you want to participate and learn more about the Fireblocks TAP, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to CSM@fireblocks.com.
- operationId: publishDraft
+ /nfts/ownership/tokens/spam:
+ put:
+ description: "Updates tokens spam property for a tenant's token ownerships,\
+ \ in all tenant vaults."
+ operationId: updateTokensOwnershipSpam
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
@@ -9870,118 +10009,158 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PublishDraftRequest'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateTokensOwnershipSpamRequest'
required: true
- "201":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PublishResult'
- description: A policy publish result object
+ "200":
+ description: All token spam properties have been updated
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid data sent
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Send publish request for a certain draft id
+ "404":
+ description: When ownership for token ID is not found
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Update tokens ownership spam property
- - Policy Editor (Beta)
+ - NFTs
- - language: python
- code: policy = fireblocks.publish_draft()
- name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- - language: javascript
- code: const policy = await fireblocks.publishDraft();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta.publishDraft(policyEditorBetaApiPublishDraftRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.nFTs.updateTokensOwnershipSpam(nFTsApiUpdateTokensOwnershipSpamRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta().publishDraft(publishDraftRequest,\
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.nFTs().updateTokensOwnershipSpam(tokenOwnershipSpamUpdatePayload,\
\ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- put:
- description: |
- Update the draft and return its validation.
- **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- If you want to participate and learn more about the Fireblocks TAP, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to CSM@fireblocks.com.
- operationId: updateDraft
+ /connections:
+ get:
+ description: Get open Web3 connections.
+ operationId: get
- - description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
- \ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
- \ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
- \ hours."
- explode: false
- in: header
- name: Idempotency-Key
+ - description: List order; ascending or descending.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: order
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: ASC
+ enum:
+ - ASC
+ - DESC
+ type: string
+ style: form
+ - description: Parsed filter object
+ examples:
+ object:
+ description: ""
+ summary: The filter object
+ value:
+ id: string
+ userId: string
+ vaultAccountId: number
+ connectionMethod: string
+ feeLevel: string
+ appUrl: string
+ appName: string
+ stringified:
+ description: |-
+ About stringified parsed objects:
+ * Each key-value pair is separated by '=', and each pair is separated by ',' (you can use [`qs`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs) package for this)
+ summary: The stringified parsed object
+ value: "id=string,userId=string,vaultAccountId=number,connectionMethod=string,feeLevel=string,appUrl=string,appName=string"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: filter
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_filter_parameter'
+ style: form
+ - description: Property to sort Web3 connections by.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: sort
required: false
+ default: createdAt
+ enum:
+ - id
+ - userId
+ - vaultAccountId
+ - createdAt
+ - feeLevel
+ - appUrl
+ - appName
type: string
- style: simple
- requestBody:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyRules'
- required: true
+ style: form
+ - description: Amount of results to return in the next page.
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: pageSize
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ default: 10
+ maximum: 50
+ type: number
+ style: form
+ - description: Cursor to the next page
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: next
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/DraftReviewAndValidationResponse'
- description: A draft validation response object
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectionsResponse'
+ description: ""
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "400":
+ description: Query parameters were invalid
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Update the draft with a new set of rules
+ "500":
+ description: Something went wrong
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: List all open Web3 connections.
- - Policy Editor (Beta)
+ - Web3 connections
- - language: python
- code: policy = fireblocks.update_draft()
- name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- - language: javascript
- code: const policy = await fireblocks.updateDraft();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta.updateDraft(policyEditorBetaApiUpdateDraftRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.web3Connections.get(web3ConnectionsApiGetRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture>\
- \ response = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta().updateDraft(policyRules, idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response =\
+ \ fireblocks.web3Connections().get(order, filter, sort, pageSize, next);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /tap/publish:
+ /connections/wc:
- description: |
- Send publish request of set of policy rules and returns the response.
- **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- If you want to participate and learn more about the Fireblocks TAP, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to CSM@fireblocks.com.
- operationId: publishPolicyRules
+ description: |-
+ Initiate a new Web3 connection.
+ * Note: After this succeeds, make a request to `PUT /v1/connections/wc/{id}` (below) to approve or reject the new Web3 connection.
+ operationId: create
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
@@ -9998,116 +10177,100 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyRules'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateConnectionRequest'
required: true
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PublishResult'
- description: A policy publish result object
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateConnectionResponse'
+ description: Web3 connection initiated successfully
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid data sent
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: Send publish request for a set of policy rules
+ "500":
+ description: Something went wrong
+ headers:
+ X-Request-ID:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
+ summary: Create a new Web3 connection.
- - Policy Editor (Beta)
+ - Web3 connections
- - language: python
- code: policy = fireblocks.publish_rules()
- name: Fireblocks SDK Python example
- - language: javascript
- code: const policy = await fireblocks.publishRules();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Javascript example
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta.publishPolicyRules(policyEditorBetaApiPublishPolicyRulesRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.web3Connections.create(web3ConnectionsApiCreateRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.policyEditorBeta().publishPolicyRules(policyRules,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response\
+ \ = fireblocks.web3Connections().create(createConnectionRequest, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/users:
- get:
- description: get console users from the current tenant
- operationId: getConsoleUsers
+ /connections/wc/{id}:
+ delete:
+ description: Remove a Web3 connection
+ operationId: remove
+ parameters:
+ - description: The ID of the existing Web3 connection to remove.
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConsoleUsersResponse'
- description: got console users
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
+ description: Connection removed successfully
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
+ "404":
+ description: Connection not found
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "500":
+ description: Something went wrong
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: get console users
+ summary: Remove an existing Web3 connection.
- - Console User
+ - Web3 connections
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.consoleUser.getConsoleUsers();"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.web3Connections.remove(web3ConnectionsApiRemoveRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response =
- fireblocks.consoleUser().getConsoleUsers();
+ code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.web3Connections().remove(id);
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- post:
- description: creates fireblocks console user
- operationId: createConsoleUser
+ put:
+ description: |-
+ Submit a response to *approve* or *reject* an initiated Web3 connection.
+ * Note: This call is used to complete your `POST /v1/connections/wc/` request.
+ After this succeeds, your new Web3 connection is created and functioning.
+ operationId: submit
+ - description: The ID of the initiated Web3 connection to approve.
+ explode: false
+ in: path
+ name: id
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -10123,136 +10286,54 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateConsoleUser'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/RespondToConnectionRequest'
+ required: true
- description: Users sent for creation
+ description: Connection submitted successfully
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- description: bad request
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
+ description: Invalid data sent
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
+ "404":
+ description: Connection not found
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
+ "500":
+ description: Something went wrong
$ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: create console user
+ summary: Respond to a pending Web3 connection request.
- - Console User
+ - Web3 connections
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.consoleUser.createConsoleUser(consoleUserApiCreateConsoleUserRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.web3Connections.submit(web3ConnectionsApiSubmitRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.consoleUser().createConsoleUser(createConsoleUser,\
- \ idempotencyKey);"
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.web3Connections().submit(respondToConnectionRequest,\
+ \ id, idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/api_users:
- get:
- description: get api users from the current tenant
- operationId: getApiUsers
- responses:
- "200":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetAPIUsersResponse'
- description: got api users
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: get api users
- tags:
- - Api User
- x-readme:
- code-samples:
- - language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.apiUser.getApiUsers();"
- name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- - language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.apiUser().getApiUsers();
- name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
- x-accepts: application/json
+ /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate:
- description: creates api user
- operationId: createApiUser
+ description: |-
+ Validate Travel Rule transactions.
+ Checks what beneficiary VASP details are required by your jurisdiction and the beneficiary's jurisdiction.
+ **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
+ To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+ operationId: validateTravelRuleTransaction
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
@@ -10269,77 +10350,47 @@ paths:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateAPIUser'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest'
+ required: true
- description: User sent for creation
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: create api user
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse'
+ description: Transaction validated successfully
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid request body
+ "500":
+ description: Internal server error
+ summary: Validate Travel Rule Transaction
- - Api User
+ - Travel Rule (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.apiUser.createApiUser(apiUserApiCreateApiUserRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.validateTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleBetaApiValidateTravelRuleTransactionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.apiUser().createApiUser(createAPIUser,\
+ code: "CompletableFuture>\
+ \ response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().validateTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleValidateTransactionRequest,\
\ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/users/{id}/reset_device:
+ /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full:
- description: resets device
- operationId: resetDevice
+ description: |-
+ Validate Full Travel Rule transactions.
+ Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs.
+ **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
+ To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+ operationId: validateFullTravelRuleTransaction
- - description: The ID of the user
- explode: false
- in: path
- name: id
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- style: simple
- description: "A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent\
\ multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the\
\ same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24\
@@ -10351,277 +10402,168 @@ paths:
type: string
style: simple
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest'
+ required: true
- description: User sent for creation
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: resets device
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse'
+ description: Transaction validated successfully
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid request body
+ "500":
+ description: Internal server error
+ summary: Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
- - Reset device
+ - Travel Rule (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.resetDevice.resetDevice(resetDeviceApiResetDeviceRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise>\
+ \ = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.validateFullTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleBetaApiValidateFullTravelRuleTransactionRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.resetDevice().resetDevice(id,\
+ code: "CompletableFuture>\
+ \ response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().validateFullTravelRuleTransaction(travelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest,\
\ idempotencyKey);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
+ x-content-type: application/json
x-accepts: application/json
- /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses:
+ /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did}:
- description: gets ip addresses
- operationId: getWhitelistIpAddresses
+ description: |-
+ Get VASP Details.
+ Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID.
+ **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
+ To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+ operationId: getVASPByDID
- - description: The ID of the user
- explode: false
+ - explode: false
in: path
- name: userId
+ name: did
required: true
type: string
style: simple
+ - description: "CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field\
+ \ names below)"
+ explode: true
+ in: query
+ name: fields
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetWhitelistIpAddressesResponse'
- description: successfully whitelisted
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "401":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Unauthorized. Missing / invalid JWT token in Authorization
- header.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Lacking permissions.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- "5XX":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- description: Internal error.
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- default:
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorSchema'
- description: Error Response
- headers:
- X-Request-ID:
- $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Request-ID'
- summary: gets ip addresses
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleVASP'
+ description: Transaction validated successfully
+ "400":
+ description: Invalid request body
+ "500":
+ description: Internal server error
+ summary: Get VASP details
- - whitelist ip addresses
+ - Travel Rule (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.whitelistIpAddresses.getWhitelistIpAddresses(whitelistIpAddressesApiGetWhitelistIpAddressesRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise> = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta.getVASPByDID(travelRuleBetaApiGetVASPByDIDRequest);"
name: Fireblocks SDK TypeScript example
- language: java
- code: CompletableFuture> response
- = fireblocks.whitelistIpAddresses().getWhitelistIpAddresses(userId);
+ code: "CompletableFuture> response = fireblocks.travelRuleBeta().getVASPByDID(did,\
+ \ fields);"
name: Fireblocks SDK Java example
x-accepts: application/json
- /smart-transfers:
+ /screening/travel_rule/vasp:
- description: Finds Smart Transfer tickets that match the submitted criteria
- operationId: searchTickets
+ description: |-
+ Get All VASPs.
+ Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted and results are paginated.
+ **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.
+ To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+ operationId: getVASPs
- - description: Search string - counterparty name or asset or ticketId. Optional
+ - description: Field to order by
explode: true
in: query
- name: q
+ name: order
required: false
- minLength: 1
type: string
style: form
- - description: Ticket statuses for Smart Transfer tickets. Optional
- example:
- - OPEN
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: statuses
- required: false
- schema:
- default: []
- items:
- enum:
- - OPEN
- type: string
- type: array
- style: form
- - description: "NetworkId that is used in the ticket\t. Optional"
+ - description: Records per page
explode: true
in: query
- name: networkId
+ name: per_page
required: false
- type: string
+ type: number
style: form
- - description: Filter created tickets by created by self or by others. Optional
+ - description: Page number
explode: true
in: query
- name: createdByMe
+ name: page
required: false
- type: boolean
+ type: number
style: form
- - description: Lower bound of search range. Optional
+ - description: "CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field\
+ \ names below)"
explode: true
in: query
- name: expiresAfter
+ name: fields
required: false
- format: date-time
type: string
style: form
- - description: Upper bound of search range. Optional
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: expiresBefore
- required: false
- schema:
- format: date-time
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Type of transfer. ASYNC executes transfers as they are funded,\
- \ ATOMIC executes all terms (legs) as one atomic transfer"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: type
- required: false
- schema:
- enum:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: External ref. ID that workspace can use to identify ticket outside
- of Fireblocks system.
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: externalRefId
- required: false
- schema:
- maxLength: 64
- minLength: 1
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: after
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- style: form
- - description: "Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 100"
- explode: true
- in: query
- name: limit
- required: false
- schema:
- minimum: 1
- type: number
- style: form
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SmartTransferTicketFilteredResponse'
- description: Smart Transfer tickets were returned successfully
- "403":
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/SmartTransferForbiddenResponse'
- description: Unauthorized
- summary: Find Ticket
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse'
+ description: Get all VASPs
+ summary: Get All VASPs
- - Smart Transfer
+ - Travel Rule (Beta)
- language: typescript
- code: "const response: Promise>\
- \ = fireblocks.smartTransfer.searchTickets(smartTransferApiSearchTicketsRequest);"
+ code: "const response: Promise