Releases: fga-eps-mds/2020-2-SiGeD-Demands
Releases · fga-eps-mds/2020-2-SiGeD-Demands
- [c9a375b]: [124] Demand token for demands API. (yukioz) #10,#6
- [2760e6f]: [124] Adjustment on folder organization to fix key import. (yukioz) #10,#6
- [801d1e5]: [124] remove console.log. (yukioz) #10,#6
- [b6ed3a3]: fix eslint error. (yukioz) #10,#6
- [dc48853]: [149] Add github action to deploy (Ezequiel) #10,#7
- [f1a991f]: [149] Change target branch (Ezequiel) #10,#7
- [59f0ab3]: Merge branch 'development' of into deploy (Ezequiel) #10,#7
- [44ed4f7]: Add name CI on lint action (Gabriela Guedes) #10,#7
- [1bb9aea]: [153] Add tests CI (Ezequiel) #10,#8
- [4e48db0]: [153] Remove .env from .gitignore (Ezequiel) #10,#8
- [e8ce292]: [154] Create DemandController, DemandSchema, routes for demands and validations. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [c6c3130]: [154] Fix validated process, eslint errors and test API on insomnia. (yukioz) #10,#9
- [0e96aee]: Final eslint errors. (yukioz) #10,#9
- [83e8d04]: [154] Install jest and supertest, fix demand schema and controller, create eslintignore and add yarn.lock in gitignore. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [d020ead]: [154] Add userID in the DemandSchema, validations and demandController, and fix getCategories response error. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [bf04a61]: [154] Solve demandId function returning an array problem and remove .env from gitignore. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [53b3185]: [154] Change error messages from DemandController and create api tests. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [1feafd0]: [154] Create tests for category. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [790dfe9]: [154] Change order of code lines in api.test.js to avoid duplicated error. (JPedroCh) #10,#9
- [513a8c9]: Add release ci (Gabriel Carvalho) #11
- [b570d1c]: Fix release ci (Gabriel Carvalho) #11
Release 1
Entrega da Release 1 do microsserviço de Demandas.
Nessa release foi feito:
- Cadastro de categorias
- Visualização da lista de categorias
- Visualização de uma categoria específica
- Edição de categorias
- Remoção de categorias