diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 9ee004bd..397f844a 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ for information on migrating applications to the new API.
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Sysadmin's Guide
- installation
+ installation/01-freeipa-server.rst
+ installation/02-freeipa-client.rst
.. Contributor's Guide
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deleted file mode 100644
index 76de225f..00000000
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Installing and setting up IPA
-Installing IPA
-There is a `basic quick start guide`_ for setting up FreeIPA.
-More comprehensive setup documentation is `available from Red Hat`_.
-.. _basic quick start guide: https://www.freeipa.org/page/Quick_Start_Guide
-.. _available from Red Hat: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/installing_identity_management/index
-Install the IPA FAS plugin
-If you're on Fedora, run::
- sudo dnf install freeipa-fas
-Otherwise you can checkout the code from
-https://github.com/fedora-infra/freeipa-fas/ and run ``install.sh``.
-Setting up IPA
-If you want to be able to manage registering users, you need to setup the
-corresponding role and privilege in IPA.
-First, create a privilege containing the permissions needed to manage stage users::
- ipa privilege-add "Stage User Managers" --desc "Manage registering users in Noggin"
- ipa privilege-add-permission "Stage User Managers" --permissions "System: Read Stage Users" --permissions "System: Modify Stage User" --permissions "System: Remove Stage User"
-Then, create a role associated with this privilege::
- ipa role-add "Stage User Managers" --desc "Manage registering users in Noggin"
- ipa role-add-privilege "Stage User Managers" --privileges "Stage User Managers"
-Finally, if your administrators group is called ``sysadmin``, give people in
-the ``sysadmin`` group the role to manage registering users::
- ipa role-add-member "Stage User Managers" --groups sysadmin
-Installing and setting up Noggin
-Install Noggin
-If you're on Fedora, you can install the ``noggin`` package with::
- sudo dnf install noggin
-Otherwise, you can install Noggin from PyPI with::
- pip install noggin noggin-messages
-You can also download the tarball or clone the repository, and run::
- poetry install --without dev --extras deploy
-You'll find ``poetry`` in your distribution's packages, on Fedora it's named
-``poetry``. You will also need to install ``noggin-messages``, with ``pip`` or
-with ``dnf``.
-Configure Noggin
-The tarball and the repository contain a file named ``deployment/noggin.cfg.example``.
-Copy it in ``/etc/noggin/noggin.cfg``. The ``noggin`` package in Fedora already
-installs this file.
-Edit ``/etc/noggin/noggin.cfg`` to set up Noggin settings as appropriate. As we
-set up a IPA system earlier, update the FREEIPA_* items to point to your
-Take a moment to review all the settings in the file and update them as needed.
-Most settings in there should have comments documenting what they're for, or
-are otherwise obvious for what needs to be set and why.
-Install and configure a web server
-This document will use Nginx as the webserver, but any proxying webserver would
-First, install nginx::
- sudo dnf install nginx
-Copy the file named ``deployment/nginx.conf`` in the tarball or the repo to
-``/etc/nginx/conf.d``, and adjust as appropriate to your webserver setup (HTTPS
-or not, certificates, domain(s), etc). If you are using the Fedora package,
-this file is already installed.
-Open ports in the firewall
-On Fedora, this can be done with::
- sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http
- sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https
- sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
-Setup the Noggin service
-The Fedora package already installs the service definition file. If you are not
-on Fedora or are not using the RPM, you can use the files named
-``deployment/noggin.service`` and ``deployment/noggin.sysconfig`` in the
-tarball or the repo. Copy the ``.service`` file to
-``/etc/systemd/system/noggin.service`` and the ``.sysconfig`` file to
-Adjust the ``ExecStart`` in ``/etc/systemd/system/noggin.service`` to account
-for the environment where you installed Noggin.
-- If you installed Noggin with ``pip`` as ``root``, ``gunicorn`` will be at
- ``/usr/local/bin/gunicorn``
-- If you installed Noggin with ``pip`` as a normal user, ``gunicorn`` will be
- at ``/home/username/.local/bin/gunicorn``
-- If you installed Noggin in a virtualenv, ``gunicorn`` will be at
- ``/path/to/virtualenv/bin/gunicorn``
-- If you installed Noggin with Poetry, ``gunicorn`` will be at
- ``/home/username/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/noggin-aaa-*/bin/gunicorn``
-Enable and start Nginx and Noggin services::
- sudo systemctl enable --now noggin.service nginx.service
-For more information, take a look at `the official Noggin documentation`_.
-.. _the official Noggin documentation: https://noggin-aaa.readthedocs.io/
diff --git a/docs/installation/01-freeipa-server.rst b/docs/installation/01-freeipa-server.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bfeabe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installation/01-freeipa-server.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+Setting up the FreeIPA server
+In order to run a FreeIPA server in a virtual machine, we need to set up the
+following four files in the same directory.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ .
+ ├── Fedora-Cloud-Base-XX-A.B.x86_64.raw
+ ├── head.cfg
+ ├── head.sh
+ └── head.yml
+ 1 directory, 4 files
+Sourcing Image
+Download the most recent release of
+`Fedora Linux Cloud Edition `_
+in the RAW extension.
+Network Configuration
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``head.cfg`` file should
+look like the following.
+- IPv4 gateway - ````
+- IPv4 address - ````
+- IPv4 DNS servers - ````
+- DHCP on IPv4 - ``Disabled``
+- DHCP on IPv6 - ``Disabled``
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ #cloud-config
+ network:
+ version: 2
+ renderer: "NetworkManager"
+ ethernets:
+ eth0:
+ dhcp4: false
+ dhcp6: false
+ gateway4: ""
+ addresses:
+ - ""
+ nameservers:
+ addresses:
+ - ""
+Machine Configuration
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``head.yml`` file should
+look like the following.
+- Hostname - ````
+- FQDN - ````
+- Name for administrator user - ``root``
+- GECOS for administrator user - ````
+- Password for administrator user - ````
+- Disable administrator user account? - ``False``
+- Name for default user - ````
+- GECOS for default user - ````
+- Password for default user - ````
+- Disable default user account? - ``False``
+- Sudo mode for default user - ``ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL``
+- Public SSH key for default user - ````
+- Groups for default user - ``wheel``
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ #cloud-config
+ preserve_hostname: false
+ hostname: ""
+ fqdn: ""
+ system_info:
+ default_user:
+ name: "root"
+ gecos: ""
+ plain_text_passwd: ""
+ lock_passwd: false
+ final_message: |
+ Operating system has been initialized
+ Version: $version
+ Timestamp: $timestamp
+ Datasource: $datasource
+ Uptime: $uptime
+ users:
+ - name: ""
+ gecos: ""
+ plain_text_passwd: ""
+ lock_passwd: false
+ ssh_authorized_keys:
+ - ""
+ groups:
+ - "wheel"
+ growpart:
+ mode: auto
+ devices:
+ - "/"
+ ignore_growroot_disabled: false
+Configuration Script
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``head.sh`` file should
+look like the following.
+- Specific hostname - ``nogginvirt``
+- Environment name - ``head``
+- Memory size (in MB, should be minimum 2048) - ``4096``
+- CPU count (should be minimum 2) - ``4``
+- Network configuration file location - ````
+- Machine configuration file location - ````
+- Disk size (in GB, should be minimum 16) - ``24G``
+- Cloud image file location (in RAW) - ````
+- Output image file location (in RAW) - ````
+- Network interface binding name - ````
+- VNC port number - ````
+- Operating system variant - ``fedora-unknown``
+.. code-block:: shell
+ #!/bin/sh
+ SPECNAME="nogginvirt"
+ EVMTNAME="head"
+ MEMCOUNT="4096"
+ GRINCOLR="\033[42m"
+ RESETCOL="\033[0m"
+ sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ
+ sudo qemu-img resize $DESTIMEJ -f raw $DISKSIZE
+ sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ
+ sudo \
+ virt-install \
+ --virt-type kvm \
+ --os-variant fedora-unknown \
+ --arch x86_64 \
+ --memory $MEMCOUNT \
+ --cpu host-passthrough \
+ --vcpus $CPUCOUNT \
+ --disk $DESTIMEJ,device=disk,bus=virtio,format=raw,sparse=false \
+ --graphics vnc,listen=,port=$VNCPORTN \
+ --network model=virtio,bridge=$BRDGNAME \
+ --cloud-init user-data=$INITFILE,network-config=$NTWKFILE \
+ --import \
+ --noautoconsole
+Setting up the virtual machine
+1. Ensure that the most recent release of Fedora Linux Cloud Edition is kept
+ in a certain directory
+2. Ensure that the variables are suitably replaced in the configuration files
+ kept in the same directory.
+3. Execute the configuration script start setting up the virtual machine.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sh head.sh
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ image: head.img
+ file format: raw
+ virtual size: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Child node '/file':
+ filename: head.img
+ protocol type: file
+ file length: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ image: head.img
+ file format: raw
+ virtual size: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Child node '/file':
+ filename: head.img
+ protocol type: file
+ file length: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Starting install...
+ Creating domain...
+ Domain creation completed.
+4. Monitor the instantiation of the cloud installation using the following
+ command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ virsh console nogginvirt-head
+5. Connect to the instantiated cloud installation using the following command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ssh -i @
+Setting up a FreeIPA installation
+1. Edit the hosts file of the cloud installation to reflect the following.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ For example
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ nogginvirt-head.apexaltruism.net nogginvirt-head
+2. Open ports in the firewall to allow for ports used by the FreeIPA server.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=freeipa-ldap --add-service=freeipa-ldaps --permanent
+3. Reload the firewall daemon to ensure that the changes thus made take effect.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
+4. Install the FreeIPA server package without the optionally provided
+ dependencies.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install freeipa-server --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
+5. Set up a DNS server depending on the deployment environment preferences.
+ Either set up DNS entries on an already used DNS service in the
+ infrastructure
+ Or elect to use the integrated DNS server for FreeIPA.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install freeipa-server-dns --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
+6. Install the Fedora Account System plugin for IPA
+ By either executing the following command
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install freeipa-fas --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
+ Or by running ``install.sh`` after checking out the codebase from the
+ `freeipa-fas `_ repository.
+7. Configure the installed FreeIPA server using the following command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo ipa-server-install
+8. Answer the questions mentioned in the prompts of the installation script.
+ Sticking to the values used before is mandatory in order for the server to
+ work properly.
+ .. code-block::
+ The log file for this installation can be found in /var/log/ipaserver-install.log
+ ==============================================================================
+ This program will set up the IPA Server.
+ Version 4.11.0
+ This includes:
+ * Configure a stand-alone CA (dogtag) for certificate management
+ * Configure the NTP client (chronyd)
+ * Create and configure an instance of Directory Server
+ * Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
+ * Configure Apache (httpd)
+ * Configure SID generation
+ * Configure the KDC to enable PKINIT
+ To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.
+ Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)? [no]: no
+ Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer
+ on which you're setting up server software. Using the form
+ .
+ Example: master.example.com
+ Server host name []:
+ The domain name has been determined based on the host name.
+ Please confirm the domain name []:
+ The kerberos protocol requires a Realm name to be defined.
+ This is typically the domain name converted to uppercase.
+ Please provide a realm name []:
+ Certain directory server operations require an administrative user.
+ This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and has full access
+ to the Directory for system management tasks and will be added to the
+ instance of directory server created for IPA.
+ The password must be at least 8 characters long.
+ Directory Manager password:
+ Password (confirm):
+ The IPA server requires an administrative user, named 'admin'.
+ This user is a regular system account used for IPA server administration.
+ IPA admin password:
+ Password (confirm):
+ Trust is configured but no NetBIOS domain name found, setting it now.
+ Enter the NetBIOS name for the IPA domain.
+ Only up to 15 uppercase ASCII letters, digits and dashes are allowed.
+ Example: EXAMPLE.
+ NetBIOS domain name []:
+ Do you want to configure chrony with NTP server or pool address? [no]: no
+ The IPA Master Server will be configured with:
+ Hostname:
+ IP address(es):
+ Domain name:
+ Realm name:
+ The CA will be configured with:
+ Subject DN: CN=Certificate Authority,O=
+ Subject base: O=
+ Chaining: self-signed
+ Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
+ The following operations may take some minutes to complete.
+ Please wait until the prompt is returned.
+ Disabled p11-kit-proxy
+ Synchronizing time
+ No SRV records of NTP servers found and no NTP server or pool address was provided.
+ Using default chrony configuration.
+9. Make note of the newly added values to the installation script prompts.
+ These values would be used later while setting up the FreeIPA client in
+ the Noggin server.
+Setting up users after authentication
+1. Login as the service administrator user using the password mentioned before.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ kinit admin
+ Password for admin@:
+2. Add your first user to the FreeIPA server using the following command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa user-add
+Configuring FreeIPA server for registration
+To allow for the management of registering users, the corresponding roles and
+privileges need to be set up in the FreeIPA server.
+1. Create a privilege containing the permissions needed to manage stage users
+ by executing the following commands.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa privilege-add "Stage User Managers" --desc "Manage registering users in Noggin"
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa privilege-add-permission "Stage User Managers" --permissions "System: Read Stage Users" --permissions "System: Modify Stage User" --permissions "System: Remove Stage User"
+2. Create a role associated with this privilege by executing the following
+ command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa role-add "Stage User Managers" --desc "Manage registering users in Noggin"
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa role-add-privilege "Stage User Managers" --privileges "Stage User Managers"
+3. For an administrators group called ``sysadmin``, allow people in the
+ ``sysadmin`` group the role to manage registering users.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ipa role-add-member "Stage User Managers" --groups sysadmin
+As there can be multiple ways of installing and configuring a FreeIPA server,
+please refer to the basic quick start guide provided on the
+`FreeIPA website `_ and the
+comprehensive setup documentation on the
+`Red Hat website `_
+if the aforementioned guide does not work.
diff --git a/docs/installation/02-freeipa-client.rst b/docs/installation/02-freeipa-client.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5217c6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installation/02-freeipa-client.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+Setting up the Noggin server
+In order to run a Noggin server in a virtual machine, we need to set up the
+following four files in the same directory.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ .
+ ├── Fedora-Cloud-Base-XX-A.B.x86_64.raw
+ ├── main.cfg
+ ├── main.sh
+ └── main.yml
+ 1 directory, 4 files
+Sourcing Image
+Download the most recent release of
+`Fedora Linux Cloud Edition `_
+in the RAW extension.
+Network Configuration
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``main.cfg`` file should
+look like the following.
+- IPv4 gateway - ````
+- IPv4 address - ````
+- IPv4 DNS servers - ````
+- DHCP on IPv4 - ``Disabled``
+- DHCP on IPv6 - ``Disabled``
+Ensure that the ```` of the virtual machine running the FreeIPA
+server is accessible from the chosen network configuration here.
+It is strongly recommended to have the virtual machine for the Noggin server
+set up in the same subnet as that of the virtual machine running the FreeIPA
+server to minimize latencies and possible performance inconsistencies.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ #cloud-config
+ network:
+ version: 2
+ renderer: "NetworkManager"
+ ethernets:
+ eth0:
+ dhcp4: false
+ dhcp6: false
+ gateway4: ""
+ addresses:
+ - ""
+ nameservers:
+ addresses:
+ - ""
+Machine Configuration
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``main.yml`` file should
+look like the following.
+- Hostname - ````
+- FQDN - ````
+- Name for administrator user - ``root``
+- GECOS for administrator user - ````
+- Password for administrator user - ````
+- Disable administrator user account? - ``False``
+- Name for default user - ````
+- GECOS for default user - ````
+- Password for default user - ````
+- Disable default user account? - ``False``
+- Sudo mode for default user - ``ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL``
+- Public SSH key for default user - ````
+- Groups for default user - ``wheel``
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ #cloud-config
+ preserve_hostname: false
+ hostname: ""
+ fqdn: ""
+ system_info:
+ default_user:
+ name: "root"
+ gecos: ""
+ plain_text_passwd: ""
+ lock_passwd: false
+ final_message: |
+ Operating system has been initialized
+ Version: $version
+ Timestamp: $timestamp
+ Datasource: $datasource
+ Uptime: $uptime
+ users:
+ - name: ""
+ gecos: ""
+ plain_text_passwd: ""
+ lock_passwd: false
+ ssh_authorized_keys:
+ - ""
+ groups:
+ - "wheel"
+ growpart:
+ mode: auto
+ devices:
+ - "/"
+ ignore_growroot_disabled: false
+Configuration Script
+After replacing the variables mentioned below, the ``main.sh`` file should
+look like the following.
+- Specific hostname - ``nogginvirt``
+- Environment name - ``main``
+- Memory size (in MB, should be minimum 2048) - ``4096``
+- CPU count (should be minimum 2) - ``4``
+- Network configuration file location - ````
+- Machine configuration file location - ````
+- Disk size (in GB, should be minimum 16) - ``24G``
+- Cloud image file location (in RAW) - ````
+- Output image file location (in RAW) - ````
+- Network interface binding name - ````
+- VNC port number - ````
+- Operating system variant - ``fedora-unknown``
+.. code-block:: shell
+ #!/bin/sh
+ SPECNAME="nogginvirt"
+ EVMTNAME="main"
+ MEMCOUNT="4096"
+ GRINCOLR="\033[42m"
+ RESETCOL="\033[0m"
+ sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ
+ sudo qemu-img resize $DESTIMEJ -f raw $DISKSIZE
+ sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ
+ sudo \
+ virt-install \
+ --virt-type kvm \
+ --os-variant fedora-unknown \
+ --arch x86_64 \
+ --memory $MEMCOUNT \
+ --cpu host-passthrough \
+ --vcpus $CPUCOUNT \
+ --disk $DESTIMEJ,device=disk,bus=virtio,format=raw,sparse=false \
+ --graphics vnc,listen=,port=$VNCPORTN \
+ --network model=virtio,bridge=$BRDGNAME \
+ --cloud-init user-data=$INITFILE,network-config=$NTWKFILE \
+ --import \
+ --noautoconsole
+Setting up the virtual machine
+1. Ensure that the most recent release of Fedora Linux Cloud Edition is kept
+ in a certain directory
+2. Ensure that the variables are suitably replaced in the configuration files
+ kept in the same directory.
+3. Execute the configuration script start setting up the virtual machine.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sh main.sh
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ image: main.img
+ file format: raw
+ virtual size: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Child node '/file':
+ filename: main.img
+ protocol type: file
+ file length: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ image: main.img
+ file format: raw
+ virtual size: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Child node '/file':
+ filename: main.img
+ protocol type: file
+ file length: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
+ disk size: 622 MiB
+ Starting install...
+ Creating domain...
+ Domain creation completed.
+4. Monitor the instantiation of the cloud installation using the following
+ command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ virsh console nogginvirt-main
+5. Connect to the instantiated cloud installation using the following command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ ssh -i @
+Installing and configuring a web server
+1. Choose a web serer compatible with the deployment environment preferences.
+ Either configure an already used web server in the infrastructure
+ Or elect to use Nginx which is the default for this documentation.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install nginx --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
+Setting up a Noggin installation
+Noggin server can be installed on the cloud installation using one of the
+following three methods.
+- Installing from PyPI
+- Installing from Fedora Linux repositories
+- Installing from source
+Installing from PyPI
+1. Execute the following command to install Noggin and Noggin Messages project
+ from PyPI.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ pip3 install noggin noggin-messages
+2. Download the ``noggin.cfg.example`` file from
+ `here `__
+ and copy it to the ``/etc/noggin`` directory as ``noggin.cfg`` file. Edit
+ the variables (eg. the ``FREEIPA_*`` items to point to the FreeIPA server
+ deployment.
+3. Download the ``nginx.conf`` file from
+ `here `__
+ and copy it to the ``/etc/nginx/conf.d`` directory as ``nginx.conf``. Make
+ adjustments according to the deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not,
+ certificates, domains etc.)
+4. Download the ``noggin.service`` file from
+ `here `__
+ and copy it to the ``/etc/systemd/system`` directory as ``noggin.service``.
+ Adjust the ``ExecStart`` section to account for the installation
+ environment, WSGI changes, IP address and port numbers.
+ If Noggin was installed as the ``root`` user, change ``gunicorn`` location
+ to ``/usr/local/bin/gunicorn`` in the unit file.
+ If Noggin was installed as a normal user, change ``gunicorn`` location to
+ ``/home//.local/bin/gunicorn`` in the unit file.
+5. Download the ``noggin.sysconfig`` file from
+ `here `__
+ and copy it to the ``/etc/sysconfig`` directory as ``noggin``.
+Installing from Fedora Linux repositories
+1. Execute the following command to install Noggin package from the Fedora
+ Linux repositories.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install noggin
+2. Edit the configuration file for Noggin located in the
+ ``/etc/noggin/noggin.cfg`` directory with the variables used for setting
+ up the FreeIPA server (eg. the ``FREEIPA_*`` items) to point to the
+ FreeIPA server deployment.
+3. Edit the web server configuration file named ``nginx.conf`` located in the
+ ``/etc/nginx/conf.d`` directory and make adjustments according to the
+ deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not, certificates, domains etc.)
+4. Edit the service unit file named ``noggin.service`` located in the
+ ``/etc/systemd/system`` directory and make changes in the ``ExecStart``
+ section to account for the installation environment, WSGI changes, IP
+ address and port numbers.
+5. Copy the ``noggin.sysconfig`` file from the ``deployment`` directory to the
+ ``/etc/sysconfig`` directory as ``noggin``.
+Installing from source
+1. Download and extract the most recent tarball from the primary branch of
+ the repository.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ wget https://github.com/fedora-infra/noggin/releases/download/v1.9.0/noggin_aaa-1.9.0.tar.gz
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ tar -xvzf noggin_aaa-1.9.0.tar.gz
+2. Install ``poetry`` and ``virtualenv`` using the following command if not
+ already installed.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo dnf install poetry virtualenv --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
+3. Create and activate a virtual environment in the project directory.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ cd noggin_aaa
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ virtualenv venv
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ source venv/bin/activate
+4. Install the project assets and its dependencies using the following command.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ (venv) poetry install --without-dev --extras deploy
+5. Copy the ``noggin.cfg.example`` file from the ``deployment`` directory to
+ the ``/etc/noggin`` directory as ``noggin.cfg`` and add the variables used
+ for setting up the FreeIPA server (eg. the ``FREEIPA_*`` items) to point to
+ the FreeIPA server deployment.
+6. Copy the ``nginx.conf`` file from the ``deployment`` directory to the
+ ``/etc/nginx/conf.d`` directory as ``nginx.conf`` and make adjustments
+ according to the deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not, certificates,
+ domains etc.)
+7. Copy the ``noggin.service`` file from the ``deployment`` directory to the
+ ``/etc/systemd/system`` directory as ``noggin.service`` and adjust the
+ ``ExecStart`` section to account for the installation environment, WSGI
+ changes, IP address and port numbers. Change ``gunicorn`` location to
+ ``//bin/gunicorn`` in the unit file.
+8. Copy the ``noggin.sysconfig`` file from the ``deployment`` directory to the
+ ``/etc/sysconfig`` directory as ``noggin``.
+Allowing ports through the firewall
+1. Execute the following commands to allow the required ports through the
+ firewall.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
+2. Reload the firewall daemon to ensure that the changes thus made take effect.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
+Starting the services
+1. Execute the following command to enable and start the Nginx and Noggin
+ services.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo systemctl enable --now noggin.service
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ sudo systemctl enable --now nginx.service
+For more information, take a look at the
+`official Noggin documentation `_.
diff --git a/news/1363.bug b/news/1363.bug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4ff60f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/news/1363.bug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Revisited and rewrote the installation steps in greater detail