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File metadata and controls

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Migration Utilities Build Status

A framework to support migration of data from Fedora 3 to Fedora 6 repositories


This utility iterates the foxml files of a fedora 3 repository, and creates a Fedora 6 compliant OCFL Oxford Common File Layout

Migrations to Fedora 6 write migrated objects directly to the filesystem as OCFL objects.
In particular:

  • RDF is not re-mapped, info:fedora/ subjects and objects are kept intact as-is
  • FOXML object and datastream properties are represented as triples in additional sidecar files

There are two options for the OCFL structure of your Fedora 3 objects.

  1. Using Archival Groups (default).
    • There is a 1:1 correspondence between Fedora 3 objects and OCFL objects. Fedora 3 datastreams appear as files within the resulting OCFL objects.
    • Pros: The object and all datastreams are versioned together and remain "close" on the filesystem.
    • Cons: Archival Groups with a lot of children and versions can become very large as the inventory files grow quickly.
  2. Using Atomic Resources (--atomic-resources).
    • Each Fedora 3 object and datastream becomes a separate OCFL object, storing the one resource.
    • Pros: Because each OCFL object contains a single resource it is less susceptible to having very large inventory files.
    • Cons: Parent and child (or object and datastream) resources can be spread out in the OCFL repository on disk.


Fedora 6 support is production ready. Please use the latest production release.

How to use

Background work

  • Determine the disposition of your FOXML files:
    • Will you be migrating from exported (archive or migration context) FOXML?
      • If so, you will need all of the export FOXML in a known directory.
    • Will you be migrating from from a native fcrepo3 filesystem?
      • If so, fcrepo3 should not be running, and you will need to determine if you're using legacy or akubra storage
  • How do you want your objects arranged in OCFL?
    • Archival Groups? (default) or Atomic Resources? (--atomic-resources)

General usage of the migration utils CLI is as follows:

java -jar target/migration-utils-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-driver.jar [various options | --help]

Note that the migration utility will only run under Java 11+.

The following CLI options for specifying details of a given migration are available:

Usage: migration-utils [-AchHIrVx] [--debug] [--enable-metrics] [--foxml-file]
                       [--no-checksum-validation] -a=<targetDir>
                       [--algorithm=<digestAlgorithm>] [-d=<f3DatastreamsDir>]
                       [-e=<f3ExportedDir>] [-f=<f3hostname>] [-i=<workingDir>]
                       [--id-prefix=<idPrefix>] [-l=<objectLimit>]
                       [-m=<migrationType>] [-o=<f3ObjectsDir>] [-p=<pidFile>]
                       -t=<f3SourceType> [-u=<user>] [-U=<userUri>]
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
  -t, --source-type=<f3SourceType>
                             Fedora 3 source type. Choices: akubra | legacy |
  -d, --datastreams-dir=<f3DatastreamsDir>
                             Directory containing Fedora 3 datastreams (used
                               with --source-type 'akubra' or 'legacy')
  -o, --objects-dir=<f3ObjectsDir>
                             Directory containing Fedora 3 objects (used with
                               --source-type 'akubra' or 'legacy')
  -e, --exported-dir=<f3ExportedDir>
                             Directory containing Fedora 3 export (used with
                               --source-type 'exported')
  -a, --target-dir=<targetDir>
                             OCFL storage root directory (data/ocfl-root is
                               created for migration-type FEDORA_OCFL)
  -i, --working-dir=<workingDir>
                             Directory where supporting state will be written
                               (cached index of datastreams, ...)
  -I, --delete-inactive      Migrate objects and datastreams in the Inactive
                               state as deleted. Default: false.
                               Default: false
  -A, --atomic-resources     Migrate objects and datastreams as atomic
                               resources instead of archival groups
                               Default: false
  -m, --migration-type=<migrationType>
                             Type of OCFL objects to migrate to. Choices:
                               FEDORA_OCFL | PLAIN_OCFL
                               Default: FEDORA_OCFL
      --id-prefix=<idPrefix> Only use this for PLAIN_OCFL migrations: Prefix to
                               add to PIDs for OCFL object IDs - defaults to
                               info:fedora/, like Fedora3
                               Default: info:fedora/
      --foxml-file           Migrate FOXML file as a whole file, instead of
                               creating property files. FOXML file will be
                               migrated, then marked as deleted so it doesn't
                               show up as an active file.
  -l, --limit=<objectLimit>  Limit number of objects to be processed.
                               Default: no limit
  -r, --resume               Resume from last successfully migrated Fedora 3
                               Default: false
  -c, --continue-on-error    Continue to next PID if an error occurs (instead
                               of exiting). Disabled by default.
                               Default: false
  -p, --pid-file=<pidFile>   PID file listing which Fedora 3 objects to migrate
  -x, --extensions           Add file extensions to migrated datastreams based
                               on mimetype recorded in FOXML
                               Default: false
  -f, --f3hostname=<f3hostname>
                             Hostname of Fedora 3, used for replacing
                               placeholder in 'E' and 'R' datastream URLs
  -u, --username=<user>      The username to associate with all of the migrated
                               Default: fedoraAdmin
  -U, --user-uri=<userUri>   The username to associate with all of the migrated
                               Default: info:fedora/fedoraAdmin
                             The digest algorithm to use in the OCFL objects
                               created. Either sha256 or sha512
                               Default: sha512
                             Disable validation that datastream content matches
                               Fedora 3 checksum.
                               Default: false
      --enable-metrics       Enable gathering of metrics for a Prometheus
                             Note: this requires port 8080 to be free in order
                               for Prometheus to scrape metrics.
                               Default: false
      --disable-dc           Disable creation of DC properties from DC datastreams
      --debug                Enables debug logging
  -H, --head-only            Migrate only the HEAD of each datastream
                               Default: false

PID migration selection

The default migration configuration will migrate all of the Fedora 3 objects found in the source. Subsequent runs will simply re-migrate all of those objects. However, there are circumstances when it is preferred that only a subset of all source objects be migrated. There are three means by which a subset of objects may be selected for migration (noting that these means may also be combined).

  • Limit: When setting the limit configuration (detailed above), the migration will be performed on first X-number of objects specified by the value of limit.
  • PID List: When a pid-list is provided (detailed above), the migration will only be performed on the objects associated with the PIDs in the provided pid-list file.
  • Resume: When enabling the resume configuration (detailed above), a file is maintained that keeps track of the last successfully migration object. Subsequent executions will only migrate objects following the last migrated object. Note, this capability is based on the assumption that the order of objects to be migrated is deterministic and the same from one execution to the next.

HEAD only migrations

Using the --head-only option, migrations can be done on only the HEAD versions of a datastream. This will flatten the history of a Fedora 3 object to a single version. This is currently not compatible with Atomic migrations.


Run a minimal fedora 6 migration from fedora3 legacy foxml

java -jar target/migration-utils-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-driver.jar --source-type=legacy --limit=100 --target-dir=target/test/ocfl --objects-dir=src/test/resources/legacyFS/objects --datastreams-dir=src/test/resources/legacyFS/datastreams

Run a minimal fedora 6 migration from a fedora3 archival export

java -jar target/migration-utils-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-driver.jar --source-type=exported --limit=100 --target-dir=target/test/ocfl --exported-dir=src/test/resources/exported

Metrics Gathering

The migration-utils offers some insight into operations using Prometheus and Grafana. When running, the --enable-metrics option must be used which will start up an HTTP server on port 8080 with an endpoint on /prometheus for Prometheus to scrape data from. This can be tested by going to http://localhost:8080/prometheus while the migration-utils is running.

To get setup, follow the directions from the Migration Utils Metrics documentation and run a Fedora 6 migration with metrics enabled:

java -jar target/migration-utils-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-driver.jar --source-type=legacy --target-dir=target/test/ocfl --objects-dir=src/test/resources/legacyFS/objects --datastreams-dir=src/test/resources/legacyFS/datastreams --enable-metrics

Property Mappings

fcrepo 3 Object properties to fcrepo 6+

fcrepo 3 fcrepo 6+ Example
PID fedora3model:PID† yul:328697
state fedoraaccess:objState Active
label fedora3model:label† Elvis Presley
createDate fcrepo:created 2015-03-16T20:11:06.683Z
lastModifiedDate fcrepo:lastModified 2015-03-16T20:11:06.683Z
ownerId fedora3model:ownerId† nruest

fcrepo3 Datastream properties to fcrepo 4+

fcrepo 3 fcrepo 6+ Example
DSID dcterms:identifier OBJ
Label dcterms:title‡ ASC19109.tif
MIME Type ebucore:hasMimeType† image/tiff
State fedoraaccess:objState Active
Created fcrepo:created 2015-03-16T20:11:06.683Z
Versionable fedora:hasVersions‡ true
Format URI premis:formatDesignation‡ info:pronom/fmt/156
Alternate IDs dcterms:identifier‡
Access URL dcterms:identifier‡
Checksum cryptofunc:hashalgorithm cryptofunc:sha1 "c91342b705b15cb4f6ac5362cc6a47d9425aec86"

auditTrail mapping

fcrepo 3 event fcrepo 4+ Event Type
addDatastream premis:ing‡
modifyDatastreamByReference audit:contentModification/metadataModification‡
modifyObject audit:resourceModification‡
modifyObject (checksum validation) premis:validation‡
modifyDatastreamByValue audit:contentModification/metadataModification‡
purgeDatastream audit:contentRemoval‡

† The fedora3model namespace is not a published namespace. It is a representation of the fcrepo 3 namespace info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model.

‡ Not yet implemented

Note: All fcrepo 3 DC (Dublin Core) datastream values are mapped as dcterms properties on the Object in fcrepo 6+. The same goes for any properties in the RELS-EXT and RELS-INT datastreams.


The migration-utils software is built with Maven 3 and requires Java 11 and Maven 3.1+.

mvn clean install

The executable utility will be found in the target directory.


Current maintainer