A simple and effective flexbox based framework.
This project is still very new and for now it is only a grid system. I have plans on making it better and better and I'm counting on the community to collaborate with this and make this awesome! If you are interested in collaborating, check the instructions below.
I based some of what was done on Zurb Foundation 5 mixins. Thanks again for a wonderful job guys.
You can either download the entire repository or clone the repository and use the SASS files to customize it to your needs or you can download the CSS version and include it to your project.
$ cd your_folder
$ git clone https://github.com/fclaussen/Flexbox-Framework.git
The project file template is pretty straight forward. The root folder holds an example html page and inside the dist folder you can find the scss files to be compiled.
If you find any bugs, you can open an issue at https://github.com/fclaussen/Flexbox-Framework/issues. If you find a bug and know how to fix it, fork the project, create a new branch, fix the problem and submit a pull request.
In your pull request, please explain the problem and your approach to fixing it. If you could provide a working example of that bug with a jsfiddle or codepen it would be great.
Having trouble with this framework? Check out the documentation at https://github.com/fclaussen/Flexbox-Framework/wiki or create and issue at https://github.com/fclaussen/Flexbox-Framework/issues and me or someone else will help you sort it out.
Zurb Foundation for awesome sass mixins and inspiration