NB: This documents the incoming countervalues-new new implementation.
...TODO document live-common api...
If you want a lot of more verbosity, you can run with
The CLI implements tools to test the countervalues.
The easiest way to get it is to install it with NPM. As it's still experimental, make sure to often update it to latest version we have worked on:
npm i -g ledger-live@countervalues
This is a super set of ledger-live sync
that is showing you a Portfolio version of your accounts, similarly to Ledger Live's Portfolio.
SUMMARY OF PORTFOLIO: 65 accounts, total of USD 80.70 ::: on a month period: 138% (USD 46.82)
USD 110.75 ┤ ╭╮
USD 102.87 ┤ ││
USD 94.99 ┤ ││
USD 87.10 ┤ ││
USD 79.22 ┤ ││ ╭─╮╭──────╮╭
USD 71.34 ┤ ││ ╭───────╯ ╰╯ ││
USD 63.46 ┤ │╰─────╯ ││
USD 55.58 ┤ │ ││
USD 47.69 ┤ │ ││
USD 39.81 ┤ │ ││
USD 31.93 ┼──╯ ╰╯
It takes the same parameter of sync
but it also takes
--countervalue <String> : ticker of a currency
-p, --period <String> : year | month | week
ledger-live portfolio -c eth --xpub xpub6BemYiVNp19a1XgWqLcpWd1pBDZTgzPEcVvhR15cpXPVQjuEnrU7fa3TUatX2NbRWNkqx51jmyukisqGokHq5dyK5uYcbwQBF7nJyAdpYZy
This allows to test directly the countervalues.
Running the command without parameter will simply fetch the latest month of daily BTC-USD rates.
It can take more parameters however:
❯ ledger-live countervalues --countervalue EUR -c ETH -c BTC -f asciichart
Ethereum to Euro
EUR 198.28 ┼ ╭─────╮╭
EUR 178.45 ┤ ╭╮ ╭──────╯ ││
EUR 158.62 ┼──╮ ╭─╯╰──╯ ││
EUR 138.80 ┤ ╰─────╯ ││
EUR 118.97 ┤ ││
EUR 99.14 ┤ ││
EUR 79.31 ┤ ││
EUR 59.48 ┤ ││
EUR 39.66 ┤ ││
EUR 19.83 ┤ ││
EUR 0.00 ┤ ╰╯
Bitcoin to Euro
EUR 8,426.00 ┼ ╭╮╭───╮╭
EUR 7,583.40 ┤ ╭─╯╰╯ ││
EUR 6,740.80 ┼──╮ ╭╮ ╭───╮ ╭────╯ ││
EUR 5,898.20 ┤ ╰─╯╰──╯ ╰─╯ ││
EUR 5,055.60 ┤ ││
EUR 4,213.00 ┤ ││
EUR 3,370.40 ┤ ││
EUR 2,527.80 ┤ ││
EUR 1,685.20 ┤ ││
EUR 842.60 ┤ ││
EUR 0.00 ┤ ╰╯
We can also do more tests like fetching rates of TOP 10 of coins:
❯ ledger-live countervalues --marketcap --size 10 --format stats
BTC to USD availability=93%
ETH to USD availability=93%
XRP to USD availability=97%
USDT to USD availability=97%
BCH to USD availability=97%
LTC to USD availability=97%
BNB to USD availability=97%
EOS to USD availability=97%
XTZ to USD availability=97%
XLM to USD availability=97%
Total availability: 96%
We'll try to add more metrics in future. (like request times)