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File metadata and controls

116 lines (84 loc) · 3.58 KB


AfipBill allows you to generate an AFIP bill in PDF format.

The end result will look like this: bill_sample.pdf


Include the gem in your Gemfile

gem 'afip_bill'

Install it

$ bundle install


In order to have the bills fully complete, you will need to setup some configuration about your business. If you're in a Rails application you can place that in config/initializers/afip_bill.rb

AfipBill.configuration[:header_business_name] = "Company Name"
AfipBill.configuration[:business_name] = "CompanyName SRL"
AfipBill.configuration[:business_address] = "Address 1234"
AfipBill.configuration[:business_start_date] = "01/01/2016"
AfipBill.configuration[:business_cuit] = "1234567890"
AfipBill.configuration[:city] = "Ciudad de Buenos Aires"
AfipBill.configuration[:ingresos_brutos] = "123-456789-0"
AfipBill.configuration[:iva] = "IVA Responsable Inscripto"
AfipBill.configuration[:sale_point] = "0001"

Also, one of the main things that you need to have, is a JSON for each of your bills. It must contain at least these attributes:

json_bill = {
  cae: "1234567890123",       # CAE number
  cae_due_date: "20171125",   # CAE expiry date
  doc_num: "12345678901",     # CUIT number
  cbte_tipo: "01",            # Bill type (01 = A, 06 = B, 11 = C)
  cbte_fch: "20170125",       # Bill date
  imp_neto: 220.0,            # Net amount
  imp_iva: 46.2,              # IVA amount
  imp_total: 266.2,           # Total amount
  cbte_hasta: 1,              # Voucher number
  fch_serv_desde: "20170101", # Invoiced from
  fch_serv_hasta: "20170131", # Invoiced to
  fch_vto_pago: "20170115"    # CAE expiration date

In OmbuShop, we like to automatically generate this JSON using Bravo.


There are three important classes that you need to use: AfipBill::User, AfipBill::LineItem and AfipBill::Generator.


You should create a new instance of this class to provide some information about the bill. It receives four parameters: Company name, Owner name, Address, and Tax category.

user ="Bill company name",
                          "Bill owner name",
                          "Bill address",
                          "Bill tax category")


With this class you can define the line items for your bill. It receives three parameters: Name, Quantity, and Unit amount.

item_1 ="Item 1", 1, 100)
item_2 ="Item 2", 1, 120)


This class will generate the PDF bill. It receives three parameters: the json bill, the user, and the array of line items (all the parameters were defined above)

generator =, user, [item_1, item_2])

And finally you can render the PDF by using the generate_pdf_string method


Or if you're in a Rails app you can render it like this:

respond_to do |format|
  format.pdf { render text: generator.generate_pdf_string }

Special Thanks

AfipBill was inspired in code by nubis and gastonconcilio.

Initial development of this gem was sponsored by OmbuShop.

Thank you!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.