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File metadata and controls

143 lines (113 loc) · 5.95 KB


google like calendar js control a jQuery plugin that enables us to create an event calendar that functions similar to the popular Google Calendar why named xgcalendar? X=xuanye G=Google Calendar Like

####week view
xgcalendar screenshot1

####month view
xgcalendar screenshot2

laster demo:
prev version:


  • Day/week/month view provided.
  • Support the definition of the start date of the week
  • get and update data by ajax
  • create/update/remove events by drag & drop
  • qucik delete
  • quick update by drag/drop
  • update event by Resize
  • rigth control
  • theme
  • Good performance
  • i18n
  • support IE6+,FireFox3?.5+,Opera 10+,Chrome 3+


html :

<div id="xgcalendarp">calendar element</div>

include js:

<script src="static/js/plugin/xgcalendar_lang_en_US.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
<script src="static/js/plugin/xgcalendar.js?v=" type="text/javascript"></script>   

javascript :

var op = {
    view: "week", //default view type
    theme:1,//theme style
    showday: new Date(),
    onWeekOrMonthToDay:wtd,//when weekview or month switch to dayview 
    onBeforeRequestData: cal_beforerequest,
    onAfterRequestData: cal_afterrequest,
    onRequestDataError: cal_onerror, 
    url: "/calendar/query" ,  //url for get event data by ajax request(post)
    quickAddUrl: "/calendar/add" ,   //url for quick add event data by ajax request(post)
    quickUpdateUrl: "/calendar/update" ,   //url for quick update event data by ajax request(post)
    quickDeleteUrl:  "/calendar/delete"  //url for quick delete event data by ajax request(post)
var _MH = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
op.height = _MH-70; //container height;
op.eventItems =[]; //default event data;


  • view: default view type day,week,month
  • weekstartday: First day of week,0 for sunday,[0-6] ,default value is 1
  • theme: default color style, [0-21],default value is 0
  • height: set calendar view height,or it will be set document.body.Height
  • url: require load data url
  • eventItems: events data,it a array,you can use it to init events data;
  • method: request mode,default value post
  • showday: show date,default value new Date()
  • onBeforeRequestData: event on before request data,include load,add,update,delete
  • onAfterRequestData: event on after request data,
  • onRequestDataError: event on error occurs
  • onWeekOrMonthToDay: when weekview or month switch to dayview
  • quickAddHandler: quickadd cus handler
  • quickAddUrl: url for quick add event data by ajax request(post)
  • quickUpdateUrl: url for quick update event data by ajax request(post)
  • quickDeleteUrl: url for quick delete event data by ajax request(post)
  • autoload: if set to true , auto load event datas after initialization
  • readonly: if set to true ,control will be readonly,
  • extParam: other params what will be post to sever side when add,update
  • enableDrag:
  • timeFormat:default value:HH:mm, t is a PM/AM switch,h 12 hours,H 24hours,m
  • tgtimeFormat:"HH:mm"

Data format

eventItems 's data format

eventItems is array type,the item of is also array type,item's format is as follows [event key,subject,startime,endtime,whether allday event,Whether cross-day event,whether repeat events,theme,right permission flags,location,attends] data type as follows [String,String,Date,Date,1/0,1/0,1/0,0-21,0/1,String,String]

Available methods

All methods can be call like $("#calendarid").functionName(params)

  • BCalSwtichview(viewtype) swtich view , viewtype is one of dayweekmonth
  • BCalReload To reload event of current time range.
  • BCalGoToday(day) To go to a range containing date. If view is week, it will go to a week containing date. If view is month, it will got to a month containing date.
  • BCalPrev To go to previous date range. If view is week, it will go to previous week. If view is month, it will got to previous month.
  • BCalNext To go to next date range. If view is week, it will go to next week. If view is month, it will got to next month.
  • BcalGetOp get plugin's option
  • BcalSetOp(p) set plugin's option

Available events

  • onBeforeRequestData(type): type:number,1:load,2:add,3:delete,4:update
  • onAfterRequestData(type): type:number,1:load,2:add,3:delete,4:update
  • onRequestDataError(type,data):type:number,1:load,2:add,3:delete,4:update;data:object:{ErrorCode:””,ErrorMsg:””},sended by sever-side;
  • onWeekOrMonthToDay(p): p:object,plugin option, to get p.dayshow ,see in demo more.

####Loading Params request data sample


response data sample


events: data format is same to eventItems. issort: Whether sorted,should be true. start and end:current view date range, json date format. error:object, format:{ErrorCode:””,ErrorMsg:””} ,handler by onRequestDataError

####Updating Params request data sample

response data sample {"IsSuccess":true,"Msg":""}

##FAQ to complete