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mcrouter installation

alikhtarov edited this page Sep 15, 2014 · 13 revisions

Automatic installation for Ubuntu

To simplify dependency installation, we provided an auto-install script that's been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.

The script might also be useful for other systems - make sure to read through its source files. It contains a bunch of "recipe" files to download and install each mcrouter dependency, including workaround for common pain points.

Note: for Ubuntu 14.04 comment out line 9 sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:boost-latest/ppa

After you've read through the script and made sure you're fine with the commands it will run, invoke with absolute dir for self-contained install and any arguments to make:

$ git clone [email protected]:facebook/mcrouter.git
$ ./mcrouter/mcrouter/scripts/ /home/$USER/mcrouter-install/ -j4
[sudo] password for ...:
$ ~/mcrouter-install/install/bin/mcrouter --help

Manual installation


  • GCC 4.8+
  • Boost 1.51+ (boost::filesystem, boost::system, boost::regex, boost::context)
  • Ragel

Here's a list of required packages for Ubuntu from the auto-install script:

sudo apt-get install -y gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 libboost1.54-dev libboost-thread1.54-dev \
    libboost-filesystem1.54-dev libboost-system1.54-dev libboost-regex1.54-dev \
    libboost-python1.54-dev libboost-context1.54-dev ragel autoconf unzip \
    libsasl2-dev git libtool python-dev cmake libssl-dev libcap-dev libevent-dev \
    libgtest-dev libsnappy-dev scons flex bison libkrb5-dev binutils-dev make \
    libnuma-dev ragel

Build mcrouter

In mcrouter folder run

 autoreconf --install

###Run unit tests (optional)


 make check

If you have "symbol not found" errors from gtest, build it and put libgtest.a/libgtestmain.a into you LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To build gtest:

  • Rename gtest.a to libgtest.a; gtest_main.a to libgtestmain.a
  • Don't forget to add libgtest.a and libgtestmain.a to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH