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Command line options

alikhtarov edited this page Sep 14, 2014 · 27 revisions

Delete stream options

    --asynclog-disable                           disable async log file spooling
-a, --async-dir                                  container directory for async storage spools [default: "/var/spool/mcrouter"]
    --use-asynclog-version2                      Enable using the asynclog version 2.0


    --num-proxies                                adjust how many proxy threads to run [default: 1]
    --disable-priorities                         don't use event base priorities
    --no-realtime                                when run as root, mcrouter is run with realtime priority to improve latency. Use this option to disable realtime-priority when run as root
    --fibers-max-pool-size                       Maximum number of preallocated free fibers to keep around [default: 1000]
    --fibers-stack-size                          If RouteHandles are enabled, size of stack in bytes to allocate per fiber [default: 16 * 1024]
    --fibers-debug-record-stack-size             Record exact amount of fibers stacks used (expensive: debug only!)

Config management

    --file-observer-poll-period-ms               How often to check inotify for updates on the tracked files. [default: 100]
    --file-observer-sleep-before-update-ms       How long to sleep for after an update occured (a hack to avoid partial writes). [default: 1000]
    --runtime-vars-file                          Path to the runtime variables file. [default: ""]


    --proxy-max-inflight-requests                If non-zero, sets the limit on maximum incoming requests that will be routed in parallel by each proxy thread.  Requests over limit will be queued up until the number of inflight requests drops. [default: 0]
    --destination-rate-limiting                  If not enabled, ignore "rates" in pool configs.
    --target-max-inflight-requests               Maximum inflight requests allowed per target per thread (0 means no throttling) [default: 0]
    --target-max-pending-requests                Only active if target-max-inflight-requests is nonzero. Hard limit on the number of requests allowed in the queue per target per thread.  Requests that would exceed this limit are dropped immediately. [default: 100000]


-K, --keepalive-count                            set TCP KEEPALIVE count, 0 to disable [default: 0]
-i, --keepalive-interval                         set TCP KEEPALIVE interval parameter in seconds [default: 60]
-I, --keepalive-idle                             set TCP KEEPALIVE idle parameter in seconds [default: 300]
    --reset-inactive-connection-interval         Will close open connections without any activity after at most 2 * interval ms. If value is 0, connections won't be closed. [default: 60000]
    --tcp-rto-min                                adjust the minimum TCP retransmit timeout (ms) to memcached [default: -1]
    --no-network                                 Debug only. Return random generated replies, do not use network.
    --pem-cert-path                              Path of pem-style certificate for ssl [default: ""]
    --pem-key-path                               Path of pem-style key for ssl [default: ""]
    --pem-ca-path                                Path of pem-style CA cert for ssl [default: ""]


    --big-value-split-threshold                  If 0, big value route handle is not part of route handle tree,else used as threshold for splitting big values internally [default: 0]


-f, --config-file                                load configuration from file [default: ""]
    --config-str                                 Configuration string provided as a command line argument [default: ""]
-R, --route-prefix                               default routing prefix (ex. /oregon/prn1c16/) [default: "/././"]
-A, --async                                      enable asynchronous forwarding of deletes
    --disable-miss-on-get-errors                 Disable reporting get errors as misses
    --upgrading-l1-exptime                       0 means that we will use the L2 exptime. Otherwise, when upgrading this value is used as the exptime for all requests [default: 0]
    --send-invalid-route-to-default              Send request to default route if routing prefix is not present in config

Health check

    --global-tko-tracking                        If enabled, track TKO per-router instead of per-proxy. This will become the default after testing in production
-r, --probe-timeout-initial                      TKO probe retry initial timeout in ms [default: 10000]
    --probe-timeout-max                          TKO probe retry max timeout in ms [default: 60000]
    --timeouts-until-tko                         Mark as TKO after this many failures [default: 3]
    --maximum-soft-tkos                          The maximum number of machines we can mark TKO if they don't have a hard failure. [default: 40]
    --latency-window-size                        The number of samples to track when computing moving average latency for a proxy destination. If 0, TKO decisions based on latency are disabled. [default: 0]
    --latency-threshold-us                       The maximum average destination latency (in us) that is considered acceptable. Destinations above this threshold will begin recording soft failures. [default: 2000000]


-t, --server-timeout                             server timeout in ms (DEPRECATED try to use cluster-server-timeout and regional-server-timeout) [default: 1000]
    --cluster-pools-timeout                      server timeout for cluster pools in ms. Default value 0 means using deprecated server-timeout value for the flag [default: 0]
    --regional-pools-timeout                     server timeout for regional pools in ms. Default value 0 means using deprecated server-timeout value for the flag [default: 0]
    --cross-region-timeout-ms                    Timeouts for talking to cross region pool. If specified (non 0) takes precedence over every other timeout. [default: 0]
    --cross-cluster-timeout-ms                   Timeouts for talking to pools within same region but different cluster. If specified (non 0) takes precedence over every other timeout. [default: 0]
    --within-cluster-timeout-ms                  Timeouts for talking to pools within same cluster. If specified (non 0) takes precedence over every other timeout. [default: 0]


    --stats-root                                 Root directory for stats files [default: "/var/mcrouter/stats"]
    --stats-logging-interval                     Time in ms between stats reports, or 0 for no logging [default: 10000]
    --logging-rtt-outlier-threshold-us           surpassing this threshold rtt time means we will log it as an outlier. 0 (the default) means that we will do no logging of outliers. [default: 0]
    --stats-async-queue-length                   Asynchronous queue size for logging. [default: 50]
    --track-open-fds                             Log number of file descriptors opened by mcrouter process. This might cause performance regression in case number of mcrouter clients is huge.

Standalone mcrouter options

-L, --log-path                                   Log file path [default: ""]
-p, --port                                       Port(s) to listen on (comma separated) [default: ]
    --ssl-port                                   SSL Port(s) to listen on (comma separated) [default: ]
    --listen-sock-fd                             Listen socket to take over [default: -1]
-P, --pid-file                                   PID file [default: ""]
-b, --background                                 Run in background
-m, --managed-mode                               Managed mode (auto restart on crash)
-n, --connection-limit                           Connection limit [default: 65535]
-S, --disable-spin-wait                          Disable spin wait on fatal signal
    --max-global-outstanding-reqs                Maximum requests outstanding globally (0 to disable) [default: (uint32_t)((1024 * 1024 * 200) / (3 * 1024))]
    --max-client-outstanding-reqs                Maximum requests outstanding per client (0 to disable) [default: (uint32_t)((1024 * 1024 * 100) / (3 * 1024))]
    --reqs-per-read                              Adjusts server buffer size to process this many requests per read. Smaller values may improve latency. [default: 0]

Misc options: --proxy-threads Like --num-proxies, but also accepts 'auto' to start one thread per core -D, --debug-level set debug level -d, --debug increase debug level (may repeat) -h, --help help -V, --version version -v, --verbose verbose --validate-config Check config and exit immediately with good or error status

RETURN VALUE 2 On a problem that might be resolved by restarting later. 3 On a problem that will definitely not be resolved by restarting.