Below is a list of dependencies affected with CVE, as well as vulnerability only found using Snyk's vulnerability database.
-Dependencies with security issues in your stack.
-Dependencies with high common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) score.
-- - Total Vulnerabilities: 7 -
-- - Vulnerable Dependencies: 1 -
-- | # | -Dependencies | -# Direct | -# Transitive | -Highest CVSS | -Highest Severity | -Red Hat remediation available | -|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- | - -#1 | -- - log4j:log4j - - | -7 | -0 | -
- 3.7/10
- |
- - - SNYK-JAVA-LOG4J-1300176 - - - | -- | -|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Details of the dependency: - log4j:log4j - -