- Added stats route
- Added capacity to car model model
- Added capacity check in ride pre validate hook
- Changed logger from Winston to Pino
- Added shuttle routes and model
- Added shuttle factory routes and model
- Move rides & time slots into /campuses route
- Website user was not able to request a ride
- Enforce allowed methods error
- Enforce CORS allowed origin
- Add few HTTP headers thanks to helmet
- Ensure that MX entry exists for an email address
- Add a limit to email size.
- Add ratings stats to :campus/stats route
- Normalize email in find
- Ensure that email is compliant with Regex
- Check filter for phone listing
- Don't let admin remove a user
- Ensure that car is linked to the current selected campus
- Clean POI authorizations
- Throw error if ride has the same departure and arrival POI
- Added rate limit model & handles it for password attempt
- Fixed rights for user update
- Added required to coordinates in campus model
- Added rights to drivers-positions.mjs
- Scoped CRUD rights to campus
- CSV import duplication error message
- id to _id conversion
- Refs for batch phones route
- Fix drivers right to edit ride status
- Fixed self editing rights for user
- Added connection status management for drivers through sockets
- Add recurring time slots
- Add csv middleware to list routes when needed
- Add batch crud route to handle csv imports
- Export metrics for prometheus
- bump validator to 12.1.0 & deleted node-input-validator
- Updated csv flatten middleware to common csv formatter for rides
- Deleted password from token
- Set rating route status code to 204
- Refactor rights to be able to check inheritance and add rights on model
- Add rating form route and model
- Add push notifications
- User can delete his own account
- Add password constraint
- Add password expiration
- Add rights for admin to update his own campuses
- Add date coherence control
- Add mergeMasks helper
- Add defaultReservationScope to campus model
- Add possibility for ride owner to cancel ride by updating status
- Remove logs from mongodb, using Loki stack right now
- Export dashboard and monitoring on deploy
- Rides and ratings routes tests
- Link in registration mail
- Fix fixtures script
- Fix deprecation warnings
- Add /campuses/{id}/users route
- Remove logic of automatic static validation
- Add SMS on refusal
- Refactor cars planning and remove dead/old code and lib
- Add Redis sync capability
- Add filter management to pois list route
- Add enabled field to Poi model
- Add right to list user own rides and delete it
- Standardize email content
- Fix potential leak of hashed password
- Fix SMS on cancel
- Fix errors on post/patch /users /campuses/{id}/users /campuses/{id}/drivers
- Hours of campus are now configurable
- Fix issue on rights / rules
- Add timezone inside campus entity
- Save GDPR approve date in user entity
- Change default TZ env variable
- Fix token check for ride view
- Change user firstname/lastname model
- Add account management for anonymous
- Fix POI search on label instead of name field
- Superadmin is now able to list all campuses
- Add phone management.
- Add roles to prevent unauthorized add/revoke of roles
- Added CRUD tests for basic routes
- Let user change self password
- Fix search location for campus rule
- Fix filters addition for POI CRUD
- Fix ctx param in check rights middleware
- When the dataset was too large, geolocations was impossible to query
- Improved driver management.
- Add POIs per base rights (local admin)
- Add logging capabilities
- Add createdAt mongoose plugin
- Add genericCRUD helper
- Fix CSV export
- POIs per base
- Rights management reviewed
- Add missing rights controls
- SMS sent before validation
- Fix POIs pagination
- Segfault nodejs 11.12