IBM VPC Generation 2 Cloud supports the integration of custom appliance virtual machine images sourced from IBM Public Cloud Cloud Object Storage (COS) SQL URLs. Within a customer VPC, custom images can be imported from their COS SQL URLs.
This python script and packaged Docker container preforms the task of importing TMOS custom images into a VPC provided a API_KEY with privledges the TMOS Image COS SQL URL.
The script functionality is driven by environment variables. This makes it simple to dockerize. The following environment variable are supported:
ENV Variable | Default | Required | Description |
TMOS_IMAGE_CATALOG_URL | None | Yes | The HTTP URL to download the F5 catalog of COS SQL URLS (get from F5) |
API_KEY | None | Yes | IAM API key with access to the VPC Gen2 IaaS |
IMAGE_MATCH | ^big.*i[pq] | No | Regex to limit which images names to delete or include from the catalog (i.e. '^bigip-15') |
REGION | us-south | Yes | Which regions in the catalog to import |
DRY_RUN | false | No | Perform a dry run an only report |
UPDATE_IMAGES | false | No | Delete and update imported images if they exist |
DELETE_ALL | false | No | Force delete all found imported images matching the IMAGE_MATCH regex |
The python 2 script uses only core elements, as it uses only IBM Cloud REST APIs through the requests
Set environment variables in your shell (bash used in example)
export API_KEY='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export IMAGE_MATCH='^bigip-14'
Run the python script
Build the docker container
docker build -t ibmcloud_vpc_image_importer:latest .
Set environment variables in your shell (bash used in example)
export API_KEY='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export IMAGE_MATCH='^bigip-14'
Run the container with the supplying environment variables.
docker run --rm -it -e API_KEY="$API_KEY" -e TMOS_IMAGE_CATALOG_URL="$TMOS_IMAGE_CATALOG_URL" -e IMAGE_MATCH="$IMAGE_MATCH" ibmcloud_vpc_image_importer:latest