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Image alt tag not saved if user inputs it #394

chazchumley opened this issue Jan 2, 2024 · 0 comments

Image alt tag not saved if user inputs it #394

chazchumley opened this issue Jan 2, 2024 · 0 comments


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chazchumley commented Jan 2, 2024

Using the htmlpurifier 4.12 with Drupal 9.5.11. We have a text format configured with the following:

AllowedClasses: null
AllowedFrameTargets: "_blank, _self, _parent, _top"
AllowedRel: { }
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DefaultInvalidImage: ''
DefaultInvalidImageAlt: 'Invalid image'
DefaultTextDir: ltr
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IDBlacklistRegexp: null
IDPrefix: ''
IDPrefixLocal: ''
AutoParagraph: false
Custom: { }
DisplayLinkURI: false
Linkify: false
PurifierLinkify.DocURL: '#%s'
PurifierLinkify: false
colgroup: { }
th: { }
td: { }
- src
td: true
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RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp: false
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AllowedFonts: null
AllowedProperties: null
DefinitionRev: 1
ForbiddenProperties: { }
MaxImgLength: 1200px
Proprietary: false
Trusted: false
DefinitionImpl: Serializer
SerializerPath: null
SerializerPermissions: 493
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AggressivelyRemoveScript: true
AllowHostnameUnderscore: false
AllowParseManyTags: false
CollectErrors: false
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ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope: null
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AllowedAttributes: "*.style, *.id, *.class, img.src, table.cellspacing, table.cellpadding, *.border, td.rowspan, td.colspan, a.href,, a.title,, blockquote.cite, ol.start, ol.type, img.alt, img.width, img.height,, *.dir, *.lang"
AllowedComments: { }
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AllowedElements: a, b, i, em, strong, u, span, cite, blockquote, code, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, div, address, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, s, sup, sub, img, table, caption, tbody, thead, tfoot, th, td, tr, hr, p, br, pre, drupal-entity, figure, figcaption
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Attr.Name.UseCDATA: false
BlockWrapper: p
Structure: true
Text: true
Hypertext: true
List: true
NonXMLCommonAttributes: true
XMLCommonAttributes: true
CommonAttributes: true
CustomDoctype: null
DefinitionID: HTMLPurifier_HTML5Config
DefinitionRev: 2019080701
Doctype: HTML5
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ForbiddenAttributes: { }
ForbiddenElements: { }
MaxImgLength: 1200
Nofollow: false
Parent: div
Proprietary: false
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Host: null
HostBlacklist: { }
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Munge: null
MungeResources: false
MungeSecretKey: null
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SafeIframeRegexp: null

When a user adds or edits an image and adds or replaces alt text, the alt text does not get saved and always defaults to the original images alt text when it was first created.

If I change to a new text format that does not use the htmlpurifier, the images alt text works as I would expect.

Can you please advise if there is a missing configuration or something within the configuration that needs to be changed for it to work properly?

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