+ // API definition for EvoThings BLE plugin.
+// Use jsdoc to generate documentation.
+// The following line causes a jsdoc error.
+// Use the jsdoc option -l to ignore the error.
+var exec = cordova.require('cordova/exec');
+ * @module cordova-plugin-ble
+ * @description Functions and properties in this module are available
+ * under the global name <code>evothings.ble</code>
+ */
+/** Starts scanning for devices.
+* <p>Found devices and errors will be reported to the supplied callbacks.</p>
+* <p>Will keep scanning indefinitely until you call stopScan().</p>
+* To conserve energy, call stopScan() as soon as you've found the device you're looking for.
+* <p>Calling this function while scanning is in progress has no effect?</p>
+* @param {scanCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ function(device)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE startScan found device named: ' + device.name);
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE startScan error: ' + errorCode);
+ }
+exports.startScan = function(win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'startScan', []);
+/** This function is a parameter to startScan() and is called when a new device is discovered.
+* @callback scanCallback
+* @param {DeviceInfo} device
+/** Info about a BLE device.
+* @typedef {Object} DeviceInfo
+//* @property {string} address - Has the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where x are hexadecimal characters.
+* @property {string} address - Uniquely identifies the device. Pass this to connect().
+* The form of the address depends on the host platform.
+* @property {number} rssi - A negative integer, the signal strength in decibels.
+* @property {string} name - The device's name, or nil.
+* @property {string} scanRecord - Base64-encoded binary data. Its meaning is device-specific. Not available on iOS.
+* @property {AdvertisementData} advertisementData - Object containing some of the data from the scanRecord. Available natively on iOS. Available on Android by parsing the scanRecord, which is implemented in the library {@link https://github.com/evothings/evothings-examples/tree/master/resources/libs/evothings/easyble|easyble.js}.
+/** Information extracted from a scanRecord. Some or all of the fields may be undefined. This varies between BLE devices.
+ * Depending on OS version and BLE device, additional fields, not documented here, may be present.
+ * @typedef {Object} AdvertisementData
+ * @property {string} kCBAdvDataLocalName - The device's name. Equal to DeviceInfo.name.
+ * @property {number} kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel - Transmission power level as advertised by the device.
+ * @property {number} kCBAdvDataChannel - A positive integer, the BLE channel on which the device listens for connections. Ignore this number.
+ * @property {boolean} kCBAdvDataIsConnectable - True if the device accepts connections. False if it doesn't.
+ * @property {array} kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs - Array of strings, the UUIDs of services advertised by the device. Formatted according to RFC 4122, all lowercase.
+ * @property {object} kCBAdvDataServiceData - Dictionary of strings to strings. The keys are service UUIDs. The values are base-64-encoded binary data.
+ * @property {string} kCBAdvDataManufacturerData - Base-64-encoded binary data. This field is used by BLE devices to advertise custom data that don't fit into any of the other fields.
+ */
+/** This function is called when an operation fails.
+* @callback failCallback
+* @param {string} errorString - A human-readable string that describes the error that occurred.
+/** Stops scanning for devices.
+* @example
+exports.stopScan = function() {
+ exec(null, null, 'BLE', 'stopScan', []);
+/** Connect to a remote device.
+* @param {string} address - From scanCallback.
+* @param {connectCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ address,
+ function(info)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE connect status for device: '
+ + info.deviceHandle
+ + ' state: '
+ + info.state);
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE connect error: ' + errorCode);
+ }
+exports.connect = function(address, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'connect', [address]);
+/** Will be called whenever the device's connection state changes.
+* @callback connectCallback
+* @param {ConnectInfo} info
+/** Info about connection events and state.
+* @typedef {Object} ConnectInfo
+* @property {number} deviceHandle - Handle to the device. Save it for other function calls.
+* @property {number} state - One of the {@link module:cordova-plugin-ble.connectionState} keys.
+/** A map describing possible connection states.
+* @alias module:cordova-plugin-ble.connectionState
+* @readonly
+* @enum
+exports.connectionState = {
+ // TODO: Add these in the next release of the BLE plugin.
+ // /** 0 */
+ // /** 1 */
+ // /** 2 */
+ // /** 3 */
+/** Close the connection to a remote device.
+* <p>Frees any native resources associated with the device.
+* <p>Does not cause any callbacks to the function passed to connect().
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @example
+exports.close = function(deviceHandle) {
+ exec(null, null, 'BLE', 'close', [deviceHandle]);
+/** Fetch the remote device's RSSI (signal strength).
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {rssiCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ function(rssi)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE rssi: ' + rssi);
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE rssi error: ' + errorCode);
+ }
+exports.rssi = function(deviceHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'rssi', [deviceHandle]);
+/** This function is called with an RSSI value.
+* @callback rssiCallback
+* @param {number} rssi - A negative integer, the signal strength in decibels.
+/** Fetch information about a remote device's services.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {serviceCallback} win - Called with array of {@link Service} objects.
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ function(services)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < services.length; i++)
+ {
+ var service = services[i];
+ console.log('BLE service: ');
+ console.log(' ' + service.handle);
+ console.log(' ' + service.uuid);
+ console.log(' ' + service.serviceType);
+ }
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE services error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.services = function(deviceHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'services', [deviceHandle]);
+* @callback serviceCallback
+* @param {Array} services - Array of {@link Service} objects.
+/** Describes a GATT service.
+* @typedef {Object} Service
+* @property {number} handle
+* @property {string} uuid - Formatted according to RFC 4122, all lowercase.
+* @property {module:cordova-plugin-ble.serviceType} type
+/** A map describing possible service types.
+* @readonly
+* @alias module:cordova-plugin-ble.serviceType
+* @enum
+exports.serviceType = {
+ // TODO: Add these in the next release of the BLE plugin.
+ // /** 0 */
+ // /** 1 */
+/** Fetch information about a service's characteristics.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} serviceHandle - A handle from {@link serviceCallback}.
+* @param {characteristicCallback} win - Called with array of {@link Characteristic} objects.
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ service.handle,
+ function(characteristics)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < characteristics.length; i++)
+ {
+ var characteristic = characteristics[i];
+ console.log('BLE characteristic: ' + characteristic.uuid);
+ }
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE characteristics error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.characteristics = function(deviceHandle, serviceHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'characteristics', [deviceHandle, serviceHandle]);
+* @callback characteristicCallback
+* @param {Array} characteristics - Array of {@link Characteristic} objects.
+/** Describes a GATT characteristic.
+* @typedef {Object} Characteristic
+* @property {number} handle
+* @property {string} uuid - Formatted according to RFC 4122, all lowercase.
+* @property {module:cordova-plugin-ble.permission} permissions - Bitmask of zero or more permission flags.
+* @property {module:cordova-plugin-ble.property} properties - Bitmask of zero or more property flags.
+* @property {module:cordova-plugin-ble.writeType} writeType
+/** A map describing possible permission flags.
+* @alias module:cordova-plugin-ble.permission
+* @readonly
+* @enum
+exports.permission = {
+ // TODO: Add these in the next release of the BLE plugin.
+ // /** 1 */
+ // /** 2 */
+ // /** 4 */
+ // /** 16 */
+ // /** 32 */
+ // /** 64 */
+ // /** 128 */
+ // /** 256 */
+/** A map describing possible property flags.
+* @alias module:cordova-plugin-ble.property
+* @readonly
+* @enum
+exports.property = {
+ // TODO: Add these in the next release of the BLE plugin.
+ // /** 1 */
+ // /** 2 */
+ // 'PROPERTY_READ': 2,
+ // /** 4 */
+ // /** 8 */
+ // /** 16 */
+ // /** 32 */
+ // /** 64 */
+ // /** 128 */
+/** A map describing possible write types.
+* @alias module:cordova-plugin-ble.writeType
+* @readonly
+* @enum
+exports.writeType = {
+ // TODO: Add these in the next release of the BLE plugin.
+ // /** 1 */
+ // /** 2 */
+ // /** 4 */
+/** Fetch information about a characteristic's descriptors.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} characteristicHandle - A handle from {@link characteristicCallback}.
+* @param {descriptorCallback} win - Called with array of {@link Descriptor} objects.
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ characteristic.handle,
+ function(descriptors)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++)
+ {
+ var descriptor = descriptors[i];
+ console.log('BLE descriptor: ' + descriptor.uuid);
+ }
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE descriptors error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.descriptors = function(deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'descriptors', [deviceHandle, characteristicHandle]);
+* @callback descriptorCallback
+* @param {Array} descriptors - Array of {@link Descriptor} objects.
+/** Describes a GATT descriptor.
+* @typedef {Object} Descriptor
+* @property {number} handle
+* @property {string} uuid - Formatted according to RFC 4122, all lowercase.
+* @property {module:cordova-plugin-ble.permission} permissions - Bitmask of zero or more permission flags.
+// TODO: What is read* ?
+// read*: fetch and return value in one op.
+// values should be cached on the JS side, if at all.
+* @callback dataCallback
+* @param {ArrayBuffer} data
+/** Reads a characteristic's value from a remote device.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} characteristicHandle - A handle from {@link characteristicCallback}.
+* @param {dataCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ characteristic.handle,
+ function(data)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data));
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE readCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.readCharacteristic = function(deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'readCharacteristic', [deviceHandle, characteristicHandle]);
+/** Reads a descriptor's value from a remote device.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} descriptorHandle - A handle from {@link descriptorCallback}.
+* @param {dataCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ descriptor.handle,
+ function(data)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE descriptor data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data));
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE readDescriptor error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.readDescriptor = function(deviceHandle, descriptorHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'readDescriptor', [deviceHandle, descriptorHandle]);
+* @callback emptyCallback - Callback that takes no parameters.
+This callback indicates that an operation was successful,
+without specifying and additional information.
+/** Write a characteristic's value to the remote device.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} characteristicHandle - A handle from {@link characteristicCallback}.
+* @param {ArrayBufferView} data - The value to be written.
+* @param {emptyCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example TODO: Add example.
+exports.writeCharacteristic = function(deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, data, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'writeCharacteristic', [deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, data.buffer]);
+/** Write a descriptor's value to a remote device.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} descriptorHandle - A handle from {@link descriptorCallback}.
+* @param {ArrayBufferView} data - The value to be written.
+* @param {emptyCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example TODO: Add example.
+exports.writeDescriptor = function(deviceHandle, descriptorHandle, data, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'writeDescriptor', [deviceHandle, descriptorHandle, data.buffer]);
+/** Request notification on changes to a characteristic's value.
+* This is more efficient than polling the value using readCharacteristic().
+* <p>To activate notifications,
+* some (all?) devices require you to write a special value to a separate configuration characteristic,
+* in addition to calling this function.
+* Refer to your device's documentation.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} characteristicHandle - A handle from {@link characteristicCallback}.
+* @param {dataCallback} win - Called every time the value changes.
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ characteristic.handle,
+ function(data)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data));
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE enableNotification error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.enableNotification = function(deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'enableNotification', [deviceHandle, characteristicHandle]);
+/** Disable notification of changes to a characteristic's value.
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {number} characteristicHandle - A handle from {@link characteristicCallback}.
+* @param {emptyCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+* @example
+ deviceHandle,
+ characteristic.handle,
+ function()
+ {
+ console.log('BLE characteristic notification disabled');
+ },
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('BLE disableNotification error: ' + errorCode);
+ });
+exports.disableNotification = function(deviceHandle, characteristicHandle, win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'disableNotification', [deviceHandle, characteristicHandle]);
+/** i is an integer. It is converted to byte and put in an array[1].
+* The array is returned.
+* <p>assert(string.charCodeAt(0) == i).
+* @param {number} i
+* @param {dataCallback} win - Called every time the value changes.
+exports.testCharConversion = function(i, win) {
+ exec(win, null, 'BLE', 'testCharConversion', [i]);
+/** Resets the device's Bluetooth system.
+* This is useful on some buggy devices where BLE functions stops responding until reset.
+* Available on Android 4.3+. This function takes 3-5 seconds to reset BLE.
+* On iOS this function stops any ongoing scan operation and disconnects
+* all connected devices.
+* @param {emptyCallback} win
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+exports.reset = function(win, fail) {
+ exec(win, fail, 'BLE', 'reset', []);
+/** Converts an ArrayBuffer containing UTF-8 data to a JavaScript String.
+* @param {ArrayBuffer} a
+* @returns string
+exports.fromUtf8 = function(a) {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(a))));
+/** Converts a JavaScript String to an Uint8Array containing UTF-8 data.
+* @param {string} s
+* @returns Uint8Array
+exports.toUtf8 = function(s) {
+ var strUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));
+ var ab = new Uint8Array(strUtf8.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < strUtf8.length; i++) {
+ ab[i] = strUtf8.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return ab;
+/** Fetch information about a remote device's services,
+* as well as its associated characteristics and descriptors.
+* This function is an easy-to-use wrapper of the low-level functions
+* ble.services(), ble.characteristics() and ble.descriptors().
+* @param {number} deviceHandle - A handle from {@link connectCallback}.
+* @param {serviceCallback} win - Called with array of {@link Service} objects.
+* Those Service objects each have an additional field "characteristics", which is an array of {@link Characteristic} objects.
+* Those Characteristic objects each have an additional field "descriptors", which is an array of {@link Descriptor} objects.
+* @param {failCallback} fail
+exports.readAllServiceData = function(deviceHandle, win, fail)
+ // Array of populated services.
+ var serviceArray = [];
+ // Counter that tracks the number of info items read.
+ // This value is incremented and decremented when reading.
+ // When value is back to zero, all items are read.
+ var readCounter = 0;
+ var servicesCallbackFun = function()
+ {
+ return function(services)
+ {
+ readCounter += services.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < services.length; ++i)
+ {
+ var service = services[i];
+ serviceArray.push(service);
+ service.characteristics = [];
+ // Read characteristics for service.
+ exports.characteristics(
+ deviceHandle,
+ service.handle,
+ characteristicsCallbackFun(service),
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('characteristics error: ' + errorCode);
+ fail(errorCode);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ var characteristicsCallbackFun = function(service)
+ {
+ return function(characteristics)
+ {
+ --readCounter;
+ readCounter += characteristics.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < characteristics.length; ++i)
+ {
+ var characteristic = characteristics[i];
+ service.characteristics.push(characteristic);
+ characteristic.descriptors = [];
+ // Read descriptors for characteristic.
+ exports.descriptors(
+ deviceHandle,
+ characteristic.handle,
+ descriptorsCallbackFun(characteristic),
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('descriptors error: ' + errorCode);
+ fail(errorCode);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ var descriptorsCallbackFun = function(characteristic)
+ {
+ return function(descriptors)
+ {
+ --readCounter;
+ for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i)
+ {
+ var descriptor = descriptors[i];
+ characteristic.descriptors.push(descriptor);
+ }
+ if (0 == readCounter)
+ {
+ // Everything is read.
+ win(serviceArray);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ // Read services for device.
+ exports.services(
+ deviceHandle,
+ servicesCallbackFun(),
+ function(errorCode)
+ {
+ console.log('services error: ' + errorCode);
+ fail(errorCode);
+ });