diff --git a/.changeset/violet-planes-appear.md b/.changeset/violet-planes-appear.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ecc6363f78..0000000000
--- a/.changeset/violet-planes-appear.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-'@evidence-dev/preprocess': patch
-Eliminate requirement to add blank lines to get markdown formatting
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/index.cjs b/packages/lib/preprocess/index.cjs
index 4c4cc9aef8..93f9fafcd2 100644
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/index.cjs
+++ b/packages/lib/preprocess/index.cjs
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
const mdsvex = require('mdsvex');
const { highlighter } = require('./src/utils/highlighter.cjs');
const addScriptTags = require('./src/add-script-tags.cjs');
-const addBlankLines = require('./src/add-blank-lines.cjs');
const processQueries = require('./src/process-queries.cjs');
-const fixListsWithinEachBlocks = require('./src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.cjs');
const addClasses = require('./src/add-classes.cjs');
// This is includes future proofing to add support for Prism highlighting
const processFrontmatter = require('./src/frontmatter/process-frontmatter.cjs');
@@ -16,7 +14,6 @@ module.exports = function evidencePreprocess(componentDevelopmentMode = false) {
- addBlankLines,
extensions: ['.md'],
smartypants: {
@@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ module.exports = function evidencePreprocess(componentDevelopmentMode = false) {
- fixListsWithinEachBlocks,
// Add both script tags to all markdown files, if they are missing
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.cjs b/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index a6608c649d..0000000000
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * This preprocessor adds blank lines around certain elements in markdown files to prevent
- * mdsvex from wrapping test in paragraph tags and breaking the formatting.
- *
- * @satisfies {import("svelte-preprocess/dist/types").PreprocessorGroup}
- */
-const addBlankLines = {
- markup({ content, filename }) {
- if (!filename?.endsWith('.md')) return { code: content };
- // Array to store code blocks and inline code snippets temporarily
- /** @type {string[]} */
- const placeholders = [];
- let index = 0;
- // Regex for code blocks with varying backtick delimiters (``` or more)
- const codeBlockRegex = /(`{3,})[\s\S]*?\1/g;
- // Regex for inline code snippets (`...`)
- const inlineCodeRegex = /`[^`]*`/g;
- // Replace code blocks and inline snippets with placeholders
- const contentWithoutCode = content
- .replace(codeBlockRegex, (match) => {
- placeholders.push(match);
- return `__CODE_BLOCK_${index++}__`;
- })
- .replace(inlineCodeRegex, (match) => {
- placeholders.push(match);
- return `__INLINE_CODE_${index++}__`;
- });
- // Updated regex to correctly handle multiline attributes and blank lines
- const modifiedContent = contentWithoutCode
- .replace(/(<[A-Z][\w:-]*\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^>])*?[^/]>)(\n\s*\S)/g, '$1\n$2')
- .replace(/(\{\/if|\{:else(?: if [^}]+)?\})/g, `\n$1`)
- .replace(/\{\/each\}/g, `\n{/each}\n`)
- .replace(/(<[A-Z][\w:-]*)([^>]*)(\/?>)/g, (_, start, middle, slashEnd) => {
- // Remove extra blank lines in the attributes
- // e.g. replace multiple newlines or purely blank lines with a single newline
- const cleanedMiddle = middle.replace(/\n\s*\n\s*/g, '\n');
- return start + cleanedMiddle + slashEnd;
- });
- // Restore placeholders with their original content
- const finalContent = modifiedContent
- .replace(/__CODE_BLOCK_(\d+)__/g, (_, i) => placeholders[i])
- .replace(/__INLINE_CODE_(\d+)__/g, (_, i) => placeholders[i]);
- return { code: finalContent };
- }
-module.exports = addBlankLines;
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.spec.cjs b/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.spec.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index feab97d7ef..0000000000
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/add-blank-lines.spec.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import { describe, it } from 'vitest';
-import addBlankLines from '../src/add-blank-lines.cjs';
-import { expectEqualIgnoringIndentation } from './test-utils';
-describe('addBlankLines Preprocessor', () => {
- it('should add a blank line after a component opening tag', () => {
- const input = `
- Here is a metric definition
- `;
- const expectedOutput = `
- Here is a metric definition
- `;
- const result = addBlankLines.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should add a newline before and after {/each}', () => {
- const input = `{#each items as item}
- const expectedOutput = `{#each items as item}
- const result = addBlankLines.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should add a newline before {:else}', () => {
- const input = `{#if condition}
-Condition met
-Condition not met
- const expectedOutput = `{#if condition}
-Condition met
-Condition not met
- const result = addBlankLines.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should clean up excessive blank lines in attributes', () => {
- const input = ``;
- const expectedOutput = ``;
- const result = addBlankLines.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should handle a component with no attributes', () => {
- const input = ``;
- const expectedOutput = ``;
- const result = addBlankLines.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.cjs b/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index ac29a6a2e2..0000000000
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * This preprocessor moves `
` and `` elements outside of each blocks. This is necessary because mdsvex will
- * add a `` or `` within the each block when users create a list inside an each block.
- *
- * For example, when the user writes
- * {#each items as item}
- * - {item}
- * {/each}
- *
- * mdsvex will generate:
- * {#each items as item}
- *
- * {/each}
- *
- * Which will create a new list for every element.
- *
- * This preprocessor ensures that the generated HTML is:
- *
- * {#each items as item}
- * - {item}
- * {/each}
- *
- *
- * @satisfies {import("svelte-preprocess/dist/types").PreprocessorGroup}
- */
-const fixListsWithinEachBlocks = {
- markup({ content, filename }) {
- if (!filename?.endsWith('.md')) return { code: content };
- // Array to store code blocks and inline code snippets temporarily
- /** @type {string[]} */ const placeholders = [];
- let index = 0;
- const codeBlockRegex = /(`{3,})[\s\S]*?\1/g;
- const inlineCodeRegex = /`[^`]*`/g;
- const contentWithoutCode = content
- .replace(codeBlockRegex, (match) => {
- placeholders.push(match);
- return `__CODE_BLOCK_${index++}__`;
- })
- .replace(inlineCodeRegex, (match) => {
- placeholders.push(match);
- return `__INLINE_CODE_${index++}__`;
- });
- // Scenario 1 - Text without blank line before closing each tag
- const scenario1Regex = /\{#each([^}]*)\}([\s\S]*?)\{\/each\}<\/p>/gm;
- const scenario1Replacement = `{#each$1}$2\n{/each}`;
- // Scenario 2 - Lists without blank line before closing each tag
- const scenario2Regex =
- /\{#each([^}]*)\}\s*<(u|o)l([^>]*)>\s*- ]*)>([\s\S]*?)\{\/each\}\s*<\/li>\s*<\/\2l>/gm;
- const scenario2Replacement = `<$2l$3>
- {#each$1}
- $5
- {/each}
- $2l>`;
- // Scenario 3 - List with blank line before closing each tag
- const scenario3Regex =
- /\{#each([^}]*)\}\s*<(u|o)l([^>]*)>\s*- ]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/li>\s*<\/\2l>\s*\{\/each\}/gm;
- const scenario3Replacement = `<$2l$3>
- {#each$1}
- $5
- {/each}
- $2l>`;
- let modifiedContent = contentWithoutCode;
- modifiedContent = modifiedContent.replace(scenario1Regex, scenario1Replacement);
- modifiedContent = modifiedContent.replace(scenario2Regex, scenario2Replacement);
- modifiedContent = modifiedContent.replace(scenario3Regex, scenario3Replacement);
- // Restore the placeholders
- const finalContent = modifiedContent
- .replace(/__CODE_BLOCK_(\d+)__/g, (_, i) => placeholders[i])
- .replace(/__INLINE_CODE_(\d+)__/g, (_, i) => placeholders[i]);
- return { code: finalContent };
- }
-module.exports = fixListsWithinEachBlocks;
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.spec.cjs b/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.spec.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8395d3933c..0000000000
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/fix-lists-within-each-blocks.spec.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import { describe, it } from 'vitest';
-import fixListsWithinEachBlocks from './fix-lists-within-each-blocks.cjs';
-import { expectEqualIgnoringIndentation } from './test-utils.js';
-describe('fixListsWithinEachBlocks Preprocessor', () => {
- it('should handle text without blank line before closing each tag', () => {
- const input = `{#each something as thing}
- const expectedOutput = `{#each something as thing}
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should handle unordered lists without blank line before closing each tag', () => {
- const input = `
-{#each something as thing}`;
- const expectedOutput = `
-{#each something as thing}
-- one
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should handle ordered lists without blank line before closing each tag', () => {
- const input = `
-{#each something as thing}
-- one
- const expectedOutput = `
-{#each something as thing}
-- one
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should handle unordered lists contained inside each tags', () => {
- const input = `{#each something as thing}
- const expectedOutput = `
-{#each something as thing}- one
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should handle ordered lists contained inside each tags', () => {
- const input = `{#each something as thing}
-- one
- const expectedOutput = `
-{#each something as thing}- one
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
- it('should preserve code blocks and inline code snippets', () => {
- const input = `# Markdown with Code
-console.log('Code block');
-Inline code: \`console.log('inline');\`
-{#each items as item}
- const expectedOutput = `# Markdown with Code
-console.log('Code block');
-Inline code: \`console.log('inline');\`
- {#each items as item}- {item.name}
- {/each}
- const result = fixListsWithinEachBlocks.markup({ content: input, filename: 'test.md' });
- expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(result.code, expectedOutput);
- });
diff --git a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/test-utils.js b/packages/lib/preprocess/src/test-utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c86124dbe..0000000000
--- a/packages/lib/preprocess/src/test-utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import { expect } from 'vitest';
- * Removes whitespace from the start of each line
- * @example
- * ```
- * no whitespace
- * spaces
- * tabs
- * ```
- * becomes
- * ```
- * no whitespace
- * spaces
- * tabs
- * ```
- * @param {string} s
- * @returns {string} s with whitespace at the beginning of each line removed
- */
-export const removeIndentation = (s) => s.replace(/^\s+/gm, '');
- * Expects a and b to be equal, ignoring indentation
- * @example
- * ```js
- * expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(
- * ` a\n\tb`,
- * `a\nb`,
- * ) => true
- *
- * expectEqualIgnoringIndentation(
- * `a\n\nb`,
- * `a\nb`
- * ) => false
- * ```
- * @param {string} a
- * @param {string} b
- */
-export const expectEqualIgnoringIndentation = (a, b) =>
- expect(removeIndentation(a)).toBe(removeIndentation(b));