An example application that demonstrate simple SSI use cases using the .Net Verity SDK.
See Getting Started guide for a guided tutorial that makes use of this example application.
Install the following items:
-- Installation instructions can be found here. For Windows, see the section below.Ngrok
-- This is a temporary installation to facilitate early experimentation..Net Core 3.1
-- Follow the instructions on the Microsoft website
We do not currently provide VDR Tools artifacts for Windows, but we will be bringing this support in the future. At the moment, we recommend running this sample app with Docker, rather than locally. Alternatively, you can use Linux virtual machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux.
NOTE: If you're working on Windows, you must open the Command Prompt as Administrator
In a root directory of the application execute the following commands:
dotnet restore
dotnet build --configuration release
dotnet run
Follow the steps in the Getting Started tutorial.