Releases: eurostat/gridviz
Releases · eurostat/gridviz
- Tooltips and Legends are now appended to the App container by default instead of document.body (to override these you can use
) See - Tooltip now stays within its parent container.
added to tooltip (thanks @wahlatlas).- Fix: onZoomStartFun was not firing.
- Resize observer added to the App's container. It will resize and redraw the App and its canvas when the container is resized.
1.1.15: Merge pull request #31 from eurostat/development
- fixed zoom method on desktop
- added NUTS3 and LAU codes to the tooltip using GISCOs ID API
v1.0.15: Merge pull request #30 from eurostat/development
- fixed scaling issues & placenames on mobile
- user can now reverse the colour scheme using reverseColorScheme(true). This applies reverse() to the d3.scale domain array.
Initial working version for single CSV files on mobile and desktop.
Functionalities include:
- data driven cell colouring and sizing using d3.scale (or user-defined colours/thresholds)
- pan & zoom (using d3.js)
- loading indicator when loading grid data
- supports multiple projections (tested with EPSG:3035 and EPSG:4326)
- supports the loading of placenames using defined population/scale thresholds
- supports adding Nuts2Json boundary files to the viewer
- permits adding geojson polygon/polyline layers
- querying of cell attributes on click using raycasting.
- prebuilt HTML dropdowns available for choosing colouring and sizing parameters
Note: due to a bug with d3 pan & zoom in threejs on mobile devices, coordinates on mobile are scaled down to a webgl-friendly range of [-1,1]
Therefore .center() is overwritten to [0,0].