Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | Fully qualified name model plus explore name | [optional] |
name | string | Explore name | [optional] |
description | string | Description | [optional] |
label | string | Label | [optional] |
scopes | string[] | Scopes | [optional] |
can_total | bool | Can Total | [optional] |
can_save | bool | Can Save | [optional] |
can_explain | bool | Can Explain | [optional] |
can_pivot_in_db | bool | Can pivot in the DB | [optional] |
has_timezone_support | bool | Has timezone support | [optional] |
supports_cost_estimate | bool | Cost estimates supported | [optional] |
connection_name | string | Connection name | [optional] |
null_sort_treatment | string | How nulls are sorted, possible values are "low", "high", "first" and "last" | [optional] |
files | string[] | List of model source files | [optional] |
source_file | string | Primary source_file file | [optional] |
project_name | string | Name of project | [optional] |
model_name | string | Name of model | [optional] |
view_name | string | Name of view | [optional] |
hidden | bool | Is hidden | [optional] |
sql_table_name | string | A sql_table_name expression that defines what sql table the view/explore maps onto. Example: "prod_orders2 AS orders" in a view named orders. | [optional] |
access_filter_fields | string[] | (DEPRECATED) Array of access filter field names | [optional] |
access_filters | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreAccessFilter[] | Access filters | [optional] |
aliases | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreAlias[] | Aliases | [optional] |
always_filter | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreAlwaysFilter[] | Always filter | [optional] |
conditionally_filter | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreConditionallyFilter[] | Conditionally filter | [optional] |
index_fields | string[] | Array of index fields | [optional] |
sets | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreSet[] | Sets | [optional] |
errors | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreError[] | Errors | [optional] |
fields | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreFieldset | Fields | [optional] |
joins | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreJoins[] | Views joined into this explore | [optional] |
group_label | string | Label used to group explores in the navigation menus | [optional] |
supported_measure_types | \Looker\Model\LookmlModelExploreSupportedMeasureType[] | An array of items describing which custom measure types are supported for creating a custom measure 'baed_on' each possible dimension type. | [optional] |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2020. It is now read-only.