- MXRoyale has been split 2 libs : MXRoyaleBase (mostly non-UI code) and MXRoyale (mostly UI code). Users of MXRoyale should see no immediate changes as the build of this swc remains the same.
- Listen to children's resize events to fix some layout issues
- Various fixes to measured sizes (ComboBox, and other UI components)
- Fixes to labels in item renderers not displaying correctly
- ComboBox prompt fixes
- ArrayCollection.refresh() updating lists
- Various fixes to labels in item renderers not showing correctly
- Add option to add custom header renderers to data grids
- Fix issues with Menu.show() when receiving non-null parent arguments
- Improve emulation of ADG's expand/collapse behavior
- ComboBox sizing improvements
- Improvements to DragBead's out of bounds behavior
- Fix coercion error in MetadataRunner when expecting an exception in a test, like [Test(expected="RangeError")]
- getQualifiedSuperclassName() can find the superclass of a Class object in JS, matching the behavior of SWF
- Ace example running in Maven
- Added Jewel TriStateCheckBox example in Tour De Jewel
- Improved:
- Added emphasized and secondary sass settings for Jewel CheckBox / Switch
- New:
- Added Jewel TriStateCheckBox and some associated beads: TriStateCheckBoxTooltipState, TriStateCheckBoxState
- Added ComboBoxReadOnly bead
- Icon constants have been added to MaterialIconType and FontAwesome5IconType
Added getClassStyle function that gets an Object with all styles in a CSS className.
- Move getParentEventTarget() from EventDispatcher to UIBase to reduce required dependencies. This allows EventDispatcher to be used in non-GUI contexts, such as Node.js.
- UIBase: added loadBeads hook method
- Added BrowserResizeListener bead that listen for browser resizing and resizes a component accordingly. The old bead was renamed to "BrowserResizeApplicationListener"
- StyledUIBase & ClassSelectorListSupport: added replaceClass method
- Added ILabelFunction and LabelFunction bead
- Added LayoutChildren: A bead to trigger the layout in children. Added support in StyledLayoutBase.
- Added interfaces for better extension in Basic and Jewel: IColumns, ITableModel, ITableView, ITextButton, IPaddings, IPositioning
- Paddings: New bead to add padding in mxml to a component
- Positioning: New bead to add positioning in mxml to a component
- Add SelectionDataItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView to handle ISelectionModel for components that uses selection and add/remove/update items at runtime.
- Fixed issue where CIListener incorrectly escaped quotes in messages.
- Better error messages when [BeforeClass] or [AfterClass] is detected, but the method is not found by reflection.
- ASDocs: multiple refactors in many components to document and describe components better.
- Item Renderers
- Refactor to make Basic Layout the default (horizontal was the default).
- Initializers now use new Paddings bead. Create a default if one is not found.
- Remove the minimum height of 34px, so we can have renderers with less height.
- New BinaryImage component.
- Card:
- New CardExpandedContent: Used for content like navigation bars that need to avoid padding.
- Button, CheckBox, RadioButton:
- add "spanLabel" to separate the text from other decorations like icons and get more control over styling.
- Image: added "loadComplete" event.
- New ClipImage bead for images to allow clipping.
- New ErrorImage beads.
- Added SimpleLoader component that shows an indeterminate spin circle.
- DataContainer
- dataProvider is now the DefaultProperty.
- List
- Added label function through beads.
- New ListAlternateRowColor bead (should be temporary until we get nth-child css styles working in compiler)
- dataProvider is now the DefaultProperty.
- Fixes on SearchFilterForList.
- ComboBox:
- Fixed sizing issues
- Improved speed of opening a popup.
- New ComboBoxItemByField bead that lets you select an item by field.
- dataProvider is now the DefaultProperty.
- Add item renderer support at mxml (TLC) level.
- Fixes to SearchFilter.
- DateField:
- Fixed sizing issues.
- TabBar:
- Multiple refactors to decouple functionality in beads and make renderers more flexible. Now we allow vertical layoutss and indicators in renderers can be positioned in different places.
- Add "sameWidths" to make all buttons share the same width.
- dataProvider is now the DefaultProperty.
- Table
- Refactored to get better scrolling and fixed header.
- Added label function through beads.
- New TableAlternateRowColor bead.
- Solved RTE when setting columns at runtime.
- Added Initializer.
- New TableAlternateRowColor bead (should be temporary until we get nth-child css styles working in the compiler)
- Removed CRUD beads and added new CRUDTableItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView.
- DataGrid
- Multiple fixes in column dimensions to allow more configurations.
- Added sorting through DataGridSortBead.
- Added swapping of columns.
- Added label function through beads.
- dataProvider is now the DefaultProperty.
- Added item renderer support at mxml (TLC) level.
- PresentationModels refactor for List and DataGrid based controls to allow more flexibility.
- NumericStepper:
- Fixed sizing issues.
- New responsive beads: ResponsiveSize, ResponsiveResizeListener and ResponsiveLabelVisibility.
- New TileHorizontalLayout and TileVerticalLayout beads.
- New ViewLayout for View.
- Removed Jewel ControlBar since it was just an HGroup.
- Jewel Themes:
- Lots of changes to accommodate the rest of component development and fixes in Jewel.
- Added fluid text sizing responsiveness, so size of text shrinks or grows depending on device to fit on different screens.
- Start of VirtualDataGrid component (still has some issues).
- ArrayList.length now is bindable.
Maven Distribution: The distributions built by Maven should now be equivalent to those of the Ant build.
Maven Archetypes:
- Updated royale-simple-application-archetype
- Nw royale-jewel-application-archetype.
- New royale-jewel-module-application-archetype.
- New royale-jewel-crux-application-archetype
- Reflection support improved (supports access to custom namespaces) including improved utility methods
- Added a 'getTimer' emulation to Core library, similar to 'flash.utils.getTimer'
- added [RoyaleArrayLike] implementation support to Royale Collections, and BinaryData
- improvements to XML/E4X conformance, and memory footprint
- General improvements in Bindings, including function bindings
- Added new Router classes
- Added AMFLocalStorage, a javascript version of the Flash runtime LSO (Local Shared Object)
- Added new ItemRendererInitializer bead infrastructure to decouple better item renderers functionality
- Added ToolTipRemovalWhenItemRemoved for renderers that use tooltips.
- Fix bin/mxmlc and bin/compc scripts that did not understand certain default compiler options in royale-config.xml
- Crux:
- Improved:
- Crux can now be used in MXRoyale and SparkRoyale applications
- New:
- Added support for using Command pattern to Crux
- Added Documentation in royale-docs site
- Improved:
- Graphics:
- New:
- Added new high-parity swf graphics emulation (UIGraphicBase)
- New:
- Jewel:
- Improved:
- Massive refactors and improvements
- Hierarchy improved in many Jewel framework branches to make StyleUIBase the base of all components and unify APIs.
- StyleUIBase now improve width and height, so we can use NaN values to unset values. For JS this means return to default values.
- Card: Added new subcomponents (CardHeader, CardTitle, CardPrimaryContent and CardActions)
- Button: Added new unboxed and outlined styles (also to IconButton and ToggleButton)
- CheckBox and RadioButton now can size the icon part
- ComboBox can now configure custom renders and supports rowCount, and fixed percent width. Also, popup adapts to data provider length.
- List supports now variableRowHeight, scrollToIndex and can be navigated with arrow cursors (up/down)
- Item Renderer: Use the new Initializer infrastructure
- Remove mappers to rely on basic ones, also remove CRUD beads (Add, Remove and Update item beads)
- Layouts, Group and Container supports variableRowHeight
- Layouts many fixes and improvements in alignment, and now children dispatch a "sizeChanged"
- Viewport and ScrollingViewport refactor. Viewport has now clipContent so Container can activate/deactivate
- added tabindex in many components and to Disabled bead (=-1)
- Prompt beads now support changes at runtime
- TabBar: fix AssignTabContent bead when change dataProvider
- Jewel Themes was updated to show many visual improvements in colors and styles. Flat and Light themes are almost finished. Still Dark themes are work in progress.
- Tour De Jewel was updated to show all the latest updates
- New:
- Runtime Theme Switch. Can be seen working in Tour De Jewel
- StyledUIBase now adds min and max width and height properties.
- Added VSlider. The original Slider is now HSlider.
- Added Paddings bead
- Added VContainer and HContainer for clipped content
- Added DataGrid
- Added ButtonBar
- Added ComboBoxTruncateText
- Added DrawerFooter
- Added VirtualList and VirtualComboBox to load huge amounts of data in a performant way
- New colors for text and icons (lightest, light, normal, dark and darkest)
- Added Jewel TodoMVC and TodoMVC with Crux examples following the TodoMVC website guidelines. Also added more blog examples.
- Improved:
- Icons
- Refactored classes IIcon classes to support more icons sets
- Added FontAwesome v5 support (also v4)
- Icons now support Material and FontAwesome (more sets can be added)
- SVG:
- Fixed SVGImage when using Maven
- Network:
- Improved:
- URLLoader now respects contentType passed in via URLRequest.
- New:
- Added URLVariables emulation
- Improved:
- MXRoyale:
- Improved:
- mx.utils.ObjectUtil - improved parity
- mx.net.SharedObject - improved parity
- add support for legacy HttpService decoding format
- Fixes in mx.messaging for polling support, mx.external.ExternalInterface
- New:
- mx.net.SharedObjectJSON - new alternative
- Improved:
- Maven:
- Massive improvements
- Now Maven can generate a valid distribution (SDK) to use in any IDE (tested on VSCode and Moonshine)
- distribution can be JS only
- SASS generation is now separated from main build to a profile to save lots of time when no need to build themes
- RoyaleUnit:
- [Test(async)] may be used to define asynchronous tests
- [BeforeClass] and [AfterClass] metadata must be added to static methods
- [Test] metadata supports an 'expected' attribute to expect a thrown exception
- Fixed incorrect order of expected and actual values in assert messages
- RoyaleUnitUI: An optional UI to display the results of RoyaleUnit tests
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of closed bug reports see GitHub Issues list.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
- Compiles faster.
- For applications targeting JavaScript, you can now incorporate the vast resources available in existing, free JavaScript libraries.
- Many additional components are available:
- for the Jewel component set, Wizard, PopUp, TabBar, Module, ModuleLoader, FooterBar, Badge, ScrollableSectionContent, and HorizontalListScroll are now available.
- Emulations of many other components are available.
- Many improvements and fixes in the Jewel component set:
- Full implementation of DateField/DateChooser.
- Components now work correctly on IE11 and on Android/iOS mobile devices.
- Many improvements to all themes, such as styles for new components and a disabled style that was missing in some components.
- Many beads have been added for Jewel components:
- Search filter bead on Jewel ComboBox
- SearchFilterForList bead to use with Jewel List and TextInput
- RequiredSelection for DropDownList
- Improvements to focus handling.
- Button now extends from new BasicButton.
- Many improvements on Tour De Jewel demo app to show components and beads introduced in this version.
- Added BrowserOrientation bead.
- Added loadCSS, to load external CSS dynamically.
- Added generation of source-maps to all Royale libs for better debugging of framework code.
- Added new RoyaleUnit library for unit testing.
- Improvements to AMF / RemoteObject Support.
- AMFBinaryData api now matches flash.utils.ByteArray, (the missing feature is non-UTF String encoding support). It therefore now works for deep cloning via readObject/writeObject and registerClassAlias.
- Updates to Royale collections library with support for sorting and filtering via ArrayListView. Simple example added to Tour de Jewel.
- A conforming runtime implementation of AS3 Vector (typed Arrays) was added for javaScript output, with options for avoiding certain runtime checks.
- int, uint, Class are now represented as simple, distinct types (Class is now not an 'Object', int is now not a 'Number', for example), and these support indirect 'as' or 'is' type checking and instantiation, matching swf behavior.
- General improvements and additions to the Reflection library.
- New Apache Royale Crux MVC/DI/IOC application architecture library (based on Swiz Framework) was added, with some simple examples.
- Added and updated documentation in many areas of ASDocs reference.
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of closed bug reports see GitHub Issues list.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
- Better way to style components: ClassSelectorList
- Fixed AMF / RemoteObject Support
- Added New Jewel UI Set And First 72 Jewel Themes 12 Colors, Light and Dark (Initial work)
- Renamed TextOverflow bead to EllipsisOverflow. It now supports Label elements as well.
- Added IEEventAdapterBead
- Added Object getter/setter utility functions
- Added InfiniteVScroller Bead
- Initial release of the migration component sets (MXRoyale and SparkRoyale) that have a goal of reducing migration effort for those moving existing Flex applications to Royale.
- Initial release of the Tour de Flex example migrated to Royale via the migration component sets. This is a work in progress. You can see latest progress on our CI server
Known Issues:
- Users only using Basic components and not MXRoyale or SparkRoyale emulation components should delete frameworks/libs/MXRoyale.swc, frameworks/libs/SparkRoyale.swc, frameworks/js/libs/MXRoyaleJS.swc, and frameworks/js/libs/SparkRoyaleJS.swc from their library-paths (or from the file system).
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
- Added ApplicationParametersBead and ApplicationParametersCaseInsensitiveBead
- Added virtual item renderer management for fixed row height vertical lists.
- Added Menu and MenuBar
- Added DividedBox
- Many CSS default values are now in the basic.css theme.
- Theme support. Now compiler will copy all resources in "assets" folder to target
- Added JSON2ASVO, a utility that creates AS classes from a JSON result
- Added JSONReviver, a class that converts JSON to AS classes sort of like AMF
- Added HScrollViewport
- Added VScrollViewport
- Fixed bugs in XML parsing and converting back to strings
- Fixed Maven distribution so you can use in IDEs like VSCode, Moonshine and more.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
- The ASDoc example was upgraded to look better, show events, and provide permalinks.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
Apache Royale is an SDK that provides the capability to cross-compile MXML and ActionScript applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run in a browser without Flash.
Apache Royale was previously released by the Apache Flex project. You can see RELEASE_NOTES for earlier releases in the Apache Flex releases.
Updates to the RELEASE_NOTES made after this file was packaged into the release artifacts can be found here:
Please report new issues to our bugbase at:
The Apache Royale Project