- Solved the "Page Not Found" error message due to the changes in the aviationwheather.gov new API
- Corrected typo in warning for non METAR stations
- Updated airport list due to incorrect ICAO codes in the NOAA list.
- add station coordinates to ad_list
- updated airport list by removing the non-METAR stations from the list (source NOAA)
- added -m and -f options (METAR or TAF only)
- added -lc and -la options (list countrues and list country airports)
- various cleanups and refactoring.
- added "super raw" output option (-rr)
- added a couple of new stations
- changed maximum number of METARs to 70
- changed default timeout to 2 sec.
- added option -t (timeout)
- code optimization and clean up
- added new Dakar (Senegal) airport
- added raw output option
- added option for min/max number of metars
- Various optimisation and bug correction
- Code clean up and optimization
- Output in the same order than arguments
- added http error handeling (timeout, http errors)
- two tafs latest instead of latest one (trend)
- Correction of various bugs and code optimization