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Programming Help Sessions (PHS): Week 1

Welcome to programming help sessions! The files in here were originally created for the Colorado School of Mines ``Physics help sessions,'' a group founded by my friends (Everett Hildenbrandt, Alli Nilles, and David Grisham) and me (Eric Jones). The primary joy and utility of open-source programming, though, is that none of our names matter-- only the content does. So long as you act in this open-source manner, you and anyone you know may use, modify, and distribute this code.

To participate in PHS, you will need to have access to a command line, also known as a shell:

Once installed, let's open up a second shell and update everything:

  • Windows 10: In the shell run sudo apt update (which updates the Ubuntu repositories all shell programs are stored in) and then sudo apt upgrade (which upgrades all of your out-of-date software), and wait for everything to download and install
  • Mac: In the shell run xcode-select --install to download most of the command line utilities you will ever need. If you are running mac and want to download more command line programs, in your free time look up homebrew

If you want to skip this introduction, feel free to reference the command line cheatsheet ( in this directory instead. An appendix that gives an overview of the command line, basic bash commands, and the remote access of files is also available in command_line_appendix.pdf (created by Alex Dorsett for PHYS 125).

Basic shell commands

With the command line installed, look to see what is in your current directory by listing the files in this directory by typing ls (then Enter). Then, look to see where you were located in your file system by printing your working directory with pwd. I think of pwd as your 'compass', since it will always tell you where you are in your file system. In this guide and elsewhere, shell commands will be formatted as:

    % ls   my_file_1.txt   my_image_1.pdf  my_webpage_1.html
    % pwd

Let's make a new directory to practice moving around in the file system. We will make a directory called my_dir with mkdir my_dir. Now, when we list the contents of our current directory, we see something like:

    % ls 
    my_dir   my_file_1.txt   my_image_1.pdf  my_webpage_1.html

Let's change directories to this new folder with cd my_dir. Now, when we look at where we are located we see:

    % pwd

If we wanted, we can go up a directory with cd ... then return back to the my_dir directory again with cd my_dir. Notice that you could have also written cd my_d + Tab, and the rest of 'my_dir' will automatically fill in! This is called tab-completion, and you should abuse this feature.

Now let's remove (= delete) this temporary directory by navigating to the parent directory of my_dir and then running rmdir my_dir.

ls and cd are the bread-and-butter of navigating the command line-- they are the equivalent of clicking on folders in a graphical file directory.

Downloading PHS files with git

Now let's copy the entirety of the 'programming help sessions' files onto your computer from github, using the command git. First, check if your computer has it installed by typing git (+ Enter) on the command line. If it is not found, you need to install it. This is the second joy and utility of Linux: super easy installation of programs. You will install git with your machine's package manager:

  • Windows w/ Ubuntu: sudo apt install git (if this doesn't work you may need to first run sudo apt update then sudo apt upgrade)
  • Mac: xcode-select --install (this will install most of the command line tools you will ever need)
  • Linux: sudo apt-get install git

Notice the command sudo in these commands. sudo stands for 'superuser do', and it executes whatever command follows with root (basically 'admin') privileges. sudo is often needed for 'system level' commands (installation of software, for example) but it is also powerful-- with it, you can irreparably delete your entire operating system! Be careful.

Now we will change to our home directory with cd ~-- here '~' represents your home directory (to see what this is, try echo $HOME. '$HOME' is a stored variable that simply contains the path to your 'home' directory, and you can modify it if you'd like. With git, we will download the files used by PHS onto your computer with the command git clone + the github address:

    % cd ~
    % git clone
    Cloning into 'phs'...
    remote: Counting objects: 354, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
    remote: Total 354 (delta 12), reused 29 (delta 9), pack-reused 317
    Receiving objects: 100% (354/354), 4.67 MiB | 2.63 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (135/135), done.

What is new? Check with ls, and move into the new directory with cd phs. Explore the new folders here using cd, ls, and cd ... Eventually, come back to the base phs folder with cd ~/phs. Some command lines have access to the tree command which is a neat way to visualize the file structure; see if your system can do this with tree ., once you are located in the phs directory. (Here . means 'in my current directory'. Therefore, cd . will leave you in the same directory)

Reading from and manipulating files

With ls we can see the files in this home directory, but by adding flags onto the 'ls' command, we can modify its behavior. For example, if we want to list things in long form, all files including hidden files, and in a human readable format, we can use ls -lah:

    % ls
    latex  misc  python  shell  vim  week_1
    % ls -lah
    total 44K
    drwxr-xr-x  9 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 .
    drwxr-xr-x 24 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 ..
    drwxr-xr-x  8 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 .git
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users   25 May  5 22:08 .gitignore
    drwxr-xr-x  2 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 latex
    drwxr-xr-x  2 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 misc
    drwxr-xr-x  6 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 python
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users  749 May  5 22:08
    drwxr-xr-x  4 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 shell
    drwxr-xr-x  2 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 vim
    drwxr-xr-x  2 eric users 4.0K May  5 22:08 week_1

On the left side, you can see the permissions of various files (e.g. drwxr-xr-x). Here, the leftmost 'd' means the file is a directory-- i.e. you can cd into it. The other letters refer to reading, writing, and executing permissions for different user groups (google 'user permissions linux'). Also shown is the size of the file in bytes (K = 1024) and their last date of modification (just now, when you git cloned them).

You may notice that only two files are not directories: .gitignore and We can output their contents to the screen with cat (for concatenate):

    % cat .gitignore
    % cat
    Programming Help Sessions

    Here are some guides (and other useful things) for programming and Linux,
    << OTHER TEXT >>
    -   [Linux program configurations (dotfiles)](dotfiles/)

The careful reader will notice that the contents of are precisely the contents visible at this is because the github website exactly consists of the text in the file. *.md is the format for markdown files (google markdown), which are basically fancy .txt or basic .tex files. Indeed, if you are reading this document on github, you can see the exact same document in the ~/phs/week_1 directory. We will read the first few lines of it with head:

    % pwd
    % cd week_1
    % ls
    % head
    Programming Help Sessions: Week 1

    Welcome to programming help sessions! The files in here were originally created
    for the Colorado School of Mines ``Physics help sessions,'' a group founded by
    my friends (Everett Hildenbrandt, Alli Nilles, and David Grisham) and me (Eric
    Jones). The primary joy and utility of open-source programming, though, is that
    none of our names matter-- only the content does. So long as you act in this
    open-source manner, you and anyone you know may use, modify, and distribute
    this code.

We could also use cat but that would display some 300 lines of text, which is a little too much. We can also use tail to see the last 10 lines of the document. To see the first 30 lines, for example, use head -n 30

The third joy and utility of the command line is that everything is either a file or a directory. Therefore, for any item foo you can either cd foo or cat foo, and something will be displayed. (However, if you try to cat a .jpg file, expect to get nonsense!) To determine what type of a file something is, use the file command (this is especially useful when figuring out how .tar and .zip files were compressed!):

    % file ASCII text

You should now feel comfortable navigating up and down directories (cd, ls) as well as displaying the text in files (cat, head, tail). These tools are hardly scratching the surface of command line tools: wait for future weeks to learn more advanced tools, or check out the command line cheatsheet in this directory if you are impatient.

Since everything is just a file or a directory, we will now learn how to manipulate text using the text-editor vim.

Text editing in vim

vim is not your standard text editor-- your mouse will not work! It is entirely keyboard based. You may exclaim "this is terrible!" at first, but once you overcome the barrier, you will be significantly faster at typing with vim than with a point-and-click text editor (e.g. the built in python editor, MATLAB, Microsoft Word). The main reason for this is that your mouse has two buttons, while your keyboard has around 100 (vim is case sensitive). Further, if you use vim, it will become the ONLY text editor you will need-- it can write your LaTeX code, your python, your C++, your Julia, and whatever else. (A caveat: you don't always need to use vim. I use the built-in text editors for Gmail and Mathematica and iPython, but I often find myself wishing they had vim key bindings!)

Let's get started by by opening the file in vim:

    % pwd
    % ls
    % vim

(remember to tab complete after vim vim_e) (as before, if you need to install vim use sudo apt install vim command)

This vim exercise is self-contained, so work through the examples. vim has different "modes": normal model, insert mode, and visual mode. You start out in normal mode (use 'h,j,k,l' to move), and you enter insert mode with 'i'. Escape insert mode back into normal mode with 'Esc'. When in normal model, undo your last command with 'u', and write and quit (= save and close) the file with ':wq'. I know reaching for the Esc key all the time is annoying-- in future classes we will remap CapsLock to Esc, which is much better in my opinion. See you after you've completed!

Running python files in the python interpreter

Now we're going to learn how to use python, a syntactically-pleasing and readable programming language. Open two command line windows and place one above the other (splitscreen). In both windows, navigate to the ~/phs/week_1 directory.

In one of the windows execute python, which will open up the python interpreter-- this is a useful space in which to test basic syntax and how to use functions, entering text one line at a time (like in the command line). We can create python scripts in vim that run many lines at once. In general, the interpreter is good for testing out small snippets of code or ideas, while scripts are good for larger more extensive programs that you will revisit and modify. You should use python3 instead of python2 whenever possible, since it is morally proper to use up-to-date software. (A large part of the following text is taken from phs/python/intro/

Once in the interpreter (python on the command line), you can use any commands you would use in python:

% python
>>> print("Hello, world!")

Here we will mention some common commands in python. Follow along by trying these commands in the python shell (interpreter). Verify the outputs shown here.

Assignment and Arithmetic

Assignment uses the = operator. The standard arithmetic operators are supported (+, *, -, /) on number types.

>>> a = 5
>>> print(a)
>>> a = 15 + 30
>>> print(a)
>>> b = 22
>>> print(a, b)
45 22
>>> print(a*b + (b-a))
>>> b = a / b
>>> print(b)
>>> b = a / b
>>> print(b)

What if we want to perform a sqrt or sin? We have to import a module which has that function defined - the math module. Modules consist of prebuilt commands that are constructed and peer-reviewed by a few open-source contributors. Once you learn to use these modules (especially numpy, scipy, itertools, and matplotlib), your code can worry more about implementing ideas rather than the implementation itself.

>>> import math             # Somewhere before we use `math`
>>> print(math.sqrt(4))
>>> print(math.sqrt(15))
>>> print(math.sin(math.pi / 2))

We often use exponentials, or other complex math functions, when trying to solve problems with programming. Find e^10, where e is the base of the natural log. Then, take log(16), then (log(16) base 2). What function do you use, and how do you call it? Google will have all the answers. (google "python exponential", for example)

Eventually, you can also write your own modules that contain your own specific functions for your own specific task-- to do this, you can create a python file called, and then import it in a python script with import my_module.


In python, lists are one of the fundamental datatypes. Even strings ('apple') are stored as lists of single characters (['a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e']) in python. To construct a list, we can define it manually using [element1, ..., elementn] syntax. The elements can be of any type, and of heterogeneous types.

>>> test_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> names = ["Bob", "Rob", "Robert", "Bobert"]
>>> print(names)
['Bob', 'Rob', 'Robert', 'Bobert']
>>> things = ["Car", 4, 2.23, "Denver"]
>>> print(things)
['Car', 4, 2.23, 'Denver']

You can access a specific element of a list using the my_list[index] syntax. The index'th element of the list my_list will be returned (the first element is accessed with index = 0). A negative index will start from the back of the list.

>>> test_list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
>>> print(test_list[0])
>>> print(test_list[2])
>>> print(test_list[-1])
>>> print(test_list[-2])

Creating python scripts in vim

A python script is a text file consisting of python commands on each line. When the script is executed, each line of the script is sequentially executed in the interpreter. Blank lines are ignored, and on any line the text that follows a # is a comment and will be ignored.

Open the sample python file in vim with vim, and see that it consists of typical python commands. You would like to execute this file, but it is currently just a text file:

    % ls -lah
    -rw-r--r-- 1 eric users 1012 May  7 01:29

To make this file executable, you need to change the modifications and take the user class and add (+) execute permissions, with chmod u+x Now, the file has execute permissions:

    % ls -lah
    -rwxr--r-- 1 eric users 1012 May  7 01:29

Notice the '-' is now an 'x'. Execute this file with ./ (As a caveat, you could have originally executed the file without changing the file permissions with python, but making files you want to execute executable with chmod is the proper way to do things in the command line)

Now read through the python file in vim. Part A demonstrates a simple for loop, using the range command which effectively constructs a list of numbers that you can iterate through. Part B uses a for loop to perform the derivative of some (time, position) coordinates. Part C constructs and calls a simple function that adds numbers within a certain range. Part D contains an error, which you should find by reading the error message python gives you. Remedy this error in the file, save and close the file with :wq in vim, and rerun it to ensure there is no longer any error.

Now you will make your own python file. Open a new file called with vim Immediately write the file (= save) with :w. In the first line in the file, place the 'sh-bang' #!/usr/bin/python3, which tells the shell that you are using python, and that it is located at /usr/bin/python3. Ensure that this is the right location on your own machine, by running the command which python in your terminal. Use python3 or python2 if you want to be explicit about which version you are using (instead of just python).

# This comment is the second line of the file
print("Hello, world!")

In this file, add a few lines of code that prints out all of the even numbers between 0 and 30. Use a for loop, the modulus function % (7 % 3 == 1), an if statement if a == b:, and the print command. Open up the sample script in the same vim terminal with :tabedit, and switch between vim tabs with gt in normal mode.

When you are done, write and quit (= save and close) your script file with :wq, and then execute your script with python

% python

or make it executable with chmod

% chmod u+x     # Do once to make executable
% ./             # Can be run like this every time

Once your code works, help your neighbor and troubleshoot their code.

If you chose to make your script executable by running chmod u+x and called it using the ./ syntax, the 'sh-bang' described above is required.

What was the difference between running our short "Hello, world!" program in the interpreter versus in a script? In what instances are scripts useful, and when is the interpreter useful?

More advanced python commands

Follow along with the following python functions in the interpreter. If you would like, practice stringing these functions together in a script, and then run the script to ensure it outputs what you expect.

Operators and Functions

The + operator on two lists extends the first list with the second list.

>>> list1 = [1,2,3]
>>> list2 = [4,5,6]
>>> print(list1, list2, list1 + list2)
[1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

The append function on a list adds an element to the end of the list:

>>> test_list = [1,2,3]
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> test_list.append(4)
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

The len function on a list tells you how long it is.

>>> print(len ([1,2,3,4,5]))

In your shell, create some test lists and compare the behavior of append and extend. What happens when you append lists to lists?


Strings are a special case of a python list where the elements are char's. You can create a string in python using quotes (single or double). You can concatenate strings using the + operator.

>>> my_string = "hello"
>>> print(my_string)
>>> string_two = " world"
>>> print(my_string + string_two)
hello world
>>> print(len (my_string))

In the python shell, create a test string. How would you access the first letter of that string, with list syntax?

List Slices

List slices can be used to select a certain subset of another list. They use the my_list[start:end:inc] syntax. The new list starts at the start index, goes until the end index (but does not include it), making jumps of inc. By default, start is 0, end is len(my_list), and inc is 1.

>>> test_list = [1,2,23,2,38,48,54,90]
>>> print(test_list[3:5])
[2, 38]
>>> print(test_list[:7])       # Everything up to element 7
[1, 2, 23, 2, 38, 48, 54]
>>> print(test_list[2:7:2])    # Every second element from 2-7
[23, 38, 54]
>>> print(test_list[::-1])     # Reverse a list
[90, 54, 48, 38, 2, 23, 2, 1]

In the python shell, try the following:

  • reverse elements 1 through 4 in a test list
  • use list slices to extract the first 4 letters in a string


To build lists and perform other calculations, we use loops. A python for loop iterates through a list provided by the user. This list could be a range of numbers, or lines in a file, or any list.

>>> for x in [1,2,8,4,19]:
...     print(x, x+i)          # Notice extra space before print
1 2
2 4
hello hellohello
4 8
19 38

Notice in this example you are not printing the iterator (i=1,2,3), but rather are printing the constituent elements of the list themselves.

Quite often we need to add up numbers in a loop. If we wanted to sum the numbers from 3 to 5, we need to create a range. The range(start,end,inc) function will produce all numbers up to, but not including, end and will increment by inc (1 by default). Also note that we need to initialize the tot variable before the loop. The tot += elem operation is shorthand for tot = tot + elem.

>>> print(range(3,6))
range(3, 6)                     # Most useless output ever
>>> for i in range(3,6):
...     print(i)               # Don't forget extra space before print
>>> tot = 0                         # Let's calculate a total
>>> for elem in range(302,6000):
...     tot += elem
>>> print(tot)

Notice that the statements which are "inside" the loop must be indented. There is no rule saying you have to use spaces or tabs, but you have to be consistent. This enforces easier-to-read code.

Building lists with append

This method is useful when you don't know how long your list will be, but you think it will be short. The function append is not as efficient as some of the later methods.

>>> app_list = []
>>> data_to_app = [1,3,5,8,1000]
>>> for elem in data_to_app:
...     app_list.append(elem)
>>> print(app_list)
[1, 3, 5, 8, 1000]

In the shell, take the following list of lists and create one flattened list using a for loop and the + operator:

>>> to_flatten = [[1,2,3],["wat"],[0.2,1000]]

Building a pre-allocated list

In this example, we allocate all the memory for the list ahead of time and update values after. This is more efficient than appending to an existing list every time (the lists memory only needs to be allocated once). This technique is especially useful in conjunction with the linspace function of the numpy module, and is the standard way to crunch large list calculations (solving ODEs, analyzing large data sets, etc.). The syntax [0]*num creates a list of 0's that is num long.

>>> xs = [1,3,5,10,15]
>>> vs = [0]*(len(xs)-1)            # Allocate memory for velocities
>>> dt = 1
>>> for t in range(len(vs)):
...     dx = xs[t+1] - xs[t]
...     vs[t] = dx/dt
>>> print(vs)

The loop above took a list of positions and, assuming constant time intervals, created a list of velocities. On your own, take that list of velocities and make a loop to calculate a list of accelerations, including allocating memory before the loop. Your resulting list should be [0.0, 3.0, 0.0].

Building lists with list comprehensions

This is the most compact and "pythonic" way to build lists. It is also usually the fastest. List comprehensions need to be used with an existing list to build from, which can be a built-in like the range(start, stop, inc) function.

Here are some examples of list comprehensions. Notice that you can evaluate general expressions (even calling functions) in the list comprehension.

>>> simple_range = [x for x in range(5)]
>>> print(simple_range)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> squared = [i*i for i in simple_range]
>>> print(squared)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
>>> import math
>>> sqrts = [math.sqrt(element) for element in range(12, 15)]
>>> print(sqrts)
[3.4641016151377544, 3.605551275463989, 3.7416573867739413]

We can also add conditional statements, for example to grab all multiples of five. The % operator - called modulus - calculates the remainder after division (eg. 5 % 3 == 2, 17 % 7 == 3, 10 % 2 == 0). The == operator calculates if the terms on either side are equal, and returns a boolean True or False.

>>> simple_range = [x for x in range(44) if x % 5 == 0]
>>> print(simple_range)
[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]
>>> squares_under_fifty = [n*n for n in range(51) if n*n <= 50]
>>> print(squares_under_fifty)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]

We can do mathematical operations within the list comprehension. In the shell, write your own list comprehension which returns the squares of all of the integers from 10 to 20.

As a final example, let's write a quick flatten function which takes a list of lists and creates a list with one less level of nesting:

>>> list_of_lists = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
>>> flattened = [x for sublist in list_of_lists for x in sublist]
>>> print(flattened)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This is some crazy syntax, so take a while to think about how this works. It might help to see the equivalent for + append loop expression:

>>> list_of_lists = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
>>> flattened = []
>>> for sublist in list_of_lists:   # Appears first in nested comprehension
...     for x in sublist:           # Appears second
...         flattened.append(x)
>>> print(flattened)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

List comprehensions are much faster than for loops + append, especially for larger lists!