Description - Julia is a open-source, dynamic, compiler based programming language that is used to perform operations in scientific computing. Similar to R Programming Language, Julia is used for statistical computations and data analysis. Julia was built mainly because of its speed in programming which comes from its celever design decisions and (Just In Time)JIT compiler, it has much faster execution as compared to Python and R. Julia provides support for big data analytics by performing complex tasks such as cloud computing and parallelism, which play a fundamental role in analyzing Big Data.To gain such features and compatibility, Julia draws upon the lineage of mathematical programming languages but also adopts much from many other popular dynamic languages, which include Perl, Python, Lua, Lisp, and Ruby.
Creator - Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah
Release Date - 2012
Links - Official Website, github
- Scientific Computations
- Machine Learning
- Data Visualization and Plotting
- Parallel and Heterogeneous Computing