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Artifacts - Mirror of Revenge - Forgotten Hourglass |
/artifacts/Forgotten Hourglass/ |
Era of Chaos Mirror of Revenge - Forgotten Hourglass. When using forbidden spells, it protects the spellcaster from being counterattacked by evil forces. One of the components of the Mirror of Revenge. |
2021-08-04 |
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Forgotten Hourglass.md |
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Description: When using forbidden spells, it protects the spellcaster from being counterattacked by evil forces. One of the components of the Mirror of Revenge.
Part of Artifact: [Mirror of Revenge](/artifacts/Mirror of Revenge/){: .btn .btn--era4}
Dismantle: 25x Artifact essence
Related Item: Forgotten Hourglass
Quality: [Violet Artifact Components](/artifacts/Violet Artifact Components/){: .btn .btn--era4}
Upgrade cost: [Artifact component upgrade cost](/artifacts/Artifact Component Upgrade/)
Unit Health: 4+(LEVEL*1.6) %
Hero Intelligence: 5+(LEVEL*2)
Hero Knowledge: 5+(LEVEL*2)
Level | Type | Extra bonus |
2 | Affects 4-man unit | ATK: +190 |
5 | Affects 4-man unit | HP: +3500 |
8 | Affects 4-man unit | ATK: +400 |
11 | Affects 4-man unit | HP: +6790 |
14 | Affects 4-man unit | ATK: +740 |
17 | Affects 4-man unit | HP: +10090 |
20 | Affects 4-man unit | ATK: +870 |