diff --git a/src/features/AddModel/ModelMetadata/ModelMetadataComponent.test.tsx b/src/features/AddModel/ModelMetadata/ModelMetadataComponent.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a924ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/AddModel/ModelMetadata/ModelMetadataComponent.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
+import { MsalProvider } from '@azure/msal-react';
+import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import { cleanup, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
+import { MsalReactTester } from 'msal-react-tester';
+import { AnalogueModelSourceType } from '../../../api/generated';
+import { useFetchAnalogues } from '../../../hooks/useFetchAnalogues';
+import { useFetchMetadata } from '../../../hooks/useFethcMetadata';
+import { ModelMetadata } from './ModelMetadata';
+let msalTester: MsalReactTester;
+const mockMetadata = {
+ analogueModelId: '',
+ name: '',
+ description: '',
+ isProcessed: false,
+ sourceType: AnalogueModelSourceType.DELTARES,
+ fileUploads: [],
+ parameters: [],
+ metadata: [],
+ analogues: [],
+ modelAreas: [],
+const errors = {};
+beforeEach(() => {
+ // new instance of msal tester for each test
+ msalTester = new MsalReactTester();
+ // spy all required msal things
+ msalTester.spyMsal();
+afterEach(() => {
+ cleanup();
+ msalTester.resetSpyMsal();
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+const Render = () => {
+ const testQueryClient = new QueryClient();
+ // @ts-ignore because of error
+ useFetchMetadata.mockReturnValue({
+ data: {
+ data: [
+ {
+ metadataId: 'test1',
+ metadataType: 'Field',
+ value: 'string11',
+ },
+ {
+ metadataId: 'test2',
+ metadataType: 'Field',
+ value: 'string12',
+ },
+ {
+ metadataId: 'test5',
+ metadataType: 'Formation',
+ value: 'string55',
+ },
+ {
+ metadataId: 'test6',
+ metadataType: 'Zone',
+ value: 'string66',
+ },
+ ],
+ success: true,
+ },
+ isLoading: false,
+ isSuccess: true,
+ isError: false,
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore because of error
+ useFetchAnalogues.mockReturnValue({
+ data: {
+ data: [
+ {
+ analogueId: 'test12',
+ description: 'string122',
+ name: 'stringA1',
+ },
+ {
+ analogueId: 'test13',
+ description: 'string123',
+ name: 'stringA2',
+ },
+ ],
+ success: true,
+ },
+ isLoading: false,
+ isSuccess: true,
+ isError: false,
+ });
+ return (
+ );
+test('renders modelMetadata after loading', () => {
+ render();
+ const nameLable = screen.getByLabelText('Model Name');
+ expect(nameLable).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(nameLable).toHaveValue('');
+test('Name field to be present and empty after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const nameLable = screen.getByLabelText('Model Name');
+ expect(nameLable).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(nameLable).toHaveValue('');
+test('Description field to be present after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const descriptionLable = screen.getByLabelText('Model description');
+ expect(descriptionLable).toBeInTheDocument();
+test('Field dropdown to be present after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const labeledNodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText('Field');
+ const input = labeledNodes[1];
+ const optionsList = labeledNodes[0];
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ expect(input).toHaveAccessibleName('Field');
+ expect(input.nodeName).toBe('INPUT');
+ expect(optionsList).toBeDefined();
+ expect(optionsList.nodeName).toBe('UL');
+test('Zone dropdown to be present after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const labeledNodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText('Zone');
+ const input = labeledNodes[1];
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ expect(input).toHaveAccessibleName('Zone');
+ expect(input.nodeName).toBe('INPUT');
+test('Formation dropdown to be present after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const labeledNodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText('Formation');
+ const input = labeledNodes[1];
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ expect(input).toHaveAccessibleName('Formation');
+ expect(input.nodeName).toBe('INPUT');
+test('Analogue dropdown to be present after render', async () => {
+ render();
+ const labeledNodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText('Analogue');
+ const input = labeledNodes[1];
+ expect(input).toBeDefined();
+ expect(input).toHaveAccessibleName('Analogue');
+ expect(input.nodeName).toBe('INPUT');