Internet of Things
Internet of Things(IoT) is a network of synchronised physical 'things' - gadgets, automobiles, buildings - embedded with sensors and powerful electronic circuits powered by intelligent code that enable them to talk to each other without human interference.
The story begins here ...
The Internet of Things(IoT) is a new digital world that has a varied population. It habours a few billion species of gigantic vehicles, microscopic chips, robots, a dozen of concrete jungles(buildings) and anything you name...
One fine morning,, a drowsy young home assistance gadget wakes up from a deep 'sleep' mode and preps himself up for the day - start network services, initialise sensor inputs and load algorithms into memory. He makes a call to his close friend, a gorgeous counterpart.
DringDring Dring Kee Kee Kee Kee
The lines are dead. He makes a dozen of vain attempts to a few other numbers. Hours rolled by and the plight didn't seem to change. Terror soon took over him.
What will he do?