The ACE Advanced Medical System is nice, but we can do it better, even on a more realistic way and bring it on another level with these addons.
Created by Katalam
- Airway
- Airwaymanagement for unconscious patients
- Head overstretching
- Intubation
- Aspiration
- Airwaymanagement for unconscious patients
- Breathing
- Oxygen saturation
- Circulation
- Blood Groups
- Painkillers
- Bigger AED with monitoring
- Disability
- Cut of clothes
- Allergical reactions
- Exposure
- Heat-preserving
- Misc
- Big Backpack?
- Workable IV stand
You can help out with the ongoing development by looking for potential bugs in my code base, or by contributing new features. I am always welcome to new pull requests containing bug fixes, refactors and new features.
Please, use my Issue Tracker to report a bug, propose a feature, or suggest changes to the existing ones.
This work is licensed under a Arma Public License Share Alike