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{"origin": ["The City eats dreams and shits out monkeys.", "The best part about Cartesan Dualism is the existential relief one feels when they reason that it is actually absurd.", "People in glass houses should've paid more attention to Al Gore", "Here stands the Great Machine! Its eyes are gold and silver, and its name is Urizen. Ever does it turn, marching forward into eternity, turning the blood of men into history. Caught in its terrible gears, the world wails. Turning, turning, ever turning: The end is marked by a wheel", "The unexamined life isn't worth living man.", "Have a good day, or die.", "Ha, look at you being intelligent", "Madness is a fish waiting to be groomed.", "While you were reading this, my invisible friend stole your wallet.", "If you dont know how much is '2+2', but knows that '7' is closer than 'green', than you have the answer and just don't know it.", "Always the catalyst... Never the Butterfly!", "He who has long legs and short arms cannot touch one's toes...", "Never trust what you read.", "Truth is plural and contingent", "How often do you feel human?", "Why is it we can see the foolishness of the blind leading the blind, and yet miss the same pitiful futility of the sane leading the sane?", "People are revolting", "Let's please save all of the monsters from certain (and uncertain) death!", "just one pill away from the koo-koo's nest, aren't we?", "How many of your facebook posts are pearls before whine?", "Just because it's counter culture doesn't mean it's true", "FOREVER ALONE", "If Wishes Were Fishes We'd All Cast NEts", "I don't have to care about your problems until you solve mine.", "*cough* \"just wanted to ADD, completely unrelated to anything, that- I believe everything, including contradictions... conversely I also believe nothing, and why not, it's never let anyone down yet!\" (incidentally rope can let you down)", "truth is the biggest lie in the universe", "What if you're never going to hit rock bottom?", "Mary had a little lamb", "Those who make peaceful revolution possible make violent revolution necessary", "i wish i had tried.", "I'm not afraid of heights, its depths that get me.", "the flick of an eyelid separates you from chaos unleashed", "Behind the mask, there is no face.", "there is *no* conspiracy. the government *is* out to get us.", "If it makes sense, we can't do it.", "Always be ready to walk away from a bad idea.", "get fired. taste delicious.", "Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.", "If you are pissed off, frustrated, annoyed and confused, congratulations. You are about to learn something.", "First rule of glass blowing: Hot glass looks just like cold glass", "Tough times do not last forever.", "Superstition brings bad luck.", "Today is a good day to start writing on walls", "A prison becomes a home if you hold the key", "What we're looking at is an aggressive form of late-night shopping.", "We are not stuff that abides", "If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are.", "Behind every man stands a woman with a leash.", "You're being lied to by yourself.", "For how long are things what they seem After I skinny Dip through your waking Dream.", "With Love in our hearts and death on our minds, now is thee time to leave fear behind... because _We Kill Evil!_", "Those who listen only to what they want to hear, end up dancing with their own reflection - in the abyss.", "bureaucrats erase their initials, then initial their erasure.", "if there was no money, we would all be rich.", "This is a question?", "A Monk climbed to the top of a mountain to find himself, and he found he was an asshole", "The only truth is we perceive, yet this makes it the highest falsehood.", "Don't fuck the man. You'll get an STD.", "Head Your mind!", "Poor american christians: trapped between the sin city and the big apple.", "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.", "Capitalism: That hypnotic, trance-like music that keeps them dancing on the backs of the bruised.", "Stop thinking. Stop speaking. It is still possible.", "every one of you assholes thinks you are interpreting \"do what thou wilt ....\" correctly...but you are all wrong! (ok, Not very catchy but its true.)", "There's no such thing as a free world", "Refuse to be remastered", "The best things in life are imaginary", "there is something addicting about a secret.", "There is a puppy in that room over there. If you think about the puppy, he dies a horrible death. Don't let the Puppy die.", "When the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest, Humanity will know peace.", "Man's reach must exceed his grasp, or what's a metaphor?", "Amateur surgeon, seeking new patients", "End the unjust american occupation of disneyland!", "Ethos under desconstruction", "the essencial meaning before poee is the weight of this aphorism on flax", "Your consciousness only exists in your head, and only when you happen to think about it", "Imagine that I were you. What would you do?", "hate love - love hate", "is there someone standing behind me?", "FUCK SPARTA!", "If you were a zombie, I'd cry when i kill you", "A concept is the thing before you think. - Anonymouse", "If you're too old to play, you're doomed.", "One should cry to find purpose and laugh to forget it.", "You are only happy by accident.", "Two wrongs don't make a Right...but three lefts do!", "be aware that the illuminati have infiltrated this archive and outnumbered our sage nonsense with moralistic catch phrases.", "Thank God for Existenialism.", "sometimes it is completely appropriate to be impolite.", "THERE IS NOTHING UN-NATURAL. eVERYTHING THAT EXISTS IS PART OF NATURE, WHICH IS EVERYTHING", "Philosophy is the systematic abuse of a terminology specifically designed for that purpose", "Everything happens, not for a reason. but everything happens.", "I lost My mood ring and I don't know how to feel about it.", "They never tell you about all the other little engines that couldn't", "It's the quiet ones you've got to watch. Listening to them is pointless.", "I contradict myself? Well, good thing! I contradict myself I own: I am able to take a lot!", "Eris may help you.", "Freedom is a lie, but lies will make you free.", "Life is not only for you.", "Her mariage.", "Newfags can't triforce", "love to see it happen", "if you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.", "i only disagreed with your opinion so you would go defend with your life my right to say it...", "There's nothing wrong with mondays, it's your job that sucks.", "Common sense is common nonsense.", "Warning: Certain concepts have been infected and deemed unsafe. Please do not think about the following words: golden apple, fnord, 23 skidoo.", "A year from now, what will I wish I had done today?", "if it is everyone's belief, that's culture.", "Evolve from Orwell's pigs to Berksons monkeys!", "I was a servant of god... Then I got fired.", "Expectations are preconceived disappointments!", "It's OK to stop wanting to be an individual", "I'm not a man, I'm an imaginary number!", "Atheists are the most religious people you'll ever met.", "No gods, no masterpieces", "The Market demand escalation of all things because anything else is slavery.", "This is where i get off.", "Aristotle was a dick.", "You do not read what I wrote.", "At least i know how to live a Painfull life instead of beeing death !", "Is the earth really rotating, or did i not drink enough ?", "al principio era una realidad sin nombre, ahora es un nombre sin realidad. cHaos", "thats the point of it all, masturbate, feel relieved, and keep on with what you're doing", "Then why do you do it?", "Under no circumstances can you use the same logic for absolutely everything.", "People are so impressed with the speed of light, what about the speed of dark. Did you see how dark got outta there like his ass was on fire when you hit that switch?", "\"You can only eat so much rust\"", "kill the planet, save the universe.", "Yes i did .", "i've made this far without knowing what a meme is and it's never bothered me at all", "\"you should not believe everything that you see on the internet\" -abraham lincoln", "He was as nervous as a cat in a room full of accountants.", "Obscurity bears no heroes", "the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself", "Booby Booby Bum Bum", "Change is NOT coming. It has never gone away.", "I see people dying all the time. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes their eyes roll, but i prefer when they just whimper; then i can at least eat my sandwich in peace.", "It puts the lotion. On its heart.", "ignorance is hell.", "May your coffee kick in before reality does.", "no one knows about the walls we are surrounded by now", "golfers are the illuminati", "If I didn't achieve my goals, that doesn't mean I didn't go about seeking them in a skillful manner.", "There is no edge: the world is boundless & forbids us from fleeing", "The money spent on killing could fund peaceful living.", "a single event can have infinitely many interpretations", "Being generous is inborn; being altruistic is a learned perversity.", "being sure of yourself means you're a fool", "big brother is not watching me", "Coca-Cola, proud sponspors of The Revolution", "Death is just the ultimate expression of radical solipsism.", "Decide what you are meant to be.", "Do what you want to say", "Enjoy Coca-Cola Or the terrorists have already won", "every achievement requires a sacrifice", "Feel great with purpose", "Forget about your rights and they'll go away.", "fun is my function", "He who hates vices hates mankind.", "How am I not who I Am?", "How does spying on us catch terrorists?", "I came. I saw. I believed.", "I have found a truth.", "I think we're all Bozos on this bus.", "I think you had better start lining your hat with tinfoil.", "If infinite rednecks fired infinite shotguns at an infinite number of road signs, they'd eventually create all the great literary works of the world in braille.", "If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out and difficult.", "If you don't control your mind, someone else will.", "If you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns", "If your face were a tree, it would be different.", "It's nigh on time I started using this phrase.", "My biology I know. You I worry about.", "One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.", "Pain unlike pleasure wears no mask.", "people are nuts if they think they are important", "Reality does not give a shit about your opinions", "Remember the . . . what was it again?", "revolution begins with changes in the individual", "Start finishing what you finished starting.", "Support your local ceiling.", "The Game", "The goodness of the true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability.", "The only thing worth doing with your time is wasting it", "The revolution is over, and yet here you are.", "The Rule of Fives states that all things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly related to five. The Rule of Fives is never wrong.", "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy.", "There is no excess of self-expression that will not serve you well.", "There is no help.", "There is no such thing as innocence, only varying degrees of guilt.", "They think you're weird.", "Think of hummingbirds as the flying penises of flowers", "Think outside the book.", "THIS IS NOT AN INNUENDO!", "THIS IS WHAT DISCORDIANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE", "This may be the last time you feel great...", "This sign is not for you.", "Those who don't question their own beliefs probably shouldn't have any.", "Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.", "Try reading this page out loud.", "Until you realize the power of an archetype/symbol, it's just another bar in your cell.", "Wait you're worried about your Boss seeing your e-mails?", "We could do that, but it would be wrong, that's for sure.", "What are you thinking now that you are finished?", "When you're a god, you don't have to have reasons.", "You can never trust a woman; she may be true to you.", "You grok?", "You now need to empty your head of this information.", "Freedom--You've gotta give for what you take", "Social darwinists are evolutionarily unfit.", "only the robots are on time anymore", "Don't spend time: it doesn't belong to you.", "I don't exist.", "The Triangle God has three sides.", "The world is a vast temple dedicated to Discord. - Voltaire.", "Hypocrisy has saved us from many bad ideas that might otherwise have been practiced as well as preached.", "Today is the day.", "Talking donkeys my ass!", "When you look for happiness outside yourself, it is like sand in the hands, when you have it, it slips away. When you find happiness from within, you become the sand.", "\"Let's all take a stand against activism!\"", "This sentence will not prompt you to think of that thing.", "\"Irrational\" is the new \"heretical.\"", "No amount of faith can undo a fact", "See the fnord, don't fear it.", "Don't be fooled by appearances; I am a surveillance camera.", "The mind that opens too widely is in danger of spilling out.", "cats are goddesses who are seceretly cotrolling you", "Your computer is lying to you.", "Part of me lives in this Universe.", "Please cue at this point -->", "Free", "Of the limited time in your life, you choose to waste most of it reading stupid memes.", "In my world poo taste sweet.", "I shit you not.", "Time is the best teacher, unfortunatelly it kills all its students.", "PANTS?", "The cake is a lie, but the icing is Truth.", "The Roadrunner fled across the desert, and the Coyote followed.", "I Just Want It To Be Over", "There is far less to everything than you think", "If I asked you to have sex with me, would you answer the same as you would to this question?", "Oh! sorry, I didn't recognise you with your clothes on.", "dont forget to put your head in front of the shotgun,thanks for calling:)", "We are as gods and might as well get good at it", "You are unique just like everyone else.", "I am an elitist asshole and I fully support and endorse your right to be an idiot.", "Remember: As a whole we are just a mute a away from asshole", "The Revolution will not be civilized", "Beware your actions, your future will be your past, eventually.", "Fight apathy or don't.", "security makes me nervous", "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly", "It's better to light a candle than to curse the dark", "Sic transeo.", "All simplifying assumptions are too complicated.", "Mind the malicious gap.", "Civilization is sterilization.", "Holy Shit, did you see that!? No, of course not, you were reading this note.", "Reliance on others is a weakness for the strong, but a strength for the weak.", "You are now thinking manually.", "Scarcity increases value. Stop carrying phones.", "I take my comedy seriously, and my seriousness humorously.", "And on the other hand, you have different fingers", "there is no Jew world fnorder", "Prohibition makes the heart grow fonder.", "Everybody farts in the same language.", "That sickening feeling when you realize you've lost your cellphone will soon be permanent", "SMASH THE STATE OF MIND", "chaos is chicken pox after 30,", "the secret of the universe is just that", "Leap before you look", "A stitch in nine saves time.", "You are one of the masks", "In the guise of noise, he receives a clarifying signal", "Never try to convince Anybody. The best way to do so is by talking as convincingly as possible.", "God bless the kufar", "Nobody is perfect. Trust your government.", "ALL THAT RISES MUST CONVERGE.", "We are the ones who seem to travel through time", "Whoever said love was an ocean probably drowned.", "Honey, the whole city is full of people who hate teenagers.", "money has no real value. they do not even reflect the planet resources.", "the worst feeling isn't losing someone you love. and it's not loving someone who won't love you back. it's wholeheartedly and unstoppably loving someone who does not love you...anymore.", "Life is a hard life.", "There is no absolute Freedom!", "Private parking in Area only !", "It is better to learn to embrace the darkness than to waste electricity turning on all the lights and making them explode.", "February 28th is national enjoy nothing day.", "I'm not arrogant, I just have a low opinion of others", "then a lamentable faculty arose in their spirits, that of seeing stupidity and no longer being able to tolerate it. - G. flaubert", "Consciousness is like the roundness of a sphere.", "When you work at the limits of your abilities, you can't possibly know what you're doing.", "if you fear death, relax, you'll live through it. . .or you wont.", "My problem is that I have been persecuted by an integer.", "if a prediction can lead to changes in the system that the prediction is made in relation to, it becomes difficult to assess the predictions with the events that actually occur.", "You can keep reading, it's all a lie anyway.", "All fact is open to question but opinion is real", "Extungished moralaty is selfestead Punishment...", "If fancy isn't normative, then what is love?", "if you're not doing whatever the hell you want", "Law = X/0", "Madness is only subjective, until the sky begains to fall.", "it took seeing my feet cut up and bloody to realize how long i'd been dragging them", "We are here to grow our souls", "Here lies the noble fearless knight,", "All is one and 1 is the loneliest number.", "ATTENTION: You are not living in a novel.", "calm is more conductive to creativity than is anxiety", "Change your mind, it's starting to smell.", "Common sense is what tells you that the world is flat.", "Did you know that lithium builds up in the fatty tissues of the body?", "Do not read this message.", "Don't let signs like this one tell you what to do.", "emotional responses ar as valuable as intellectual responses", "Flee at once, all is discovered.", "Fuck Darwin, Donate Semen.", "Hey, I have an idea! Let's all go spray paint some cars in Singapore.", "Humans: Bet you can't eat just one.", "I hate prejudiced people.", "I hate the very thought of the thought of you", "I SUPPORT THE WAR, JUST NOT THE TROOPS", "I suspect God of being a leftist intellectual.", "I'm fond of children--except for boys.", "I'm with intelligent --->", "If the Devil is the God of baser things, I dare you to hit a home run.", "If there really is an omnipotent God, It's fine with me putting this sticker here.", "If you bang your head against a brick wall long enough, do the colors of the pot and the kettle change so that they look different?", "If you hit a man over the head with a fish, he'll have a headache for a day. But if you teach a man to hit himself over the head with a fish, he'll have headaches for the rest of his life.", "If you see the Buddha on the road, please call 911.", "In the end. there's a period.", "It is not down on any map; true places never are.", "It is the apocalypse. Do you know where your laxatives are?", "RUN WHILE YUO STILL HAVE LEGS!", "sociopath mimes \"silent but deadly\"", "That's a fish and you know it!", "the sum of your actions determines what you are", "The Truth Is No.", "They know you're not as weird as you pretend.", "This has probably been said before, but here it is again.", "Replacing one silly belief for another doesn't mean you are enlightened.", "Sorry Mario, but your princess is just another castle.", "It's now", "Refuse to be re-branded.", "DEATH TO MARTYRS!", "I get insulted by ads telling me I could dress better. The CIA never tells me that, and you know why? Because they can actually see me.", "TAKE THIS AS A SIGN", "We are the music-makers. And we are the dreamers of the dreams.", "Screw Capital! Work creates Wealth! (which means wellness)", "Jesus is 6.", "No compromise with the enemy, even if they're us", "The Crisis is also not a weather front", "All we have is words", "You knew she was lying when you didn't see blood", "What is man but a bridge between animal and superman?", "If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?", "check the euclideanness of the geometry before entering the room", "Arrest the policeman in your head", "Find your passion for apathy", "YOU MIGHT BE A DISCORDIAN IF... YOU'VE BEEN CHARGED WITH MALICIOUS MISCHIEF AT LEAST 5 TIMES AND YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY THE JUDGE DOESN'T FIND IT FUNNY TOO.", "\"Some dogs don't care what they look like\"", "build the ethernet with light love and power already.", "we stand on the shoulders of midgets", "Standing up for \"small\" things can be just as important as \"big\" things are to others.", "The future is here: everything must be destroyed", "Life's a joke and death's a laugh", "23 is a good number it's a statistical analysts nightmare", "Do you own your own reality tunnel?", "Feed Your Change to The Machine.", "feel better now", "Finishing is for quitters.", "Five is a demon.", "Forget you even read this.", "FREE THE MURDERERS!", "fuck your brand of individuality.", "Generally speaking, women are.", "Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.", "Good Morning!", "grass roots agitation is the only hope", "Have your furries spayed and neutered!", "help me i've turned into a sentence", "Here, take this shovel. You know what to do.", "Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.", "How many advertisements are you wearing?", "I am delighted to have been of entertainment.", "I am living in denial.", "I can see you", "I hear music!", "I live like this 'cuz I like it; I've seen too much to pretend", "I started to correct my mistakes, but realized what I was doing in time.", "I want your money back.", "If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower.", "If voting actually worked then it would be against the law", "If you won't shut the hell up, go watch TV so it can shut you the hell up.", "Ignorance can be cured--but stupid is forever.", "illness is a state of mind", "It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.", "It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better dead.", "It's always easier to just fall than to try to climb.", "It's good to be the King.", "it's just an accident that your parents are your parents", "Life is the stuff that happens to you while you're making other plans.", "The Average Person has less than three Original Thoughts per week.", "Reading is not understanding.", "Should your innocence be established, the department will notify your surviving beneficiaries.", "Witchcraft always has a hard time, until it becomes established and changes its name.", "A language is a dialect with an army", "Back to yellow tomorrow", "An obsession with authenticity is the surest sign of a poseur.", "Everybodie IS Slut because they wear Blue JEans", "Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion.", "Fine, DON'T have a nice day, see if I care.", "Grab life by the neck and squeeze!", "Guns don't kill people, I do.", "I am no longer infected", "I don't believe in reason, objective reality or collective farming.", "If God was real, you'd be dead by now.", "If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life, you'll find you've done it.", "Ignorance isn't free!", "In the event of confusion: stop, think and die.", "In under 100 years, you will be dead.", "it is a gift to the world not to have babies", "Horniness is a quintessential example of hope.", "Hot Topic is to rebellion as Hot Pockets are to nutrition.", "I hate people who think it's clever to take drugs--like customs officials.", "I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.", "the world is a stage and you're an actor upon it, so you may as well give the audience a laugh", "the world ends not with a whimper, not with a bang, but with a ying tong iddle i po i told you so", "How many times do I have to tell you that drilling holes in your head will not relieve stress?", "I like.", "in order to suck seed you need to pop down to your local pet shop", "I want to exist, therefore I am thinking.", "when you shit in your garden, is it considered caring about your plants, or hating your plants, or just being too poor to afford a goddamn toilet.", "templates and imprinting go hand in hand", "thou shalt have no other books before me its principia discordia all the way now :-)", "you are now entering!", "people make mistakes. mistakes make people.", "wait faster", "Ra ra skirts are solar cult subliminals", "fear is information", "dedicated to the prettiest one", "I really like writing on walls", "Wrong is the natural state of the world", "evolution continues with each and every new generation", "All myths are modern", "Do not adjust your set; do not adjust your setting", "ATTENTION: The outside will be closing in ten minutes.", "Order in form; Chaos in content", "something terrible happens when people wake up", "The fact that someone said \"no\" doesn't mean I shouldn't have made the request in the first place", "no not ain't plz ----seysqezz ay", "never share your dreams with a pro", "The measure of the greatness of a society lies in how it treats its weakest members. The measure of a person lies in how they react when presented with the truth.", "If God does not exist, what is there to permit?", "You aren't free and you don't want to be.", "The world hates us, and we deserve it", "The conscience is that little voice in your head that says,'someone might be watching'", "All statements are true in some sense , false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.", "life's a jar of marbles you never know which one your gonna choke on", "Death when it comes will have no sheep.", "I wish that this wish will be only half granted.", "this is one sentence.", "Some men are born posthumously.", "orthodoxy is coming back in a big way quick deflate the balloons", "Is your right to forget unalienable?", "Everyone has a personal fnord", "If you divide Jesus , he does not disapear but getting three", "Peter, Peter the Maneater,", "Hail to thee o risen sun/visible AND invisible/enlighten the world/shine within us/enflame our souls/thou secret sun of the heart/thou art Horus in thy rising/ra in thy glory/and Osiris in thy repose/hail, o great sun! Amen!", "The only enemy is good", "Laziness is a Parent of wisdom", "This is the age of isis", "Are you dreaming? (yes, get naked and try flying)", "dumbing down is as dumbing down does", "what are politics when the pipes in the bathroom burst?", "the map is not the territory!!", "I refuse to acknowledge the existence of cognitive dissonance", "Nothing compares to the great joy when you show up to work at your new job an hour early, the early morning, except for the feeling when you realize that the sun doesn't usually rise in the west...", "Perception is not reality", "in the technological dream we are the blue cone-headed people", "Idealists have a hard time understanding that the universe doesn't give a fuck what they believe in.", "EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEAZY - Kain", "INFO no Knowledge, know", "Possible is huddling in a dark cave, picking fleas out each others fur and wishing for bison. Literally everything else humans have accomplished used to be impossible", "Your first act of free will shall be to believe in free will.", "Negation is definition", "chaos is just unseen patterns", "Right now people are dying because they are invisible", "An object at rest cannot be stopped", "When the axe came into the forest, the trees said, 'The handle is one of us.'", "We are all popes of our own madness", "dual spirituality is like having dual nationality", "it's now 2023 and the klf suck suck suck", "World cirlce turns as all to chemical dead down.. a way in a way out ...sholva... yafa cree", "In five years time, you will be dead and a stranger with your memories will inhabit your body. Don't worry, in ten years they'll be dead too.", "It's quite easy to reason logically and still be wrong.", "Count the seconds it takes to stop thinking about this sentence.", "Black sheep are still sheep.", "Alarm clocks kill dreams.", "Life is truly quite absurd, but with a little effort we could make it completely ridiculous.", "A conclusion is simply where you stopped thinking"]}