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183 lines (127 loc) · 5.92 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (127 loc) · 5.92 KB


Proposal Submission

Proposals can be submitted by any account via a MsgSubmitProposal transaction.


All sdk.Msgs passed into the messages field of a MsgSubmitProposal message must be registered in the app's MsgServiceRouter. Each of these messages must have one signer, namely the gov module account. And finally, the metadata length must not be larger than the maxMetadataLen config passed into the gov keeper.

State modifications:

  • Generate new proposalID
  • Create new Proposal
  • Initialise Proposal's attributes
  • Decrease balance of sender by InitialDeposit
  • If MinDeposit is reached:
    • Push proposalID in ProposalProcessingQueue
  • Transfer InitialDeposit from the Proposer to the governance ModuleAccount

A MsgSubmitProposal transaction can be handled according to the following pseudocode.

// Check if MsgSubmitProposal is valid. If it is, create proposal //

upon receiving txGovSubmitProposal from sender do

  if !correctlyFormatted(txGovSubmitProposal)
    // check if proposal is correctly formatted and the messages have routes to other modules. Includes fee payment.
    // check if all messages' unique Signer is the gov acct.
    // check if the metadata is not too long.

  initialDeposit = txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit
  if (initialDeposit.Atoms <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < initialDeposit.Atoms)
    // InitialDeposit is negative or null OR sender has insufficient funds

  if (txGovSubmitProposal.Type != ProposalTypePlainText) OR (txGovSubmitProposal.Type != ProposalTypeSoftwareUpgrade)

  sender.AtomBalance -= initialDeposit.Atoms

  depositParam = load(GlobalParams, 'DepositParam')

  proposalID = generate new proposalID
  proposal = NewProposal()

  proposal.Messages = txGovSubmitProposal.Messages
  proposal.Metadata = txGovSubmitProposal.Metadata
  proposal.TotalDeposit = initialDeposit
  proposal.SubmitTime = <CurrentTime>
  proposal.DepositEndTime = <CurrentTime>.Add(depositParam.MaxDepositPeriod)
  proposal.Deposits.append({initialDeposit, sender})
  proposal.Submitter = sender
  proposal.YesVotes = 0
  proposal.NoVotes = 0
  proposal.NoWithVetoVotes = 0
  proposal.AbstainVotes = 0
  proposal.CurrentStatus = ProposalStatusOpen

  store(Proposals, <proposalID|'proposal'>, proposal) // Store proposal in Proposals mapping
  return proposalID


Once a proposal is submitted, if Proposal.TotalDeposit < ActiveParam.MinDeposit, Atom holders can send MsgDeposit transactions to increase the proposal's deposit.


State modifications:

  • Decrease balance of sender by deposit
  • Add deposit of sender in proposal.Deposits
  • Increase proposal.TotalDeposit by sender's deposit
  • If MinDeposit is reached:
    • Push proposalID in ProposalProcessingQueueEnd
  • Transfer Deposit from the proposer to the governance ModuleAccount

A MsgDeposit transaction has to go through a number of checks to be valid. These checks are outlined in the following pseudocode.

// Check if MsgDeposit is valid. If it is, increase deposit and check if MinDeposit is reached

upon receiving txGovDeposit from sender do
  // check if proposal is correctly formatted. Includes fee payment.

  if !correctlyFormatted(txGovDeposit)

  proposal = load(Proposals, <txGovDeposit.ProposalID|'proposal'>) // proposal is a const key, proposalID is variable

  if (proposal == nil)
    // There is no proposal for this proposalID

  if (txGovDeposit.Deposit.Atoms <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < txGovDeposit.Deposit.Atoms) OR (proposal.CurrentStatus != ProposalStatusOpen)

    // deposit is negative or null
    // OR sender has insufficient funds
    // OR proposal is not open for deposit anymore


  depositParam = load(GlobalParams, 'DepositParam')

  if (CurrentBlock >= proposal.SubmitBlock + depositParam.MaxDepositPeriod)
    proposal.CurrentStatus = ProposalStatusClosed

    // sender can deposit
    sender.AtomBalance -= txGovDeposit.Deposit.Atoms

    proposal.Deposits.append({txGovVote.Deposit, sender})

    if (proposal.TotalDeposit >= depositParam.MinDeposit)
      // MinDeposit is reached, vote opens

      proposal.VotingStartBlock = CurrentBlock
      proposal.CurrentStatus = ProposalStatusActive

  store(Proposals, <txGovVote.ProposalID|'proposal'>, proposal)


Once ActiveParam.MinDeposit is reached, voting period starts. From there, bonded Atom holders are able to send MsgVote transactions to cast their vote on the proposal.


State modifications:

  • Record Vote of sender

Note: Gas cost for this message has to take into account the future tallying of the vote in EndBlocker.

Next is a pseudocode outline of the way MsgVote transactions are handled:

  // Check if MsgVote is valid. If it is, count vote//

  upon receiving txGovVote from sender do
    // check if proposal is correctly formatted. Includes fee payment.

    if !correctlyFormatted(txGovDeposit)

    proposal = load(Proposals, <txGovDeposit.ProposalID|'proposal'>)

    if (proposal == nil)
      // There is no proposal for this proposalID

    if  (proposal.CurrentStatus == ProposalStatusActive)

        // Sender can vote if
        // Proposal is active
        // Sender has some bonds

        store(Governance, <txGovVote.ProposalID|'addresses'|sender>, txGovVote.Vote)   // Voters can vote multiple times. Re-voting overrides previous vote. This is ok because tallying is done once at the end.