diff --git a/versions/1.0.0-beta7/emmo-inferred.owl b/versions/1.0.0-beta7/emmo-inferred.owl
index e7ffacc..3e443ea 100644
--- a/versions/1.0.0-beta7/emmo-inferred.owl
+++ b/versions/1.0.0-beta7/emmo-inferred.owl
@@ -45,62 +45,6 @@ email: emanuele.ghedini@unibo.it
- equalsTo
- The relation between two entities that stands for the same individuals.
- Equality is here defined following a mereological approach.
- hasPart
- The primitive relation that express the concept of an entity being part of another one.
- All other mereology relations can be defined in FOL using hasPart as primitive.
- isPartOf
- A conventional semiotic relation that relates a physical quantity to its unit.
- hasMeasurementUnit
- Length hasUnit only LengthUnit
- hasQuantity
- Relates the result of a semiotic process to ont of its optained quantities.
- Participation is a parthood relation: you must be part of the process to contribute to it. A participant whose 4D extension is totally contained within the process.
-Participation is not under direct parthood since a process is not strictly related to reductionism, but it's a way to categorize temporal regions by the interpreters.
- hasParticipant
- The relation between a process and an object participating to it, i.e. that is relevant to the process itself.
@@ -110,57 +54,48 @@ Participation is not under direct parthood since a process is not strictly relat
The chemical symbol of an atomic element.
- hasSpatialPart
- A proper part of a whole, whose parts always cover the full temporal extension of the whole within a spatial interval.
- In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
- hasUnitSymbol
- Relates a prefixed unit to its unit symbol part.
+ A conventional semiotic relation that relates a physical quantity to its unit.
+ hasMeasurementUnit
+ Length hasUnit only LengthUnit
- hasUnitNonPrefixPart
- Relates a prefixed unit to its non-prefixed part.
- For example the unit CentiNewtonMetre has prefix "Centi" and non-prefix part "NewtonMetre".
+ Relates a prefixed unit to its metric prefix part.
+ hasMetricPrefix
- isGatheredPartOf
+ hasNonMaximalPart
- overlaps
- The relation between two entities that share at least one of their parts.
+ hasDeclared
+ A semiotic relation connecting a declaring interpreter to the "declared" semiotic object in a declaration process.
- hasPortion
- The relation between a object whole and its spatial part of the same type.
- A volume of 1 cc of milk within a 1 litre can be considered still milk as a whole. If you scale down to a cluster of molecules, than the milk cannot be considered a fluid no more (and then no more a milk).
+ hasSemioticObject
+ hasReferent
+ A relation that connects the interpreter to the semiotic object in a semiotic process.
@@ -177,50 +112,28 @@ Participation is not under direct parthood since a process is not strictly relat
On the contrary, the holistic parthood, is expected to go that deep.
- hasConstitutiveProcess
- hasHolisticNonTemporalPart
+ hasHolisticRelation
+ The relation between a holistic whole and its related entities, being them parts or other overlapping entities.
- isDirectCauseOf
- Direct causality is a concept that capture the idea of contact between two entities, given the fact that there are no causal intermediaries between them. It requires that at least a quantum of the causing entity is direct cause of a quantum of the caused entity.
-It does not exclude the possibility of indirect causal routes between proper parts of the two entities.
- A causal relation between the causing and the effected entities occurring without intermediaries.
- Direct cause is irreflexive.
- Direct cause provides the edges for the transitive restriction of the direct acyclic causal graph whose nodes are the quantum entities.
+ hasSpatialPart
+ A proper part of a whole, whose parts always cover the full temporal extension of the whole within a spatial interval.
+ In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
- isCauseOf
- We say that an entity causes another if there is a quantum part of the first that is in causal relation with a quantum parts of the second.
-An entity cannot cause itself (causal loops are forbidden) or a part of itself. For this reasons causality between entities excludes reflexivity and prevents them to overlap.
- The relation between an individuals x and y, that holds if and only if:
-a) y having a part that is causing an effect on a part of x
-b) y and x non-overlapping
- :isCauseOf owl:propertyDisjointWith :overlaps
- Each pair of causally connected entities is either in isDirectCauseOf or isIndirectCauseOf relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
- It applies to both quantums and macro-entities (entities made of more than one quantum). It is admissible for two entities to be one the cause of the other, excepts when they are both quantums.
- The OWL 2 DL version of the EMMO introduces this object property as primitive causal relation. It refers to the macro causality relation mC(x,y), defined in the EMMO FOL version.
-While the EMMO FOL introduces the quantum causality relation C(x,y) as primitive, the OWL 2 DL version substantially simplifies the theory, neglecting these lower level relations that are well above DL expressivity.
+ isPortionPartOf
@@ -232,30 +145,15 @@ While the EMMO FOL introduces the quantum causality relation C(x,y) as primitive
A causal relation between the effected and the causing entities with intermediaries.
- isNotCauseOf
- x isNotCauseOf y iff not(x isCauseOf y)
- hasSemioticObject
- hasReferent
- A relation that connects the interpreter to the semiotic object in a semiotic process.
- semiotical
- The generic EMMO semiotical relation.
+ alongsideOf
+ isConcomitantWith
+ The relation between two causally reachable entities through a path of contacts relations (i.e. representing physical interactions).
@@ -267,24 +165,81 @@ While the EMMO FOL introduces the quantum causality relation C(x,y) as primitive
A semiotic relation connecting a decucing interpreter to the "deduced" semiotic object in a deduction process.
+ hasTemporalItemSlice
+ A temporal part that is an item.
+ hasTemporalSlice
+ A temporal part that capture the overall spatial extension of the causal object.
- hasTemporalPart
- A relation that identify a proper item part of the whole, whose parts always cover the full spatial extension of the whole within a time interval.
- A temporal part of an item cannot both cause and be caused by any other proper part of the item.
+ hasConnectedPortion
-A temporal part is not constraint to be causally self-connected, i.e. it can be either an item or a collection. We therefore introduce two subproperties in order to distinguish between both cases.
- In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
+ isGatheredPartOf
+ hasHeterogeneousPart
+ The part is not connected with the rest item or members with hasNext (or its inverse) only or hasContact relations only.
+ hasNonTemporalPart
+ The part is not connected with the rest item or members with hasNext relation (or its inverse).
+ hasSpatialIntegralPart
+ hasSpatialSlice
+ A relation that identify a proper part of the whole that extends itself in time along the overall lifetime of the whole, and whose parts never cover the full spatial extension of the 4D whole.
+ In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL spatial relations are primitive.
+ hasStatus
+ hasHolisticTemporalPart
- hasProperty
- A semiotic relation that connects a semiotic object to a property in a declaration process.
+ hasVariable
@@ -296,56 +251,57 @@ A temporal part is not constraint to be causally self-connected, i.e. it can be
A semiotic relation that connects a declared semiotic object to a conventional sign in a declaration process.
- alongsideOf
- isConcomitantWith
- The relation between two causally reachable entities through a path of contacts relations (i.e. representing physical interactions).
+ hasUnitSymbol
+ Relates a prefixed unit to its unit symbol part.
- hasTemporalSlice
- A temporal part that capture the overall spatial extension of the causal object.
+ hasUnitNonPrefixPart
+ Relates a prefixed unit to its non-prefixed part.
+ For example the unit CentiNewtonMetre has prefix "Centi" and non-prefix part "NewtonMetre".
- hasTemporaryParticipant
- The relation between a process P and an object whole O that overcrosses it. The intersection between P and O is a participant of P.
+ hasQuantity
+ Relates the result of a semiotic process to ont of its optained quantities.
- hasHolisticOverlap
- A relation between two holistic wholes that properly overlap, sharing one of their holistic parts.
- A man and the process of building a house.
-The man is a whole that possesses an holistic temporal part which is an interval of six monts and represents a working period in his lifetime.
-The process of building a house is a whole that possesses an holistic spatial part which is a builder.
-The working period of the man and the builder participating the building process are the same individual, belonging both to a man lifetime and to a building holistic views.
-In this sense, the man and the building process overcrosses. and the overlapping individual is represented differently in both holistic views.
- This relation is about two wholes that overlap, and whose intersection is an holistic part of both.
+ isNotCauseOf
+ x isNotCauseOf y iff not(x isCauseOf y)
- EMMORelation
- The class for all relations used by the EMMO.
+ isCauseOf
+ We say that an entity causes another if there is a quantum part of the first that is in causal relation with a quantum parts of the second.
+An entity cannot cause itself (causal loops are forbidden) or a part of itself. For this reasons causality between entities excludes reflexivity and prevents them to overlap.
+ The relation between an individuals x and y, that holds if and only if:
+a) y having a part that is causing an effect on a part of x
+b) y and x non-overlapping
+ :isCauseOf owl:propertyDisjointWith :overlaps
+ Each pair of causally connected entities is either in isDirectCauseOf or isIndirectCauseOf relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
+ It applies to both quantums and macro-entities (entities made of more than one quantum). It is admissible for two entities to be one the cause of the other, excepts when they are both quantums.
+ The OWL 2 DL version of the EMMO introduces this object property as primitive causal relation. It refers to the macro causality relation mC(x,y), defined in the EMMO FOL version.
+While the EMMO FOL introduces the quantum causality relation C(x,y) as primitive, the OWL 2 DL version substantially simplifies the theory, neglecting these lower level relations that are well above DL expressivity.
@@ -358,57 +314,69 @@ Embracing a strong reductionistic view, causality originates at quantum entities
Each pair of entities is either in isCauseOf or isNotCauseOf relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
- isSpatiallyRelatedWith
+ hasTemporalPart
+ A relation that identify a proper item part of the whole, whose parts always cover the full spatial extension of the whole within a time interval.
+ A temporal part of an item cannot both cause and be caused by any other proper part of the item.
+A temporal part is not constraint to be causally self-connected, i.e. it can be either an item or a collection. We therefore introduce two subproperties in order to distinguish between both cases.
+ In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
- mereological
- The superclass of all mereological EMMO relations.
- The EMMO adheres to Atomistic General Extensional Mereology (AGEM).
+ hasSubItem
- hasSubProcess
- The relation between a process and one of its process parts.
+ hasReferencePart
+ Relates a quantity to its reference unit through spatial direct parthood.
- hasSign
- A relation that connects the semiotic object to the sign in a semiotic process.
+ An object can be represented by a quantity for the fact that it has been recognized to belong to a specific class.
+The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual value, but by convention.
+ hasConventionalProperty
+ Assigns a quantity to an object by convention.
+ An Hydrogen atom has the quantity atomic number Z = 1 as its conventional property.
- hasInterpreter
- A relation connecting a sign to the interpreter in a semiotic process.
+ Relates an object to a quantity describing a quantifiable property of the object obtained via a well-defined procedure.
+ hasObjectiveProperty
+ hasModelledProperty
+ Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined modelling procedure.
- hasDeclared
- A semiotic relation connecting a declaring interpreter to the "declared" semiotic object in a declaration process.
+ hasProperty
+ A semiotic relation that connects a semiotic object to a property in a declaration process.
@@ -434,12 +402,22 @@ Embracing a strong reductionistic view, causality originates at quantum entities
- hasAgent
- The relation within a process and an agengt participant.
+ hasTask
+ hasHolisticPart
+ The relation between the whole and a proper part of the whole that scale down to the point which it lose the characteristics of the whole and become something else.
+ An holistic part of water fluid is a water molecule.
@@ -458,201 +436,230 @@ Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations
The contact relation is not an ordering relation since is symmetric.
- Relates a prefixed unit to its metric prefix part.
- hasMetricPrefix
- hasNonMaximalPart
+ isSpatiallyRelatedWith
- isPortionPartOf
+ isDirectCauseOf
+ Direct causality is a concept that capture the idea of contact between two entities, given the fact that there are no causal intermediaries between them. It requires that at least a quantum of the causing entity is direct cause of a quantum of the caused entity.
+It does not exclude the possibility of indirect causal routes between proper parts of the two entities.
+ A causal relation between the causing and the effected entities occurring without intermediaries.
+ Direct cause is irreflexive.
+ Direct cause provides the edges for the transitive restriction of the direct acyclic causal graph whose nodes are the quantum entities.
- isOvercrossedBy
+ hasTemporaryParticipant
+ The relation between a process P and an object whole O that overcrosses it. The intersection between P and O is a participant of P.
- hasCollaborationWith
+ hasResourceIdentifier
+ Relates a resource to its identifier.
- hasDatum
- Relates a dataset to its datum.
+ hasScatteredPortion
- hasMeasuredProperty
- Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined measurement procedure.
+ hasConstituent
+ The relation between an object and one of its holistic part that contributes to the object under some spatial-based criteria.
- Relates an object to a quantity describing a quantifiable property of the object obtained via a well-defined procedure.
- hasObjectiveProperty
+ hasHolisticNonTemporalPart
- hasTask
+ hasInput
+ The input of a process.
- hasHolisticPart
- The relation between the whole and a proper part of the whole that scale down to the point which it lose the characteristics of the whole and become something else.
- An holistic part of water fluid is a water molecule.
+ hasHolisticOverlap
+ A relation between two holistic wholes that properly overlap, sharing one of their holistic parts.
+ A man and the process of building a house.
+The man is a whole that possesses an holistic temporal part which is an interval of six monts and represents a working period in his lifetime.
+The process of building a house is a whole that possesses an holistic spatial part which is a builder.
+The working period of the man and the builder participating the building process are the same individual, belonging both to a man lifetime and to a building holistic views.
+In this sense, the man and the building process overcrosses. and the overlapping individual is represented differently in both holistic views.
+ This relation is about two wholes that overlap, and whose intersection is an holistic part of both.
- hasHolisticRelation
- The relation between a holistic whole and its related entities, being them parts or other overlapping entities.
+ hasPart
+ The primitive relation that express the concept of an entity being part of another one.
+ All other mereology relations can be defined in FOL using hasPart as primitive.
- hasSpatialIntegralPart
- hasSpatialSlice
- A relation that identify a proper part of the whole that extends itself in time along the overall lifetime of the whole, and whose parts never cover the full spatial extension of the 4D whole.
- In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL spatial relations are primitive.
+ hasDescription
+ A semiotic relation that connects a declared semiotic object to a description in a declaration process.
- hasMetrologicalUncertainty
- Assigns a quantifiable uncertainty to an objective property through a well-defined procecure.
- Since measurement uncertainty is a subclass of objective property, this relation can also describe the uncertainty of an measurement uncertainty.
+ equalsTo
+ The relation between two entities that stands for the same individuals.
+ Equality is here defined following a mereological approach.
- hasComponent
+ hasOutput
+ The outcome of a process.
+ The partial overlapping is required since the creating process is distinct with the process in which the output is used or consumed.
- hasConstituent
- The relation between an object and one of its holistic part that contributes to the object under some spatial-based criteria.
+ hasSubProcess
+ The relation between a process and one of its process parts.
- hasStage
+ overlaps
+ The relation between two entities that share at least one of their parts.
- hasHolisticTemporalPart
+ isPartOf
- hasDeclarer
- A semiotic relation connecting a conventional sign to the interpreter (declarer) in a declaration process.
+ hasDeducer
+ A semiotic relation connecting an index sign to the interpreter (deducer) in a deduction process.
+ hasInterpreter
+ A relation connecting a sign to the interpreter in a semiotic process.
+ semiotical
+ The generic EMMO semiotical relation.
- hasTemporalCollectionSlice
- A temporal part that is a collection.
+ properOverlaps
+ The relation between two entities that overlaps and neither of both is part of the other.
- hasScatteredPortion
+ overcrosses
+ The relation between an entity that overlaps another without being its part.
- hasBehaviour
+ isOvercrossedBy
- hasVariable
+ hasEndTask
- hasDeducer
- A semiotic relation connecting an index sign to the interpreter (deducer) in a deduction process.
+ hasSign
+ A relation that connects the semiotic object to the sign in a semiotic process.
- hasCharacteriser
+ Participation is a parthood relation: you must be part of the process to contribute to it. A participant whose 4D extension is totally contained within the process.
+Participation is not under direct parthood since a process is not strictly related to reductionism, but it's a way to categorize temporal regions by the interpreters.
+ hasParticipant
+ The relation between a process and an object participating to it, i.e. that is relevant to the process itself.
@@ -664,18 +671,24 @@ Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations
The part is connected with the rest item or members with hasNext (or its inverse) and hasContact relations only.
- hasHeterogeneousPart
- The part is not connected with the rest item or members with hasNext (or its inverse) only or hasContact relations only.
+ hasCogniser
+ A semiotic relation connecting an icon to a interpreter (cogniser) in a cognision process.
- hasNonTemporalPart
- The part is not connected with the rest item or members with hasNext relation (or its inverse).
+ hasSpatialPartialPart
+ hasSpatialSection
+ A proper part of the whole that is not Spatial or Temporal.
+ This relation identifies parts of a 4D object that do not fully cover the lifetime extent of the whole (spatial) nor the full spatial extent (temporal).
+ This relation is a filler, to categorise the parts of an entity that are not covered by the other parthood relations.
+A proper part is then the disjoint union of: spatial part, temporal part and spatio temporal part relations.
@@ -686,6 +699,65 @@ Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations
A relation that connects a semiotic object to the interpretant in a semiotic process.
+ hasTemporalSection
+ A temporal part that is not a slice.
+ hasMetrologicalUncertainty
+ Assigns a quantifiable uncertainty to an objective property through a well-defined procecure.
+ Since measurement uncertainty is a subclass of objective property, this relation can also describe the uncertainty of an measurement uncertainty.
+ mereological
+ The superclass of all mereological EMMO relations.
+ The EMMO adheres to Atomistic General Extensional Mereology (AGEM).
+ EMMORelation
+ The class for all relations used by the EMMO.
+ hasCharacterised
+ hasDeclarer
+ A semiotic relation connecting a conventional sign to the interpreter (declarer) in a declaration process.
+ hasStage
@@ -700,12 +772,29 @@ Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations
+ hasIcon
+ A semiotic relation that connects a recognised semiotic object to an icon in a cognition process.
+ hasOutcome
+ The relation between a process and the entity that represents how things have turned out.
- hasFractionalCollection
+ hasFractionalMember
@@ -717,124 +806,89 @@ Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations
A semiotic relation that connects a deduced semiotic object to an indexin a deduction process.
- overcrosses
- The relation between an entity that overlaps another without being its part.
+ hasFractionalCollection
+ hasAgent
+ The relation within a process and an agengt participant.
- hasSpatialPartialPart
- hasSpatialSection
- A proper part of the whole that is not Spatial or Temporal.
- This relation identifies parts of a 4D object that do not fully cover the lifetime extent of the whole (spatial) nor the full spatial extent (temporal).
- This relation is a filler, to categorise the parts of an entity that are not covered by the other parthood relations.
-A proper part is then the disjoint union of: spatial part, temporal part and spatio temporal part relations.
+ hasTemporalCollectionSlice
+ A temporal part that is a collection.
- hasStatus
- hasResourceIdentifier
- Relates a resource to its identifier.
+ hasSubObject
- properOverlaps
- The relation between two entities that overlaps and neither of both is part of the other.
- hasIcon
- A semiotic relation that connects a recognised semiotic object to an icon in a cognition process.
- hasCogniser
- A semiotic relation connecting an icon to a interpreter (cogniser) in a cognision process.
- hasSubItem
+ notOverlaps
- An object can be represented by a quantity for the fact that it has been recognized to belong to a specific class.
+ hasMeasuredProperty
+ Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined measurement procedure.
-The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual value, but by convention.
- hasConventionalProperty
- Assigns a quantity to an object by convention.
- An Hydrogen atom has the quantity atomic number Z = 1 as its conventional property.
+ hasCharacteriser
- hasReferencePart
- Relates a quantity to its reference unit through spatial direct parthood.
+ hasDatum
+ Relates a dataset to its datum.
- hasInterval
- The relation between a process whole and a temporal part of the same type.
+ hasPortion
+ The relation between a object whole and its spatial part of the same type.
+ A volume of 1 cc of milk within a 1 litre can be considered still milk as a whole. If you scale down to a cluster of molecules, than the milk cannot be considered a fluid no more (and then no more a milk).
- hasSubObject
- hasInput
- The input of a process.
+ hasConstitutiveProcess
@@ -843,53 +897,20 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
- hasManufacturedOutput
- hasConnectedPortion
- hasTemporalItemSlice
- A temporal part that is an item.
- hasTemporalSection
- A temporal part that is not a slice.
- notOverlaps
+ hasBehaviour
- hasFractionalMember
+ hasComponent
@@ -901,52 +922,20 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
A semiotic relation connecting a recognising interpreter to the "cognised" semiotic object in a cognition process.
- hasOutput
- The outcome of a process.
- The partial overlapping is required since the creating process is distinct with the process in which the output is used or consumed.
- hasModelledProperty
- Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined modelling procedure.
- hasCharacterised
- hasDescription
- A semiotic relation that connects a declared semiotic object to a description in a declaration process.
- hasOutcome
- The relation between a process and the entity that represents how things have turned out.
+ hasManufacturedOutput
- hasEndTask
+ hasCollaborationWith
@@ -955,6 +944,17 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
+ hasInterval
+ The relation between a process whole and a temporal part of the same type.
@@ -977,11 +977,12 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset
- hasDimensionString
- Relates a SI dimensional unit to a dimension string.
+ hasPrefixMultiplier
+ Relates a SI prefixed unit to the multiplication factor corresponding to the prefix.
@@ -1003,21 +1004,20 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO symbol data entity.
- hasNumericalValue
- The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO numerical data entity.
+ hasURIValue
- hasPrefixMultiplier
- Relates a SI prefixed unit to the multiplication factor corresponding to the prefix.
+ hasDataValue
+ The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO data entity.
+ This is the superproperty of all data properties used to serialise a fundamental data type in the EMMO Data perspective. An entity can have only one data value expressing its serialisation (e.g. a Real entity cannot have two different real values).
@@ -1029,26 +1029,29 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
The mass of an atomic element according to IUPAC 2016.
- hasDataValue
- The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO data entity.
- This is the superproperty of all data properties used to serialise a fundamental data type in the EMMO Data perspective. An entity can have only one data value expressing its serialisation (e.g. a Real entity cannot have two different real values).
+ hasDimensionString
+ Relates a SI dimensional unit to a dimension string.
- hasURLValue
+ hasNumericalValue
+ The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO numerical data entity.
- hasURIValue
+ true
+ hasPrefixSymbol
+ Relates a SI prefixed unit to the prefix symbol.
@@ -1061,13 +1064,10 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO string data entity.
- true
- hasPrefixSymbol
- Relates a SI prefixed unit to the prefix symbol.
+ hasURLValue
@@ -1084,26 +1084,11 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
- https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/2071204/JCGM_200_2012.pdf
- VIMTerm
- quantity value (term in VIM that corresponds to Quantity in EMMO)
- The term in the International vocabulary of metrology (VIM) (JCGM 200:2008) that corresponds to the annotated term in EMMO.
@@ -1113,80 +1098,102 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
The etymology annotation is usually applied to rdfs:label entities, to better understand the connection between a label and the concept it concisely represents.
- conceptualisation
- The conceptualisation annotation is a comment that helps the reader to understand how the world has been conceptualised by the ontology authors.
- A conceptualisation is the preliminary step behind each theory, preceding each logical formalisation. The readers approaching an ontology entity should first read the conceptualisation annotation to clearly understand "what we are talking about" and the accompanying terminology, and then read the elucidation.
- An elucidation can provide references to external knowledge sources (i.e. ISO, Goldbook, RoMM).
+ comment
+ A text that add some information about the entity.
+ A comment can be addressed to facilitate interpretation, to suggest possible usage, to clarify the concepts behind each entity with respect to other ontological apporaches.
+ elucidation
+ Short enlightening explanation aimed to facilitate the user in drawing the connection (interpretation) between a OWL entity and the real world object(s) for which it stands.
+ An elucidation should address the real world entities using the concepts introduced by the conceptualisation annotation.
- contact
- A person or organisation acting as a contact point for enquiries about the ontology resource
- The annotation should include an email address.
+ https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:80000:-1:ed-1:v1:en
+ ISO80000Reference
+ Corresponding item number in ISO 80 000.
+ 3-1.1 (ISO80000 reference to length)
- figure
- A link to a graphical representation aimed to facilitate understanding of the concept, or of an annotation.
+ OWLDLRestrictedAxiom
+ Axiom not included in the theory because of OWL 2 DL global restrictions for decidability.
- definition
- Precise and univocal description of an ontological entity in the framework of an axiomatic system.
- A definition univocally determines a OWL entity using necessary and sufficient conditions referring to other OWL entities.
- comment
- A text that add some information about the entity.
- A comment can be addressed to facilitate interpretation, to suggest possible usage, to clarify the concepts behind each entity with respect to other ontological apporaches.
+ example
+ Illustrative example of how the entity is used.
- elucidation
- Short enlightening explanation aimed to facilitate the user in drawing the connection (interpretation) between a OWL entity and the real world object(s) for which it stands.
- An elucidation should address the real world entities using the concepts introduced by the conceptualisation annotation.
+ unitSymbol
+ The standard symbol for a unit.
+ A unit symbol may be a symbolic construct (e.g. km) or a symbol (e.g. m).
- https://enterpriseintegrationlab.github.io/icity/OM/doc/index-en.html
- https://github.com/HajoRijgersberg/OM
- omReference
- IRI to corresponding concept in the Ontology of units of Measure.
+ https://www.wikidata.org/
+ wikidataReference
+ URL corresponding to entry in Wikidata.
- metrologicalReference
+ https://wiki.dbpedia.org/
+ dbpediaReference
+ URL to corresponding dpbedia entry.
- http://www.qudt.org/2.1/catalog/qudt-catalog.html
- qudtReference
- URL to corresponing entity in QUDT.
+ https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/2071204/JCGM_200_2012.pdf
+ VIMTerm
+ quantity value (term in VIM that corresponds to Quantity in EMMO)
+ The term in the International vocabulary of metrology (VIM) (JCGM 200:2008) that corresponds to the annotated term in EMMO.
+ figure
+ A link to a graphical representation aimed to facilitate understanding of the concept, or of an annotation.
+ conceptualisation
+ The conceptualisation annotation is a comment that helps the reader to understand how the world has been conceptualised by the ontology authors.
+ A conceptualisation is the preliminary step behind each theory, preceding each logical formalisation. The readers approaching an ontology entity should first read the conceptualisation annotation to clearly understand "what we are talking about" and the accompanying terminology, and then read the elucidation.
+ An elucidation can provide references to external knowledge sources (i.e. ISO, Goldbook, RoMM).
@@ -1200,24 +1207,18 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to facilitate unambiguous electronic communication of quantities together with their units.
- example
- Illustrative example of how the entity is used.
- DOI to corresponding concept in IUPAC
- https://goldbook.iupac.org/
- iupacReference
+ metrologicalReference
+ definition
+ Precise and univocal description of an ontological entity in the framework of an axiomatic system.
+ A definition univocally determines a OWL entity using necessary and sufficient conditions referring to other OWL entities.
@@ -1246,66 +1247,52 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
URL for the entry in the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV).
- https://wiki.dbpedia.org/
- dbpediaReference
- URL to corresponding dpbedia entry.
- unitSymbol
- The standard symbol for a unit.
- A unit symbol may be a symbolic construct (e.g. km) or a symbol (e.g. m).
+ DOI to corresponding concept in IUPAC
+ https://goldbook.iupac.org/
+ iupacReference
- https://www.wikidata.org/
- wikidataReference
- URL corresponding to entry in Wikidata.
+ https://enterpriseintegrationlab.github.io/icity/OM/doc/index-en.html
+ https://github.com/HajoRijgersberg/OM
+ omReference
+ IRI to corresponding concept in the Ontology of units of Measure.
- https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:80000:-1:ed-1:v1:en
- ISO80000Reference
- Corresponding item number in ISO 80 000.
- 3-1.1 (ISO80000 reference to length)
+ ISO14040Reference
- ISO14040Reference
- OWLDLRestrictedAxiom
- Axiom not included in the theory because of OWL 2 DL global restrictions for decidability.
+ contact
+ A person or organisation acting as a contact point for enquiries about the ontology resource
+ The annotation should include an email address.
+ http://www.qudt.org/2.1/catalog/qudt-catalog.html
+ qudtReference
+ URL to corresponing entity in QUDT.
@@ -1314,107 +1301,356 @@ The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual valu
- ModelledProperty
- A quantity obtained from a well-defined modelling procedure.
- Subclasses of 'ObjectiveProperty' classify objects according to the type semiosis that is used to connect the property to the object (e.g. by measurement, by convention, by modelling).
- PhysicalProperty
- QuantitativeProperty
- ObjectiveProperty
- A quantity that is obtained from a well-defined procedure.
- The word objective does not mean that each observation will provide the same results. It means that the observation followed a well defined procedure.
-This class refers to what is commonly known as physical property, i.e. a measurable property of physical system, whether is quantifiable or not.
+ PseudoscalarMeson
+ A meson with spin zero and odd parity.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscalar_meson
- 0.0
+ Meson
+ Hadronic subatomic particles composed of an equal number of quarks and antiquarks bound together by strong interactions.
+ Most mesons are composed of one quark and one antiquark.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meson
- 1.0
+ 0.001
+ 0.0
- Moles per square metre per second per metre
- MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC-M
- mol.m-2.s-1.m-1
- mol/(m²⋅s⋅m)
+ Farad Per Kilometre
+ FaradPerKiloMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD-PER-KiloM
+ F.km-1
+ F/km
+ F/km
+ SI derived unit farad divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit metre
- This class collects all units that are products or powers of SI base or SI special units only.
- SICoherentDerivedUnit
- A SI derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of SI base units is one.
- m/s
+-- QUDT
- T-1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0
+ T+4 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
+ PermittivityUnit
+ SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
+ A derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base units is NOT equal to one.
+ cm/s
+ Assemblying
+ The act of connecting together the parts of something
+ No loss or adds of parts by the components, nor merging. In assemblying parts are losing some of theirs movement degrees of freedom.
+ ModellingLanguage
+ An artificial computer language used to express information or knowledge, often for use in computer system design.
+ Architecture description language – used as a language (or a conceptual model) to describe and represent system architectures.
+ Hardware description language – used to model integrated circuits.
+Architecture description language – used as a language (or a conceptual model) to describe and represent system architectures.
+Algebraic Modeling Language which is a high-level programming languages for describing and solving high complexity problems like large-scale optimisation.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modeling_language
+ ComputerLanguage
+ A formal language used to communicate with a computer.
+ The categorisation of computer languages is based on
+Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK(R)): Version 3.0, January 2014. Editors Pierre Bourque, Richard E. Fairley. Publisher: IEEE Computer Society PressWashingtonDCUnited States. ISBN:978-0-7695-5166-1.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_language
+ 2
+ 1
+ Proton
+ A positive charged subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton
+ Nucleon
+ Either a proton or a neutron.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleon
+ Information
+ Information is encoded data with a meaning (semiotic sign).
+ Variations in data are generated by an agent (not necessarily human) and are intended to be decoded by the same or another agent using the same encoding rules.
+Data are always generated by an agent but not necessarily possess a semantic meaninig, either because it's lost or unknown or because simply they possess none (e.g. a random generation of symbols).
+A data object may be used as the physical basis for a sign, under Semiotics perspective.
+ EncodedVariation
+ EncodedData
+ A causal object whose properties variation are encoded by an agent and that can be decoded by another agent according to a specific rule.
+ A Radio Morse Code transmission can be addressed by combination of perspectives.
+Physicalistic: the electromagnetic pulses can be defined as individual A (of type Field) and the strip of paper coming out a printer receiver can be defined as individual B (of type Matter).
+Data: both A and B are also DiscreteData class individuals. In particular they may belong to a MorseData class, subclass of DiscreteData.
+Perceptual: B is an individual belonging to the graphical entities expressing symbols. In particular is a formula under the MorseLanguage class, made of a combination of . and - symbols.
+Semiotics: A and B can be signs if they refers to something else (e.g. a report about a fact, names).
+ A signal through a cable. A sound wave. Words on a page. The pattern of excited states within a computer RAM.
+ We call "decoding" the act of recognise the variation according to a particular rule and generate another equivalent schema (e.g. in the agent's cognitive apparatus, as another form of data).
+We call "interpreting" the act of providing semantic meaning to data, which is covered by the semiotic perspective.
+ https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data
+ A 'Sign' can have temporal-direct-parts which are 'Sign' themselves.
+A 'Sign' usually havs 'sign' spatial direct parts only up to a certain elementary semiotic level, in which the part is only a 'Physical' and no more a 'Sign' (i.e. it stands for nothing). This elementary semiotic level is peculiar to each particular system of signs (e.g. text, painting).
+Just like an 'Elementary' in the 'Physical' branch, each 'Sign' branch should have an a-tomistic mereological part.
+ According to Peirce, 'Sign' includes three subcategories:
+- symbols: that stand for an object through convention
+- indeces: that stand for an object due to causal continguity
+- icons: that stand for an object due to similitudes e.g. in shape or composition
+ Sign
+ An 'Physical' that is used as sign ("semeion" in greek) that stands for another 'Physical' through an semiotic process.
+ A novel is made of chapters, paragraphs, sentences, words and characters (in a direct parthood mereological hierarchy).
+Each of them are 'sign'-s.
+A character can be the a-tomistic 'sign' for the class of texts.
+The horizontal segment in the character "A" is direct part of "A" but it is not a 'sign' itself.
+For plain text we can propose the ASCII symbols, for math the fundamental math symbols.
+ Tb
+ TerbiumSymbol
+ ThermodynamicEquilibriumConstant
+ StandardEquilibriumConstant
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q95993378
+ 9-32
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05915
+ The physical dimension can change based on the stoichiometric numbers of the substances involved.
+ EquilibriumConstantConcentrationBasis
+ EquilibriumConstant
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EquilibriumConstant
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q857809
+ for solutions, product for all substances B of concentration c_B of substance B in power of its stoichiometric number v_B: K_p = \sum_B{c_B^{v_B}}.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilibrium_constant
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02177
+ PhysioChemicalQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-9.
- GreenUpAntiQuark
+ BlueBottomQuark
@@ -1422,30 +1658,31 @@ kg/m^3
- UpAntiQuark
+ BottomQuark
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottom_quark
@@ -1459,288 +1696,190 @@ kg/m^3
- GreenAntiQuark
- Manufacturing by separating particles of material from a solid body by non-mechanical means. Ablation refers both to the removal of layers of material and to the separation of workpiece parts. The production process of ablation is considered in its stationary instantaneous state, independently of the application of auxiliary processes necessary to initiate the process. Ablation is divided into three subgroups according to the order point of view (OGP) "process in the effective zone on the surface of the workpiece": - thermal ablation; - chemical ablation; - electrochemical ablation.
- Abtragen
- Ablation
+ BlueQuark
- DIN 8580:2020
- Trennen
- CuttingManufacturing
- SeparateManufacturing
- A manufacturing process in which the shape of a workpiece is changed by breaking the material cohesion at the processing point and thus the material cohesion is reduced overall.
+ DebyeAngularFrequency
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DebyeAngularFrequency
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105580986
+ 12-10
+ Cut-off angular frequency in the Debye model of the vibrational spectrum of a solid.
- 0.001
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Cubic Decimetre
- CubicDeciMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3
- dm3
- dm³
- 0.1-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
--- QUDT
+ CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-12.
- SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
- A derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base units is NOT equal to one.
- cm/s
+ AngularFrequency
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularFrequency
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-07-03
+ https://dbpedia.org/page/Angular_frequency
+ 3-18
+ Rate of change of the phase angle.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_frequency
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00352
- T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- VolumeUnit
+ AreaPerMassUnit
- The presence of the prefix makes this units non-coherent with SI system.
- SIMetricPrefixedUnit
- A SI base or special unit with a metric prefix.
+ QuenchingAndTempering
+ Vergüten
+ Tempering
+ Process consisting of two steps: - first, the steel is heated in a quenching treatment to a temperature above Ac3 and then rapidly cooled in a liquid to produce a process-specific grain structure; - subsequently, the steel is heated to a specific temperature during tempering to set the desired property and cooled in air.
- SINonCoherentUnit
- A unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base units is NOT equal to one.
- A non-SI coherent can be expressed in terms of its corresponding SI coherent unit, as
- nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset
-where `multiplier` and `offset` are specified via the 'hasConversionMultiplier' and 'hasConversionOffset' data properties, respectively.
+ wärmebehandeln
+ HeatTreatment
+ Heat to a temperature appropriate for the particular material, maintain at that temperature and then cool at an appropriate rate to reduce hardness, improve machinability or achieve desired properties.
- 1
- 1
+ Ho
- PrefixedUnit
- A measurement unit that is made of a metric prefix and a unit symbol.
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Degree Celsius per Minute
- DegreeCelsiusPerMinute
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-MIN
- Cel.min-1
- Cel/min
- °C/m
- `Degree Celsius per Minute` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degC / m.
--- QUDT
- T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
- TemperaturePerTimeUnit
- SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
+ HolmiumSymbol
- 0.0
+ 144.242
- 10000.0
- ha
+ 60
- Hectare
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HA
- har
- http://dbpedia.org/page/Hectare
- A non-SI metric unit of area defined as the square with 100-metre sides.
- The customary metric unit of land area, equal to 100 ares. One hectare is a square hectometer, that is, the area of a square 100 meters on each side: exactly 10 000 square meters or approximately 107 639.1 square feet, 11 959.9 square yards, or 2.471 054 acres.
+ NeodymiumAtom
+ Atom subclass for neodymium.
--- QUDT
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hectare
+ Declared
+ A semantic object that is connected to a conventional sign by an interpreter (a declarer) according to a specific convention.
- T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AreaUnit
+ ChemicalElement
+ Atom
+ A standalone atom has direct part one 'nucleus' and one 'electron_cloud'.
- Special units are semiotic shortcuts to more complex composed symbolic objects.
- SpecialUnit
- A unit symbol that stands for a derived unit.
- Pa stands for N/m2
-J stands for N m
+An O 'atom' within an O₂ 'molecule' is an 'e-bonded_atom'.
+In this material branch, H atom is a particular case, with respect to higher atomic number atoms, since as soon as it shares its electron it has no nucleus entangled electron cloud.
+We cannot say that H₂ molecule has direct part two H atoms, but has direct part two H nucleus.
+ An 'atom' is a 'nucleus' surrounded by an 'electron_cloud', i.e. a quantum system made of one or more bounded electrons.
- The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Elementary_charge) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
- ElementaryCharge
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElementaryCharge
- 10-5.1
- The magnitude of the electric charge carried by a single electron. It defines the base unit Ampere in the SI system.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02032
+ RelativePermeability
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectromagneticPermeabilityRatio
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77785645
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-29
+ 6-27
+ Scalar quantity or tensor quantity equal to the absolute permeability divided by the magnetic constant.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05272
- Charge
- ElectricCharge
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricCharge
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1111
- 6-2
- The physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01923
+ ElectromagneticQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-6.
- SIExactConstant
- Physical constant that by definition (after the latest revision of the SI system that was enforsed May 2019) has a known exact numerical value when expressed in SI units.
+ Quantities defined as ratios `Q=A/B` having equal dimensions in numerator and denominator are dimensionless quantities but still have a physical dimension defined as dim(A)/dim(B).
+Johansson, Ingvar (2010). "Metrological thinking needs the notions of parametric quantities, units and dimensions". Metrologia. 47 (3): 219–230. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/47/3/012. ISSN 0026-1394.
+ https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0026-1394/47/3/012
+ RatioQuantity
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DimensionlessRatio
+ The class of quantities that are the ratio of two quantities with the same physical dimensionality.
+ refractive index,
+volume fraction,
+fine structure constant
- SectionModulus
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SectionModulus
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1930808
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-31
- 4-22
+ AtomicAttenuationCoefficient
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98592911
+ 10-52
+ Quotient of the linear attenuation coefficient µ and the number density, n, of atoms in the substance.
@@ -1751,56 +1890,168 @@ J stands for N m
Derived quantities defined in the International System of Quantities (ISQ).
- MechanicalQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-4.
+ AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-10.
- T-4 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
+ Output
+ Product
+ https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9000:ed-3:v1:en:term:3.4.2
+ https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:14040:ed-2:v1:en:term:3.9
+ The overall lifetime of an holistic that has been the output of an intentional process.
+ This concepts encompass the overall lifetime of a product.
+Is temporaly fundamental, meaning that it can have other products as holistic spatial parts, but its holistic temporal parts are not products. In other words, the individual must encompass the whole lifetime from creation to disposal.
+A product can be a tangible object (e.g. a manufactured object), a process (e.g. service). It can be the outcome of a natural or an artificially driven process.
+It must have and initial stage of its life that is also an outcome of a intentional process.
- SIDimensionalUnit
- Dimensional unit with its physical dimensionality described accortind to the International System of Units (SI).
- In SI are the physical dimensions of the base quantities time (T), length (L), mass (M), electric current (I), thermodynamic temperature (Θ), amount of substance (N) and luminous intensity (J).
+ TemporallyFundamental
+ The class of individuals that satisfy a whole defining criteria (i.e. belongs to a subclass of whole) and have no temporal parts that satisfy that same criteria (no parts that are of the same type of the whole).
-In general the dimension of any quantity Q is written in the form of a dimensional product,
+ The interest is on the 4D object as it extends in time (process) or as it persists in time (object):
+- object (focus on spatial configuration)
+- process (focus on temporal evolution)
- dim Q = T^α L^β M^γ I^δ Θ^ε N^ζ J^η
+The concepts of endurant and perdurant implicitly rely on the concept of instantaneous 3D snapshot of the world object, that in the EMMO is not allowed since everything extends in 4D and there are no abstract objects. Moreover, time is a measured property in the EMMO and not an objective characteristic of an object, and cannot be used as temporal index to identify endurant position in time.
-where the exponents α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η, which are generally small integers, which can be positive, negative, or zero, are called the dimensional exponents.
--- SI brouchure
+For this reason an individual in the EMMO can always be classified both endurant and perdurant, due to its nature of 4D entity (e.g. an individual may belong both to the class of runners and the class of running process), and the distinction is purely semantic. In fact, the object/process distinction is simply a matter of convenience in a 4D approach since a temporal extension is always the case, and stationarity depends upon observer time scale. For this reason, the same individual (4D object) may play the role of a process or of an object class depending on the object to which it relates.
-The SI dimensional units are equivalent to dimensional strings that uniquely defines their dimensionality by specifying the values of the coefficients α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η. A dimensional string is a space-separated string of the physical dimension symbols followed by the value of the exponent (including it sign). They should always match the following regular expression:
+Nevertheless, it is useful to introduce categorizations that characterize persistency through continuant and occurrent concepts, even if not ontologically but only cognitively defined. This is also due to the fact that our language distinguish between nouns and verbs to address things, forcing the separation between things that happens and things that persist.
-^T([+-][1-9]|0) L([+-][1-9]|0) M([+-][1-9]|0) I([+-][1-9]|0) Θ([+-][1-9]|0) N([+-][1-9]|0) J([+-][1-9]|0)$
+This perspective provides classes conceptually similar to the concepts of endurant and perdurant (a.k.a. continuant and occurrent). We claim that this distinction is motivated by our cognitive bias, and we do not commit to the fact that both these kinds of entity “do really exist”. For this reason, a whole instance can be both process and object, according to different cognitive approaches (see Wonderweb D17).
-Examples of correspondance between dimensional units and their dimensional units are:
+The distinction between endurant and perdurant as usually introduced in literature (see BFO SPAN/SNAP approach) is then no more ontological, but can still be expressed through the introduction of ad hoc primitive definitions that follow the interpreter endurantist or perdurantist attitude.
+ Persistence
+ The union of the object or process classes.
-- AmountOfSubstanceUnit <=> "T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0"
-- TimeUnit <=> "T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0"
-- ElectricCurrentDensityUnit <=> "T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0"
+ GreenUpAntiQuark
+ UpAntiQuark
+ GreenAntiQuark
+ ProcessEngineeringProcess
+ Deals with entities that have a undefined shape. Undefined means that the actual shape of the entity that is produced is not relevant for the definition of the process.
+In fact, everything has a shape, but in process engineering this is not relevant.
+e.g. the fact that steel comes in sheets is not relevant for the definition of steel material generated in a steel-making process.
+ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verfahrenstechnik
+ Conversion of materials and assembly of components for the manufacture of products
+ Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way.
+ Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.
+ application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts or systems in order to solve a problem or to achieve an objective which can result in a product or process
+ application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or achieve an objective
+ ProductionEngineeringProcess
+ TechnologyProcess
+ Class that includes the application of scientific knowledge, tools and techniques in order to transform a precursor object (ex. conversion of material) following a practic purpose.
- 100.0
+ 1.0
@@ -1809,301 +2060,230 @@ Examples of correspondance between dimensional units and their dimensional units
- Volt Per Centimetre
- VoltPerCentiMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-CentiM
- V.cm-1
- V/cm
- derived SI unit volt divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre
+ Newton Per Ampere
+ NewtonPerAmpere
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-A
+ N.A-1
+ N/A
+ SI derived unit newton divided by the SI base unit ampere
- T-3 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
- ContinuousCasting
- Casting
+ This class collects all units that are products or powers of SI base or SI special units only.
+ SICoherentDerivedUnit
+ A SI derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of SI base units is one.
+ m/s
- T-1 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-2 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- MassPerLengthTimeUnit
+ MagneticPotentialUnit
- CompositePhysicalParticle
- A composite particle is a bound state of elementary particles for which it is still possible to define its bosonic or fermionic behaviour.
+ Strength of a magnetic field. Commonly denoted H.
+ MagnetizingFieldStrength
+ MagneticFieldStrength
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFieldStrength
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28123
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-56
+ 6-25
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03683
- Reductionistic
- A class devoted to categorize causal objects by specifying their granularity levels.
- A granularity level is specified by a tiling decomposition of the whole y. A tiling is identified as a set of items {x1, x2, ... xn} called tiles that:
- - are proper parts of y
- - covers the entire whole (y = x1 +x2 + ... + xn)
- - do not overlap
- - are part of one, and one only, whole (inverse functional)
- Direct parthood is the antitransitive parthood relation used to build the class hierarchy (and the granularity hierarchy) for this perspective.
+ Action
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Action
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q846785
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-51
+ 4-32
+ Physical quantity of dimension energy × time.
- Perspective
- The class of causal objects that stand for world objects according to a specific representational perspective.
- This class is the practical implementation of the EMMO pluralistic approach for which the only objective categorization is provided by the Universe individual and all the Quantum individuals.
-Between these two extremes, there are several subjective ways to categorize real world objects, each one provide under a 'Perspective' subclass.
+ MechanicalQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-4.
- Metrological
- A language entity used in the metrology discipline.
- Metrology is the science of measurement and its application and includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, whatever the measurement uncertainty and field of application (VIM3 2.2)
- Language
- A language object is a discrete data entity respecting a specific language syntactic rules (a well-formed formula).
- 16.66667
+ 1000.0
- 0.0
+ k
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Tonne Per Minute
- TonnePerMinute
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-MIN
- t.min-1
- t/min
- unit ton divided by the unit for time minute
--- QUDT
+ Kilo
- T-1 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- MassPerTimeUnit
+ AreicSpeedUnit
- AlphabeticEntity
- Symbol
- The class of individuals that stand for an elementary mark of a specific symbolic code (alphabet).
- The class of letter "A" is the symbol as idea and the letter A that you see on the screen is the mark that can be represented by an individual belonging to "A".
- Subclasses of 'Symbol' are alphabets, in formal languages terminology. A 'Symbol' is atomic for that alphabet, i.e. it has no parts that are symbols for the same alphabet.
-e.g. a math symbol is not made of other math symbols
-A Symbol may be a String in another language.
-e.g. "Bq" is the symbol for Becquerel units when dealing with metrology, or a string of "B" and "q" symbols when dealing with characters.
- Symbols of a formal language need not be symbols of anything. For instance there are logical constants which do not refer to any idea, but rather serve as a form of punctuation in the language (e.g. parentheses).
+ SIDimensionalUnit
+ Dimensional unit with its physical dimensionality described accortind to the International System of Units (SI).
+ In SI are the physical dimensions of the base quantities time (T), length (L), mass (M), electric current (I), thermodynamic temperature (Θ), amount of substance (N) and luminous intensity (J).
-Symbols of a formal language must be capable of being specified without any reference to any interpretation of them.
- The class is the idea of the symbol, while the individual of that class stands for a specific mark (or token) of that idea.
+In general the dimension of any quantity Q is written in the form of a dimensional product,
- Symbolic
- A discrete data whose elements can be decoded as tokens from one or more alphabets, without necessarily respecting syntactic rules.
- fe780
- A symbolic entity is not necessarily graphical (e.g. it doesn't necessarily have the physical shape of a letter), but its elements can be decoded and put in relation with an alphabet.
-In other words, a sequence of bit "1000010" in a RAM (a non-graphical entity) is a valid symbol since it can be decoded through ASCII rules as the letter "B". The same holds for an entity standing for the sound of a voice saying: "Hello", since it can be decomposed in discrete parts, each of them being associated to a letter of an alphabet.
- A symbolic object possesses a reductionistic oriented structure.
-For example, text is made of words, spaces and punctuations. Words are made of characters (i.e. atomic symbols).
+ dim Q = T^α L^β M^γ I^δ Θ^ε N^ζ J^η
- MeanLifeTime
- MeanDurationOfLife
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanLifetime
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1758559
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-13
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-47
- 10-25
- Reciprocal of the decay constant λ.
+where the exponents α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η, which are generally small integers, which can be positive, negative, or zero, are called the dimensional exponents.
+-- SI brouchure
+The SI dimensional units are equivalent to dimensional strings that uniquely defines their dimensionality by specifying the values of the coefficients α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η. A dimensional string is a space-separated string of the physical dimension symbols followed by the value of the exponent (including it sign). They should always match the following regular expression:
+^T([+-][1-9]|0) L([+-][1-9]|0) M([+-][1-9]|0) I([+-][1-9]|0) Θ([+-][1-9]|0) N([+-][1-9]|0) J([+-][1-9]|0)$
+Examples of correspondance between dimensional units and their dimensional units are:
+- AmountOfSubstanceUnit <=> "T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0"
+- TimeUnit <=> "T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0"
+- ElectricCurrentDensityUnit <=> "T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0"
- Duration
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2199864
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-13
- 3-9
- Physical quantity for describing the temporal distance between events.
+ T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ AreaPerTimeUnit
- AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-10.
+ NuclearSpinQuantumNumber
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NuclearSpinQuantumNumber
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97577403
+ 10-13.7
+ Quantum number related to the total angular momentum, J, of a nucleus in any specified state, normally called nuclear spin.
- RelativeLinearStrain
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearStrain
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1990546
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-58
- 4-17.2
- Relative change of length with respect the original length.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03560
+ QuantumNumber
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/QuantumNumber
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q232431
+ 10-13.1
+ Number describing a particular state of a quantum system.
+ T-3 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ISQDimensionlessQuantity
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Dimensionless
- A quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned and with a corresponding unit of measurement in the SI of the unit one.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensionless_quantity
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01742
+ ElectricPotentialUnit
- MobilityRatio
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MobilityRatio
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106010255
- 12-31
- Quotient of electron and hole mobility.
+ The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Boltzmann_constant) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
+ BoltzmannConstant
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/BoltzmannConstant
+ A physical constant relating energy at the individual particle level with temperature. It is the gas constant R divided by the Avogadro constant.
- CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-12.
+It defines the Kelvin unit in the SI system.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00695
- Quantities defined as ratios `Q=A/B` having equal dimensions in numerator and denominator are dimensionless quantities but still have a physical dimension defined as dim(A)/dim(B).
-Johansson, Ingvar (2010). "Metrological thinking needs the notions of parametric quantities, units and dimensions". Metrologia. 47 (3): 219–230. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/47/3/012. ISSN 0026-1394.
- https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0026-1394/47/3/012
- RatioQuantity
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DimensionlessRatio
- The class of quantities that are the ratio of two quantities with the same physical dimensionality.
- refractive index,
-volume fraction,
-fine structure constant
- 60.0
+ Logarithmic measure of the number of available states of a system.
+ May also be referred to as a measure of order of a system.
+ Entropy
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Entropy
+ 5-18
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02149
+ SIExactConstant
+ Physical constant that by definition (after the latest revision of the SI system that was enforsed May 2019) has a known exact numerical value when expressed in SI units.
@@ -2112,542 +2292,344 @@ fine structure constant
- min
+ 1.0
- Minute
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIN
- min
- http://dbpedia.org/page/Minute
- Non-SI time unit defined as 60 seconds.
- A minute is a unit of measurement of time. The minute is a unit of time equal to 1/60 (the first sexagesimal fraction of an hour or 60 seconds. In the UTC time scale, a minute on rare occasions has 59 or 61 seconds; see leap second. The minute is not an SI unit; however, it is accepted for use with SI units. The SI symbol for minute or minutes is min (for time measurement) or the prime symbol after a number, e.g. 5' (for angle measurement, even if it is informally used for time).
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Joule Second per Mole
+ JouleSecondPerMole
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-SEC-PER-MOL
+ J.s.mol-1
+ J⋅s/mol
+ `Joule Second per Mole` is a unit for 'Molar Angular Momentum' expressed as J s mol⁻¹.
- T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-1 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0
- TimeUnit
- MagneticSusceptibility
- https://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SUSCEPTIBILITY_MAG.html
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q691463
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-37
- 6-28
- Scalar or tensor quantity the product of which by the magnetic constant μ0 and by the magnetic field strength H is equal to the magnetic polarization J.
- ElectromagneticQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-6.
- BlueUpQuark
+ EnergyTimePerAmountUnit
- 1.602177e-19
- 0.0
- Electron Volt per Tesla
- ElectronVoltPerTesla
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-T
- eV.T-1
- eV/T
- eV/T
- "Electron Volt per Tesla" is a unit for 'Magnetic Dipole Moment' expressed as eV T⁻¹.
+ Degree Celsius Centimetre
+ DegreeCelsiusCentiMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-CentiM
+ Cel.cm
+ °C⋅cm
+ `Degree Celsius Centimeter` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Length Temperature' expressed as cm-degC.
- NonSIUnit
- Measurement units that are not SI units.
+ SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
- T0 L+2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
- MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
+ LengthTemperatureUnit
- MeasurementUnit
- A metrological reference for a physical quantity.
- kg
- measurement unit (VIM3 1.9)
- "Real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the second quantity to the first one as a number"
-ISO 80000-1
- "Unit symbols are mathematical entities and not abbreviations."
-"Symbols for units are treated as mathematical entities. In expressing the value of a quantity as the product of a numerical value and a unit, both the numerical value and the unit may be treated by the ordinary rules of algebra."
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Watt per Square Metre Quartic Kelvin
+ WattPerSquareMetreQuarticKelvin
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-K4
+ W.m-2.K-4
+ W/(m²⋅K⁴)
+ Watt Per Square Meter Per Quartic Kelvin (W/m2·K4) is a unit in the category of light.
- Measurement units and procedure units are disjoint.
- Quantitative value are expressed as a multiple of the 'MeasurementUnit'.
+-- QUDT
- MagneticPolarisation
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticPolarization
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q856711
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-54
- 6-29
- Vector quantity equal to the product of the magnetization M and the magnetic constant μ0.
+ T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ-4 N0 J0
+ MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit
- Often denoted B.
- MagneticInduction
- MagneticFluxDensity
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFluxDensity
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30204
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-19
- 6-21
- Strength of the magnetic field.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03686
+ MagnetomotiveForce
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagnetomotiveForce
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1266982
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-60
+ 6-37.3
+ Scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.
+ AnalogicalIcon
+ An icon that represents the internal logical structure of the object.
+ A physics equation is replicating the mechanisms internal to the object.
+ Electrical diagram is diagrammatic and resemblance
+ MODA and CHADA are diagrammatic representation of a simulation or a characterisation workflow.
+ An icon that focus on HOW the object works.
+ The subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy (with the same logic) the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart).
- Semiosis
- A 'Process', that has participant an 'Interpreter', that is aimed to produce a 'Sign' representing another participant, the 'Object'.
- Me looking a cat and saying loud: "Cat!" -> the semiosis process
-me -> interpreter
-cat -> object (in Peirce semiotics)
-the cat perceived by my mind -> interpretant
-"Cat!" -> sign, the produced sign
+ If object and sign belongs to the same class, then the sign is fuctional, diagrammatic and resemblance.
+For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.
+ In Peirce semiotics three subtypes of icon are possible:
+(a) the image, which depends on a simple quality (e.g. picture)
+(b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart)
+(c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else
+ Model
+ Simulacrum
+ Icon
+ A sign that stands for an object by resembling or imitating it, in shape, function or by sharing a similar logical structure.
+ A picture that reproduces the aspect of a person.
+ An equation that reproduces the logical connection of the properties of a physical entity.
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- 0.0
+ 1.0
- Pascal Cubic Metre Per Second
- PascalCubicMetrePerSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M3-PER-SEC
- Pa.m3.s-1
- Pa⋅m³/s
- product out of the SI derived unit pascal and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second
+ Joule per Mole Kelvin
+ JoulePerMoleKelvin
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL-K
+ J.mol-1.K-1
+ J/(mol⋅K)
+ Energy needed to heat one mole of substance by 1 Kelvin, under standard conditions (not standard temperature and pressure STP). The standard molar entropy is usually given the symbol S, and has units of joules per mole kelvin ( J· mol⁻¹ K⁻¹). Unlike standard enthalpies of formation, the value of S is an absolute. That is, an element in its standard state has a nonzero value of S at room temperature.
- T-3 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N-1 J0
- PowerUnit
+ EntropyPerAmountUnit
- 0.0
+ 2.777778e-10
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- Hertz Metre
- HertzMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ-M
- Hz.m
- Hz⋅M
- product of the SI derived unit hertz and the SI base unit metre
+ Cubic Centimetre Per Hour
+ CubicCentiMetrePerHour
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-HR
+ cm3.h-1
+ cm3/h
+ cm³/hr
+ 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour
- T-1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- SpeedUnit
+ VolumePerTimeUnit
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Moles per cubic metre per second
- MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M3-SEC
- mol.m-3.s-1
- mol/(m³⋅s)
- SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit volume per SI unit of time.
--- QUDT
- RedQuark
- Quark
- The class of individuals that stand for quarks elementary particles.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark
- DIN 8580:2020
- ISO 15531-1:2004
-discrete manufacturing: production of discrete items.
- ISO 8887-1:2017
-manufacturing: production of components
- Werkstücke
- DiscreteManufacturing
- WorkpieceManufacturing
- A manufacturing with an output that is an object with a specific function, shape, or intended use, not simply a material.
- AnalogicalIcon
- An icon that represents the internal logical structure of the object.
- A physics equation is replicating the mechanisms internal to the object.
- Electrical diagram is diagrammatic and resemblance
- MODA and CHADA are diagrammatic representation of a simulation or a characterisation workflow.
- An icon that focus on HOW the object works.
- The subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy (with the same logic) the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart).
- If object and sign belongs to the same class, then the sign is fuctional, diagrammatic and resemblance.
-For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.
- In Peirce semiotics three subtypes of icon are possible:
-(a) the image, which depends on a simple quality (e.g. picture)
-(b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart)
-(c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else
- Model
- Simulacrum
- Icon
- A sign that stands for an object by resembling or imitating it, in shape, function or by sharing a similar logical structure.
- A picture that reproduces the aspect of a person.
- An equation that reproduces the logical connection of the properties of a physical entity.
- HoleDensity
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HoleDensity
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105971101
- 12-29.2
- Number of holes in valence band per volume.
- VolumetricNumberDensity
- Count per volume.
+ Declarer
+ An interpreter who establish the connection between an conventional sign and an object according to a specific convention.
+ A scientist that assigns a quantity to a physical objects without actually measuring it but taking it for granted due to its previous experience (e.g. considering an electron charge as 1.6027663e-19 C, assigning a molecular mass to a gas only by the fact of a name on the bottle).
+ Someone who assigns a name to an object.
- 0.0
+ 1.0
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/ampere+square+meter+per+joule+second
- Ampere Square Metre Per Joule Second
- AmpereSquareMetrePerJouleSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-M2-PER-J-SEC
- A.m2.J-1.s-1
- A.m2/(J.s)
- A⋅m²/(J⋅s)
- The SI unit of gyromagnetic ratio.
+ Moles per square metre per second
+ MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC
+ mol.m-2.s-1
+ mol/(m²⋅s)
+ SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area per SI unit of time.
- T+1 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0
- ElectricChargePerMassUnit
+ AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
- DifferentialOperator
+ Quantum
+ A quantum is the most fundamental item (both mereologically and causally) and is considered causally self-connected by definition.
+The quantum concept recalls the fact that there is lower epistemological limit to our knowledge of the universe, related to the uncertainity principle.
+Space and time emerge following the network of causal connections between quantum objects. So quantum objects are adimensional objects, that precede space and time dimensions: they are simple beings (in greek οντα).
+Using physics concepts, we can think the quantum as an elementary particle (e.g. an electron) in a specific state between two causal interactions.
+ The class of entities without proper parts.
+ The class of the mereological and causal fundamental entities.
+ From a physics perspective a quantum can be related to smallest identifiable entities, according to the limits imposed by the uncertainty principle in space and time measurements.
+However, the quantum mereotopology approach is not restricted only to physics. For example, in a manpower management ontology, a quantum can stand for an hour (time) of a worker (space) activity.
+ A quantum is the EMMO mereological atomistic and causal reductionistic entity. To avoid confusion with the concept of atom coming from physics and to underline the causal reductionistic approach, we will use the expression quantum mereology, instead of atomistic mereology.
- MathematicalOperator
- A mapping that acts on elements of one space and produces elements of another space.
- The algebraic operator '+' that acts on two real numbers and produces one real number.
- The differential operator that acts on a C1 real function and produces another real function.
+ CausalParticle
+ The concept is based on the common usage of the word "particle", that is used to identify both a specific state of an elementary particle (a quantum) and both the chain of quantums that expresses the evolution of the particle in time.
+ The union of Elementary and Quantum classes.
+ The class of entities that have no spatial structure.
@@ -2661,96 +2643,128 @@ For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.0.0
- Reciprocal Kelvin
- ReciprocalKelvin
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-K
- K-1
- /K
- Per Kelvin Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /k.
+ Fraction
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FRACTION
+ ÷
+ Fraction is a unit for 'Dimensionless Ratio' expressed as the value of the ratio itself.
- T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0
- PerTemperatureUnit
+ Quantities that are ratios of quantities of the same kind (for example length ratios and amount fractions) have the option of being expressed with units (m/m, mol/mol to aid the understanding of the quantity being expressed and also allow the use of SI prefixes, if this
+is desirable (μm/m, nmol/mol).
+-- SI Brochure
+ RatioUnit
+ FractionUnit
+ Unit for fractions of quantities of the same kind, to aid the understanding of the quantity being expressed.
+ TemporalTile
+ A direct part that is obtained by partitioning a whole purely in temporal parts.
- T0 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
- A mathematical object in this branch is not representing a concept but an actual graphical object built using mathematcal symbols arranged in some way, according to math conventions.
- Mathematical
- The class of general mathematical symbolic objects respecting mathematical syntactic rules.
+ PressureUnit
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- 0.0
+ 0.001
- Newton Metre Per Ampere
- NewtonMetrePerAmpere
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-A
- N.m.A-1
- N⋅m/A
- product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit ampere
+ Henry Per Kiloohm
+ HenryPerKiloOhm
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H-PER-KiloOHM
+ H.kOhm-1
+ H/kΩ
+ SI derived unit henry divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm
- T-2 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- MagneticFluxUnit
+ TimeUnit
+ NonMaximal
+ Redundant
+ A whole possessing some proper parts of its same type.
+ An object A which is classified as water-fluid possesses a proper part B which is water itself if the lenght scale of the B is larger than the water intermolecular distance keeping it in the continuum range. In this sense, A is redundant.
+If A is a water-fluid so small that its every proper part is no more a continuum object (i.e. no more a fluid), then A is fundamental.
+ A whole is categorized as fundamental (or maximal) or redundant (non-maximal).
+ Whole
+ The superclass of entities which are defined by requiring the existence of some parts (at least one) of specifically given types, where the specified types are different with respect to the type of the whole.
+ A whole is always defined using a criterion expressed through the classical transitive parthood relation.
+This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in its wholeness, dependently on some of their parts and independently on the surroundings.
- 1.0
+ 1e-18
@@ -2759,165 +2773,147 @@ For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.0.0
- Cubic Metre per Kilogram
- CubicMetrePerKilogram
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-KiloGM
- m3.kg-1
- m3/kg
- m³/kg
- Cubic Meter Per Kilogram (m3/kg) is a unit in the category of Specific volume. It is also known as cubic meters per kilogram, cubic metre per kilogram, cubic metres per kilogram, cubic meter/kilogram, cubic metre/kilogram. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Cubic Meter Per Kilogram (m3/kg) has a dimension of M-1L3 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
--- QUDT
+ Cubic micrometre per cubic metre
+ CubicMicroMetrePerCubicMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM3-PER-M3
+ um3.m-3
+ µm³/m³
- T0 L+3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- VolumePerMassUnit
+ VolumeFractionUnit
+ Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two volumes.
+ Unit for volume fraction.
- 0.0
- 1.0
+ 17
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Webers
- Volt per second
- VoltPerSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-SEC
- V.s-1
- V/s
- 'Volt per Second' is a unit of magnetic flux equaling one weber. This is the flux passing through a conducting loop and reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second inducing an electric potential of one volt in the loop.
--- QUDT
- 1000000000000000.0
+ 35.45
+ ChlorineAtom
+ Atom subclass for chlorine.
+ The Rydberg constant represents the limiting value of the highest wavenumber (the inverse wavelength) of any photon that can be emitted from the hydrogen atom, or, alternatively, the wavenumber of the lowest-energy photon capable of ionizing the hydrogen atom from its ground state.
+ RybergConstant
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/RydbergConstant
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05430
+ MeasuredConstant
+ For a given unit system, measured constants are physical constants that are not used to define the unit system. Hence, these constants have to be measured and will therefore be associated with an uncertainty.
+ The number of waves per unit length along the direction of propagation.
+ Wavenumber
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Wavenumber
+ 3-18
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06664
- P
- Peta
+ ElectricFieldStrength
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricFieldStrength
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20989
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-18
+ 6-10
+ Vector field quantity E which exerts on any charged particle at rest a force F equal to the product of E and the electric charge Q of the particle.
- SIMultiplePrefix
+ AntiNeutrinoType
- ThermochemicalTreatment
+ RightHandedParticle
- wärmebehandeln
- HeatTreatment
- Heat to a temperature appropriate for the particular material, maintain at that temperature and then cool at an appropriate rate to reduce hardness, improve machinability or achieve desired properties.
+ AntiLepton
- 1.0
+ 1e-06
@@ -2926,301 +2922,221 @@ For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.0.0
- Kelvin metres
- KelvinMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M
- K.m
- K⋅m
+ MicroSiemens
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS
+ uS
+ μS
+ 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit siemens
+-- QUDT
- T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
+ T+3 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- LengthTemperatureUnit
+ ElectricConductanceUnit
- Luciano Floridi, "Information - A very Short Introduction", Oxford University Press., (2010) ISBN 978-0199551378
- Contrast
- Dedomena
- Pattern
- Data
- A perspective in which entities are represented according to the variation of their properties.
- A data is a causal object whose variations (non-uniformity) can be recognised and eventually interpreted.
-A data can be of different physical types (e.g., matter, wave, atomic excited states).
-How the variations are recognised and eventually decoded depends on the interpreting rules that characterise that type of data.
-Variations are pure physical variations and do not necessarily possess semantic meaning.
- The covering axiom that defines the data class discriminates within all the possible causal objects between encoded or non encoded.
+ SINonCoherentUnit
+ A unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base units is NOT equal to one.
+ A non-SI coherent can be expressed in terms of its corresponding SI coherent unit, as
- 0.0
- 1e-06
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Microcoulomb Per Square Metre
- MicroCoulombPerSquareMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroC-PER-M2
- uC.m-2
- μC/m²
- 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2
+ nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset
--- QUDT
+where `multiplier` and `offset` are specified via the 'hasConversionMultiplier' and 'hasConversionOffset' data properties, respectively.
- T+1 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
+ MeasurementUnit
+ A metrological reference for a physical quantity.
+ kg
+ measurement unit (VIM3 1.9)
+ "Real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the second quantity to the first one as a number"
+ISO 80000-1
+ "Unit symbols are mathematical entities and not abbreviations."
+"Symbols for units are treated as mathematical entities. In expressing the value of a quantity as the product of a numerical value and a unit, both the numerical value and the unit may be treated by the ordinary rules of algebra."
+ Measurement units and procedure units are disjoint.
+ Quantitative value are expressed as a multiple of the 'MeasurementUnit'.
- 0.0
+ 1
- 1.0
+ 1
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Square metres per square second
- SquareMetrePerSquareSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-SEC2
- m2.s-2
- m²/s²
+ PrefixedUnit
+ A measurement unit that is made of a metric prefix and a unit symbol.
- T-2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AbsorbedDoseUnit
+ The presence of the prefix makes this units non-coherent with SI system.
+ SIMetricPrefixedUnit
+ A SI base or special unit with a metric prefix.
- SuperconductorEnergyGap
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SuperconductorEnergyGap
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106127898
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=815-10-28
- 12-37
- Width of the forbidden energy band in a superconductor.
+ IsentropicCompressibility
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IsentropicCompressibility
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2990695
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-32
+ 5-5.2
- BandgapEnergy
- GapEnergy
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q103982939
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-16
- 12-27.2
- Smallest energy difference between the lowest level of conduction band and the highest level of valence band at zero thermodynamic temperature.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00593
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Ampere per Metre
- AmperePerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-M
- A.m-1
- A/m
- A/m
- is the SI unit of magnetic field strength. One ampere per meter is equal to π/250 oersteds (12.566 371 millioersteds) in CGS units. The ampere per meter is also the SI unit of "magnetization" in the sense of magnetic dipole moment per unit volume; in this context 1 A/m = 0.001 emu per cubic centimeter.
+ Compressibility
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Compressibility
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8067817
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-70
+ 4-20
+ Measure of the relative volume change of a fluid or solid as a response to a pressure change.
--- QUDT
+ ThermodynamicalQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-5.
+ ParallelWorkflow
- 1
- Measurand
- Quantity
- https://qudt.org/schema/qudt/Quantity
- A quantifiable property of a phenomenon, body, or substance.
- length
-Rockwell C hardness
-electric resistance
- measurand
- quantity
- VIM defines a quantity as a "property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference".
-A quantity in EMMO is a property and therefore only addresses the first part of the VIM definition (that is a property of a phenomenon, body, or substance). The second part (that it can be expressed as a number and a reference) is syntactic and addressed by emmo:QuantityValue.
- SIMetricSubMultipleUnit
- Measurement unit obtained by dividing a given measurement unit by an integer SI prefix greater than one.
- NuclearMagneton
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1166093
- 10-9.3
- Absolute value of the magnetic moment of a nucleus.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04236
+ Workflow
+ A procedure that has at least two procedures (tasks) as proper parts.
@@ -3230,1362 +3146,90 @@ A quantity in EMMO is a property and therefore only addresses the first part of
- 1.0
+ 1.602177e-19
- Moles per square metre per second
- MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC
- mol.m-2.s-1
- mol/(m²⋅s)
- SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area per SI unit of time.
+ Electron Volt per Tesla
+ ElectronVoltPerTesla
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-T
+ eV.T-1
+ eV/T
+ eV/T
+ "Electron Volt per Tesla" is a unit for 'Magnetic Dipole Moment' expressed as eV T⁻¹.
+ NonSIUnit
+ Measurement units that are not SI units.
- T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0
+ T0 L+2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
+ MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
- DataProcessingApplication
- 0.1
- d
- Deci
- SISubMultiplePrefix
- ActiveEnergy
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ActiveEnergy
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79813678
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=601-01-19
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-57
- 6-62
- The integral over a time interval of the instantaneous power.
- Energy is often defined as "ability of a system to perform work", but it might be misleading since is not necessarily available to do work.
- Energy
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Energy
- 5-20-1
- A property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02101
- 0.0
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Newton per Coulomb
- NewtonPerCoulomb
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-C
- N.C-1
- N/C
- Newton Per Coulomb ( N/C) is a unit in the category of Electric field strength. It is also known as newtons/coulomb. Newton Per Coulomb ( N/C) has a dimension of MLT-3I-1 where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It essentially the same as the corresponding standard SI unit V/m.
--- QUDT
- 126.90447
- 53
- IodineAtom
- Atom subclass for iodine.
- Declared
- A semantic object that is connected to a conventional sign by an interpreter (a declarer) according to a specific convention.
- ChemicalElement
- Atom
- A standalone atom has direct part one 'nucleus' and one 'electron_cloud'.
-An O 'atom' within an O₂ 'molecule' is an 'e-bonded_atom'.
-In this material branch, H atom is a particular case, with respect to higher atomic number atoms, since as soon as it shares its electron it has no nucleus entangled electron cloud.
-We cannot say that H₂ molecule has direct part two H atoms, but has direct part two H nucleus.
- An 'atom' is a 'nucleus' surrounded by an 'electron_cloud', i.e. a quantum system made of one or more bounded electrons.
- In general, for a given set of information, it is understood that the measurement uncertainty is associated with a stated quantity value. A modification of this value results in a modification of the associated uncertainty.
- Metrological uncertainty includes components arising from systematic effects, such as components associated with corrections and the assigned quantity values of measurement standards, as well as the definitional uncertainty. Sometimes estimated systematic effects are not corrected for but, instead, associated measurement uncertainty components are incorporated.
- A metrological uncertainty can be assigned to any objective property via the 'hasMetrologicalUncertainty' relation.
- MetrologicalUncertainty
- The uncertainty of a quantity obtained through a well-defined procedure, characterising of the dispersion of the quantity.
- - Standard deviation
-- Half-width of an interval with a stated coverage probability
- Metrological uncertainty in EMMO is a slight generalisation of the VIM term 'measurement uncertainty', which is defined as "a non-negative parameter characterising the dispersion of the quantity being measured".
- W
- TungstenSymbol
- PolymericMaterial
- ClassicallyDefinedMaterial
- TopAntiQuark
- ThirdGenerationFermion
- UpAntiQuarkType
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Volt Ampere
- VoltAmpere
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-A
- V.A
- V⋅A
- product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit ampere
--- QUDT
- LuminousIntensity
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LuminousIntensity
- 7-14
- A measure of the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle. It is based on the luminosity function, which is a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human eye.
- ISQBaseQuantity
- Base quantities defined in the International System of Quantities (ISQ).
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Quantities
- LightAndRadiationQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-7.
- E
- 1e+18
- Exa
- 0.0
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Metre Kelvin per Watt
- MetreKelvinPerWatt
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-K-PER-W
- m.K.W-1
- K⋅m/W
- `Meter Kelvin per Watt` is a unit for 'Thermal Resistivity' expressed as K-m/W.
--- QUDT
- T+3 L-1 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
- ThermalResistivityUnit
- 1e-12
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Cubic micrometre per millilitre
- CubicMicroMetrePerMilliLitre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM3-PER-MilliL
- um3.mL-1
- µm³/mL
- VolumeFractionUnit
- Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two volumes.
- Unit for volume fraction.
- Software
- All or part of the programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation of an information processing system.
- Software is usually used as a generic term for programs. However, in its broadest sense it can refer to all information (i.e., both programs and data) in electronic form and can provide a distinction from hardware, which refers to computers or other electronic systems on which software can exist and be use.
-Here we explicitly include in the definition also all the data (e.g. source code, script files) that takes part to the building of the executable, are necessary to the execution of a program or that document it for the users.
- This subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else.
- FunctionalIcon
- An icon that imitates one representative character of the object. It share external similarities with the object, but not necessarily the same internal logical structure.
- A data based model is only a functional icon, since it provide the same relations between the properties of the object (e.g., it can predict some properties as function of others) but is not considering the internal mechanisms (i.e., it can ignore the physics).
- A guinea pig.
- An icon that focusing WHAT the object does.
- Modelling
- Simulation
- A estimation of a property using a functional icon.
- I calculate the electrical conductivity of an Ar-He plasma with the Chapman-Enskog method and use the value as property for it.
- Estimation
- A determination of an object without any actual interaction.
- Computation
- A procedure that deals with quantitative symbols (i.e. symbols associated with a quantitative oriented language).
- A matematician that calculates 2+2.
-A computation machine that calculate the average value of a dataset.
- Calendering
- FormingFromPlastic
- Process for removing unwanted residual or waste material from a given product or material
- Cleaning
- AngularFrequency
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularFrequency
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-07-03
- https://dbpedia.org/page/Angular_frequency
- 3-18
- Rate of change of the phase angle.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_frequency
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00352
- Frequency
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Frequency
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11652
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-06-02
- 3-15.1
- Number of periods per time interval.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.FT07383
- GyromagneticCoefficient
- MagnetogyricRatio
- GyromagneticRatio
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/GyromagneticRatio
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q634552
- 10-12.1
- Ratio of magnetic dipole moment to total angular momentum.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03693
- 100.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Ampere Per Centimetre
- AmperePerCentiMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-CentiM
- A.cm-1
- A/cm
- SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre
--- QUDT
- CurrentFraction
- TransferrenceNumber
- IonTransportNumber
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IonTransportNumber
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q331854
- 9-46
- Faction of electrical current carried by given ionic species.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03181
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06489
- PhysioChemicalQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-9.
- Following the common definition of process, the reader may think that every whole should be a process, since every 4D object always has a time dimension. However, in the EMMO we restrict the meaning of the word process to items whose evolution in time have a particular meaning for the ontologist (i.e. every 4D object unfolds in time, but not every 4D time unfolding may be of interest for the ontologist and categorized as a process).
-For this reason, the definition of every specific process subclass requires the introduction of a primitive concept.
- Occurrent
- Perdurant
- Process
- A whole that is identified according to a criteria based on its temporal evolution that is satisfied throughout its time extension.
- A process can be defined only according to an entity type. The minimum process is an entity made of two entities of the same type that are temporally related.
- The interest is on the 4D object as it extends in time (process) or as it persists in time (object):
-- object (focus on spatial configuration)
-- process (focus on temporal evolution)
-The concepts of endurant and perdurant implicitly rely on the concept of instantaneous 3D snapshot of the world object, that in the EMMO is not allowed since everything extends in 4D and there are no abstract objects. Moreover, time is a measured property in the EMMO and not an objective characteristic of an object, and cannot be used as temporal index to identify endurant position in time.
-For this reason an individual in the EMMO can always be classified both endurant and perdurant, due to its nature of 4D entity (e.g. an individual may belong both to the class of runners and the class of running process), and the distinction is purely semantic. In fact, the object/process distinction is simply a matter of convenience in a 4D approach since a temporal extension is always the case, and stationarity depends upon observer time scale. For this reason, the same individual (4D object) may play the role of a process or of an object class depending on the object to which it relates.
-Nevertheless, it is useful to introduce categorizations that characterize persistency through continuant and occurrent concepts, even if not ontologically but only cognitively defined. This is also due to the fact that our language distinguish between nouns and verbs to address things, forcing the separation between things that happens and things that persist.
-This perspective provides classes conceptually similar to the concepts of endurant and perdurant (a.k.a. continuant and occurrent). We claim that this distinction is motivated by our cognitive bias, and we do not commit to the fact that both these kinds of entity “do really exist”. For this reason, a whole instance can be both process and object, according to different cognitive approaches (see Wonderweb D17).
-The distinction between endurant and perdurant as usually introduced in literature (see BFO SPAN/SNAP approach) is then no more ontological, but can still be expressed through the introduction of ad hoc primitive definitions that follow the interpreter endurantist or perdurantist attitude.
- Persistence
- The union of the object or process classes.
- A conventional referring to an object according to a specific code that reflects the results of a specific interaction mechanism and is shared between other interpreters.
-A coded is always a partial representation of an object since it reflects the object capability to be part of a specific determination.
-A coded is a sort of name or label that we put upon objects that interact with an determiner in the same specific way.
-For example, "hot" objects are objects that interact with an observer through a perception mechanism aimed to perceive an heat source. The code is made of terms such as "hot", "warm", "cold", that commonly refer to the perception of heat.
- Let's define the class Colour as the subclass of the coded signs that involve photon emission and electromagnetic radiation sensible observers.
-An individual C of this class Colour can be defined be declaring the process individual (e.g. daylight illumination) and the observer (e.g. my eyes)
-Stating that an entity E hasCoded C, we mean that it can be observed by such setup of process + observer (i.e. observed by my eyes under daylight).
-This definition can be specialised for human eye perception, so that the observer can be a generic human, or to camera perception so that the observer can be a device.
-This can be used in material characterization, to define exactly the type of measurement done, including the instrument type.
- Coded
- A conventional that stands for an object according to a code of interpretation to which the interpreter refers.
- A biography that makes use of a code that is provided by the meaning of the element of the language used by the author.
- The name "red" that stands for the color of an object.
- In Peirce semiotics this kind of sign category is called symbol. However, since symbol is also used in formal languages, the name is changed in conventional.
- Conventional
- A 'Sign' that stands for an 'Object' through convention, norm or habit, without any resemblance to it.
- Multiplicity
- Degenerency
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q902301
- 9-36.2
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01556
- LiquidSolution
- A liquid solution made of two or more component substances.
- Solutions are characterized by the occurrence of Rayleigh scattering on light,
- Solution
- A solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.
- Liquid
- A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a (nearly) constant volume independent of pressure.
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Newton Per Ampere
- NewtonPerAmpere
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-A
- N.A-1
- N/A
- SI derived unit newton divided by the SI base unit ampere
--- QUDT
- T-2 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- MagneticPotentialUnit
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Radian Square Metre per Kilogram
- RadianSquareMetrePerKilogram
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-M2-PER-KiloGM
- rad.m2.kg-1
- rad⋅m²/kg
- T0 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AreaPerMassUnit
- ScientificTheory
- A scientific theory is a description, objective and observed, produced with scientific methodology.
- Observed
- The biography of a person met by the author.
- The word objective does not mean that each observation will provide the same results. It means that the observation followed a well defined procedure.
-This class refers to what is commonly known as physical property, i.e. a measurable property of physical system, whether is quantifiable or not.
- Objective
- A coded conventional that is determined by each interpeter following a well defined determination procedure through a specific perception channel.
- The 'theory' is e.g. a proposition, a book or a paper whose sub-symbols suggest in the mind of the interpreter an interpretant structure that can represent a 'physical'.
-It is not an 'icon' (like a math equation), because it has no common resemblance or logical structure with the 'physical'.
-In Peirce semiotics: legisign-symbol-argument
- Theory
- A 'conventional' that stand for a 'physical'.
- TotalComposition
- GluonType7
- Gluon
- The class of individuals that stand for gluons elementary particles.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluon
- In the usual geometrical three-dimensional space, position vectors are quantities of the dimension length.
--- IEC
- Position vectors are so-called bounded vectors, i.e. their magnitude and direction depend on the particular coordinate system used.
--- ISO 80000-3
- Position
- PositionVector
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PositionVector
- Vector r characterizing a point P in a point space with a given origin point O.
- LinearArray
- 1DArray
- Vector
- 1-dimensional array who's spatial direct parts are numbers.
- Information
- Information is encoded data with a meaning (semiotic sign).
- 0.0
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Cubic Metre Per Cubic Metre
- CubicMetrePerCubicMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-M3
- m3.m-3
- m³/m³
- power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
--- QUDT
- Cryogenic treatment, Deep-freeze
- Tieftemperaturbehandeln
- DeepFreezing
- Treatment carried out after hardening or case hardening consisting of cooling to a temperature below room temperature to complete the transformation of austenite to martensite
- CEN Workshop Agreement – CWA 17284 “Materials modelling – terminology, classification and metadata”
- PhysicsBasedSimulation
- A simulation that relies on physics based models, according to the Review of Materials Modelling and CWA 17284:2018.
- TauAntiNeutrino
- GreenDownAntiQuark
- SpecificEnergyImparted
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEnergyImparted
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99566195
- 10-81.2
- In nuclear physics, energy imparted per mass.
- SpecificEnergy
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEnergy
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3023293
- https://dbpedia.org/page/Specific_energy
- 5-21.1
- Energy per unit mass
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_energy
- 0.0
- 2.777778e-07
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Gram Per Hour
- GramPerHour
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-HR
- g.h-1
- g/hr
- 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit hour
--- QUDT
- 0.0
- 1e-06
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Microsiemens Per Metre
- MicroSiemensPerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS-PER-M
- uS.m-1
- μS/m
- 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the SI base unit metre
--- QUDT
- T+3 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricConductivityUnit
- A whole is categorized as fundamental (or maximal) or redundant (non-maximal).
- Whole
- The superclass of entities which are defined by requiring the existence of some parts (at least one) of specifically given types, where the specified types are different with respect to the type of the whole.
- A whole is always defined using a criterion expressed through the classical transitive parthood relation.
-This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in its wholeness, dependently on some of their parts and independently on the surroundings.
- Wholistic
- Holistic
- An holistic perspective considers each part of the whole as equally important, without the need to position the parts within a hierarchy (in time or space). The interest is on the whole object and on its parts (how they contribute to the whole, i.e. their roles), without going further into specifying the spatial hierarchy or the temporal position of each part.
-This class allows the picking of parts without necessarily going trough a rigid hierarchy of spatial compositions (e.g. body -> organ -> cell -> molecule) or temporal composition. This is inline with the transitive nature of parthood, as it is usually defined in literature.
-The holistic perspective is not excluding the reductionistic perspective, on the contrary it can be considered its complement.
- The union of classes whole and part.
- A perspective characterized by the belief that some mereological parts of a whole (holistic parts) are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole and vice versa.
- A molecule of a body can have role in the body evolution, without caring if its part of a specific organ and without specifying the time interval in which this role occurred.
- A product is a role that can be fulfilled by many objects, but always requires a process to which the product participates and from which it is generated.
+ ElectronNeutrino
+ A neutrino belonging to the first generation of leptons.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_neutrino
+ 0.0
- EnergyFluence
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyFluence
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98538612
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-17
- 10-46
- In nuclear physics, incident radiant energy per cross-sectional area.
+ 1000.0
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Tonne Per Second
+ TonnePerSecond
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-SEC
+ t.s-1
+ t/s
+ unit tonne divided by the SI base unit second
+-- QUDT
+ T-1 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- Following nominalistic approach a species is simply a name that can point to an element name, a chemical formula or a chemical compound.
-So everything addressed by these classes of names can be calleded a chemical species.
- N2
-Sodium Chloride
- ChemicalSpecies
- Specific form of an element defined as to isotopic composition, electronic or oxidation state, and/or complex or molecular structure.
-Chemical species is the macroscopic equivalent of molecular entity and refers to sets or ensembles of molecular entities.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.CT06859
- Chemical
- A language object that follows the syntactic rules used in the chemical field.
+ MassPerTimeUnit
@@ -4601,7 +3245,7 @@ Chemical species is the macroscopic equivalent of molecular entity and refers to
@@ -4623,430 +3267,124 @@ This qualifies a chemical element as a name and not a matter obejct that can sta
- PhaseChangeCoefficient
- PhaseCoefficient
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PhaseCoefficient
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q32745742
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-20
- 3-26.2
- Change of phase angle with the length along the path travelled by a plane wave.
- The imaginary part of the propagation coefficient.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propagation_constant#Phase_constant
- SpaceAndTimeQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-3.
- InverseLength
- ReciprocalLength
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InverseLength
- The inverse of length.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocal_length
- ISO 3252:2019 Powder metallurgy
-liquid-phase sintering: sintering of a powder or compact containing at least two constituents, under conditions such that a liquid phase is formed
- LiquidPhaseSintering
- Tiling
- Tessellation
- A tessellation (or tiling) is the covering of a surface, often a plane, using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps.
- A causal object that is tessellated in direct parts.
- T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- PressureUnit
- Characterisation
- Determination
- A 'Semiosis' that involves an 'Observer' that perceives another 'Physical' (the 'Object') through a specific perception mechanism and produces a 'Property' (the 'Sign') that stands for the result of that particular perception according to a well defined conventional procedure.
- Assigning the word "red" as sign for an object provides an information to all other interpreters about the outcome of a specific observation procedure according to the determiner.
- 0.0
- 0.01
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Square Decimetre
- SquareDeciMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM2
- dm2
- dm²
- 0.1-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2
--- QUDT
+ ArcLength
+ PathLength
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7144654
+ https://dbpedia.org/page/Arc_length
+ 3-1.7
+ Length of a rectifiable curve between two of its points.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_length
- Inverse of 'ElectricalResistance'.
- Conductance
- ElectricConductance
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Conductance
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q309017
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-06
- 6-47
- Measure of the ease for electric current to pass through a material.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01925
- Note that not all physical quantities can be categorised as being either intensive or extensive. For example the square root of the mass.
- Intensive
- A quantity whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system.
- Temperature
+ Length is a non-negative additive quantity attributed to a one-dimensional object in space.
+ Length
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Length
+ 3-1.1
+ Extend of a spatial dimension.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03498
- 0.0
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Joule per Tesla
- JoulePerTesla
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-T
- J.T-1
- J/T
- The magnetic moment of a magnet is a quantity that determines the force that the magnet can exert on electric currents and the torque that a magnetic field will exert on it. A loop of electric current, a bar magnet, an electron, a molecule, and a planet all have magnetic moments. The unit for magnetic moment is not a base unit in the International System of Units (SI) and it can be represented in more than one way. For example, in the current loop definition, the area is measured in square meters and I is measured in amperes, so the magnetic moment is measured in ampere-square meters (A m2). In the equation for torque on a moment, the torque is measured in joules and the magnetic field in tesla, so the moment is measured in Joules per Tesla (J u00b7T-1). These two representations are equivalent: 1 A u00b7m2 = 1 J u00b7T-1.
--- QUDT
+ DerivedQuantity
+ "Quantity, in a system of quantities, defined in terms of the base quantities of that system".
+ derived quantity
- RelativeActivityOfSolute
- ActivityOfSolute
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89408862
- 9-24
- 0.0
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Square metres Hertz
- SquareMetreHertz
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HZ
- m2.Hz
- m²⋅Hz
+ https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:80000:-1:ed-1:v1:en:sec:3.1
+ InternationalSystemOfQuantity
+ Quantities declared under the ISO 80000.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Quantities
- T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AreaPerTimeUnit
- T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AreicSpeedUnit
- 0.0
- 1e-09
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Cubic Millimetre
- CubicMilliMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM3
- mm3
- mm³
- A metric measure of volume or capacity equal to a cube 1 millimeter on each edge
--- QUDT
- 1.0
- 0.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- radian per second
- RadianPerSecond
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-SEC
- rad.s-1
- rad/s
- rad/s
- "Radian per Second" is the SI unit of rotational speed (angular velocity), and, also the unit of angular frequency. The radian per second is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every second.
--- QUDT
- T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- FrequencyUnit
- Pa
- ProtactiniumSymbol
+ ThermodynamicEnergy
+ InternalEnergy
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InternalEnergy
+ 5.20-2
+ A state quantity equal to the difference between the total energy of a system and the sum of the macroscopic kinetic and potential energies of the system.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03103
- InternalConversionCoefficient
- InternalConversionFactor
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InternalConversionFactor
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6047819
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-02-57
- 10-35
- Quotient of the number of internal conversion electrons and the number of gamma quanta emitted by the radioactive atom in a given transition, where a conversion electron represents an orbital electron emitted through the radioactive decay.
- Project
- IntentionalProcess
- A process occurring with the active participation of an agent that drives the process according to a specific objective (intention).
+ Energy is often defined as "ability of a system to perform work", but it might be misleading since is not necessarily available to do work.
+ Energy
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Energy
+ 5-20-1
+ A property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02101
- 192.217
- 77
- IridiumAtom
- Atom subclass for iridium.
+ Shot peening is shot peening for shaping or straightening workpieces by introducing residual compressive stresses (from: DIN 8200/10.82).
+ Umformstrahlen
+ FormingBlasting
- 49
- 114.818
+ esce workpiece
+ DIN 8580:2020
+ Stoffeigenschaft ändern
+ WorkPieceTreatment
+ MaterialTreatment
+ The processing of a material aimed to transform its structure by means of any type of treatment, without involving relevant synthesis phenomena.
+ Manufacturing by changing the properties of the material of which a workpiece is made, which is done, among other things, by changes in the submicroscopic or atomic range, e.g. by diffusion of atoms, generation and movement of dislocations in the atomic lattice or chemical reactions, and where unavoidable changes in shape are not part of the essence of these processes.
+ Has shaped bodies as input and output.
- IndiumAtom
- Atom subclass for indium.
+ NuclearMagneton
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1166093
+ 10-9.3
+ Absolute value of the magnetic moment of a nucleus.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04236
- T-2 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- MassStoppingPowerUnit
@@ -5056,230 +3394,296 @@ ChemicalPotential
- 1000000.0
+ 1.0
- Reciprocal Cubic Centimetre
- ReciprocalCubicCentiMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-CentiM3
- cm-3
- /cm³
- reciprocal of the 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
--- QUDT
+ Metre Kilogram
+ MetreKilogram
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-KiloGM
+ m.kg
+ m⋅kg
- T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- PerVolumeUnit
+ LengthMassUnit
+ BindingFraction
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/BindingFraction
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98058362
+ 10-23.2
+ The ratio of the binding energy of a nucleus to the atomic mass number.
- 0.0
+ ISQDimensionlessQuantity
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Dimensionless
+ A quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned and with a corresponding unit of measurement in the SI of the unit one.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensionless_quantity
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01742
+ Estimated
+ The biography of a person that the author have not met.
- 1.0
+ T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Newton per Metre
- NewtonPerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-M
- N.m-1
- N/m
- N/m
- Newton Per Meter (N/m) is a unit in the category of Surface tension. It is also known as newtons per meter, newton per metre, newtons per metre, newton/meter, newton/metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Newton Per Meter (N/m) has a dimension of MT-2 where M is mass, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
+ LengthPerTemperatureUnit
--- QUDT
+ The relative humidity is often expressed in per cent.
+ RelativeHumidity
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeHumidity
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2499617
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-65
+ 5-33
+ Ratio of the partial pressure p of water vapour in moist air to its partial pressure psat at saturation, at the same temperature φ = p/psat.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidity#Relative_humidity
+ For normal cases, the relative humidity may be assumed to be equal to relative mass concentration of vapour.
+ RelativeMassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeMassConcentrationOfVapour
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76379357
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-66
+ ratio of the mass concentration of water vapour v to its mass concentration at saturation vsat, at the same temperature, thus ψ = v/vsat.
- T-2 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ForcePerLengthUnit
+ MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
- EquilibriumPositionVector
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EquilibriumPositionVectorOfIon
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105533477
- 12-7.2
- In condensed matter physics, position vector of an atom or ion in equilibrium.
+ ThermalDiffusionCoefficient
+ ThermalDiffusivity
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalDiffusivity
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3381809
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-53
+ 5-14
- 0.0
+ ConductanceForAlternatingCurrent
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79464628
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-53
+ 6-52.2
+ Real part of the admittance.
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Pascal metres
- PascalMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M
- Pa.m
- Pa⋅m
+ Inverse of 'ElectricalResistance'.
+ Conductance
+ ElectricConductance
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Conductance
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q309017
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-06
+ 6-47
+ Measure of the ease for electric current to pass through a material.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01925
- Np
- NeptuniumSymbol
+ Mobility
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Mobility
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900648
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-36
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-02-77
+ 10-61
+ Quotient of average drift speed imparted to a charged particle in a medium by an electric field, and the electric field strength.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03955
- JavaScript
+ Rotation
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76435127
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-05-22
+ 3-16
- ScriptingLanguage
- A programming language that is executed through runtime interpretation.
+ SpaceAndTimeQuantity
+ Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-3.
- Determiner
- An 'interpreter' that perceives another 'entity' (the 'object') through a specific perception mechanism and produces a 'property' (the 'sign') that stands for the result of that particular perception.
+ NuclearGFactor
+ GFactorOfNucleusOrNuclearParticle
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/GFactorOfNucleus
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97591250
+ 10-14.2
+ Quotient of the magnetic dipole moment of an atom, and the product of the nuclear spin quantum number and the nuclear magneton.
- ShellScript
- A command language designed to be run by a command-line interpreter, like a Unix shell.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script
+ GFactor
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1951266
+ Relation between observed magnetic moment of a particle and the related unit of magnetic moment.
- CommandLanguage
- An interpreted computer language for job control in computing.
- Unix shell.
-Batch programming languages.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_language
+ Smoke
+ Smoke is a solid aerosol made of particles emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis.
+ SolidAerosol
+ An aerosol composed of fine solid particles in air or another gas.
- 2
+ 1.0
- 4.002602
+ 0.0
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Square Metre Steradian
+ SquareMetreSteradian
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-SR
+ m2.sr
+ m²⋅sr
+ "Square Meter Steradian" is a unit for 'Area Angle' expressed as m²-sr.
+-- QUDT
+ T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- HeliumAtom
- Atom subclass for helium.
+ AreaUnit
- Pa
+ V
- Pascal
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA
- Pa
- http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pascal
- SI unit for pressure.
- The SI unit of pressure. The pascal is the standard pressure unit in the MKS metric system, equal to one newton per square meter or one "kilogram per meter per second per second." The unit is named for Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French philosopher and mathematician, who was the first person to use a barometer to measure differences in altitude.
--- QUDT
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal?oldid=492989202
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04442
+ Volt
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V
+ V
+ http://dbpedia.org/resource/Volt
+ SI unit for electric potential difference.
+ The volt is the unit of electric potential difference—electric potential difference is also known as voltage. The size of 1 volt is officially defined as the potential difference between two points of a wire carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated in the wire is 1 watt.
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt?oldid=494812083
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06634
@@ -5403,127 +3807,239 @@ Batch programming languages.
- TemporallyFundamental
- The class of individuals that satisfy a whole defining criteria (i.e. belongs to a subclass of whole) and have no temporal parts that satisfy that same criteria (no parts that are of the same type of the whole).
+ Mass of a constituent divided by the volume of the mixture.
+ MassConcentration
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassConcentration
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03713
- Lifetime
- Maximal
- Fundamental
- A whole that represent the overall lifetime of the world object that represents according to some holistic criteria.
- A marathon is an example of class whose individuals are always maximal since the criteria satisfied by a marathon 4D entity poses some constraints on its temporal and spatial extent.
+ Quantity representing the spatial distribution of mass in a continuous material.
+ MassConcentration
+ MassDensity
+ Density
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Density
+ 4-2
+ 9-10
+ Mass per volume.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01590
-On the contrary, the class for a generic running process does not necessarily impose maximality to its individuals. A running individual is maximal only when it extends in time for the minimum amount required to identify a running act, so every possible temporal part is always a non-running.
+ ChemicalCompositionQuantity
-Following the two examples, a marathon individual is a maximal that can be decomposed into running intervals. The marathon class is a subclass of running.
+ Concentration
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Concentration
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3686031
+ https://dbpedia.org/page/Concentration
+ the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration
+ https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/C01222
- T-3 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
+ Mass per unit area.
+ AreaDensity
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceDensity
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06167
- BlueCharmQuark
+ Note that not all physical quantities can be categorised as being either intensive or extensive. For example the square root of the mass.
+ Intensive
+ A quantity whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system.
+ Temperature
+ Heat is energy in transfer to or from a thermodynamic system, by mechanisms other than thermodynamic work or transfer of matter.
+ AmountOfHeat
+ Heat
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Heat
+ 5-6.1
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02752
+ 1.0
+ 0.0
- DIN 8580:2020
- ISO 15531-1:2004
-manufacturing: function or act of converting or transforming material from raw material or semi-finished state to a state of further completion
- ISO 18435-1:2009
-manufacturing process: set of processes in manufacturing involving a flow and/or transformation of material, information, energy, control, or any other element in a manufacturing area
- Manufacturing
- The process of transforming precursor objects (e.g. raw materials) into a product by the use of manual labor, machinery or chemical/biological processes.
- Deals with entities that have a defined shape.
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fertigungsverfahren
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Reciprocal Henry
+ ReciprocalHenry
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-H
+ H-1
+ /H
+ T+2 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- Nucleus
- The small, dense region at the centre of an atom consisting of protons and neutrons.
+ MagneticReluctanceUnit
+ 0.0
- 1e-12
+ 2.777778e-07
- PicoPrefixedUnit
- Superclass for all units prefixed with "pico" (1e-12).
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Gram Per Hour
+ GramPerHour
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-HR
+ g.h-1
+ g/hr
+ 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit hour
+-- QUDT
+ TightlyCoupledModelsSimulation
+ A simulation in which more than one model are solved together with a coupled method.
+ Solving within the same linear system the discretised form of the pressure and momentum equation for a fluid, using the ideal gas law as material relation for connecting pressure to density.
+ Executable
+ Program
+ A set of instructions that tell a computer what to do.
+ A program is a sequence of instructions understandable by a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that indicates which operations the computer should perform on a set of data.
+ Replica
+ An icon that not only resembles the object, but also can express some of the object's functions.
+ A small scale replica of a plane tested in a wind gallery shares the same functionality in terms of aerodynamic behaviour of the bigger one.
+ Pinocchio is a functional icon of a boy since it imitates the external behaviour without having the internal biological structure of a human being (it is made of magic wood...).
+ The subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category a) the image, which depends on a simple quality (e.g. picture).
+ ResemblanceIcon
+ An icon that mimics the spatial or temporal shape of the object.
+ A geographical map that imitates the shape of the landscape and its properties at a specific historical time.
+ An icon that focus on WHERE/WHEN the object is, in the sense of spatial or temporal shape.
+ This subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else.
+ FunctionalIcon
+ An icon that imitates one representative character of the object. It share external similarities with the object, but not necessarily the same internal logical structure.
+ A data based model is only a functional icon, since it provide the same relations between the properties of the object (e.g., it can predict some properties as function of others) but is not considering the internal mechanisms (i.e., it can ignore the physics).
+ A guinea pig.
+ An icon that focusing WHAT the object does.
- 1.0
+ 0.01
@@ -5532,20 +4048,32 @@ manufacturing process: set of processes in manufacturing involving a flow and/or
- Kelvin Metre Per Watt
- KelvinMetrePerWatt
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M-PER-W
- K.m.W-1
- K⋅m/W
- product of the SI base unit kelvin and the SI base unit metre divided by the derived SI unit watt
+ Newton Centimetre
+ NewtonCentiMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-CentiM
+ N.cm
+ N⋅cm
+ product of the SI derived unit newton and the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre
+ T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ EnergyUnit
@@ -5560,287 +4088,179 @@ manufacturing process: set of processes in manufacturing involving a flow and/or
- KelvinPerMeter
- KelvinPerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-M
- K.m-1
- K/m
- A change of temperature on the Kelvin temperature scale in one SI unit of length.
--- QUDT
+ http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31897
+ Cubic Metre per Coulomb
+ CubicMetrePerCoulomb
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-C
+ m3.C-1
+ m³/C
- T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
+ T-1 L+3 M0 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
- TemperaturePerLengthUnit
+ ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit
- RelativePressureCoefficient
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativePressureCoefficient
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74761852
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-30
- 5-3.3
+ The amount of a constituent divided by the volume of the mixture.
+ Concentration
+ MolarConcentration
+ Molarity
+ AmountConcentration
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AmountOfSubstanceConcentrationOfB
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00295
- ThermodynamicalQuantity
- Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-5.
+ ExchangeIntegral
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ExchangeIntegral
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q10882959
+ 12-34
+ constituent of the interaction energy between the spins of adjacent electrons in matter arising from the overlap of electron state functions
+ F
- PressureCoefficient
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PressureCoefficient
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74762732
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-29
- 5-4
- Change of pressure per change of temperature at constant volume.
+ Measurement unit for electric capacitance.
+ Farad
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD
+ F
+ http://dbpedia.org/resource/Farad
+ The SI unit of electric capacitance. Very early in the study of electricity scientists discovered that a pair of conductors separated by an insulator can store a much larger charge than an isolated conductor can store. The better the insulator, the larger the charge that the conductors can hold. This property of a circuit is called capacitance, and it is measured in farads. One farad is defined as the ability to store one coulomb of charge per volt of potential difference between the two conductors. This is a natural definition, but the unit it defines is very large. In practical circuits, capacitance is often measured in microfarads, nanofarads, or sometimes even in picofarads (10⁻¹² farad, or trillionths of a farad). The unit is named for the British physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who was known for his work in electricity and electrochemistry.
+-- QUDT
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farad?oldid=493070876
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02320
+ T+4 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- SurfaceActivityDensity
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceActivityDensity
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98103005
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-10
- 10-30
- Quotient of the activity A of a sample and the total area S of the surface of that sample.
- SupplyChain
- A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in supplying a product or service to a consumer.
- Network
- A system whose is mainly characterised by the way in which elements are interconnected.
+ CapacitanceUnit
- ChemicalSubstance
- Molecule
- An atom_based state defined by an exact number of e-bonded atomic species and an electron cloud made of the shared electrons.
- H₂0, C₆H₁₂O₆, CH₄
- An entity is called essential if removing one direct part will lead to a change in entity class.
-An entity is called redundand if removing one direct part will not lead to a change in entity class.
- This definition states that this object is a non-periodic set of atoms or a set with a finite periodicity.
-Removing an atom from the state will result in another type of atom_based state.
-e.g. you cannot remove H from H₂0 without changing the molecule type (essential). However, you can remove a C from a nanotube (redundant). C60 fullerene is a molecule, since it has a finite periodicity and is made of a well defined number of atoms (essential). A C nanotube is not a molecule, since it has an infinite periodicity (redundant).
+ YoungsModulus
+ ModulusOfElasticity
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2091584
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-67
+ 4-19.1
+ Mechanical property of linear elastic solid materials.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03966
- Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities.
+ BinaryData
+ DigitalData
+ Discrete data that are decoded as a sequence of 1/0, or true/false, or on/off.
-Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species,
- https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/M03986
- ChemicalEntity
- MolecularEntity
- Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity that can undergo a chemical reaction.
- Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.
- Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.
- Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.
- Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.
- Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities.
-Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species,
- This concept is strictly related to chemistry. For this reason an atom can be considered the smallest entity that can be considered "molecular", including nucleus when they are seen as ions (e.g. H⁺, He⁺⁺).
+ DiscreteData
+ Data whose variations are decoded according to a discrete schema.
+ A text is a collection of discrete symbols. A compact disc is designed to host discrete states in the form of pits and lands.
+ A discrete schema may be based on a continuum material basis that is filtered according to its variations. For example, a continuous voltage based signal can be considered 1 or 0 according to some threshold.
+Discrete does not mean tha the material basis is discrete, but that the data are encoded according to such step-based rules.
- 22.98976928
- 11
- SodiumAtom
- Atom subclass for sodium.
+ EmpiricalFormula
+ An expression that provide information about the element type of a compound and their relative ratio.
+ Hydrogen peroxide is HO
- 107.8682
- 47
- SilverAtom
- Atom subclass for silver.
+ A chemical formula may also include other symbols such as parentheses, plus and minus signs, brackets
+ ChemicalFormula
+ A symbolic construct that provides informations about the chemical proportions of the elements that constitute a chemical compound or a specific molecule.
- 39.0983
- 19
- PotassiumAtom
- Atom subclass for potassium.
- DerivedUnit
- Derived units are defined as products of powers of the base units corresponding to the relations defining the derived quantities in terms of the base quantities.
- derived unit
- A measurement unit for a derived quantity.
--- VIM
- SIDerivedUnit
- CyclotronAngularFrequency
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CyclotronAngularFrequency
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97708211
- 10-16
- Quotient of the product of the electric charge of a particle and the magnitude of the magnetic flux density of the magnetic field, and the particle mass.
+ ParticleSourceDensity
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleSourceDensity
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98915762
+ 10-66
+ Quotient of the mean rate of production of particles in a volume, and that volume.
- 1.666667e-05
+ 0.2777778
@@ -5849,60 +4269,70 @@ Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or
- Litre Per Minute
- LitrePerMinute
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-MIN
- L.min-1
- L/min
- L/min
- unit litre divided by the unit minute
+ Moles per gram per hour
+ MolePerGramPerHour
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-GM-HR
+ mol.g-1.h-1
+ mol/(g⋅hr)
+ SI unit of the quantity of matter per SI unit of mass per unit of time expressed in hour.
- T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0
- VolumePerTimeUnit
+ AmountPerMassTimeUnit
- 0.0
+ 1.0
- 1000000000.0
+ 0.0
- Reciprocal Cubic Millimetre
- ReciprocalCubicMilliMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MilliM3
- mm-3
- /mm³
- reciprocal value of the 0.000000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
+ Newton metre seconds per metre
+ NewtonMetreSecondPerMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-SEC-PER-M
+ N⋅m⋅s/m
+ Newton metre seconds measured per metre
+ T-1 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ MomentumUnit
@@ -5917,392 +4347,331 @@ Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or
- Reciprocal Square Kilogram
- ReciprocalSquareKilogram
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-KiloGM2
- kg-2
- /kg²
- Per Square Kilogram is a denominator unit with dimensions /kg².
+ Square Metre per Kilogram
+ SquareMetrePerKilogram
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-KiloGM
+ m2.kg-1
+ m²/kg
+ Square Meter Per Kilogram (m2/kg) is a unit in the category of Specific Area. It is also known as square meters per kilogram, square metre per kilogram, square metres per kilogram, square meter/kilogram, square metre/kilogram. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Square Meter Per Kilogram (m2/kg) has a dimension of M-1L2 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
- T0 L0 M-2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
+ 0.0
- InverseSquareMassUnit
+ 1.0
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Square metre seconds per radian
+ SquareMetreSecondPerRadian
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-SEC-PER-RAD
+ m2.s.rad-1
+ m²⋅s/rad
- T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N-1 J0
+ T+1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricChargePerAmountUnit
+ AreaTimeUnit
- 0.01
- CentiPrefixedUnit
- Superclass for all units prefixed with "centi" (0.01).
+ https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants
+ CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
+ The superclass for all physical quantities classes that are categorized according to some domain of interests (e.g. metallurgy, chemistry), property (intensive/extensive) or application.
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- 0.0
+ 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP811/appenB9.html
- Square Metre Kelvin per Watt
- SquareMetreKelvinPerWatt
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-K-PER-W
- m2.K.W-1
- (K²)m/W
- `Square Meter Kelvin per Watt` is a unit for 'Thermal Insulance' expressed as (K²)m/W.
+ MetrePerSecond
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-SEC
+ http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/metrePerSecond-Time
+ m.s-1
+ m/s
+ Metre per second is an SI derived unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector quantity which specifies both magnitude and a specific direction), defined by distance in metres divided by time in seconds.
+The official SI symbolic abbreviation is mu00b7s-1, or equivalently either m/s.
- T+3 L0 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
+ T-1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
- MechanicalEfficiency
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2628085
- 4-29
- Quotient of mechanical output and input power.
- StoichiometricNumberOfSubstance
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StoichiometricNumber
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q95443720
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-22
- 9-29
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06025
- According to the SI brochure counting does not automatically qualify a quantity as an amount of substance.
-This quantity is used only to describe the outcome of a counting process, without regard of the type of entities.
-There are also some quantities that cannot be described in terms of the seven base quantities of the SI, but have the nature of a count. Examples are a number of molecules, a number of cellular or biomolecular entities (for example copies of a particular nucleic acid sequence), or degeneracy in quantum mechanics. Counting quantities are also quantities with the associated unit one.
- PureNumberQuantity
- A pure number, typically the number of something.
- 1,
-the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
+ SpeedUnit
- Rb
+ 63
- RubidiumSymbol
- 0.0
+ 151.964
- 1.0
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Centimetre
- CubicCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-CentiM3
- cm3.cm-3
- cm3/cm3
- cm³/cm³
- volume ratio consisting of the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
--- QUDT
+ EuropiumAtom
+ Atom subclass for europium.
- rad
- Dimensionless measurement unit for plane angle.
- Radian
- C81
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD
- rad
- http://dbpedia.org/resource/Radian
- Measure of plane angle.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian?oldid=492309312
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05036
+ 2DArray
+ Matrix
+ 2-dimensional array who's spatial direct parts are vectors.
- LengthFractionUnit
- Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two lengths.
- Unit for plane angle.
+ Array subclasses with a specific shape can be constructed with cardinality restrictions.
- ReferenceMaterial
- StandardUnit
- A reference unit provided by a reference material.
-International vocabulary of metrology (VIM)
- Arbitrary amount-of-substance concentration of lutropin in a given sample of plasma (WHO international standard 80/552): 5.0 International Unit/l
+See Shape4x3Matrix as an example.
+ Arrays are ordered objects, since they are a subclasses of Arrangement.
+ Array
+ Arrays are ordered mathematical objects who's elementary spatial parts are numbers. Their dimensionality is constructed with spatial direct parthood, where 1-dimensional arrays have spatial direct parts Number and n-dimensional array have spatial direct parts (n-1)-dimensional arrays.
+ A Vector is a 1-dimensional Array with Number as spatial direct parts,
+a Matrix is a 2-dimensional Array with Vector as spatial direct parts,
+an Array3D is a 3-dimensional Array with Matrix as spatial direct parts,
+and so forth...
- Ac
- ActiniumSymbol
+ WellFormedTessellation
+ SpatioTemporalTessellation
+ A tessellation in which all tiles are connected through spatiotemporal relations hasNext or contacts.
- UnitSymbol
- A symbol that stands for a single unit.
- Some examples are "Pa", "m" and "J".
- Dissociation may occur stepwise.
- DissociationFraction
- DegreeOfDissociation
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DegreeOfDissociation
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q907334
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-09
- 9-43
- ratio of the number of dissociation events to the maximum number of theoretically possible dissociation events.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01566
+ MathematicalConstruct
+ 1.0
- Examples of condition might be constant volume or constant pressure for a gas.
- HeatCapacity
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HeatCapacity
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q179388
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-47
- https://dbpedia.org/page/Heat_capacity
- 5-15
- Quantity C = dQ/dT, when the thermodynamic temperature of a system is increased by dT as a result of the addition of a amount of heat dQ, under given condition.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02753
+ 0.0
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Centimetre
+ CubicCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-CentiM3
+ cm3.cm-3
+ cm3/cm3
+ cm³/cm³
+ volume ratio consisting of the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3
+-- QUDT
+ Activity
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Activity
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q317949
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-05
+ 10-27
+ Number dN of spontaneous nuclear transitions or nuclear disintegrations for a radionuclide of amount N produced during a short time interval dt, divided by this time interval.
+ https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00114
- Intensity
- Power transferred per unit area.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensity_(physics)
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Gram Degree Celsius
- GramDegreeCelsius
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-DEG_C
- d.Cel-1
- g/°C
- `Gram Degree Celsius` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Mass Temperature' expressed as g · degC.
--- QUDT
+ Frequency
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Frequency
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11652
+ https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-06-02
+ 3-15.1
+ Number of periods per time interval.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.FT07383
- T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0
- MassTemperatureUnit
+ WellFormedTile
+ SpatioTemporalTile
- A number individual provides the link between the ontology and the actual data, through the data property hasNumericalValue.
- A number is actually a string (e.g. 1.4, 1e-8) of numerical digits and other symbols. However, in order not to increase complexity of the taxonomy and relations, here we take a number as an "atomic" object, without decomposit it in digits (i.e. we do not include digits in the EMMO as alphabet for numbers).
- In math usually number and numeral are distinct concepts, the numeral being the symbol or a composition of symbols (e.g. 3.14, 010010, three) and the number is the idea behind it.
-More than one numeral stands for the same number.
-In the EMMO abstract entities do not exists, and numbers are simply defined by other numerals, so that a number is the class of all the numerals that are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 0011 are numerals that stands for the same number).
-Or alternatively, an integer numeral may also stands for a set of a specific cardinality (e.g. 3 stands for a set of three apples). Rational and real numbers are simply a syntactic arrangment of integers (digits, in decimal system).
-The fact that you can't give a name to a number without using a numeral or, in case of positive integers, without referring to a real world objects set with specific cardinality, suggests that the abstract concept of number is not a concept that can be practically used.
-For these reasons, the EMMO will consider numerals and numbers as the same concept.
- Numeral
- Number
- A numerical data value.
+ Tile
+ A causal object that is direct part of a tessellation.
- Numerical
- A 'Mathematical' that has no unknown value, i.e. all its 'Variable"-s parts refers to a 'Number' (for scalars that have a built-in datatype) or to another 'Numerical' (for complex numerical data structures that should rely on external implementations).
+ Broadcast
- MathematicalSymbol
+ MixedTiling
+ A well formed tessellation with at least a junction tile.
- 1.0
+ 1000000.0
@@ -6311,365 +4680,160 @@ For these reasons, the EMMO will consider numerals and numbers as the same conce
- CoulombMetre
- A26
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-M
- C.m
- C⋅m
- Coulomb Meter (C-m) is a unit in the category of Electric dipole moment. It is also known as atomic unit, u.a., au, ua. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Meter (C-m) has a dimension of LTI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Megaampere Per Square Metre
+ MegaAmperePerSquareMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaA-PER-M2
+ MA.m-2
+ mol/m²
+ 1 000 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2
- It is also known as atomic unit, u.a., au, ua. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Meter (C-m) has a dimension of LTI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
- T+1 L+1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- LengthTimeCurrentUnit
- TauNeutrino
- A neutrino belonging to the third generation of leptons.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_neutrino
+ ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
- NeutrinoType
- An elementary particle with spin 1/2 that interacts only via the weak interaction and gravity.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino
- Bk
- BerkeliumSymbol
- SolidLiquidSuspension
- A coarse dispersion of liquid in a solid continuum phase.
- Suspensions show no significant effect on light.
- Suspension
- An heterogeneous mixture that contains coarsly dispersed particles (no Tyndall effect), that generally tend to separate in time to the dispersion medium phase.
- SolidMixture
- Solid
- A continuum characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume, that retains its shape and density when not confined.
+ Lepton
+ An elementary particle of half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) that does not undergo strong interactions.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepton
- 1e-06
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
- MicroPrefixedUnit
- Superclass for all units prefixed with "micro" (1e-6).
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Lumen per Watt
+ LumenPerWatt
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LM-PER-W
+ lm.W-1
+ lm/W
+ A measurement of luminous efficacy, which is the light output in lumens using one watt of electricity.
- FundamentalBoson
- A particle with integer spin that follows Bose–Einstein statistics.
- A boson that is a single elementary particle.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boson#Elementary_bosons
+-- QUDT
- ElementaryParticle
- StandardModelParticle
- The union of all classes categorising elementary particles according to the Standard Model.
- Disjointness comes from the fact that standard model elementary particles are entities that possess objectively distinct and singular characters.
- Graviton is included, even if it is an hypothetical particle, to enable causality for gravitational interactions.
- This class represents only real particles that are the input and output of a Feynman diagram, and hence respect the E²-p²c²=m²c⁴ energy-momentum equality (on the mass shell).
-In the EMMO the virtual particles (off the mass shell), the internal propagators of the interaction within a Feynman diagram, are not represented as mereological entities but as object relations (binary predicates).
+ T+3 L-1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1
+ LuminousEfficacyUnit
- 0.0
+ 1.0
- 1.0
+ 0.0
- http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~dommelen/quantum/style_a/elecmagfld.html
- Joule per Square Tesla
- JoulePerSquareTesla
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-T2
- J.T-2
- J/T²
- A measure of the diamagnetic energy, for a Bohr-radius spread around a magnetic axis, per square Tesla.
--- QUDT
+ Reciprocal metre per steradian
+ ReciprocalMetrePerSteradian
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-SR
+ m-1.sr-1
+ /(m⋅sr)
- T+2 L+2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit
- App
- Application
- ApplicationProgram
- A program aimed to provide a specific high level function to the user, usually hiding lower level procedures.
- Word processors, graphic image processing programs, database management systems, numerical simulation software and games.
+ ReciprocalLengthUnit
+ T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- Declarer
- An interpreter who establish the connection between an conventional sign and an object according to a specific convention.
- A scientist that assigns a quantity to a physical objects without actually measuring it but taking it for granted due to its previous experience (e.g. considering an electron charge as 1.6027663e-19 C, assigning a molecular mass to a gas only by the fact of a name on the bottle).
- Someone who assigns a name to an object.
+ LengthUnit
- Fermion
- A physical particle with half odd integer spin (1/2, 3/2, etc...) that follows Fermi-Dirac statistics.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion
- HolisticSpatialPart
- NonTemporalRole
- An holistic spatial part of a whole.
+ 2
- HolisticPart
- Part
- Role
- An entity that is categorized according to its relation with a whole through a parthood relation and that contributes to it according to an holistic criterion, where the type of the whole is not the type of the part.
- In this class the concept of role and part are superimposed (the term part is also used to define the role played by an actor).
-Here entities are categorized according to their relation with the whole, i.e. how they contribute to make a specific whole, and not what they are as separate entities.
-This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in its relation with the surrounding whole (being a part implies being surrounded by something bigger to which it contributes).
+ 1
+ Neutron
+ An uncharged subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron
@@ -6684,297 +4848,357 @@ This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in
- http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Physical-Quantities-310909.html
- Volt per Square Metre
- VoltPerSquareMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-M2
- V.m-2
- V/m²
- The divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. Electric field (V/m) differentiated with respect to distance (m) yields V/(m²).
+ Coulomb per Metre
+ CoulombPerMetre
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-M
+ C.m-1
+ C/m
+ C/m
+ "Coulomb per Meter" is a unit for 'Electric Charge Line Density' expressed as C/m.
- T-3 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T+1 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit
- Photon
- The class of individuals that stand for photons elementary particles.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon
+ ElectricChargePerLengthUnit
- GaugeBoson
- A bosonic elementary particle that mediates interactions among elementary fermions, and thus acts as a force carrier.
- All known gauge bosons have a spin of 1 and are hence also vector bosons.
- Gauge bosons can carry any of the four fundamental interactions of nature.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauge_boson
+ Since the nucleus account for nearly all of the total mass of atoms (with the electrons and nuclear binding energy making minor contributions), the atomic mass measured in Da has nearly the same value as the mass number.
+ The atomic mass is often expressed as an average of the commonly found isotopes.
+ AtomicMass
+ The mass of an atom in the ground state.
+ 10-4.1
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_mass
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00496
- IonizationEnergy
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IonizationEnergy
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q483769
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-39
- 12-24.2
- Difference between energy of an electron at rest at infinity and a certain energy level which is the energy of an electron in the interior of a substance.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03199
- 0.0
+ Mass
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Mass
+ 4-1
+ Property of a physical body that express its resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a force is applied.
+ https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03709
- 1.0
+ Se
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- Ohm Square Metre per Metre
- OhmSquareMetrePerMetre
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM-M2-PER-M
- Ohm2.m.m-1
- Ω⋅m²/m
+ SeleniumSymbol
- T-3 L+3 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T+2 L-1 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricResistivityUnit
+ MagneticReluctivityUnit
- ChemicalSymbolicConstruct
+ http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
+ Reciprocal Tesla Second Unit
+ ReciprocalTeslaSecond
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-T-SEC
+ T-1.s-1
+ /T⋅s
+ Per Tesla Second Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /s . T.
+-- QUDT
+ T+1 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
- SymbolicConstruct
- A symbolic entity made of other symbolic entities according to a specific spatial configuration.
- This class collects individuals that represents arrangements of strings, or other symbolic compositions, without any particular predifined arrangement schema.
+ ElectricChargePerMassUnit
- BulkStrain
- VolumeStrain
- RelativeVolumeStrain
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/VolumeStrain
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q73432507
- https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-60
- 4-17.4
- Quotient of change of volume and original volume.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06648
+ SolidFoam
+ A foam of trapped gas in a solid.
+ Aerogel
+ Foam
+ A colloid formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid.
- CondensedMatter
- The subject of condensed matter physics that deals with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter, especially the solid and liquid phases which arise from electromagnetic forces between atoms. More generally, the subject deals with "condensed" phases of matter: systems of many constituents with strong interactions between them.
+ SolidMixture
- ContinuumSubstance
- A state that is a collection of sufficiently large number of other parts such that:
-- it is the bearer of qualities that can exists only by the fact that it is a sum of parts
-- the smallest partition dV of the state volume in which we are interested in, contains enough parts to be statistically consistent: n [#/m3] x dV [m3] >> 1
- A continuum is made of a sufficient number of parts that it continues to exists as continuum individual even after the loss of one of them i.e. a continuum is a redundant.
- A continuum is not necessarily small (i.e. composed by the minimum amount of sates to fulfill the definition).
+ Solid
+ A continuum characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume, that retains its shape and density when not confined.
-A single continuum individual can be the whole fluid in a pipe.
- A continuum is the bearer of properties that are generated by the interactions of parts such as viscosity and thermal or electrical conductivity.
+ 90
+ 232.0377
+ ThoriumAtom
+ Atom subclass for thorium.
+ IntangibleProduct
+ Service
+ https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9000:ed-4:v1:en:term:3.7.7
- EnergyFluenceRate
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyFluenceRate
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98538655
- 10-47
- In nuclear physics, time derivative of the energy fluence.
+ Project
+ IntentionalProcess
+ A process occurring with the active participation of an agent that drives the process according to a specific objective (intention).
+ DerivedUnit
+ Derived units are defined as products of powers of the base units corresponding to the relations defining the derived quantities in terms of the base quantities.
+ derived unit
+ A measurement unit for a derived quantity.
+-- VIM
+ SIDerivedUnit
+ SICoherentUnit
+ A unit that can be expressed as a product of powers of SI base units with no pre-factor of offset.
+ Derived units are defined as products of powers of the base units. When the numerical factor of this product is one, the derived units are called coherent derived units. The base and coherent derived units of the SI form a coherent set, designated the set of coherent SI units.
+ GravityCasting
+ Casting
- SpeedOfLightInVacuum
- http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/SpeedOfLight_Vacuum
- 6-35.2
- The speed of light in vacuum. Defines the base unit metre in the SI system.
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05854
+ AngularReciprocalLatticeVector
+ https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularReciprocalLatticeVector
+ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105475278
+ 12-2.1
+ Vector whose scalar products with all fundamental lattice vectors are integral multiples of 2pi.
- Length per unit time.
-Speed in the absolute value of the velocity.
- Speed
- http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Speed
- 3-8.2
- https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05852
+ InverseLength
+ ReciprocalLength
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InverseLength
+ The inverse of length.
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocal_length
- 1e-06
+ 1e-21
- 0.0
+ Z
- http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit
- MicroSiemens
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS
- uS
- μS
- 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit siemens
--- QUDT
+ Zetta
- T+3 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricConductanceUnit
+ da una forma non propria ad una forma propria
+ FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
+ From Powder, from liquid, from gas
+ Powder:
+particles that are usually less than 1 mm in size
- ParticleSourceDensity
- https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleSourceDensity
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98915762
- 10-66
- Quotient of the mean rate of production of particles in a volume, and that volume.
+ A manufacturing in which it is formed a solid body with its shape from shapeless original material parts, whose cohesion is created during the process.
+ ArchetypeForming
+ PrimitiveForming
+ WorkpieceForming
- 1e-06
+ 0.0002777778
@@ -6983,134 +5207,102 @@ Speed in the absolute value of the velocity.
- MicroOhm
- http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroOHM
- uOhm
- μΩ
- 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit ohm
+ Metre per Hour
+ MetrePerHour
+ http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-HR
+ m.h-1
+ m/h
+ m/h
+ Metre per hour is a metric unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (Vector (geometry)). Its symbol is m/h or mu00b7h-1 (not to be confused with the imperial unit symbol mph. By definition, an object travelling at a speed of 1 m/h for an hour would move 1 metre.
- T-3 L+2 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T-2 L+3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricResistanceUnit
+ NewtonianConstantOfGravityUnit
- T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0
+ T0 L+5 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0
- ElectricChargeUnit
- RedTopAntiQuark
+ SectionAreaIntegralUnit