Comparison With Similar Tools COSBench LoadRunner Locust Content 1. General 2. Purpose 3. Scalability 4. Input 5. Output 6. Load Generation Patterns 7. Storages Support 1. General Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust License MIT License Apache 2.0 Proprietary MIT License Open Source ✔️ ✔️ ❌ ✔️ 2. Purpose Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust Load testing ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Stress testing ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TBD Endurance testing ✔️ TBD ✔️ TBD 3. Scalability Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust Horizontal (Distributed Mode) ✔️ ✔️ TBD ✔️ Vertical (Max sustained concurrency per instance) 1_048_576 1024 TBD 1_000_000 4. Input Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust GUI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Parameterization ✔️ ✔️ TBD ✔️(need to extend the functionality) Script language Any JSR-223 compatible XML ANSI C, Java, .Net, JS Python 5. Output Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust Highest-resolution (per each op) metrics ✔️ ❌ TBD ❌ Saturation concurrency measurement ✔️ ❌ TBD ❌ 6. Load Generation Patterns Mongoose COSBench LoadRunner Locust Weighted load ✔️ ✔️ TBD ❌ Pipeline load ✔️ ❌ TBD ❌ Recycle mode ✔️ ❌ TBD ❌ 7. Storages Support Note: Locust and LoadRunner are not designed for the storage performance testing explicitly so they are excluded from the table below Mongoose COSBench Supported storages Amazon S3EMC AtmosOpenStack SwiftFilesystemHDFS Amazon S3AmplidataOpenStack SwiftScalityCephGoogle Cloud StorageAliyun OSS Extensible to support custom storage API ✔️ ✔️