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+# HoloPrograms
+**HoloPrograms** are sets of simulated API interactions that can be used to quickly
+set the scene for a test.
+**Table of Contents**
+- Using HoloPrograms
+ - [Using a HoloProgram](#using-a-holoprogram)
+ - [Adjusting a HoloProgram from Within a Test](#adjusting-a-holoprogram-from-within-a-test)
+ - [HoloProgam Replay](#holoprogram-replay)
+- Creating HoloPrograms
+ - [Creating a HoloProgram](#creating-a-holoprogram)
+ - [Route Handlers](#1-shared-route-handlers)
+ - [Seed Data](#2-seed-data)
+ - [Easy Mode for Building JSON for Seeds](#easy-mode-for-building-up-json-for-seeds)
+ - [Defining HoloProgram Behaviors](#3-holoprogram-specific-behaviors)
+ - [Available Behaviors](#available-behaviors)
+### Using a HoloProgram
+A test declares upfront what HoloProgram it is using.
+import { module, test } from 'qunit';
+import { startProgram, POST } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+module('First Contact', function() {
+ test('borg are vulnerable to holographic bullets', async function(assert) {
+ await startProgram(this, 'the-big-goodbye_chapter-13');
+ // now all requests made in this test will be resolved using the program
+ // defined as 'the-big-goodbye_chapter-13'
+ });
+### Adjusting a HoloProgram from Within a Test
+HoloPrograms can be adjusted throughout a test if required. For instance, to add handling for a request that wasn't in the original program, or to provide a different response to the next request.
+import { module, test } from 'qunit';
+import { startProgram , POST } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+module('First Contact', function() {
+ test('borg are vulnerable to holographic bullets', async function(assert) {
+ await startProgram(this, 'the-big-goodbye_chapter-13');
+ // now the next POST request to `/casualty` will respond with this payload
+ // note: this will cause this particular request to NOT update any HoloProgram
+ // state as it will no longer be handled by the Program
+ await POST(this, '/casualty', () => ({
+ data: {
+ id: '3',
+ type: 'casualty',
+ attributes: {
+ species: 'human',
+ affiliation: 'borg',
+ name: 'Ensign Lynch',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ });
+To update the state of a HoloProgram from within the test instead, we can use `updateProgram`
+import { module, test } from 'qunit';
+import { startProgram, updateProgram } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+module('First Contact', function() {
+ test('borg are vulnerable to holographic bullets', async function(assert) {
+ await startProgram(this, 'The Big Boodbye | Chapter 13');
+ // the payload provided here will be upserted directly into the program
+ // cache, and thus should match the cache format in use.
+ // updates to a program from within a test will not affect any other tests
+ await updateProgram(this, () => ({
+ data: {
+ id: '3',
+ type: 'casualty',
+ attributes: {
+ species: 'human',
+ affiliation: 'borg',
+ name: 'Ensign Lynch',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ // any requests from here out that return `casualty:3`
+ // will have the updated data
+ });
+### HoloProgram Replay
+HoloPrograms record all requests for replay the same as any other mocked request,
+thus the program does not activate in replay mode.
+## Creating a HoloProgram
+Every HoloProgram consists of three things: route handlers, a seed, and preset behaviors.
+### 1. Shared Route Handlers
+In holodeck, all HoloPrograms utilize the same underlying route handlers. This encourages writing realistic handlers which in turn makes authoring new tests faster and easier.
+Route Handlers are responsible for parsing a request and providing a response. This typically takes the form of querying (and updating) the HoloProgram's store to match the request's intent.
+Note: any updates made to the store affect future requests within the same test, making it easy to generate realistic API scenarios.
+import { Router } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+// The holodeck router encourages lazy-evaluation as a pattern
+// in order to ensure the server boots and begins responding to
+// request as quickly as possible
+// the router map is only generated if holodeck needs to record
+export default new Router((r) => {
+ r.GET('/officers', async () => {
+ // the cost of importing and parsing the handler code is only paid if
+ // a matching request is made.
+ return (await import('./handlers/officers')).GET;
+ })
+### 2. Seed Data
+While all tests share the same route handlers, each HoloProgram begins from a unique store state.
+The store (and its starting state) are encapsulated to the test context and will never leak between tests, even when tests are recording concurrently.
+The starting seed data should be an array of json resources in the configured cache format, which can be generated via any mechanism desired.
+import { createProgram } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+import { fnThatGeneratesJson } from './my-seed';
+await createProgram({
+ name: 'The Big Goodbye | Chapter 13',
+ seed: fnThatGeneratesJson,
+In keeping with the encouraged pattern of lazy evaluation, the seed function only executes if the program needs to be booted for a test in record mode.
+### Easy Mode for Building up JSON for Seeds
+Don't know or understand the cache format? No sweat!
+We can use a store instance to generate the data using the record types and API's we are familiar with from our app, and then serialize this to a seed.
+In general, this allows us to write fairly composable functions to build up our seed quickly.
+For instance:
+import { serializeCache } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+import Store from 'my-enterprise/services/store';
+import type { Officer, Starship } from 'my-enterprise/schema-types';
+function generateOfficers(store: Store) {
+ const Picard = store.createRecord('officer', {
+ id: '1',
+ name: 'Jean-Luc Picard',
+ rank: 'Captain'
+ });
+ const Riker = store.createRecord('officer', {
+ id: '2',
+ name: 'William Thomas Riker',
+ rank: 'First-Officer',
+ bestFriend: Picard;
+ });
+ return [Picard, Riker];
+function generateStarship(store: Store, crew: Officer[]) {
+ const Enterprise = store.createRecord('starship', {
+ id: 'NCC-1701-D'
+ name: 'Enterprise',
+ crew,
+ });
+ return Enterprise;
+export function generateSeed() {
+ const store = new Store();
+ const officers = generateOfficers(store);
+ generateStarship(store, officers);
+ return serializeCache(store);
+A key feature to be aware of is that because all resources MUST have a primaryKey value, `serializeCache` will assign a uuid-v4 as the primaryKey value for any record you have not assigned one to.
+### 3. HoloProgram Specific Behaviors
+Most HoloPrograms will only ever require a seed to go along with the defined route handlers. But sometimes you may want a holoprogram to simulate externalities.
+Externalities are things like "the API state updated in between the time a user made their last request and their next one" or "this endpoint should have a delay or timeout".
+To handle these sorts of scenarios, HoloPrograms can augment the defined handlers for a specific route:
+import { createProgram } from '@warp-drive/holodeck';
+import { generateSeed } from './my-seed';
+await createProgram({
+ name: 'The Big Goodbye | Chapter 13',
+ seed: generateSeed,
+ behaviors: (r) => {
+ // passing an object as the second param will apply the adjustment to the route
+ // on every request
+ r.GET('/starships', { delay: 50 });
+ // when we pass an array of objects, each object is an adjustment
+ // for a single request.
+ //
+ // The first request to /officers will have a 20ms delay
+ // The second request to /officers will have a 100ms delay
+ // The third request to /officers will have no delay
+ r.GET('/officers', [{ delay: 20 }, { delay: 100 }]);
+ }
+### Available Behaviors
+The following behaviors are available:
+type Adjustment = {
+ // milliseconds to wait before either invoking the registered
+ // handler or responding with an error augmentation
+ requestDelay?: number;
+ // milliseconds to wait after invoking the registered handler
+ // or preparing an error augmentation before sending the response
+ // back to the client
+ responseDelay?: number;
+ // an error to respond with instead of the handler's usual behavior
+ // see also the statusCode utils
+ // the usual handler WILL NOT run
+ error?: {
+ status: number; // >= 400;
+ statusText?: string; // will be autopopulated if not provided based on statusCode
+ body?: string;
+ headers?: Headers | Record;
+ }
+ // update store state only after this request
+ // has completed sending its response
+ after?: (request: Request, store: Store) => {}